Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Westbrook Map Guide: All Subdistricts and Fast Travel Dataterms

Westbrook Image

This is a guide to Westbrook, one of the districts found in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to find out the important locations in this map, including subdistricts and fast point dataterms, as well as notable people you can meet and missions you can do.

Westbrook Map and Description

In-Game Description

Database Entry for Westbrook
A fair amount of Night Citizens firmly believe that Westbrook is the best district to live in. After all, that's where all the richest and most influential people of Night City live, including the picturesquely situated North Oak - probably the most beautiful neighborhood in the city. Charter Hill has its charm too - home to ambitious and enterprising corpos who are about halfway up their career ladder. Last but not least, Japantown is widely known as Night City's party district. Yes indeed, Westbrook is where everyone wants to be. But it wasn't always like that. Over fifty yers ago, after the nuclear attack on Arasaka in 2023, the part of Westbrook next to City Center sustained serious damage. The bomb's earthquake completely wiped out Japantown's high-rises, leaving behind ghostly, crooked skeletons looming over the district for the next two decades. Charter Hill was inundated with refugees - even North Oak saw ramshackie huts and tents hastily put up on its slopes. Luckily, bu the 40s, the great restoration of Night City was already underway - the ruins of megabuildings were removed, replaced by shiny monoliths from predominantly Asian corporations, returning Japantown to its former glory. Charter Hill was also cleaned up and soon saw new homes for corpo employees. The refugee and homeless encampments in North Oak lasted for much longer, remaining a sore sight for the city's authorities. Crime levels there beat the city's records - for a time even soaring above those of the Combat Zone. Eventually the area was brought to order with the help of mercenaries, and shortly after it became the North Oak we know today - the most exclusive and secure area of Night City.


Westbrook Subdistricts

Japantown (New).jpg
North Oak (New).jpg
North Oak
Charter Hill (New).jpg
Charter Hill

Places of Interest in Westbrook


Cyberpunk 2077 - Clouds.jpg
Clouds is one of the priciest and most technically advanced dollhouses in Night City. The club offers visitors an experience tailored to their deepest desires.

Fourth Wall

Cyberpunk 2077 - Fourth Wall.jpg
Fourth Wall is an established braindance studio in Japantown. The studio is known for its controversial content using braindance technology.

Old Power Plant

Cyberpunk 2077 - Old Power Plant.jpg
Abandoned in mysterious circumstances, many of the Old Power Plant's surrounding buildings have been left unattended, except for gangs that quickly overrun the place.

Shinto Shrine

Cyberpunk 2077 - Shinto Shrine.jpg
The Shinto Shrine is a place of worship located in Night City. People also visit the shrine to learn more about Japanese tradition.

Villa Eurodyne

Cyberpunk 2077 - Villa Eurodyne.jpg
This villa is owned by Kerry Eurodyne, a former member of SAMURAI and Johnny's old friend. It is located in the up-scale North Oak where the rich and famous reside.

Wakako's Den

Cyberpunk 2077 - Wakako
Wakako does her business in an office in the backroom of a pachinko parlor on Jig-Jig Street.

Gangs and Factions in Westbrook

Territory of the Tyger Claws

Cyberpunk 2077 Westbrook Map 02.png
At night, the Westbrook district transforms in a much different tone - thanks to the Tyger Claws. With the black market trade and prostitution rings, Westbrook becomes a totally different area.
Tyger Claws Gang Guide

Frequented by The Moxes

Cyberpunk 2077 Moxes 01.png
Although based at Watson, The Moxes can be seen roaming around Westbrook, usually in nightclubs. They can also help the player out when fighting against Tyger Claw gang members.
Moxes Gang Guide

Fast Travel Dataterms in Westbrook

Location Subdistrict
Dynalar Charter Hill
Longshore South Charter Hill
Luxury Apartments Charter Hill
Lele Park Charter Hill
Metro: Charter Hill Charter Hill
Gold Niwaki Plaza Charter Hill
Dark Matter Japantown
Crescent & Broad Japantown
Metro: Japantown South Japantown
Silk Road West Japantown
Redwood Market Japantown
Megabuilding H8 Japantown
Cherry Blossom Market Japantown
Fourth Wall Studios Japantown
Metro: Monroe St Japantown
Skyline & Salinas Japantown
Sagan & Diamond Japantown
Japantown West Japantown
Capitola St Japantown
Columbarium North Oak
North Oaks Sign North Oak
Kerry Eurodyne's Residence North Oak
Arasaka Estate North Oak
Drive-In Theater North Oak

Available Gigs in Westbrook

Gig: Olive Branch
Gig: We Have Your Wife
Gig: A Shrine Defiled
Gig: Getting Warmer...
Gig: Wakako's Favorite
Gig: Greed Never Pays
Gig: Family Heirloom
Gig: Tyger and Vulture
Gig: Until Death Do Us Part

List of Gigs and All Gig Guides

Westbrook NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 - Bounty Hunting.png

There are several NCPD Scanner Hustle jobs available in Westbrook. Check the links below to see every police job in each subdistrict, along with their location and rewards.

NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations
Japantown Charter Hill North Oak

NCPD Scanner Hustles

Westbrook Vendors and Shops

Weapon Vendors

Spector Cheng

Item Rarity
Baseball BatBaseball Bat Uncommon
Baseball BatBaseball Bat Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Cold ShoulderCold Shoulder Rare
Crafting Spec: Baseball BatCrafting Spec: Baseball Bat Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Butcher's Cleaver Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Chef's Knife Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Crowbar Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Electric Baton Beta Common
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Electric Baton Gamma Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Electric Baton Gamma Common
Crafting Spec: KatanaCrafting Spec: Katana Common
Crafting Spec: KnifeCrafting Spec: Knife Common
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Machete Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Steel Pipe Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Tanto Common
Electric Baton AlphaElectric Baton Alpha Uncommon
Electric Baton AlphaElectric Baton Alpha Rare
HammerHammer Uncommon
HammerHammer Epic
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KatanaKatana Rare
KnifeKnife Rare
KnifeKnife Legendary
KunaiKunai Rare
MacheteMachete Uncommon
MacheteMachete Rare
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Monkey WrenchMonkey Wrench Uncommon
Monkey WrenchMonkey Wrench Legendary
ScourgeScourge Rare
Steel PipeSteel Pipe Uncommon
TantoTanto Uncommon
TantoTanto Rare
White-KnuckledWhite-Knuckled Rare
Gun Vendor (Japantown)
Item Rarity
A-22B ChaoA-22B Chao Uncommon
A-22B ChaoA-22B Chao Rare
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
CarnageCarnage Uncommon
CarnageCarnage Rare
CarnageCarnage Legendary
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CountermassCountermass Epic
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Rare
Crafting Spec: A-22B ChaoCrafting Spec: A-22B Chao Uncommon
Crafting Spec: CarnageCrafting Spec: Carnage Uncommon
Crafting Spec: D5 SidewinderCrafting Spec: D5 Sidewinder Uncommon
Crafting Spec: DB-4 PalicaCrafting Spec: DB-4 Palica Rare
Crafting Spec: DR12 QuasarCrafting Spec: DR12 Quasar Uncommon
Crafting Spec: M2038 TacticianCrafting Spec: M2038 Tactician Rare
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
D5 SidewinderD5 Sidewinder Uncommon
DB-4 PalicaDB-4 Palica Uncommon
DB-4 PalicaDB-4 Palica Rare
DR12 QuasarDR12 Quasar Uncommon
DR12 QuasarDR12 Quasar Rare
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Uncommon
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Rare
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Rare
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
LibertyLiberty Uncommon
M-76E OmahaM-76E Omaha Uncommon
M-76E OmahaM-76E Omaha Legendary
M2038 TacticianM2038 Tactician Uncommon
MacheteMachete Legendary
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Common
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Rare
PaxPax Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Rare
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Rare
Steel PipeSteel Pipe Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
WeakenWeaken Rare
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon

Ripperdocs (Cyberware Vendors)

Kraviz's Clinic

Item Rarity
Animal KnucklesAnimal Knuckles Legendary
BioDyne Berserk MK.1BioDyne Berserk MK.1 Uncommon
BiomonitorBiomonitor Common
Bionic LungsBionic Lungs Uncommon
Bionic LungsBionic Lungs Legendary
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Chemical RoundChemical Round Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Battery, High-Capacity Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Monowire - Thermal Damage Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Sensory Amplifier (Health) Rare
Dense MarrowDense Marrow Rare
Fortified AnklesFortified Ankles Rare
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Rare
KerenzikovKerenzikov Common
Mantis BladesMantis Blades Rare
Mechatronic CoreMechatronic Core Common
MicrorotorsMicrorotors Epic
Microvibration GeneratorMicrovibration Generator Rare
Militech Berserk MK.5Militech Berserk MK.5 Legendary
MonowireMonowire Rare
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Rare
Ram UpgradeRam Upgrade Common
Reinforced TendonsReinforced Tendons Rare
Sandevistan: Overclocked ProcessorSandevistan: Overclocked Processor Uncommon
Seocho Electronics MK.1Seocho Electronics MK.1 Uncommon
Smart LinkSmart Link Rare
Subdermal ArmorSubdermal Armor Uncommon
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Common
Synaptic Signal OptimizerSynaptic Signal Optimizer Legendary
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Tetratronic Rippler MK.4Tetratronic Rippler MK.4 Legendary
Tetratronic Rippler MK.4Tetratronic Rippler MK.4 Epic
Thermal RoundThermal Round Rare
Titanium BonesTitanium Bones Uncommon
Tyrosine InjectorTyrosine Injector Uncommon
Visual Cortex SupportVisual Cortex Support Common
Fingers MD
Item Rarity
BiomonitorBiomonitor Common
Bionic LungsBionic Lungs Common
Biotech Σ MK.1Biotech Σ MK.1 Uncommon
Biotech Σ MK.2Biotech Σ MK.2 Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
CataresistCataresist Legendary
CataresistCataresist Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Blade - Electrical Damage Rare
Crafting Spec: Explosive RoundCrafting Spec: Explosive Round Rare
Crafting Spec: Slow RotorCrafting Spec: Slow Rotor Rare
DetoxifierDetoxifier Rare
Fortified AnklesFortified Ankles Epic
Fortified AnklesFortified Ankles Rare
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Epic
InductorInductor Epic
KerenzikovKerenzikov Uncommon
Limbic System EnhancementLimbic System Enhancement Common
Lynx PawsLynx Paws Epic
Mechatronic CoreMechatronic Core Common
MonowireMonowire Epic
Monowire Battery Low-CapacityMonowire Battery, Low-Capacity Rare
Pain EditorPain Editor Legendary
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Epic
QianT Sandevistan MK.4QianT Sandevistan MK.4 Legendary
Reflex TunerReflex Tuner Common
Sensory Amplifier (Armor)Sensory Amplifier (Armor) Rare
Shock-N-AweShock-N-Awe Uncommon
Slow RotorSlow Rotor Rare
Subdermal ArmorSubdermal Armor Common
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Common
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Tetratronic MK.1Tetratronic MK.1 Uncommon
Tyrosine InjectorTyrosine Injector Uncommon
Visual Cortex SupportVisual Cortex Support Common
Ripperdoc (Japantown)
Item Rarity
BioDyne Berserk MK.4BioDyne Berserk MK.4 Legendary
Bionic LungsBionic Lungs Common
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels Common
Biotech Σ MK.3Biotech Σ MK.3 Epic
Blade - Chemical DamageBlade - Chemical Damage Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
CataresistCataresist Common
Crafting Spec: Battery, Low CapacityCrafting Spec: Battery, Low Capacity Rare
Ex-DiskEx-Disk Epic
Fortified AnklesFortified Ankles Rare
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Rare
Haming-8 RotorHaming-8 Rotor Legendary
KerenzikovKerenzikov Common
Limbic System EnhancementLimbic System Enhancement Legendary
Limbic System EnhancementLimbic System Enhancement Rare
Mantis BladesMantis Blades Rare
Mechatronic CoreMechatronic Core Common
Memory BoostMemory Boost Uncommon
MonowireMonowire Rare
NeofiberNeofiber Uncommon
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Rare
Ram UpgradeRam Upgrade Common
Reflex TunerReflex Tuner Legendary
Reflex TunerReflex Tuner Uncommon
Reinforced TendonsReinforced Tendons Rare
Sensory Amplifier (Health)Sensory Amplifier (Health) Rare
Smart LinkSmart Link Rare
Stephenson Tech MK.2Stephenson Tech MK.2 Rare
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Common
Synaptic AcceleratorSynaptic Accelerator Legendary
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Tyrosine InjectorTyrosine Injector Uncommon
Visual Cortex SupportVisual Cortex Support Uncommon

Clothing Vendors

Clothing Vendor (Charter Hill)

Item Rarity
Arasaka Polyamide Corpo SkirtArasaka Polyamide Corpo Skirt Rare
Arasaka Polyamide Corpo SkirtArasaka Polyamide Corpo Skirt Epic
Arasaka Polycarbonate Corporate BlazerArasaka Polycarbonate Corporate Blazer Rare
Arasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid VestArasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid Vest Uncommon
Arasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid VestArasaka Polycarbonate-Laced Bulletproof Aramid Vest Rare
Arasaka Waterproof Combat TurtleneckArasaka Waterproof Combat Turtleneck Uncommon
Arasaka Waterproof Combat TurtleneckArasaka Waterproof Combat Turtleneck Epic
ArmadilloArmadillo Rare
Army Star Anti-Chafing Cargo PantsArmy Star Anti-Chafing Cargo Pants Uncommon
Athletic Aramid-Weave ShortsAthletic Aramid-Weave Shorts Uncommon
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Rare
Bitch V.13 Syn-Resistant PantsBitch V.13 Syn-Resistant Pants Rare
Border Guard Multilayer Aramid VestBorder Guard Multilayer Aramid Vest Uncommon
Border Guard Multilayer Aramid VestBorder Guard Multilayer Aramid Vest Epic
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Rare
Canine Power Anti-Tear PantsCanine Power Anti-Tear Pants Uncommon
Canine Power Anti-Tear PantsCanine Power Anti-Tear Pants Rare
Canine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-JacketCanine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-Jacket Epic
Carbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-JacketCarbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Carbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-JacketCarbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-Jacket Epic
Caution Extra-Plastic Cargo PantsCaution Extra-Plastic Cargo Pants Uncommon
Caution Extra-Plastic Cargo PantsCaution Extra-Plastic Cargo Pants Rare
Caution Extra-Plastic Cargo PantsCaution Extra-Plastic Cargo Pants Epic
Classic Armor-Coated AviatorsClassic Armor-Coated Aviators Rare
Classic Athletic Nanoweave ShortsClassic Athletic Nanoweave Shorts Uncommon
Classic Athletic Nanoweave ShortsClassic Athletic Nanoweave Shorts Epic
Classic Dress Shoes with Polycarbonate SupportClassic Dress Shoes with Polycarbonate Support Uncommon
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Uncommon
Classic Trilby with Composite BandClassic Trilby with Composite Band Uncommon
Classic Trilby with Composite BandClassic Trilby with Composite Band Rare
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Uncommon
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Uncommon
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Rare
Composite Geisha Combat ShirtComposite Geisha Combat Shirt Uncommon
Composite Geisha Combat ShirtComposite Geisha Combat Shirt Rare
Composite Geisha Combat ShirtComposite Geisha Combat Shirt Epic
Cowboy Shirt and VestCowboy Shirt and Vest Uncommon
Crafting Spec: DeadeyeCrafting Spec: Deadeye Legendary
Crafting Spec: Durable LIME SPEED Modular HelmetCrafting Spec: Durable LIME SPEED Modular Helmet Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Golden Mean Aramid-Stitch Formal SkirtCrafting Spec: Golden Mean Aramid-Stitch Formal Skirt Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Milky Gold Trench Coat with Bulletproof Triweave Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Predator Legendary
Crafting Spec: Red Leopard Button-Up with Composite InsertCrafting Spec: Red Leopard Button-Up with Composite Insert Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Soft-SoleCrafting Spec: Soft-Sole Epic
Crafting Spec: Trilayer Steel OcusetCrafting Spec: Trilayer Steel Ocuset Rare
Crafting Spec: Trilayer Steel OcusetCrafting Spec: Trilayer Steel Ocuset Rare
Darra Polytechnic Tactical BalaclavaDarra Polytechnic Tactical Balaclava Uncommon
DeadeyeDeadeye Legendary
Double-Varnished Formal PumpsDouble-Varnished Formal Pumps Uncommon
Double-Varnished Formal ShoesDouble-Varnished Formal Shoes Uncommon
Durable Synsilk BlazerDurable Synsilk Blazer Uncommon
Durable Synthetic Biker CoatDurable Synthetic Biker Coat Uncommon
Durable Synthetic Biker CoatDurable Synthetic Biker Coat Rare
Durable Synweave Corporate DressDurable Synweave Corporate Dress Uncommon
Durable Synweave Corporate SkirtDurable Synweave Corporate Skirt Uncommon
Durable Synweave Corporate SkirtDurable Synweave Corporate Skirt Rare
Elegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil DressElegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil Dress Uncommon
Elegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil DressElegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil Dress Rare
Final Impulse Duolayer Puffer VestFinal Impulse Duolayer Puffer Vest Rare
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Uncommon
Flexi-Membrane Leather BraFlexi-Membrane Leather Bra Uncommon
Fuck You Durable-Weave Tank TopFuck You Durable-Weave Tank Top Rare
Green-Power Polyamide-Padded Athletic ShortsGreen-Power Polyamide-Padded Athletic Shorts Uncommon
Green-Power Polyamide-Padded Athletic ShortsGreen-Power Polyamide-Padded Athletic Shorts Rare
Heat-Resistant Military BootsHeat-Resistant Military Boots Epic
Heat-Resistant Reinforced Nu-Tek Tight TankHeat-Resistant Reinforced Nu-Tek Tight Tank Uncommon
JSHLX Reinforced Puffer VestJSHLX Reinforced Puffer Vest Rare
Kani Kara Titanium-Reinforced Composite BreastplateKani Kara Titanium-Reinforced Composite Breastplate Rare
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Uncommon
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Rare
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Epic
Leather Ankle Boots with Composite InsertsLeather Ankle Boots with Composite Inserts Rare
Leather Ankle Boots with Composite InsertsLeather Ankle Boots with Composite Inserts Rare
Light Elastomer Netrunning SuitLight Elastomer Netrunning Suit Uncommon
Light Elastomer Netrunning SuitLight Elastomer Netrunning Suit Rare
Melting Ceramic Membrane Pozer JacketMelting Ceramic Membrane Pozer Jacket Rare
Military-Grade Aramid Netrunning SuitMilitary-Grade Aramid Netrunning Suit Uncommon
Militech Ultralight Aramid BreastplateMilitech Ultralight Aramid Breastplate Uncommon
N54 Athletic Shorts with Thermoactive MeshN54 Athletic Shorts with Thermoactive Mesh Uncommon
Old N54 Athletic ShortsOld N54 Athletic Shorts Rare
Ordinary Tactical Balaclava with Reactive LayeringOrdinary Tactical Balaclava with Reactive Layering Epic
Padded Denki Hachi Hybrid-Weave BraPadded Denki Hachi Hybrid-Weave Bra Uncommon
Phantom Tough-Lined Cargo PantsPhantom Tough-Lined Cargo Pants Uncommon
Phantom Tough-Lined Cargo PantsPhantom Tough-Lined Cargo Pants Epic
Polyamide-Blend Suit JacketPolyamide-Blend Suit Jacket Uncommon
Polyamide-Blend Suit JacketPolyamide-Blend Suit Jacket Rare
Powder Pink Light Polyamide BlazerPowder Pink Light Polyamide Blazer Rare
Practical Aramid-Fiber High-TopsPractical Aramid-Fiber High-Tops Epic
PredatorPredator Legendary
Punk Ultraweave Light JacketPunk Ultraweave Light Jacket Rare
Punk Ultraweave Light JacketPunk Ultraweave Light Jacket Epic
Reinforced Breathable Dress ShirtReinforced Breathable Dress Shirt Uncommon
Reinforced Breathable Dress ShirtReinforced Breathable Dress Shirt Rare
Reinforced Spotted BraReinforced Spotted Bra Uncommon
Reinforced Uniware Ankle BootsReinforced Uniware Ankle Boots Uncommon
Reinforced Uniware Ankle BootsReinforced Uniware Ankle Boots Rare
Reinforced-Laminate Military Flight JacketReinforced-Laminate Military Flight Jacket Uncommon
Reinforced-Laminate Military Flight JacketReinforced-Laminate Military Flight Jacket Rare
Reinforced-Leather Office ShoesReinforced-Leather Office Shoes Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Rare
Rosa Platino Reinforced RockerJackRosa Platino Reinforced RockerJack Uncommon
Rozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective MembraneRozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective Membrane Uncommon
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Uncommon
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Rare
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Epic
SaekoSaeko's Protective-Layer Tight Tank Rare
Samurai Combat TurtleneckSamurai Combat Turtleneck Rare
Samurai Combat TurtleneckSamurai Combat Turtleneck Epic
Silver Polymer-Hybrid Military AviatorsSilver Polymer-Hybrid Military Aviators Rare
Simple Biker Aramid-Weave TurtleneckSimple Biker Aramid-Weave Turtleneck Epic
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Uncommon
Simple Polycarbonate Office PumpsSimple Polycarbonate Office Pumps Uncommon
Soft-SoleSoft-Sole Epic
Solid Straw-Woven TrilbySolid Straw-Woven Trilby Uncommon
Solid Straw-Woven TrilbySolid Straw-Woven Trilby Rare
Sporty Flexi-Weave Work BootsSporty Flexi-Weave Work Boots Rare
Sporty Flexi-Weave Work BootsSporty Flexi-Weave Work Boots Epic
Spotted Armor-Coated Corpo-SkirtSpotted Armor-Coated Corpo-Skirt Uncommon
Spotted Armor-Coated Corpo-SkirtSpotted Armor-Coated Corpo-Skirt Rare
Spotted Armor-Coated Corpo-SkirtSpotted Armor-Coated Corpo-Skirt Epic
Street King Ankle Boots with Reinforced StitchingStreet King Ankle Boots with Reinforced Stitching Rare
Street King Ankle Boots with Reinforced StitchingStreet King Ankle Boots with Reinforced Stitching Epic
BackpackerStreet Smart Uncommon
BackpackerStreet Smart Rare
Street Tactical-Fiber High-TopsStreet Tactical-Fiber High-Tops Uncommon
Sturdy-Stitched Punk JeansSturdy-Stitched Punk Jeans Uncommon
Stylish Double-Weave Shirt and VestStylish Double-Weave Shirt and Vest Rare
Stylish Double-Weave Shirt and VestStylish Double-Weave Shirt and Vest Epic
Stylish Polarized AviatorsStylish Polarized Aviators Uncommon
Stylish Polarized AviatorsStylish Polarized Aviators Rare
Suichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat ShirtSuichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat Shirt Epic
Sunny Ammo Synthetic High-TopsSunny Ammo Synthetic High-Tops Uncommon
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Rare
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Epic
TurqouiseWall Composite Punk High-TopsTurqouiseWall Composite Punk High-Tops Uncommon
Victorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil DressVictorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil Dress Uncommon
Victorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil DressVictorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil Dress Epic
Voodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner JacketVoodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner Jacket Uncommon
Voodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner JacketVoodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner Jacket Rare
Wool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-WeaveWool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-Weave Rare
Blossoming Sakura Clothier
Item Rarity
6th Street Armor-Plated Combat Jacket6th Street Armor-Plated Combat Jacket Uncommon
Aldecaldos Motorcycle JacketAldecaldos Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
Anti-Chem Winter Work BootsAnti-Chem Winter Work Boots Rare
AntivenomAntivenom Epic
Aramid Kuro Kabuto with Hardened Carbon-Fiber ExteriorAramid Kuro Kabuto with Hardened Carbon-Fiber Exterior Epic
Aramid Kuro Kabuto with Hardened Carbon-Fiber ExteriorAramid Kuro Kabuto with Hardened Carbon-Fiber Exterior Uncommon
Arasaka Kabuto With Composite PlatingArasaka Kabuto With Composite Plating Uncommon
ArmadilloArmadillo Rare
ArmadilloArmadillo Epic
ArmadilloArmadillo Uncommon
Athletic Hybrid-Weave HotpantsAthletic Hybrid-Weave Hotpants Uncommon
Bara Kaika Syn-Leather BustierBara Kaika Syn-Leather Bustier Rare
Bara Kaika Syn-Leather BustierBara Kaika Syn-Leather Bustier Uncommon
Basic Tank TopBasic Tank Top Uncommon
Bermuda Triangle Kicks with Reincforced LiningBermuda Triangle Kicks with Reincforced Lining Rare
Bermuda Triangle Kicks with Reincforced LiningBermuda Triangle Kicks with Reincforced Lining Uncommon
Bermuda Triangle Protective-Mesh Muscles TankBermuda Triangle Protective-Mesh Muscles Tank Rare
Bermuda Triangle Protective-Mesh Muscles TankBermuda Triangle Protective-Mesh Muscles Tank Uncommon
Bipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop SweaterBipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop Sweater Rare
Bipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop SweaterBipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop Sweater Uncommon
Blue Brick Reinforced HotpantsBlue Brick Reinforced Hotpants Rare
Blue Brick Reinforced HotpantsBlue Brick Reinforced Hotpants Epic
Blue Brick Reinforced HotpantsBlue Brick Reinforced Hotpants Uncommon
Blurry Road Thermoset-Fiber Biker JacketBlurry Road Thermoset-Fiber Biker Jacket Rare
Carbon-Fiber Conical HatCarbon-Fiber Conical Hat Uncommon
Carbon-Lined Pozer-JacketCarbon-Lined Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Classic Composite-Lined Pleated PantsClassic Composite-Lined Pleated Pants Uncommon
Classic Dress Shoes with Polycarbonate SupportClassic Dress Shoes with Polycarbonate Support Uncommon
Classy Aramid-Weave SkirtClassy Aramid-Weave Skirt Rare
Classy Aramid-Weave SkirtClassy Aramid-Weave Skirt Uncommon
Claw Taste Ultradurable Short PufferClaw Taste Ultradurable Short Puffer Uncommon
Comfortable Midori BioFabric Cocktail JacketComfortable Midori BioFabric Cocktail Jacket Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress ShoesCrafting Spec: Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Antivenom Epic
Crafting Spec: Arasaka Tactical TechgogsCrafting Spec: Arasaka Tactical Techgogs Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Darra Polytechnic Tactical BalaclavaCrafting Spec: Darra Polytechnic Tactical Balaclava Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Durable Smiley Hard Loose-FitsCrafting Spec: Durable Smiley Hard Loose-Fits Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Hebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber ShirtCrafting Spec: Hebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber Shirt Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Predator Legendary
Crafting Spec: Puncture-Resistant Nusa T-ShirtCrafting Spec: Puncture-Resistant Nusa T-Shirt Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Superinsulator Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: That Good Old Red, White and Blue Rare
Daemon Hunter Resistance-Coated Tank TopDaemon Hunter Resistance-Coated Tank Top Epic
Denim Biker Jacket with Thermoactive CollarDenim Biker Jacket with Thermoactive Collar Rare
Denim Biker Jacket with Thermoactive CollarDenim Biker Jacket with Thermoactive Collar Epic
Double-Varnished Formal ShoesDouble-Varnished Formal Shoes Rare
Durable Bioweave Pleated PantsDurable Bioweave Pleated Pants Uncommon
Durable Plaid SkirtDurable Plaid Skirt Rare
Elegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil DressElegant Hybrid-Lining Pencil Dress Rare
Elegant Nano-Weave YukataElegant Nano-Weave Yukata Rare
Enhanced Aramid VestEnhanced Aramid Vest Rare
Enhanced Aramid VestEnhanced Aramid Vest Uncommon
Fancy Dragon Aramid-Lined Short PufferFancy Dragon Aramid-Lined Short Puffer Uncommon
Foam-Padded RacersFoam-Padded Racers Rare
Foam-Padded RacersFoam-Padded Racers Uncommon
Golden Age Trilayer Composite Motorcycle JacketGolden Age Trilayer Composite Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
Golden Bough Pilot Cap With Composite ExteriorGolden Bough Pilot Cap With Composite Exterior Uncommon
Hardy Dandylion Cocktail JacketHardy Dandylion Cocktail Jacket Rare
Hardy Dandylion Cocktail JacketHardy Dandylion Cocktail Jacket Uncommon
Heat-Resistant Nylon ShinosHeat-Resistant Nylon Shinos Uncommon
Hinote Kabuto with Durable Plastic Aramid CompositeHinote Kabuto with Durable Plastic Aramid Composite Uncommon
Icon America Synfiber KicksIcon America Synfiber Kicks Epic
Imperial Marble Aramid-Weave Formal PantsImperial Marble Aramid-Weave Formal Pants Uncommon
Imperial Marble Aramid-Weave Formal PantsImperial Marble Aramid-Weave Formal Pants Epic
Jigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpōJigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpō Jigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpoJigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpo Rare
Jigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpōJigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpō Jigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpoJigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpo Uncommon
Jigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpōJigoku no Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpō Jigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite MenpoJigoku No Oni Reinforced-Composite Menpo Uncommon
Kang Tao Stretchy Motorcycle JacketKang Tao Stretchy Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
Kang Tao Stretchy Motorcyle JacketKang Tao Stretchy Motorcyle Jacket Rare
Kang Tao Stretchy Motorcyle JacketKang Tao Stretchy Motorcyle Jacket Uncommon
Kashuu Hanten Kicks with Modified PolyamideKashuu Hanten Kicks with Modified Polyamide Legendary
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Epic
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Uncommon
Lezard Beige Leather-Composite Dress ShoesLezard Beige Leather-Composite Dress Shoes Uncommon
Licks Kicks with Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks with Recycled Resistant Materials Licks Kicks With Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks With Recycled Resistant Materials Rare
Licks Kicks with Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks with Recycled Resistant Materials Licks Kicks With Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks With Recycled Resistant Materials Uncommon
Light Pink Snow Boots with Protective MeshLight Pink Snow Boots with Protective Mesh Epic
Light Psycho Knee-Padded YorosLight Psycho Knee-Padded Yoros Rare
Magenta Kicks with Reinforced StitchingMagenta Kicks with Reinforced Stitching Uncommon
Magenta Puncture-Resistant Multilayer High-Collar VestMagenta Puncture-Resistant Multilayer High-Collar Vest Uncommon
Melting Hottie Tank TopMelting Hottie Tank Top Rare
Melting Hottie Tank TopMelting Hottie Tank Top Epic
Menpō with Durable LiningMenpō with Durable Lining Menpo With Durable LiningMenpo With Durable Lining Rare
Menpō with Durable LiningMenpō with Durable Lining Menpo With Durable LiningMenpo With Durable Lining Uncommon
Menpō with Durable LiningMenpō with Durable Lining Menpo With Durable LiningMenpo With Durable Lining Uncommon
Menpō with Protective PaddingMenpō with Protective Padding Uncommon
Menpō with Reactive LayerMenpō with Reactive Layer Rare
Menpō with Reactive LayerMenpō with Reactive Layer Uncommon
Midori Eazy-Breathe Thermoactive YorosMidori Eazy-Breathe Thermoactive Yoros Uncommon
Murasaki Tear-Resistant YukataMurasaki Tear-Resistant Yukata Epic
Murasaki Tear-Resistant YukataMurasaki Tear-Resistant Yukata Uncommon
Nanostitched Short PufferNanostitched Short Puffer Epic
Natsunoshio Protective-Mesh TracksuitNatsunoshio Protective-Mesh Tracksuit Uncommon
Nippon Composite-Coated Muscle TankNippon Composite-Coated Muscle Tank Uncommon
Old Emerald Speed Muscle TankOld Emerald Speed Muscle Tank Uncommon
Old Tyger Claws Motorcycle JacketOld Tyger Claws Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
Peach Syn-Thread Crop SweaterPeach Syn-Thread Crop Sweater Rare
Peach Syn-Thread Crop SweaterPeach Syn-Thread Crop Sweater Epic
Peach Syn-Thread Crop SweaterPeach Syn-Thread Crop Sweater Uncommon
Pinku Inku Snow Boots Thermoactive InsolesPinku Inku Snow Boots Thermoactive Insoles Uncommon
Plastic Zunari Kabuto with Absorbent LiningPlastic Zunari Kabuto with Absorbent Lining Rare
Plastic Zunari Kabuto with Absorbent LiningPlastic Zunari Kabuto with Absorbent Lining Uncommon
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Rare
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Uncommon
Polyamide-Lined Rocker JumpsuitPolyamide-Lined Rocker Jumpsuit Rare
Polyamide-Reinforced Conical HatPolyamide-Reinforced Conical Hat Uncommon
Powder Pink Skirt With Dura-Hybrid WeavePowder Pink Skirt With Dura-Hybrid Weave Uncommon
PredatorPredator Legendary
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Rare
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Epic
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Uncommon
Reinforced Short PufferReinforced Short Puffer Uncommon
Reinforced-Leather Office ShoesReinforced-Leather Office Shoes Uncommon
Reinforced-Leather Office ShoesReinforced-Leather Office Shoes Rare
Robust Spunky Monkey KicksRobust Spunky Monkey Kicks Uncommon
Robust Spunky Monkey KicksRobust Spunky Monkey Kicks Rare
Rozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective MembraneRozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective Membrane Uncommon
Rozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective MembraneRozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective Membrane Rare
Rozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective MembraneRozovaya Reka Pencil Dress With Protective Membrane Epic
Saeko’s Protective-Layer Tight TankSaeko’s Protective-Layer Tight Tank Uncommon
Sapfir 3D Heavy Triple-Weave Nanocarbon Pozer-JacketSapfir 3D Heavy Triple-Weave Nanocarbon Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Short Puffer With Microplated UnderlayerShort Puffer With Microplated Underlayer Uncommon
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Rare
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Epic
Simple YorosSimple Yoros Uncommon
Spotted Flexi-Membrane BustierSpotted Flexi-Membrane Bustier Uncommon
Steel Microplated KabutoSteel Microplated Kabuto Uncommon
Steel Microplated KabutoSteel Microplated Kabuto Epic
BackpackerStreet Smart Uncommon
Sturdy Conical HatSturdy Conical Hat Uncommon
Sturdy Conical HatSturdy Conical Hat Rare
Sturdy Synfiber Pleated PantsSturdy Synfiber Pleated Pants Epic
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Uncommon
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Epic
SuperinsulatorSuperinsulator Epic
Syn-Leather Carbon-Collar Pozer-JacketSyn-Leather Carbon-Collar Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Syncotton Cocktail JacketSyncotton Cocktail Jacket Epic
Synweave Armor-Coated YukataSynweave Armor-Coated Yukata Rare
Tamashī Enhanced Short PufferTamashī Enhanced Short Puffer Tamashí Enhanced Short PufferTamashí Enhanced Short Puffer Uncommon
Tamashī Enhanced Short PufferTamashī Enhanced Short Puffer Tamashí Enhanced Short PufferTamashí Enhanced Short Puffer Uncommon
Tamashī Enhanced Short PufferTamashī Enhanced Short Puffer Tamashí Enhanced Short PufferTamashí Enhanced Short Puffer Epic
Tenka Muso Combat Motorcycle JacketTenka Muso Combat Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
Tenka Muso Combat Motorcycle JacketTenka Muso Combat Motorcycle Jacket Rare
Tiger Sturdy-Stitched YorosTiger Sturdy-Stitched Yoros Uncommon
Tiger Sturdy-Stitched YorosTiger Sturdy-Stitched Yoros Rare
Torero Real Ultrareactive Laminated Pozer-JacketTorero Real Ultrareactive Laminated Pozer-Jacket Rare
Tyger Claw KabutoTyger Claw Kabuto Uncommon
Ultimate Punch Field-Generating Protective Pozer-JacketUltimate Punch Field-Generating Protective Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Ultralight Composite VestUltralight Composite Vest Rare
Ultralight Geisha Dream Polyamide Tank TopUltralight Geisha Dream Polyamide Tank Top Uncommon
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Uncommon
Valentinos Composite-Collar Suede Pozer-JacketValentinos Composite-Collar Suede Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Valentinos Dual-Weave EdgerunnerValentinos Dual-Weave Edgerunner Valentinos Dual-Weave EdgerunnerValentinos Dual-Weave Edgerunner Uncommon
Victorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil DressVictorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil Dress Uncommon
Victorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil DressVictorian Rose Anti-Shrapnel Pencil Dress Epic
Wakai Umi Flame Resistant YukataWakai Umi Flame Resistant Yukata Uncommon
Wakai Umi Flame Resistant YukataWakai Umi Flame Resistant Yukata Rare
Wakai Umi Flame-Resistant YukataWakai Umi Flame-Resistant Yukata Uncommon
Weathered MenpoWeathered Menpo Uncommon
Worn Spunky Monkey KicksWorn Spunky Monkey Kicks Uncommon
Wraiths Heavy Impact-Absorbing Motorcycle JacketWraiths Heavy Impact-Absorbing Motorcycle Jacket Uncommon
X Nanotube-Weave Muscle TankX Nanotube-Weave Muscle Tank Rare
Yellow Cobra Carbon-Reinforced Racing SuitYellow Cobra Carbon-Reinforced Racing Suit Uncommon
Yellow Cobra Carbon-Reinforced Racing SuitYellow Cobra Carbon-Reinforced Racing Suit Rare
Yoru no Samurai Kicks with Carbon-Fiber LayeringYoru no Samurai Kicks with Carbon-Fiber Layering Uncommon
Yoru no Samurai YorosYoru no Samurai Yoros Uncommon
Yuki Snow Boots with Reinforced LiningYuki Snow Boots with Reinforced Lining Uncommon


Meds Vendor (Japantown)

Item Rarity
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCapacity Booster Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Health BoosterHealth Booster Rare
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Oxy BoosterOxy Booster Common
Ram JoltRam Jolt Uncommon
Currently UnavailableStamina Booster Uncommon
Netrunner (Japantown)
Item Rarity
ContagionContagion Uncommon
Cripple MovementCripple Movement Uncommon
Cyberware MalfunctionCyberware Malfunction Uncommon
Cyberware MalfunctionCyberware Malfunction Rare
OverheatOverheat Uncommon
PingPing Uncommon
Rare Quickhack ComponentsRare Quickhack Components Rare
Reboot OpticsReboot Optics Uncommon
Request BackupRequest Backup Uncommon
Short CircuitShort Circuit Uncommon
Short CircuitShort Circuit Rare
Sonic ShockSonic Shock Uncommon
Uncommon Quickhack ComponentsUncommon Quickhack Components Uncommon
Weapon GlitchWeapon Glitch Uncommon
WhistleWhistle Uncommon

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