Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Panam Palmer: Romance Guide and Side Quests

Cyberpunk 2077 - Panam Palmer: Romance Guide and Side Quests

In Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer is a character that can only be romanced by a male V. Read on to learn how to romance Panam, what quests are needed to romance her, how to have a romantic hangout, and Panam's effect on the game's ending.

Panam Romance Guide

Panam Romance Guide

Can Panam Be Romanced?

Panam Can Be Romanced by Male Vs Only

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Panam Romance

Panam is available as one of the Romance options, but only for Male V. If you're hoping to romance Panam, be sure to choose a male character at the start of the game, as this aspect cannot be changed at any time.

Can You Romance Panam As Female V?

If you're playing a female V, you unfortunately can't romance Panam during the story. You can try, but she will reject your advances. Don't worry; you can still do all of Panam's quests, and this won't affect any endings involving Panam; you just won't be in a relationship with her.

Story and Questline

Main Quests

Side Quests

Note: Many of the choices and advances listed in the following sections are not necessary to progress the relationship. But choosing all the non-romantic choices will lead to no relationship!

At some point, romantic choices will no longer appear, so don't actively try to push her away if you want to end up in a relationship with her.

Ghost Town

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Panam Palmer Ghost Town Quest

You'll first meet Panam in the Ghost Town main quest. Panam is indebted to Rogue, and V is assigned by Rogue to help her obtain her lost ride and merchandise.

There's a chance to flirt with Panam in this quest at the end by offering to share one room together, but Panam will just act naive and reject your advances.

Ghost Town Quest Walkthrough

Lightning Breaks

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Panam Palmer Lightning Break Quest

You two end up working together to take out the AV containing Hellman, and then chasing Hellman down.

There's no romantic choices to worry about in this quest, but you do need to finish this quest to progress your romance with her.

Lightning Breaks Quest Walkthrough

Life During Wartime

Directly following the Lightning Breaks quest is Life During Wartime, where you two will continue chasing the Kang Tao AV deep in the southern Badlands.

At the end of this quest, Saul will start berating Panam. Make sure to defend her from Saul.

After the mission, she'll message you about her feelings. Choose the long reply instead of 'OK.' to show her you care, otherwise she'll snap at you through a message.

Life During Wartime Quest Walkthrough

Riders on the Storm

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Riders On The Storm Quest

After Life During Wartime, V ends up getting a call from Panam regarding Saul being kidnapped by Wraiths. Make sure to rescue Saul; if you start the mission and leave the area for too long, Panam will message you that Saul is dead, ending your romantic chances with her.

After rescuing Saul, he and Panam will eventually talk about selling out. Choose to side with Panam; she'll thank you for this the next day.

Later, as you two relax and get cozy, you have the option to make a move on her. Either choose to touch her thigh or say that she choose; just don't pick the sleep option.

Riders On The Storm Quest Walkthrough

With A Little Help From My Friends

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - With A Little Help From My Friends Quest

After some time upon completing Riders on the Storm, Panam wil call you, mentioning some problems with Saul again. After Panam tells you her plan, do not tell Saul about it, as this will cause Panam to cut ties with you, barring all future quests with her and any chances to ever speak with her again.

During your conversation at the tower, you can start by telling her you missed her. Continuing the conversation, she'll say that she's impulsive. Make sure to choose the option to touch her hand; she'll reference this down the line.

Once you finish the conversation in the tower, you'll head down to find a fire started by the nomads. After telling Panam you'll get some shut-eye, you can choose to scooch closer and put your arm around her as you watch the stars.

With A Little Help From My Friends Quest Walkthrough

Queen of the Highway

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Queen of the Highway Quest

Queen of the Highway is the last quest to Panam's storyline. A day after the previous job, you'll get called by Panam stating that the Basilisk (the tank that you stole in the previous job) is ready.

Enter the Basilisk, then mention that it's cozy in there. You'll then have a nice ride with Panam. Eventually, there will be an option to let her touch your thigh; select it to share an extremely intimate romantic moment with her.

Before leaving, you can kiss Panam goodbye and thank her for everything. This is the last romantic action you can take with Panam.

Queen Of The Highway Quest Walkthrough

Panam Will Text You Throughout Your Relationship

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Panam Text Messages

After completing the Queen of the Highway quest, you will be locked in your relationship with Panam. From that point on, she will occasionally interact with V through text messages, and you can send her your own text message response.

Note that if you failed to have a relationship with her, your text messages with each other will be non-romantic; you'll know this if her first texts after Queen of the Highway isn't something about confessing her love for you.

You Can Share a Bed with Panam

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Waking Up Next to Panam

At the Aldecaldos' campsite, you will have a tent with its own bed. If you sleep in it, you will wake up with Panam next to you. Even before sleeping, you can hug Panam when you visit her at the camp.

Panam Palmer Romantic Hangout

Available After the Queen Of The Highway Quest

Queen of the Highway Basilisk Practice

Romantic hangouts will be locked until you have completed a character's romance path. You will need to complete the Queen Of The Highway quest before you can invite Panam to hangout at your place.

Queen Of The Highway Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Invite Panam by Responding to Her Message

Cyberpunk - Inviting Panam to apartment

Pull up your phone and open your messages with Panam then respond with which apartment you want to hangout with her. Head to the apartment you agreed on to begin your romantic hangout.

Hangout with Panam in your apartment

Once in the apartment with Panam, take a seat beside her and you can start catching up with her. You can talk about her situation with Rogue or if there are any problems with Kang Tao.

Apart from talking with Panam, you can also cuddle, kiss, and dance with her in your apartment.

Romantic Hangouts Guide

Does Panam Affect the Ending?

Yes, but Romance Not Required

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - The Star Ending

The player's relationship with Panam has a significant impact on the ending of the game if the player wants to achieve the Star ending.

During the conversation with Johnny in Nocturne OP55N1, if the player has completed all the Panam Side Quests, they can select the Gonna ask Panam for help option, which is necessary for the Star ending.

It's not required to romance Panam to achieve it, so characters of both genders simply need to complete Panam's Side Quests to achieve this ending.

All Game Endings and How to Unlock

Panam Profile and Background

Panam Palmer Image Panam Palmer
Full Name Panam Palmer
Job Merc
District The Badlands
Gender Female
Affiliation Aldecados (Former)
Voice Actor Emily Woo Zeller

In-Game Description

Panam is a nomad - although, maybe "ex-nomad" rings truer these days. She locked horns with the family's leader, Saul, left Aldecaldo nation and moved to Night City to try her luck as a merc. Panam's life is at a crossroads - on one hand she knows her life needs a change, it's now or never. On the other hand, burning bridges with the nomad family where all her friends are might have been a bit drastic, On top of that, Night City doesn't take too kindly to nomads or have patience for people like Panam who are internally conflicted and dream of a brighter future.

Quest Appearances

1 Ghost Town
2 Lightning Breaks
3 Life During Wartime
4 Nocturne OP55N1
5 Riders On The Storm
6 With A Little Help From My Friends
7 Queen Of The Highway
8 We Gotta Live Together
9 Forward To Death
10 Belly Of The Beast

Role in the Story

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Panam Palmer Role

Panam Palmer is a mercenary you meet working for Rogue in Act 2. She's a nomad, one of those who live outside the city, but she currently has an uneasy relationship with her family, the Aldecaldos.

She's impulsive, tough, and ambitious. She knows how to handle herself, but she's got a lot of family issues that you can help resolve. At the end of the day, even if she's apart from them, she wants what's best for her family.

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7 Anonymousabout 4 years

y u gotta be gay im dying inside

6 Anonymousover 4 years

The romance guide is not very accurate. I didn't touch her thigh nor did I tell her that I 'missed her' when given the opportunity, and she still began to talk about her impulses and how she's holding back around V, which resulted in the 'follow your impulses next time' moment, watching stars together, and then her following aforementioned impulses in the Basilisk. So I'd say, give the girl time, be a decent person, and she comes to you on her own when she's ready. :)


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