Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Gimme Danger Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

This is a walkthrough for Gimme Danger, a Main Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in Gimme Danger, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

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- Gimme Danger -

Gimme Danger Basic Information

Quest Type Main
Act Act 2
Quest No. 5
Lifepath All

How to Unlock Gimme Danger

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete Down on the Street and wait 24 in-game hours.

Gimme Danger Rewards

Quest Rewards 1256 Street Cred

Gimme Danger Walkthrough

Gimme Danger Quest Objectives


1 Cyberpunk 2077 - Meet Takemura
Objective Icon.pngMeet Takemura.
After the call from the last quest, Takemura will have you meet him at the shopping district above Japantown. Follow and talk to him when you arrive.
2 Cyberpunk 2077 - Break into security room
Objective Icon.pngBreak into the security room.
Takemura will lead you over to the camera security room. Break inside after the conversation is over.
Method 1: If you have 6 points in your Body attribute, you can force the door open.
Method 2: Use the dumpster to your left to jump up to a grate.
3 Cyberpunk 2077 - Infect security system
Objective Icon.pngInfect the security system.
Once inside, make your way down to the bottom and install the software. Return to Takemura when you finish.
4 Cyberpunk 2077 - Plan with Takemura
Objective Icon.pngGo over the plan with Takemura.
Sit down at the restaurant and eat your yakitori because Takemura was nice enough to treat you. Listen to the plan and and decide whether or not you'll join Takemura on recon.
5a Cyberpunk 2077 - Follow Takemura
Objective Icon.pngFollow Takemura.
Go with Takemura into the construction site and up the elevator to the roof.
Possible Outcomes
5a-1 Cyberpunk 2077 - Scan the area
Objective Icon.pngScan the area.
On the roof, scan the various things around the building. Try to scan everything that's yellow before finishing to get the best idea of how to go about the situation.
5a-2 Cyberpunk 2077 - Return to street level
Objective Icon.pngReturn to street level.
Go back down the building after the conversation with Takemura. If you scanned everything, you'll have a few different ways of getting in that will pop up as optional objectives. Choose whichever you please and head inside.
5a-3 Cyberpunk 2077 - Break into Arasaca Industrial Park
Objective Icon.pngBreak into Arasaka Industrial Park.
Shoot or stealth your way in through one of the various entrance methods and get inside the building.
5a-4 Cyberpunk 2077 - Hack the float
Objective Icon.pngHack the float.
Make your way to the main floor where the float is and hack it, taking out any one who gets in your way.
Optional: If you choose to stealth your way into the warehouse, there will be someone guarding the entrance to the float. To avoid the guard, you can use the second floor window from the right side of the float to enter the float.
5a-5 Cyberpunk 2077 - Leave Arasaka Industrial Park
Objective Icon.pngLeave Arasaka Industrial Park.
Once you install the hack onto the float, climb up the nearby boxes to get to the roof and out of the area to complete the quest.
Objective Icon.pngWait a day for Takemura to finish his reconnaissance.
If you don't go with Takemura, you're free to do whatever for a day while he gathers intel himself, so wait for his call and proceed through the quest as normal. You will have less options for entry and escape.
Possible Outcomes

All Completion Routes

Best Completion Route

Route Rating
Convince Guard to Let You In ★★★★★
Maintenance Tunnel ★★★★
The Van ★★★★
Footbridge ★★★
Side Entrance ★★
Guns Blazing

Using the Convincing the Guard to Let You In is the best because it doesn't require sneaking and allows you to wander the area without resistance.

Stealth Route Guides

Cyberpunk 2077 - Convince guard

Convince Guard to Let You In (Corpo) As a Corpo, if you convince the guard that you work in the warehouse, he will let you in and the rest of personnel won't bat an eye on you. However, some guards will ask you about your identity so make sure you fool them as well or they will start shooting at you.
You can climb on to the footbridge via the crates in the worksite where you were with Takemura. Follow the path to the security building and sneak past or eliminate every sentry you run into. Enter the security building from the ground floor.
The Van
You can hijack a van that turns the corner from the road. Once you get it, you'll be able to enter the compound from its side entrance (you will be instructed by the guards if you enter the wrong gate). Once you go in there, simply park near the containers. Crouch walk to the pile of pallets past the security booth, and then hop onto the blue barrels, then the gas tank, then the adjacent rooftop. This will leave you near a door that leads into the warehouse.
Side Entrance
Past the facility's front door is a side entrance (same place you would arrive via the van if you hijacked it). Crouch walk to the pile of pallets past the security booth, and then hop onto the blue barrels, then the gas tank, then the adjacent rooftop. This will leave you near a door that leads into the warehouse.
Maintenance Tunnel
In the facility, left of the footbridge, there will be a ramp and stairs descending down surrounded by red lights. Once you reach the bottom, to the left is a door that leads into the maintenance tunnel. You can sneak through it and come out right next to the door of the warehouse.

Guns Blazing Route Guide

The best route to go through here would be the side entrance's warehouse door, as the main door is guarded by a robot which is particularly hard to beat.

Obtainable Items

This list contains only rare Items and those which have a high chance of appearing.

Item How to Get
Prototype: Shingen Mark VPrototype: Shingen Mark V (-) Can be found inside shipping container 667 in Arasaka Industrial Park.

Gimme Danger Choices and Best Choice

Join Takemura or Let Takemura Do Recon Alone

Choice Outcome
Join Takemura If you choose to join Takemura on recon, the quest will be slightly longer as you have to inspect the warehouse you're about to infiltrate. This will give you multiple ways to enter and escape Arasaka Industrial Park. There will also be a scene where Takemura will share important details about Jackie while doing reconnaissance, only if you chose to send him to the RIpperdoc's at the end of The Heist.
Let Takemura Do Recon Alone You won't have to go to the trouble of doing recon. Takemura will do it alone. However, you will miss out on a lot of important story elements, as well as multiple entry and escape routes in the warehouse

Best Choice

It is recommended to join Takemura on doing recon. As mentioned above, you will have multiple approaches to infiltrate the warehouse. This will also give you the opportunity to get to know Takemura better as he shares his backstory with you.

Tips and Strategies

Stay Hidden

There are a lot of enemies in this area, so try to stay hidden as much as possible to avoid them.

Cyberpunk 2077 Story Walkthrough

Cyberpunk 2077 - Quests and Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough

Phantom Liberty Main Quests

No. Quest
1 Dog Eat Dog
2 Hole in the Sky
3 Spider and the Fly
4 Lucretia My Reflection
5 The Damned
6 Get It Together
7 You Know My Name
8 Birds With Broken Wings
9 I've Seen That Face Before
10 Firestarter
11 Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Run This Town The Killing Moon
12 Somewhat Damaged Through Pain to Heaven Unfinished Sympathy
13 Leave in Silence Who Wants to Live Forever From Her to Eternity
14 Four Score and Seven Things Done Changed This Corrosion

Phantom Liberty Walkthrough

All Main Quest Guides

Act 1

No. Quest
1 The Streetkid The Nomad The Corpo-Rat
2 The Rescue
3 The Ripperdoc
4 The Ride
5 The Information The Pickup
6 The Heist

Act 2

No. Quest
1 Love Like Fire
2 Playing For Time
3 Ghost Town Automatic Love
4 Lightning Breaks The Space In Between Down On The Street
5 Life During Wartime Disasterpiece Gimme Danger
6 Double Life Play It Safe
7 M'ap Tann Pèlen Search And Destroy
8 I Walk The Line
9 Transmission Never Fade Away
10 Tapeworm

Act 3

No. Quest
1 Nocturne OP55N1
1.5* Don't Fear the Reaper
Arasaka Panam Rogue
2 Last Caress We Gotta Live Together For Whom The Bell Tolls
3 Totalimmortal Forward To Death Knockin' On Heaven's Door
4 Where Is My Mind? Belly Of The Beast Path of Glory
New Dawn Fades
5 All Along The Watchtower

1.5*: Only available in the Secret Ending

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


9 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Im playing fem corpo and i just convinced the guard and did the whole thing stealth. did you do the Abernathy side quest? that might be it

8 Anonymousabout 4 years

As Corpo/Female character you can not convince the guard. 2nd playthrough..


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