Patch 1.3 brings several bug fixes to quests and items in Cyberpunk 2077, along with new clothes and a vehicle. Read on to know what else is new, and what issues were addressed in the game!
On August 18, 2021, CD Projekt Red officially released Patch 1.3 on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia.

Johnny Silverhand's rockin' a new look! When you combine the chico of Jinguji with the rebellious stream of DeLuze Orphean guitars, he reaches a whole new level of rockerboy style!
According to CD Projekt Red, you can give Johnny his new digs via the Additional Content tab in settings.

Two new jackets from Viktor, to prep you for a fashionable night out in the city of dreams: the Multilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock Jacket and Luminescent Punk Jacket.

Archer Quartz 'Bandit' is a new vehicle added in this updated, claimed as a ride that has 'classic soul, nova style, and enough horsepower to leave all those other gonks chompin' on your dust'.
Complete the Ghost Town quest to obtain this vehicle!
- Improved the minimap's zoom level when driving, so that it's more zoomed out and easier to navigate.
- Automatic Love - screen with pictures of Skye and Angel will be displayed substantially longer, making it easier to choose between the two.
- Added a button that allows reallocating the distribution of Perk points on a character's skill tree.
- Increased the number of slots for autosaves from 10 to 20 and for quick saves from 3 to 10 across all platforms.
- Added Database links to Journal entries.
- Added an accessibility option for center of screen dot overlay which helps with reducing/avoiding motion sickness. It can be enabled in Settings → Interface → Center of screen dot overlay.
- Fixers will now message V to offer a car for purchase less often.
- Improved the Screen Space Reflections effect so that it looks less grainy on consoles and on lower visual settings qualities on the PC.
- Added a filter for quest items in the Backpack.
- Quest item tags from miscellaneous Job items will now be removed after finishing associated quests, allowing to sell or drop them.
- It is now possible to rotate V in the Inventory with a mouse.
- Players will now properly be able to craft a quickhack even if they once crafted it and then got rid of it.
- Added a comparison tooltip for cyberware.
- Improved a notification when buying cyberware and not meeting the level requirements to equip it.
- It's now possible to upgrade crafting components in bulk.
- Added new sleeping spots for Nibbles in V's apartment.
- Icon on a disposal crate will now turn red when player picks up a body instead of being grayed out.
- Landmine icon will now be grayed out after disarming it.
- It's now possible to use an elevator while carrying a body.
- Happy Together - Barry now has an updated, more unique appearance.
- Base item will now be highlighted green like other components if it's present in the Inventory when crafting the same item of a better quality.
- Detection time of enemies now depends on game difficulty. Enemies on Easy and Normal difficulties will now detect the player slower. Enemies on Very Hard difficulty will now detect the player faster.
- Enemies on Very Hard difficulty (and only that difficulty alone) will now be more aggressive when searching around when they are in the "Alerted" state.
- NCPD will no longer react and turn hostile because of dead bodies in Open World activities.
- NCPD will now also react to hitting NPCs with a non-lethal weapon.
- Adjusted the damaging process when shooting crowd NPCs while in combat depending on distance and the weapon used.
- Don't Fear the Reaper — improved Adam Smasher's behaviour during the fight.
- Play It Safe — improved Oda's behavior during the fight.
- Transmission — improved Placide's behavior during the fight.
- Transmission — increased Placide's hacking resistance.
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Letter of the Law — improved Cyberpsycho's behaviour during the fight.
- Every Breath You Take — improved Red Menace's positioning and aim.
- Increased stats of La Chingona Dorada (Jackie's iconic pistols).
- The Rescue — increased the number of ammo at the beginning of the quest.
- Introduced minor tweaks and improved balancing of the Contagion quickhack.
- Improved the Crafting system, so that items with Random quality scale their quality with player's Crafting skill — it's not possible anymore to roll a quality exceeding that of the relevant Crafting skill.
- The level requirement of items will now increase with each upgrade. Note: the level of upgraded items will be adjusted as a result of this change. The equipped items which exceed the level requirement can keep being used but, if unequipped, will have to wait until the required level is reached.
- Added more crafting specs for cyberware mods.
- Added crafting specs for knives (available from the start of the game).
- Updated the number of components required to craft some items, e.g. Bounce Back, MaxDoc, quickhacks, clothing mods and some weapons.
- Balancing of crafting specs for clothing mods.
- Balancing the number of components required to craft clothing.
- Balancing the number of components required to craft Sandevistan Fragments.
- Optical Camo cyberware will now be available for purchase from Ripperdocs.
- Adjusted price of the Sensory Amplifier cyberware mod.
- Rare Unity crafting spec will now be obtainable only during Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Tygers by the Tail.
- Changed the price and quality of Kerry's guitar that can be obtained during Gig: Psychofan.
- Fixed an issue where crafting specs from clothing stores were available only during the first visit to a vendor.
- Fixed an issue which occurred after visiting the Nomad Camp, resulting in being unable to use weapons and quick menu items.
- Fixed an issue where hacking a neutral target wasn't counted towards the Christmas Tree Attack achievement.
- Tutorial windows about skill checks will no longer pop up when the "Unauthorized" prompt is displayed on devices.
- V will no longer look down after using fast travel.
- Adjusted functionality of multiple perks.
- Hit the Deck - Perk will now work properly on knocked down and staggered NPCs.
- Can't Touch This - Perk will now grant the player immunity to Blind from their own flash grenades.
- Crazy Science - Perk will now properly increase the sale price of all items.
- Hacker Overlord - Perk will now grant a recipe for the Epic Whistle quickhack.
- Guitars from New Dawn Fades will no longer be disassemblable and won't be automatically disassembled when having the Scrapper perk.
- Player will now properly have a chance of looting a weapon attachment with the Mech Looter perk.
- Minor fixes related to how V behaves when dialogue is fast-forwarded.
- Fixes related to crafting, some adjustments to item pricing.
- Rebalanced and added some loot, fixed various items that couldn't be picked up.
- Added new items and removed duplicate items from some vendors' stock.
- Fixed behavior and visuals of multiple devices.
- Fixed various issues with elevators.
- Introduced various fixes and improvements toward behavior and reactions of NPCs, and living city in general.
- Turrets should now have a common target with NPCs.
- Adjusted the NPCs' behaviour when their car is stolen.
- NPCs will no longer react by crouching to every gunshot.
- Fixed an issue where some NPCs wouldn't run away from combat scenes.
- Traffic vehicles will now honk after hitting V.
- Vehicles will no longer get stuck in their position upon saving and loading the game while they're in the air.
- Fixed different quickhacks & scanning-related issues. Introduced minor tweaks and improvements.
- Improved NPCs' behavior in combat and fixed various issues related to it.
- Tweaked and improved some of the player mechanics.
- Fixed minor issues with cyberware.
- Adjusted functionality of some mods.
- Deadeye - Clothing mod now works properly.
- Panacea and SuperInsulator - Clothing mods will now protect players against EMP Grenades.
- Multiple performance improvments.
- Various streaming improvements.
- Memory optimizations and memory management improvements in various systems. Numerous crash fixes.
- Delamain's image will no longer get stuck on holocalls when V leaves the car too fast after completing Epistrophy: Badlands.
- Item tooltip will no longer disappear if its content is too long.
- Fixed various typos in subtitles, shards, quests and weapons' descriptions.
- Added a text message received after failing Epistrophy: North Oak by leaving the Delamain cab.
- Changed back the name of the fast travel point near V's apartment to "Megabuilding H10".
- Removed some items labeled as "None" and without proper icons from the inventory.
- The on-hover menu with multitude of mods on an item in inventory will now show stats properly.
- Fixed an issue where male variants of the VR tutorial were in Polish for Brazilian Portuguese language version.
- Black-Market battery mod description will now display strings with item attributes properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Contagion quickhack button was missing its icon outside of inventory.
- Status Effects icon of the "Cold Blood" perk now looks like a snowflake.
- Punk Duolayer Tank Top will now be visible in the Inventory when equipped.
- Added a loading screen tooltip informing about Fast Forward settings.
- Fixed the Galena 'Gecko' vehicle's name next to the "Buy vehicle" prompt.
- Image in the second message from Nancy Hartley in Holdin' On/Killing in the Name will now be displayed properly.
- Adjusted wording of the Crafting skill progression reward related to upgrade cost reduction.
- The image displaying Mackinaw MTL1 in the "Call vehicle" menu will now match with the car's model.
- Removed debug strings from the 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' perk's tooltip.
- Icon grouping artifacts will no longer get detached from their respective locations on the map when zooming in/out.
- When Stamina Meter is depleted, the appropriate icon will now appear next to the health bar instead of the overload icon.
- Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate description will now correctly state that the drive is rear wheeled.
- The period of the possible occurrence in the description of Synaptic Accelerator in the tooltip will now display a proper value when playing in Polish.
- Fists description in the weapon wheel will now display an appropriate item type.
- Fixed text in the shard about Chiba-11 district.
- Opening Photo Mode and a vendor menu in quick succession will no longer result in freezing the game.
- Gold iconic loot icons will now be displayed on the minimap.
- Fixed an instance where hit markers and kill confirmation weren't visible when destroying enemy turrets.
- Fixed enemy markers using the incorrect color on unaware enemies - they will now be yellow instead of red.
- Fixed an issue when RAM Recovery Rate below 0.50 was not displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue when the disassemble item button was displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the buttons on switching mods warning were not working as intended.
- Fixed the non-functional hinted keys when Breaching Protocol.
- Removed redundant input hints in the Cyberdeck panel.
- Reinforced Composite-Lined Rocker Foldtop is now properly aligned with V's legs.
- Fixed an issue where the Monowire could slightly dislocate male V's arms and clip through clothes.
- Fixed an issue in The Heist where Flathead's case could float outside the hotel room in Konpeki Plaza, blocking the doorway.
- Fixed an issue where changing music volume in Sound settings affected car radio alongside with the background music.
- Fixed an issue where Takemura's voice was doubled while talking to V in the van in Down on the Street.
- Fixed an issue where some netrunning suits clipped with female V's legs and male V's pants.
- Fixed an issue with the running animation after jumping on downwards or upwards slope.
- Fixed dust particles, which were sometimes incorrectly displayed.
- Characters' skin will no longer become too bright in dark areas.
- In The Information, Smasher's shadow will no longer appear on the elevator's door after rewinding braindance to the beginning.
- Fixed Arasaka soldiers spawning on player's sight when going back upstairs to save Takemura in Search and Destroy.
- Fixed various map holes in Watson, City Center, Westbrook, Heywood and Santo Domingo.
- Fixed faulty pathing for vehicles on the City Center ring road.
- Fixed multiple places where the player’s character could get stuck permanently.
- Fixed multiple issues with disappearing environments.
- Fixed multiple issues with objects popping in on player's sight.
- GPS in Biotechnica Flats will no longer lead players to unreachable areas.
- Rearranged shards into correct categories.
- Fixed an issue where calls to quest NPCs would abruptly end, making the NPC appear in other calls and potentially breaking other holocalls from the NPC.
- Fixed an issue where interrupted holocall would resume along with another call, which could make the NPC appear in other calls and break the next holocall from that NPC.
- Disasterpiece - Fixed an issue where Judy wouldn't spawn inside her van after finding the XBD.
- Disasterpiece - Fixed an issue where Judy's van could spawn underground after getting the XBD, blocking progress.
- Disasterpiece - Players will no longer get locked inside the braindance studio basement if they visited it after completing Disasterpiece.
- Gimme Danger - Fixed an issue when it wasn't possible to interact with Takemura and to fulfil the objective "Meet Takemura".
- I Walk the Line - Shutters leading to the cinema inside Grand Imperial Mall should no longer be closed, blocking access.
- I Walk the Line - The doors leading to Netwatch Netrunner will now properly open after defeating Sasquatch.
- Play it Safe - Fixed an issue with interrupted holocalls, which could block calls from Takemura.
- Play it Safe - Various smaller fixes for the parade sequence, it should now be a more polished experience overall.
- Spray Paint - Removed the Relic Malfunction effect during the conversation with Brendan.
- Coin Operated Boy - The quest should no longer stay "Undiscovered" when the interaction with Brendan should start.
- Sweet Dreams - Stefan is no longer missing.
- Sweet Dreams - Fixed an issue that prevented players from depositing quest items from gigs at their respective drop points.
- Sweet Dreams - Stefan's braindance can no longer be used while on a bike.
- Automatic Love - Fixed an issue that could result in player being unable to exit Clouds because of an invisible barrier.
- Automatic Love - Fixed an issue where Evelyn didn't despawn from Judy's workshop after The Information, which resulted in player not being able to talk to Judy because of an invisible wall blocking the way.
- Automatic Love - Fixed an issue where killing the VIP guards in a specific order could result in a disappeared objective and blocked further progression.
- Automatic Love - It will no longer be possible to get stuck inside Clouds by entering without going through the reception desk.
- Beat on the Brat - Fixed an issue in which the quest could get stuck with Fred not calling in regards to the final fight, which was caused by players running away from Rhino too fast after defeating her. The quest now also continues for players who were rude like that.
- Beat on the Brat: Arroyo - It's now possible to take the money from Buck after defeating him.
- Beat on the Brat: Kabuki - There was a chance that the twins wouldn't want to fight anymore after V lost twice. This was fixed, so they can now enjoy an infinite amount of winning until V beats them.
- Big in Japan - Tyger Claws gangers will no longer engage in combat with each other.
- Big in Japan - The quest will now fail upon getting out of the vehicle after having driven into water (preventing blocking progression).
- Blistering Love - Fixed an issue where the quest wouldn't update after arriving with Rogue at Silver Pixel Cloud.
- Boat Drinks - The quest will no longer fail after being completed when V chooses not to go to the city with Kerry and uses fast travel.
- Both Sides, Now - It's no longer possible to interact with Judy's mirror while Johnny is leaning on it.
- Don't Lose Your Mind - Fixed an issue where player could get locked out of Delamain's core room if they entered and exited the room in quick succession.
- Down on the Street - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to talk to Wakako.
- Dream On - Fixed an issue where it was possible to reach the van without triggering a fight.
- Dream On - From now on Elizabeth will follow V correctly.
- Dream On - The corporate agents will now despawn if the chase is failed.
- Dream On - The "Connect to the van's Access Point" objective will no longer reappear after neutralizing the attackers before calling Elizabeth.
- Ex-Factor - Fixed an issue that would cause the quest to stay active after completion.
- Shoot to Thrill - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to take the gun from Wilson after the quest.
- For Whom the Bell Tolls - It's no longer possible to jump into the open world from the rooftop in Afterlife.
- Fortunate Son - Point of interest icon will now appear properly on the map.
- Forward to Death - Fixed an issue where Militech reinforcements could fly away in the AV instead of jumping down onto the battlefield, blocking progress.
- Forward to Death - Fixed an issue where the Basilisk could get stuck after colliding with vehicles in the Nomad Camp.
- Full Disclosure - Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, the quest wouldn't progress after defeating Sandra.
- Ghost Town - Adjusted an appearance of one of the gangers in order to avoid clipping issues.
- Ghost Town - Dakota will no longer call V after leaving the town area in Panam's car.
- Ghost Town - Fixed a crash that could occur while waiting for Panam by the power substation.
- Ghost Town - Fixed an issue when Panam didn't hang up when approached, causing blocked progression.
- Ghost Town - It’s no longer possible to call vehicles onto the Raffen Shiv arrival spot to prevent conflicts with scenes and NPCs during the quest.
- Ghost Town - Panam will no longer crash cars on her way out of the Tunnel.
- Happy Together - Getting in combat outside the area of Barry's apartment during the objective "Talk to Barry" will no longer fail the quest.
- Happy Together - It's no longer possible to get locked inside Barry's apartment after running into it just after telling the NCPD officers about Andrew's niche.
- Heroes - Gustavo and Martha will no longer be present at El Coyote Cojo if the player left during the ofrenda and completed Gig: Bring Me the Head of Gustavo Orta in the meantime.
- Heroes - It's no longer possible to get stuck inside Jackie's garage during combat with Valentinos.
- I Fought the Law - It's no longer possible to block progression by sprinting inside the elevator after being spotted by enemies.
- I Fought the Law - It's no longer possible to exit the conference room during the braindance.
- I Fought the Law - Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, holocalls may not finish properly when leaving the mission area prematurely.
- Killing in the Name - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to talk to Johnny near the fortune teller bot.
- Life During Wartime - Fixed an issue where the AV's door was closed, making it impossible to loot inside.
- Life During Wartime - It's no longer possible to summon any vehicle to AV crash site before saving Mitch.
- A Like Supreme - Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, objectives could trigger once again, blocking further progression.
- Love Like Fire - It's no longer possible to use the chopper rotor to get outside of the rooftop area.
- M'ap Tann Pelen - Fixed an issue where player was unable to follow Placide inside Batty's Hotel because of a closed door.
- M'ap Tann Pelen - Fixed an issue where getting a call from or calling Mr. Hands was blocked. Note, it may be necessary to leave the vicinity of the chapel to unblock calls and progress further.
- Nocturne Op55N1 - Overwatch Sniper Rifle will no longer get removed from player's inventory after passing the Point of No Return. Returning to an earlier save game and playing through PoNR again is required to get the item back.
- Practice Makes Perfect - Fixed a case of an enemy getting stuck inside a wall during the VR tutorial.
- Pyramid Song - It's no longer possible to save the game during the sex scene with Judy
- Raymond Chandler Evening - The quest will no longer fail if there's a car parked at the entrance of the building. // Cured Cynthia's parked-car-a-phobia.
- Riders on the Storm - Empty vehicles will no longer be present during the chase scene.
- Riders on the Storm - Fixed an issue where Panam's van could spawn incorrectly if player entered the Wraith camp through the tunnel and exited through the front, blocking progress.
- Riders on the Storm - Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, the progression could be blocked after restoring power.
- Second Conflict - Fixed missing pointers to Maelstrom gangers and Patricia at the entrance to Totentanz.
- Second Conflict - The quest doesn't get blocked any more if an alternative path has been used to reach Nancy's room in Totentanz.
- Send in the Clowns - Players can no longer block progression by running Ozob over by their car during the "Talk to Ozob" objective.
- Small Man, Big Mouth - It's now possible to interact with Kirk even if the conversation with Johnny on the stairs wasn't triggered.
- Space Oddity - Fixed a case where killing one of the homeless could result in his body blocking access to the laptop.
- Stadium Love - Fixed an issue where the quest wouldn't complete if player engaged in combat with 6th Street after finishing the challenge.
- The Ballad of Buck Ravers - Fixed missing pointers on Johnny while watching the street performer.
- The Beast in Me - It's no longer possible to start any of the races while in combat.
- The Beast in Me - Fixed an issue in which when going to meet Claire in her garage, her car could spawn incorrectly, blocking access to dialogue.
- The Corpo-Rat - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to select the destination after entering the AV.
- The Gun - Fixed an issue where there was no option to collect the gun from Wilson.
- The Heist - Fixed an issue where Jackie could disappear while waiting by the Delamain cab next to the Afterlife or while inside Konpeki Plaza.
- The Heist - Fixed an issue where the quest wouldn't progress after connecting to the first camera in the Flathead sequence.
- The Highwayman - Fixed an issue where the quest could get stuck in the Journal without any objective and Nazaré "Itsumade" wouldn't get added to owned vehicles if the player had a date with Meredith in Venus in Furs but didn't go, though players aren't encouraged to ghost her.
- The Hunt - Fixed an issue when the "Use" prompt was inactive and it wasn't possible to investigate the computer, blocking further progression.
- The Pickup - Fixed an issue where Dum Dum would keep spawning and despawning if player started combat with Maelstrom in the main hall at a specific moment.
- The Pickup - Fixed an issue where Jackie could get stuck in All Foods if player killed Royce from the balcony, blocking progress.
- The Pickup - Fixed an issue where progress could be blocked on the "Follow Dum Dum" objective if Dum Dum was killed before reaching the boss room.
- The Pickup - Fixed an issue where the optional objective to "Talk to Brick" could appear even if Brick was killed by the detonator.
- The Pickup - Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, it wasn't possible to finish conversation with the Militech agent, blocking further progression.
- The Pickup - Holocalls from Jackie and Regina will no longer overlap.
- The Pickup - The garage door should no longer close when triggering combat.
- The Pickup - The objective "Sneak past Royce" will no longer fail if Breach Protocol is used earlier.
- The Pickup - Secured a scenario when a hostile path in All Foods is triggered during the call with Meredith Stout.
- The Ride - It's no longer possible to get stuck in an interrupted holocall with Jackie when calling him immediately after exiting Dex's limo.
- The Space in Between - Fixed an issue where Fingers wasn't present in his clinic.
- There Is a Light That Never Goes Out - Quest will no longer fail if player previously got into a fight with the 6th Street gang during Stadium Love.
- Transmission - Fixed a case where the game could get stuck on a black screen after entering cyberspace.
- Transmission - Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on the phone with Maman Brigitte if the call was interrupted.
- Transmission - Summoning vehicles should no longer be blocked after leaving the chapel.
- Venus in Furs - It's no longer possible to get stuck in the room with Meredith Stout.
- War Pigs - Fixed an issue where Johnny wasn't spawning during the "Talk to Johnny" objective.
- We Gotta Live Together - Fixed the guidance marker leading to Saul prior to nomad initiation ceremony.
- We Gotta Live Together - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to talk to Mitch.
- With A Little Help From My Friends - Fixed an issue where Panam's briefing could appear stuck for some players, lingering on the objective "Wait for the Nomads".
- With A Little Help From My Friends - It's now easier to drive out of the Sunset Motel garage with Saul's reward.
- With A Little Help From My Friends - Progress will no longer get blocked if player destroys the car received from Saul for telling him about Panam's plans. Quest will now be failed after doing so and the car will not be received.
- Fixed an issue allowing multiple debrief holocalls from fixers to play at once, which could lead to blocked completion of various gigs (like Gig: A Lack of Empathy, Gig: Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy and others). We continue working on visual issues related to gigs stuck in the Journal, note that the latter don't prevent district achievements from unlocking.
- Removed redundant loot from the body in the ferris wheel.
- Fixed an issue where Quadra Type-66 could be destroyed before buying it, blocking the progression of its "Buy Vehicle" quest and possibly the completion of the Autojock achievement.
- Fixed an issue in a shootout in Wellsprings where enemies were immortal because the trigger area was too small.
- Gig: Olive Branch - Fixed an issue with the car spawning below the ground.
- Gig: Playing For Keeps - The quest will now be properly counted towards the progress of It's Elementary achievement.
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where The Bodies Hit The Floor - The quest will now be properly updated if V encounters the cyberpsycho before finishing the holocall with Regina.
- Gig: Flight of the Cheetah - Fixed an issue with Hwangbo following V everywhere. The quest will now fail if V leaves the motel area.
- Gig: The Heisenberg Principle - Fixed an issue when it wasn't possible to destroy the glitter equipment.
- Gig: The Heisenberg Principle - It's no longer possible to destroy the glitter equipment before entering the lab.
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc - Fixed an issue where the cyberpsycho didn't engage in combat if player shot him with a Tech Weapon or threw grenades at him from outside the arena.
- Gig: A Lack of Empathy - Fixed an issue where it was possible to interact with the computer before briefing, blocking further progression.
- Gig: An Inconvenient Killer - Fixed an issue where Dino could remain on screen after calling V twice.
- Gig: Backs Against the Wall - Fixed an issue where the "Go to the indicated residence" objective didn't update after entering the residence.
- Gig: Bloodsport - Quest should no longer be stuck in the Journal after finishing it and driving away.
- Gig: Bring Me the Head of Gustavo Orta - It's now possible to use the elevator while carrying Gustavo's body.
- Gig: Family Heirloom - Fixed an issue where it was possible to kill Dan, blocking progression.
- Gig: Getting Warmer... - Fixed an issue where 8ug8ear could float mid-air after dropping her body.
- Gig: Getting Warmer... - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to pick up the 8ug8ear's body.
- Gig: Going-Away Party - Fixed an issue where there was an incorrect GPS path pointing to the meeting point with the Nomads.
- Gig: Hippocratic Oath - Fixed an issue where the player could become unable to use weapons and quick menu items.
- Gig: MIA - Fixed an issue where Dakota's guy wouldn't appear at the meeting point.
- Gig: Monster Hunt - Fixed an issue where the quest could get stuck on the "Find Jotaro" objective.
- Gig: No Fixers - Fixed an issue with closed doors to Dakota's safehouse.
- Gig: On a Tight Leash - Fixed an issue where buses could be spawned at the same spot.
- Gig: On a Tight Leash - Fixed an issue where the "Neutralize José Luis" objective didn't update after defeating José.
- Gig: On a Tight Leash - Fixed an issue when the reward wasn't given for finishing the quest.
- Gig: Psychofan - Fixed an issue where there was no option to deposit the guitar at the Drop Point.
- Gig: Scrolls Before Swine - Fixed an issue where using the Distract Enemies quickhack on Aaron McCarlson could block progression.
- Gig: Serious Side Effects - Fixed an issue where there was no option to deposit the beta acid at the Drop Point.
- Gig: Sr. Ladrillo’s Private Collection - Fixed an issue where the Techie dialogue option was unavailable with 5/5 Tech Ability points.
- Gig: Two Wrongs Makes Us Right - The quest should no longer stay active after failing it.
- Gig: Wakako's Favorite - Fixed an issue where the hatch didn't open, blocking further progression.
- Gig: We Have Your Wife - Fixed an issue when it wasn't possible to talk with Lauren after escorting her.
- Gig: Woman of La Mancha - Fixed an issue where player had to have double the required amount of money in order to pay for the room.
- Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Privacy Policy Violation - Fixed an issue where the reinforcements could be stuck in the air.
- Fixed an issue causing NPCs to not look at V during various scenes.
- Fixed an exploit where player was granted a Unity Pistol after each save/load.
- V's facial animations while looking in the mirror will now be played properly.
- Fixed an issue where Rogue was spawning next to the player after calling her and asking about Adam Smasher.
- Fixed an issue where some NPCs could stop performing animations after a longer game session.
- Fixed multiple issues with NPCs mounting vehicles incorrectly.
- Fixed various issues where NPCs could be placed incorrectly and clip through objects after loading a saved game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause NPC animations to be played in the wrong spot in various quests.
- Fixed an issue where Jackie could spawn before the player's eyes during the half-year montage.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs' appearances got randomized when looking away.
- Fixed an issue where quests and scenes could progress before the loading screen disappeared.
- A gift from Judy can now be found in V's apartment after player receives a text about it after completing her romance side quests.
- Fixed some story inconsistencies in radio broadcasts.
- Fixed the blackout effect persisting during Love Like Fire when using certain language settings.
- Fixed the issue where tutorial tooltips weren't correctly displayed on 8k screens.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash if a save thumbnail was corrupted.
- Fixed toggling Windowed and Fullscreen modes with the Alt+Enter shortcut.
- It's now possible to exit locked scanning overlay by pressing TAB.
- Added a more compact PC version of the mouse cursor.
- Inner Dead Zone setting will now be applicable also to the game menus.
- [PlayStation] NPCs will no longer speak after being killed.
- Improved streaming of city lights.
- Overwriting a save game when there’s insufficient memory space will no longer corrupt the save.
- Masks and tubes inside the barn in The Hunt will no longer be invisible.
- Rogue will no longer clip through Johnny and will hold the glass correctly in Ghost Town.
- Fixed an issue in The Rescue where loading a save in front of the police blockade resulted in the NCPD officer not starting dialogue, blocking progress.
- Fixed an issue on PS4 where the meeting scene with Judy and Dolls in Pisces wouldn't start properly.
- [Xbox] Fixed an issue in A Cool Metal Fire where a part of the scene in Cassius Ryder's clinic could be cut off after the fade out.
- Fixed an issue where weapons were equipped to a wrong slot when assigning them from the Backpack.

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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Walkthrough Team
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