Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

I Fought The Law Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Braindance Guide

This is a walkthrough for I Fought The Law, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in I Fought The Law, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

All River Quests (River Romance Guide)
1 I Fought The Law
2 The Hunt
3 Following The River

I Fought The Law Basic Information

Quest Type Side
Act Act 2
Quest No. 1
Lifepath All

How to Unlock I Fought The Law

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete Life During Wartime and have reached the second Street Cred tier in Westbrook, Heywood, or City Center.

Life During Wartime Walkthrough

I Fought The Law Rewards

Quest Rewards 11580 Eddies

I Fought The Law Walkthrough

I Fought The Law Quest Objectives

Charter Hill, Westbrook

Objective IconGo to the assigned meeting spot and enter the car.
There you'll meet Elizabeth and her husband, Jefferson Peralez. He'll give you a brain dance chip after talking to you.
2 I Fought The Law Braindance
Objective IconEnter the brain dance and find all the clues.
There are seven clues, five visual (Deputy Mayor, the NCPD Detective, and the Doorway, the Screen, and the Cyberpsycho) and two audio (conversation at the start and the Psycho's humming).
Objective IconCall Detective River.
Before the Peralezes leave, they'll give you the contact details of Detective River, the NCPD detective from the braindance. Talk to him to get his location.
Objective IconMeet up with Detective River.
He'll tell you to meet him at the Chubby Buffalo. Follow the marker to it.

Chasing Leads

Objective Icon.pngLeave in River's Car.
After talking for a while, you'll leave in River's car and he'll tell you what he knows. He offers two leads, but it does not matter in which order you do these.
Objective IconInterrogate the Informant.
One of the leads is an informant who should know where the Red Queen's Race is. Simply talk to him in his shop and chase him outside to get the information.
Objective IconTalk to the cyberpsycho's boss.
You'll head to a marketplace and ask around for the cyberpsycho's boss. Have a short conversation with her. Afterwards, defeat the punks who are in your way as you return to the car.

Red Queen's Race

Objective IconHead to Red Queen's Race.
Follow the markers to Red Queen's Race. There is a fast travel point of San Amaro St. right next to it, then wait for River.
Objective IconInfiltrate the area and find Red Queen's Race.
The entrance to Red Queen's Race will be in a container in the middle of the warehouse.
Objective IconFind the office and watch the security clip in the computer.
The office is in the back of the club, at the second floor. Watch the security clip and talk to River afterwards.
Objective IconOptional: Find the spiked braindance.
If you go into the room where you saw the mayor being dragged out of, you can find a BD on the couch. Interact with it to find out it is spiked. This will allow you to tell Jefferson later on that it was a spiked BD that killed him.
Objective IconConfront Han.
You will leave with River and end back at Chubby Buffalo's where you confront Han. You can choose to tell River to continue the case or drop it, but any choice is fine.
Objective IconCall Elizabeth Peralez and meet her at their apartment.
You'll meet her and her husband at their luxury apartment and they'll ask you what happened. You can either say he died embarrassingly and got covered up, or he was murdered. If you found the spiked BD, you can mention that, and say either Holt did it or you have no idea. No matter what you choose, the quest ends.

All Completion Routes

Best Completion Route

Route Rating
Use Technical to open a gate ★★★★★
Northeast fence opening ★★★★
Northwest fence opening ★★★
Guns Blazing

The best route to take in this Side Job is through the small opening left of the main entrance. This will give you the safest way to the container without running into most of the guards.

Stealth Route Guides - Warehouse

There are three stealthy approaches to this mission.

Use Technical to Open a Gate Enter the area through a small opening on the left side of the gate. Crawl your way through it until you reach a room. You can then head north to open a fence if you meet the required Tech attribute. Enter through the nearby door and sneak your way to the container at the center of the room.
Northwest Fence Opening Approach the northwest side of the area and enter through an opening. Enter the building and sneak past the guard before entering through the door behind him. Once inside, make your way to the container.
Northeast Fence Opening This opening is just on the other side of the one from the first route, but is longer and riskier. Get past the guards and cameras and find a ladder leading to the rooftop. Once there, drop down the opening and find the container inside the building.

Guns Blazing Route Guide

These Animals are tough as nails. So unless you're over-leveled in this mission, just try to sneak past them or stick on performing stealth kills.

I Fought The Law Braindance Guide

First Braindance

Visual Clue: Scan the Deputy Mayor Holt.

Audio Clue: Scan Holt's conversation.

Visual Clue : Scan the doorway Holt leaves through.

Visual Clue : Scan the security monitor as the Cyber assassin walks through the sensors.

Audio Clue: Listen to the the whistling of the assassin as he enters the premises.

Visual Clue: Scan the Cyber assassin's body.

Tips and Strategies

Back Opening At Red Queen's Race

back opening at the red queen race
If you don't want the direct route, there's an opening at the back of the warehouse that contains the Red Queen's Race. It's a viable option for stealth characters with no requirements of entry.

Finding the Spiked BD

The spiked BD is on the couch in the room Holt was being dragged out of.

Cyberpunk 2077 Related Links

Cyberpunk 2077 - Quests & Story Walkthrough Banner

All Side Quests

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Phantom Liberty DLC Side Quests
Dazed and Confused Baby Let Me Take You No Easy Way Out
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Act 1 Side Quests

Act 1 Side Quests
Burning Desire Paid in Full
Psycho Killer
(Rec. Lvl 4)
The Gun
The Highwayman
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Wakako Act 1 Side Quest Given by T-Bug
The Gig The Gift
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Garry
The Prophet's Song
(Rec. Lvl 4)

Act 2 Side Quests

Act 2 Side Quests
Big in Japan Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Happy Together
Heroes Holdin' On Human Nature
Imagine Kold Mirage Love Rollercoaster
Poem of The Atoms Shoot to Thrill Space Oddity
Stadium Love Stairway to Heaven The Ballad of Buck Ravers
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out They Won't Go When I Go Tune Up
Venus in Furs War Pigs Full Disclosure
(Rec. Lvl 10)
Don't Lose Your Mind
(Rec. Lvl 15)
The Hunt
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Gun Music
(Rec. Lvl 25)
Only Pain
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Meetings Along The Edge Sweet Dreams
Stefan (Rec. Lvl 30)
A Day in The Life
Coin Operated Boy
Every Breath You Take
Blue Moon
Fool on The Hill
I'll Fly Away
Losing My Religion
Machine Gun
Raymond Chandler Evening
Sex on Wheels
Lizzy Wizzy
Fortunate Son
Bob (Rec. Lvl 10)
Killing In The Name
Nancy (Rec. Lvl 15)
Send In The Clowns
Ozob (Rec. Lvl 15)
Following The River
River (Rec. Lvl 17)
Zane (Rec. Lvl 30)
Small Man, Big Mouth
Kirk (Rec. Lvl 30)
Shape of a Pony
El Capitan
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Delamain
Epistrophy Epistrophy: Badlands Epistrophy: North Oak
Epistrophy: Northside Epistrophy: Rancho Coronado Epistrophy: The Glen
Epistrophy: Wellsprings
(Rec. Lvl 7)
Epistrophy: Coastview
(Rec. Lvl 8)
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Act 2 Side Quests Given By Coach Fred
Beat on the Brat: Kabuki
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Beat on the Brat: Arroyo
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: The Glen
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: Pacifica
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat
(Rec. Lvl 45)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Kerry
A Like Supreme Boat Drinks I Don't Wanna Hear It
Off The Leash Rebel! Rebel!
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(Rec. Lvl 15)
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With A Little Help From My Friends
(Rec. Lvl 18)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Brendan
I Can See Clearly Now Spray Paint
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Rogue
Blistering Love
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Chippin' In
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Jefferson
Dream On
(Rec. Lvl 20)
I Fought The Law
(Rec. Lvl 25)

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


2 Anonymousover 4 years


1 Anonymousover 4 years

If you enter the booth that you see Holt being dragged out of you find a spiked BD that is incriminating.


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