Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

List of Iconic (Unique) Clothing and Armor

This is a list of all Iconic (Unique) Clothing and Armor in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn what Iconic Clothing and Armor is, and which Clothing can have the Iconic tier!

All Iconic Items
Iconic Weapons Iconic Clothing
Iconic Cyberware Iconic Crafting Specs
Iconic Mods

What is Iconic Clothing?

Unlike other rare clothing like Legendary Clothing, Iconic Clothing is not a tier in and of itself. In fact, Clothing can be both Common (the lowest tier) and an Iconic rating at the same time.

When you find an Iconic Item, you will automatically receive Crafting Specs of that item for different rarities and improved stats, allowing you to easily make a stronger version of the same item.

How to Get Iconic Clothing (Unique Clothing)

Iconic Clothing cannot be dropped by random no-name enemies.

It is typically associated with a specific Quest, and received as a reward for the Quest or found on the body of a powerful Boss enemy.

List of Iconic Clothing

Clothing How to Obtain
JohnnyJohnny's Aviators
・Quest: Chippin' In (These sunglasses are given to you during the Chippin' In side job.)
JohnnyJohnny's Pants
・Quest: Gig: Psychofan (The pants are found in a suitcase upstairs in the master bedroom during this Gig.)
JohnnyJohnny's Shoes
・Quest: Gig: Family Heirloom (The shoes are in a locker in the backroom where you get the Bootleg Shar and Car Keys to finish the gig.)
JohnnyJohnny's Tank Top
・Quest: Tapeworm (You will receive Johnny's Tank Top automatically after completing Tapeworm while progressing the story when you come to in the hotel in Pacifica.)
Luminescent Punk JacketLuminescent Punk Jacket ・Fixed Location: Found at V's stash after completing The Ride and receiving a text from Viktor.
Multilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock JacketMultilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock Jacket ・Fixed Location: Found at V's stash after completing The Ride and receiving a text from Viktor.
Replica of JohnnyReplica of Johnny's Samurai Jacket
・Quest: Chippin' In (This jacket is given to you during the Chippin' In side job.)

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List of Clothing

All Clothing Types

Group Upper Slot Lower Slot
Head Head Face
Upper Body Outer Torso Inner Torso
Lower Body Legs Feet

Clothing Tiers

Clothing Tiers
Legendary Iconic

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4 Stinky_Moosealmost 4 years

Hopefully this picture turns out better

3 Stinky_Moosealmost 4 years

That apartment appears late in the story; jumping across from megabuilding was still possible as of 1.2, although the front door is now locked. Something I haven't seen much about was Johnny's (actual) Samurai Jacket; the only mentions I can find of it now are that it was an item in the demo. I managed to obtain it in a previous playthrough, but it never appeared on the character model. Loading up those saves as of May 2021 shows it replaced with the Replica. Comparison photo attached -


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