Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty DLC Release and Updates

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC

Phantom Liberty is a massive DLC expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, set in the new Dogtown district of Night City. Read on to know more about the expansion's story, all the new DLC changes, its release date and times, and whether or not it will be free for all players.

Phantom Liberty DLC Release Date and Time

Released on September 26, 2023

The Phantom Liberty DLC was released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on September 25, 2023 at 4 PM PDT. The PC version followed, releasing a full 8 hours later on September 26, 2023 at 12 AM PDT.

Timezone Platform Release Time
Los Angeles PC: September 25th, 4 PM PDT
Console: September 26th, 12 AM PDT
New York PC: September 25th, 7 PM EDT
Console: September 26th, 12 AM EDT
Mexico City PC: September 25th, 5 PM CST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM CST
Brasília PC: September 25th, 8 PM BRT
Console: September 26th, 12 AM BRT
London PC and Console:
September 26th, 12 AM GMT
PC: September 26th, 1 AM CEST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM CEST
Kyiv PC: September 26th, 2 AM EEST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM EEST
Johannesburg PC: September 26th, 1 AM SAST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM SAST
Dubai PC: September 26th, 3 AM GST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM GST
Beijing PC: September 26th, 7 AM CST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM CST
Seoul PC: September 26th, 8 AM KST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM KST
Tokyo PC: September 26th, 8 AM JST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM JST
Sydney PC: September 26th, 9 AM AEST
Console: September 26th, 12 AM AEST
Wellington PC: September 26th, 12 PM NZDT
Console: September 26th, NZDT

Phantom Liberty DLC Price and Available Platforms

Phantom Liberty Costs $29.99

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - DLC Expansion Prices

The Phantom Liberty Expansion will not be free. As a standalone DLC, it retails for $29.99 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and the PC. If you don't have Cyberpunk 2077 yet, the base game and DLC expansion will cost $79.99 in total.

Where to Buy the Phantom Liberty DLC

Only Available on Next-Gen Consoles and PC

Platform DLC Update Size
PS5 33 GB
PC 24 GB

Unfortunately, the Phantom Liberty DLC will only be available for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Unlike the base game, the DLC expansion will not be available on the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.

PC System Requirements Have Been Changed

Similar to the change made regarding supported consoles, the PC has also had its system requirements raised from the base game's original system requirements.

In a tweet from CDPR, it was announced that Update 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty DLC will now require SSDs in order to run on PC. Make sure your PC meets the minimum and recommended specs before grabbing a copy of the DLC.

Phantom Liberty System Requirements

Phantom Liberty DLC Gameplay Additions and Changes

The Phantom Liberty DLC is a full expansion for the Cyberpunk 2077 base game. On top of the gameplay overhaul brought by the free, Update 2.0, the DLC introduces a host of new content for players to enjoy:

  1. New Dogtown Subdistrict
  2. New DLC Main Quests
  3. New Base Game Ending
  4. New Airdrop Dynamic Events
  5. New Repeatable Vehicle Contracts
  6. New Regular and Weaponized Vehicles
  7. New Relic Ability and Perk Tree
  8. Increased Level Cap to Level 60
  9. 100+ New Items

A Dangerous New District - Dogtown

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Dogtown District

An entirely new subdistrict within Pacifica called Dogtown will be available in the Phantom Liberty DLC. Home to both the Barghest and the Voodoo Boys factions, this lawless section of Night City will allow players to test out all the new items, builds, and vehicles available in a combat-rich environment.

Dogtown Map Guide and Locations

New Phantom Liberty Main Quests

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New DLC Story Quests

Naturally, the new DLC expansion brings in a new main story questline that canonically occurs after players complete Transmission. Marketed as a spy-thriller, the DLC pulls out all the stops to make you feel like a NUSA operative alongside Solomon Reed.

Phantom Liberty Story Walkthrough

New Ending for the Cyberpunk 2077 Base Game

One of the biggest additions of the Phantom Liberty DLC is a the new ending it unlocks for the Cyberpunk 2077 base game. Now, players will have the option to get an entirely new ending for V and the Relic by getting certain endings in the DLC.

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

New Airdrop Dynamic Events

A new event called Airdrops will be exclusive to Dogtown, rewarding players with new DLC iconic weapons and cyberware. Unlike regular activities within Night City, Airdrops regularly refresh, dropping every few minutes within the new subdistrict.

Airdrop Guide and Rewards

New Repeatable Vehicle Contracts

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Vehicle Contracts

The DLC also introduces a brand new mission type called Vehicle Contracts. Tied to the 2.0 Autofixer feature, players will now be able to complete contracts for El Capitan in exchange for Autofixer discount shards, eddies, weapons, and components.

Vehicle Contracts Explained

New Regular and Weaponized Vehicles

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New Vehicles

A new range of regular and weaponized vehicles have been added in the Phantom Liberty DLC. They can be unlocked for purchase at the Autofixer by completing Vehicle Contracts and unique side jobs for El Capitan.

List of Cars and Vehicles

New Relic Ability and Perk Tree

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New Relic and Ability Skill Tree

During Phantom Liberty, one of the characters will unleash the power of V's Relic, allowing you to unlock meta-defining perks that take your builds to the next level. Unlock Relic perks by collecting perk points from Dogtown's Hidden Data Terminals.

Relics Tree Guide and List

Increased Level Cap to Level 60

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New Max Level Cap

To give DLC players even more freedom to test out potential builds, the level cap for Phantom Liberty has been raised to Level 60. Naturally, this grants you 10 extra Attribute and Perk points to freely distribute.

Best Builds for Phantom Liberty

100+ New Items

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New Weapons and Items

In addition to all of the above features, the DLC will also introduce a lot of new items like Cyberware, Weapons, and Fashion. This opens up a lot of possibilities for a wide range of playstyles so get ready!

All Phantom Liberty Weapons

Phantom Liberty DLC Story and Characters

Phantom Liberty's Story

I, V, do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully serve the New United States of America.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Official Teaser

The Phantom Liberty expansion is a spy thriller that sees the return of V, our protagonist in the main game centered around events in the new district, Dogtown.

After being contacted by a mysterious netrunner called Songbird, V sets out towards one of Night City's most dangerous subdistricts in order to rescue the President of the NUSA and uncover the plot of the Dogtown dictator known as Kurt Hansen.

How to Start the Phantom Liberty DLC

Setting and Location

Cyberpunk 2077 New United States of America Location

The Phantom Liberty DLC expansion takes place in Dogtown - a chunk of the Pacifica district where the militaristic Barghest faction make their home. Dogtown is Kurt Hansen's turf and it is up to V to rescue both the NUSA president and Songbird from this arms dealer's backyard.

Dogtown Release Date and Map Guide

Enter Solomon Reed the NUSA Sleeper Agent

Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty Solomon Reed

Given the dangerous nature of Dogtown, V will need some help before they can pull off a rescue mission. Enter Solomon Reed, a NUSA sleeper agent who operates within Dogtown. Follow his lead and you just might make it out of the main story in one piece.

Phantom Liberty Characters

Phantom Liberty Characters
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Rosalind MyersRosalind Myers Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - SongbirdSongbird Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Solomon ReedSolomon Reed
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - AlexAlex Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Kurt HansenKurt Hansen Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Mr. HandsMr. Hands
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Aurore CasselAurore Cassel

With a new story comes new characters. Join Idris Elba as he takes on the role of one Solomon Reed - ex-NUSA spy and your only hope of rescuing both the president and Songbird. He will be joined by a cast of characters that draw their backstories from the Corpo Wars that define the setting of Cyberpunk 2077.

All Phantom Liberty Characters

Phantom Liberty DLC FAQs

DLC Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Phantom Liberty DLC a Sequel?

Phantom Liberty DLC Takes Place Before Cyberpunk 2077's Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Militech Base

The Phantom Liberty DLC is not a sequel. Instead, it happens during the events of the main story, bridging the gap between the Act 2 Transmission main quest with what happens in the spiral of Act 3.

Is Phantom Liberty Required to Get Update 2.0?

No, Updated 2.0 is a Free Update for the Base Game

While it can be a bit confusing (seeing as both launched barely a few days from each other), Update 2.0 does not require you to own Phantom Liberty. This update is afree update, allowing game owners to play an improved version of Cyberpunk 2077.

Will There be More DLC Expansions for Cyberpunk 2077?

Phantom Liberty is the Last Major Expansion for Cyberpunk 2077

Unfortunately for long-time fans looking to return to this much improved title, Phantom Liberty will be the last major content expansion for Cyberpunk 2077. In a support thread for last-gen consoles, CDPR stated that the expansion (Phantom Liberty) is the only planned expansion for the base game.

How to Start the Phantom Liberty DLC

Can You Romance Any of the New Characters?

No New Romance Options in the DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - No New Romance Options

In the August 24 Livestream, the devs confirmed that there will be no new romance options in the Phantom Liberty Expansion. This means players will not be able to woo the mysterious Songbird or the enigmatic Reed.

All Romance Options and Romance Guide

Is Johnny Silverhand in Phantom Liberty?

Keanu Reeves Returns as Johnny in the DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Johnny Silverhand Returns

Keanu Reeves confirmed in a Cyberpunk 2077 livestream that he reprised his role as Silverhand for the expansion. Johnny Silverhand will have multiple appearances in the DLC, often chipping in with his two cents during major story beats.

Additionally, players will be able to learn more about Johnny Silverhand's history. Given the big players in the DLC are remnants from the Corpo Wars, Johnny will share more about his time as a soldier and how it affects him during the events of Phantom Liberty.

Who is Johnny Silverhand?

Phantom Liberty DLC Trailers

Official Launch Trailer (Sep 25, 2023)

With the DLC out, there is now a much more in-depth trailer about the Phantom Liberty DLC and how V and their Relic problem fits into its plot.

Official Cinematic Trailer (Sep 14, 2023)

Check out Idris Elba as he takes on the role of Solomon Reed. This short cinematic trailer sets the stage for what happens in Dogtown before V gets involved.

New Ways to Play Trailer (Aug 23, 2023)

Find out more about all the new ways to play and create builds in the Phantom Liberty DLC, including the new Relic skill tree and the enhanced cyberware of the DLC.

Phantom Liberty Official Trailer (Jun 12, 2023)

Check out the setting of the Phantom Liberty DLC and learn about the stakes of the rescue op in Dogtown.

Phantom Liberty Official Teaser (Dec 9, 2022)

Get a glimpse of the new features shipped in Update 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty DLC, including Solomon Reed, the return of Johnny, MaxTac units, and the Dogtown story.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Related Guides

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