Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

List of Consumables and Recovery Items

This is a list of Consumables and Recovery Items in the game Cyberpunk 2077. See the effect and duration of all consumables, injectors, inhalers, and long-lasting recovery items!

What are Consumables?

Consumables are one-time use items which provide a temporary stat boost.

When you're in a tight spot, a consumable can help restore your health, improve your stats, or even slow down time!

List of Consumables


Item Tier Duration Effect
Skill Shard: Breach ProtocolSkill Shard: Breach Protocol Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Perk ShardPerk Shard Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: HandgunsSkill Shard: Handguns Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: AnnihilationSkill Shard: Annihilation Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: EngineeringSkill Shard: Engineering Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: CraftingSkill Shard: Crafting Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: Street BrawlerSkill Shard: Street Brawler Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: AssaultSkill Shard: Assault Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: AthleticsSkill Shard: Athletics Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: BladesSkill Shard: Blades Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: QuickhackingSkill Shard: Quickhacking Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: StealthSkill Shard: Stealth Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Skill Shard: Cold BloodSkill Shard: Cold Blood Epic sec Currently Unavailable
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary sec Currently Unavailable
Abydos King SizeAbydos King Size Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Cactus JuiceCactus Juice Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Filtered RainwaterFiltered Rainwater Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Sain RuisseauSain Ruisseau Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Shwabshwab KetchupShwabshwab Ketchup Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Soy PasteSoy Paste Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
TacoTaco Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Vatnajökull (Still)Vatnajökull (Still) Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
21st Stout21st Stout Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
AB-SynthAB-Synth Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
All Foods Meat DelightAll Foods Meat Delight Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Armagnac MassyArmagnac Massy Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Blue GrassBlue Grass Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Bolshevik VodkaBolshevik Vodka Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Broseph AleBroseph Ale Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
BumelantBumelant Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Burrito XXL RosadoBurrito XXL Rosado Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
ChamparadiseChamparadise Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
ChirriscoChirrisco Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
ChromanticoreChromanticore Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Chromanticore CarnivalChromanticore Carnival Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Cirrus Cola Blood BreezeCirrus Cola Blood Breeze Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Cirrus Cola ClassicCirrus Cola Classic Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
LatteLatte Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Leelou Beans LagoonLeelou Beans Lagoon Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Matapang CoffeeMatapang Coffee Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Matapang DecafMatapang Decaf Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Moonchies AndromedaMoonchies Andromeda Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Naranjita ClassicNaranjita Classic Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
NicolaNicola Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Nicola BlueNicola Blue Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Nicola SakuraNicola Sakura Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
OO'Dickin Whiskey Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Orgiatic Vinegar ChiliOrgiatic Vinegar Chili Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Pop-TurdPop-Turd Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Real Water (Sparkling)Real Water (Sparkling) Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Real Water (Still)Real Water (Still) Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regend by 50% per second.
Real FruitReal Fruit Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Slaughterhouse JerkySlaughterhouse Jerky Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Cirrus Cola Corn and LemonCirrus Cola Corn and Lemon Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
CoffeeCoffee Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
ConineConine Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Dairing Dairy "Milkshake"Dairing Dairy "Milkshake" Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
DonaghyDonaghy's Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Dried MeatDried Meat Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
EezybeefEezybeef Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Holobites Grape PieHolobites Grape Pie Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Holobites Peach PieHolobites Peach Pie Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Slaughterhouse VeggieSlaughterhouse Veggie Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Sojasil DynamiteSojasil Dynamite Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Sojasil NitroglycerinSojasil Nitroglycerin Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Spunky MonkeySpunky Monkey Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Tequila EspecialTequila Especial Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
TianchaTiancha Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Tiancha KumquatTiancha Kumquat Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Tiancha PomegranateTiancha Pomegranate Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
TofuTofu'd Tuna and Pineapple Pizza Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Tomato "Juice"Tomato "Juice" Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Vatnajökull (Sparkling)Vatnajökull (Sparkling) Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
WaterWater Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Yikes! Tofu BarYikes! Tofu Bar Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Cat FoodCat Food Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Coffee with Syn-MilkCoffee with Syn-Milk Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Loaded TamaleLoaded Tamale Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
MoonchiesMoonchies Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Mr. Whitey CrystalMr. Whitey Crystal Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
NigiriNigiri Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
NorimakiNorimaki Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Papa GarcinPapa Garcin Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Sojasil Molotov CocktailSojasil Molotov Cocktail Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Sojasil RadioactiveSojasil Radioactive Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Sojasil Second ImpactSojasil Second Impact Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
All Foods Veggie DelightAll Foods Veggie Delight Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Artichoke Artichoke 'n' Avocado Pizza Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Ave SaitanAve Saitan Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Calavera FelizCalavera Feliz Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Chromanticore LimeChromanticore Lime Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
ConnieConnie Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Cup of CoffeeCup of Coffee Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Ham and Cheese SandwichHam and Cheese Sandwich Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Hawt DawgHawt Dawg Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Leelou Beans Meyer LemonLeelou Beans Meyer Lemon Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Leelou Beans PlantainLeelou Beans Plantain Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Moonchies Sour PlanetMoonchies Sour Planet Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Moonchies PulsarMoonchies Pulsar Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
MoonshineMoonshine Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
Mr. Whitey SpicedMr. Whitey Spiced Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Naranjita ZeroNaranjita Zero Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Nicola FireNicola Fire Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Orgiatic Salsa AgaveOrgiatic Salsa Agave Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Pingo PalidoPingo Palido Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
PitorroPitorro Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
RammmmenRammmmen Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Slaughterhouse PrimeSlaughterhouse Prime Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Sojasil EruptionSojasil Eruption Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
SoulhikerSoulhiker Common 450 sec ・Applies the Hydration status, which increases max Stamina by 10% and regen by 50% per second.
Trailerbrew BeerTrailerbrew Beer Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.
WontonsWontons Common 450 sec ・Applies the Nourishment status, which increases max Health by 5% and regen by 0.5% per second outside combat.
Abydos ClassicAbydos Classic Common 30 sec ・Reduces movement speed by 10%.
・Reduces weapon accuracy by 50%.

Other Recovery Items

Item Tier Duration Effect
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare 30 sec ・Instantly restores 25% Health and then 6% Health per second for 30 sec.
Currently UnavailableStamina Booster Uncommon 1800 sec ・Increases max stamina by 50%.
Currently UnavailableCapacity Booster Uncommon 1800 sec ・Increases carrying capacity by 50%
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common 30 sec ・Instantly restores 14% Health and then 3% Health per second for 30 sec.
Oxy BoosterOxy Booster Common 1800 sec ・Allows you to breathe under water.
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Common 30 sec ・Instantly restores 20% Health and then 4% Health per second for 30 sec.
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon - ・Instantly restores 40% Health.
Ram JoltRam Jolt Uncommon 1800 sec ・Increases max Ram units by 2.
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic - ・Instantly restores 80% Health.
Health BoosterHealth Booster Rare 1800 sec ・Increases max Health by 20%.
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare - ・Instantly restores 50% Health.

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