Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How Long to Beat? | Game Length

The base game of Cyberpunk 2077 takes around 21 hours to beat, with the Phantom Liberty DLC adding around 10 hours to that time. Read on to learn the base game length and the DLC game length.

How Long to Beat Cyberpunk 2077

Base Game Main Story Takes Around 20 Hours

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Johnny Silverhand

A playthrough of going directly through the Main Story, without completing any of the Side Jobs and Gigs, will take approximately 20 gameplay hours.

This estimate is for Easy difficulty, so keep in mind that the game will likely take longer to finish on higher difficulty settings.
Main Questline Guide

Phantom Liberty Main Story Takes Around 15 Hours

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Solomon Reed

The Phantom Liberty DLC takes approximately 15 hours or less to finish if you rush through the main questline. Again, this is on Easy difficulty so expect this estimate to be higher on higher difficulty.
Phantom Liberty DLC Release

100% Completion Takes Over 100 Hours

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Judy Alvarez

Perfect completion in Cyberpunk 2077 is not easy to measure. Not only does the game feature a host of Side Jobs and Gigs to complete, but it also features multiple unique endings.

In order to achieve all of these endings, players must go back a significant degree to alter major decisions. For this reason, it will likely take players well over 100 hours to complete all the content the game has to offer.

All Endings and How to Unlock Them

Phantom Liberty 100% Completion Takes Around 30 Hours

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - President Myers

The Phantom Liberty DLC takes approximately 20 hours to complete. The DLC introduced a decently long main story, a plethora of Side Jobs and Gigs, and a number of endings, and some other new features that will give you a good amount of playtime if you decide to complete them all.
How to Get All Phantom Liberty Endings

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Short or Long?

Relatively Short Main Story, But Long for the Full Experience

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Jackie

When compared to the sprawling Witcher 3, with a main story length of over fifty hours and hundreds of side quests, Cyberpunk 2077 may feel short in comparison.

However, the sheer amount of choices with long-lasting results available in the game outstrips the quest options of previous games. Even for players who've managed to get through every Job, many of the Jobs offer alternate endings depending on the choices made and manner of handling the Job.

These points, combined with the Perk and Attribute customization options making for a unique experience each time, allow near-endless replayability that well exceeds its relatively short main story time.

It may be fair to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is a short game, but only if you want it to be.

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