Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Love Like Fire Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Love Like Fire Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for Love Like Fire, a Main Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in Love Like Fire, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

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- Love Like Fire -

Love Like Fire Basic Information

Quest Type Main
Act Act 2
Quest No. 1
Lifepath All

How to Unlock Love Like Fire

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete The Heist.

The Heist Walkthrough

Love Like Fire Rewards

Quest Rewards There are no rewards available for this quest.

Love Like Fire Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough and Guide

Love Like Fire Quest Objectives

Concert & Helicopter

Objective Icon.pngGo on stage.→Grab the microphone.
Walk down the hallway to the stage and grab the mic.
Objective Icon.pngGo outside.→Get in the helicopter.
After the show head outside through the door. Speak with Rogue and get in the helicopter.
Objective Icon.pngWait for the helicopter to descend.→Defeat Arasaka's forces.
Once the helicopter descends, be ready for a shootout. Gun down all of the Arasaka guards then get out of the helicopter.
Objective Icon.pngFollow Spider Murphy.→Find the elevator.
Follow your crew into the building. Take out the guards as you make your way down the stairs towards the elevator.
Objective Icon.pngDeploy and arm the bomb in the elevator.→Shoot the elevator mechanism.→Find an Access Point to the network.
Put the bomb in the elevator and arm it then shoot the elevator cables to drop it. Enter the building and take out the guards while searching for an Access Point.
Objective Icon.pngConnect to the Access Point.→Return to the rooftop.
Go upstairs into the back room to find the Access Point. Once everything is uploaded head back outside.
Objective Icon.pngGet to the chopper!
Run up the stairs to the chopper and reach for your gun. Watch the following scene to close out this quest.

Love Like Fire Tips & Tricks

Stop And Heal

Since you don't have any restorative items, if you are not careful, Johnny can be killed in this mission. To heal, simply stop battling and stay away from damage for a few seconds. You will regenerate your health over a couple of seconds. Then, feel free to engage once more.

“Defeat Arasaka's Forces” Game-Breaking Bug

A bug in which the turrets fail to take damage during the helicopter shootout segment leaves some players unable to continue the game.

Although some have managed to resolve the issue by reloading the game, others have found the problem to occur repeatedly. As of now, there still seems to be no foolproof solution, so we're hoping for a patch to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

If you've found a solution for this bug, be sure to leave a comment!

Cyberpunk 2077 Story Walkthrough

Cyberpunk 2077 - Quests and Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough

Phantom Liberty Main Quests

No. Quest
1 Dog Eat Dog
2 Hole in the Sky
3 Spider and the Fly
4 Lucretia My Reflection
5 The Damned
6 Get It Together
7 You Know My Name
8 Birds With Broken Wings
9 I've Seen That Face Before
10 Firestarter
11 Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Run This Town The Killing Moon
12 Somewhat Damaged Through Pain to Heaven Unfinished Sympathy
13 Leave in Silence Who Wants to Live Forever From Her to Eternity
14 Four Score and Seven Things Done Changed This Corrosion

Phantom Liberty Walkthrough

All Main Quest Guides

Act 1

No. Quest
1 The Streetkid The Nomad The Corpo-Rat
2 The Rescue
3 The Ripperdoc
4 The Ride
5 The Information The Pickup
6 The Heist

Act 2

No. Quest
1 Love Like Fire
2 Playing For Time
3 Ghost Town Automatic Love
4 Lightning Breaks The Space In Between Down On The Street
5 Life During Wartime Disasterpiece Gimme Danger
6 Double Life Play It Safe
7 M'ap Tann Pèlen Search And Destroy
8 I Walk The Line
9 Transmission Never Fade Away
10 Tapeworm

Act 3

No. Quest
1 Nocturne OP55N1
1.5* Don't Fear the Reaper
Arasaka Panam Rogue
2 Last Caress We Gotta Live Together For Whom The Bell Tolls
3 Totalimmortal Forward To Death Knockin' On Heaven's Door
4 Where Is My Mind? Belly Of The Beast Path of Glory
New Dawn Fades
5 All Along The Watchtower

1.5*: Only available in the Secret Ending

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


8 Anonymousover 4 years

Playing on PS4. Turrets glitched for me but luckily reloading the save fixed it first try.

7 Shirvaover 4 years

Love like Fire bug Woot.. I was randomly shooting and started seeing damage numbers popup around the turret that is diagonally opposite the white door that you need to enter. Not the turret itself but the ground near the turret. Guessing there is a body stuck in the roof or something, i dunno, but I am on to the next mission. You hidden body could be anywhere. Just hold the trigger down and mow the roof. i would start around turrets maybe. again, not the turret itself, around the turret. Luck.


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