Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How to Get the King of Pentacles Ending

The King of Pentacles ending is one of the 4 different endings available for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Read on to learn what choices to make to get this ending, the ending explanation, and the rewards you get for completing it.

All Phantom Liberty Endings
King of Swords King of Wands King of Pentacles King of Cups
Tower (Base Game Alt. Ending)

How to Get the King of Pentacles Ending

Side With Reed During Firestarter

Cyberpunk - Firestarter choice event - Songbird or Reed

In order to get the King of Pentacles ending, make sure to side with Reed in Firestarter. During the sequence where Songbird is extracting the Neural Matrix, choose the option to Help Reed capture Songbird.

After Songbird goes full cyberpsycho in everyone, fight your way out the stadium. You will need to defeat Kurt Hansen and his soldiers before you can escape the Dogtown stadium.

Firestarter Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Complete Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos

Once you and Reed make your escape, the next quest, Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos, will trigger. Plan how to rescue So Mi as you watch MaxTac swoop into Dogtown to deal with the cyberpsychotic Songbird.

During this mission, V will need to plan an ambush of the MaxTac convoy carrying Songbird. Assault the convoy and defeat the MaxTac operatives to get a cutscene of Songbird escaping. Once the cutscene ends, you will trigger the quest, Somewhat Damaged.

Don't Kill Songbird During Somewhat Damaged

The final major quest for this route will be Somewhat Damaged. Head into the pre-DataKrash facility called Cynosure and look for Songbird (who is now well and truly corrupted by the Blackwall).

This mission gives a lot of insight behind Songbird's motivations leading up to the events of Phantom Liberty, so make sure to view everything as you progress. At the end, Songbird will ask V to kill her. Refuse and wait for Reed to arrive to get the King of Pentacles ending.

King of Pentacles Ending Explained

Songbird is Cured But Will Forever be Used by the FIA

If she (Myers) doesn't save So Mi... means we gave Song somethin' worse than death. - V

During the alternate quest The Killing Moon (siding with Songbird in Firestarter), V will be able to hear Myers telling Reed about a project that Songbird was part of prior to her going rogue. The president will say that if word of it got out, the NUSA would crumble.

Add to this what Reed tells you about Songbird's missions to the Blackwall during Get It Together and it paints a grim picture of just what Songbird does for the FIA. It isn't a coincidence that the Blackwall is killing her after all those missions.

With this information, we can definitely say that Songbird was part of some questionable netrunning experiments back at the FIA and by handing her back to the NUSA in the King of Pentacles ending, she is destined for more of the same kind of exploitation.

Afterwards, Reed will tell us personally that Songbird was cured without having to use the Neural Matrix. The cure is safe for us to take. Songbird's fate, however, is unknown, as even Reed is cagey when asked about it. All he says is that she was cured using alternate means, and that she could soon return to active duty.


Songbird Remains a Prisoner to the FIA and NUSA

While King of Pentacles unlocks the alternate ending for Cyberpunk 2077 where V gets the Neural Matrix cure, it also means we have to sacrifice So Mi's freedom in order to get it. For V, it's the option for a quiet life after the Relic. For So Mi, it's back to square one as a captive of the FIA.

King of Pentacles Ending Rewards

Get the King of Pentacles Trophy

Getting this ending will reward players with one of Phantom Liberty's ending trophies called King of Pentacles. You will get this after you arrive back at your apartment during Leave in Silence and speak to Johnny Silverhand about what transpired.

Kurt Hansen's Iconic Weapons

Siding with Reed during Firestarter is the only way to obtain Kurt Hansen's Iconic Weapons since it allows you to fight him towards the end of the mission. Upon defeating the leader of the Barghest, V can loot his body to get Fang, Bald Eagle, and Wild Dog.

Erebus SMG or the Militech Canto Mk.6 Cyberdeck

During Somewhat Damaged you will be able to loot crafting specs for the Erebus Iconic SMG and the Militech Canto Mk.6 Iconic Cyberdeck.

Once you loot the Behavioral System Component from Cerberus at the end of the mission, V will be able to take this back to the Netrunner in Kabuki where they are given the opportunity to craft either the SMG or the Cyberdeck.

Alternate Ending for Cyberpunk 2077

By getting the King of Pentacles ending, you will gain access to the new alternate ending for Cyberpunk 2077 called the Tower ending. In this ending, V is cured of the Relic but it has its drawbacks as they soon find out after waking up from the operation.

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