Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

The Pickup Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

The Pickup Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for The Pickup, a Main Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in The Pickup, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

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- The Pickup -

The Pickup Basic Information

Quest Type Main
Act Act 1
Quest No. 5
Lifepath All

How to Unlock The Pickup

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete The Ride.

The Ride Walkthrough

The Pickup Rewards

Quest Rewards The full list of Rewards for this Quest is coming soon!

The Pickup Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough and Guide

In this guide, we get the chip from Meredith, give them the bugged chip, rescue Brick, and fight our way out of the factory.

The Pickup Quest Objectives


All Choices for The Pickup
Note: The following walkthrough covers two of the main paths through the quest The Pickup. Be aware that other choices are available, but this guide will give the main steps for a path where Stout will succeed, and another where Gilchrist will succeed.
Objective Icon.png(Optional)Call Militech agent Meredith Stout→Meet with the Militech agent→Talk to the Militech agent
Call Meredith then go meet her. Agree to her deal to receive the datashard.
Possible Outcomes
Objective Icon.png(Optional) Remove Malware From the Credchip
Once the conversation is over, Meredith will give you a shard to purchase the bot with, if you accept it. You can hack the shard to get a bit of experience and remove the malware to avoid a fight with the Maelstromers.
Possible Outcomes

All Foods

Objective Icon.pngMeet with Jackie→Talk with Jackie→Go to the gate of All Foods→Use the intercom→Talk with Maelstrom via the intercom
Meet Jackie at All Foods and use the intercom to talk to Maelstrom.
Objective Icon.pngGet to main production floor of All Foods→Get in the elevator→Wait with Jackie in the elevator
Head inside and follow the path to their base. Take the elevator upstairs.
Objective Icon.pngTalk to the Maelstromers→Sit on the couch→Tell Jackie to Sit Down
Plant yourself on the couch and talk to Dum Dum. Calm Jackie down to avoid an immediate firefight. This allows you to make a deal with the Maelstromers. (Follow 4a and onwards).
Possible Outcomes
Objective Icon.pngTalk to the Maelstromers→Sit on the couch→Don't Tell Jackie to Sit Down
Plant yourself on the couch and talk to Dum Dum. Don't calm Jackie down to enter a firefight against the Maelstromers. (Follow 4b and onwards)
Possible Outcomes
Objective IconMake a Deal With Cracked Credchip and Fight Militech

If you wiped the malware from the credchip in advance you can make a deal with the Maelstromers, but will instead have to fight against Militech Soldiers for the remainder of the quest. In this scenario Gilchrist will win.
Possible Outcomes
Objective Icon.pngDefeat the Militech agents
If you took this route, Militech will storm the Maelstroms base once you obtain the Flathead.
Objective IconFollow Dum Dum to the production line where you'll be attacked by Militech soldiers.
Objective Icon.pngPick off any Militech soldiers that fire at you and run towards the exit. You will have to take out two mechs before you can leave the base.
Objective Icon.pngIf you wiped the malware off the datashard, you'll speak with Anthony Gilchrist from earlier.
Objective IconCall up Dex to finish the quest.
Objective IconBuy Flathead With Infected Credchip

If you didn't remove the malware from the credchip that Meredith Stout gave you before the meeting with Maelstrom and strike a deal for the Flathead with it, you'll end up fighting with Maelstrom.
Possible Outcomes
Objective Icon.pngDefeat the Maelstromers (cancels Talk to Maelstromers objective)→Talk to Jackie
Take down Royce and the Maelstromers if you don't have the chip or did not take off the malware from the chip.
Objective Icon.pngTake the Flathead→Pass through the maintenance tunnel→Turn on the production line to clear passage
Go through the area, bringing down the Maelstromers as you go.
Objective Icon.pngEscape from All Foods→Defeat Maelstrom/Defeat Royce and his crew→Find a way to free Brick (optional)
As you enter the last room, you will either have to defeat a set of Maelstrom members or Royce in a mech (if you didn't calm Jackie down earlier). Further in, you will have the option to free Brick.
Possible Outcomes
Objective Icon.pngFollow Jackie→Call Dex→Talk to Dex
Meredith will appear here if you fail to calm Jackie down or exchanged the credchip without wiping the malware. Call Dex to end this quest.

Obtainable Items

This list contains only rare Items and those which have a high chance of appearing.

Item How to Get
ChaosChaos This pistol can be found on Royce's body if you defeat him.

The Pickup Choices and Best Choice

Choices Flow Chart

The Pickup has many approaches you can take, so it's highly recommended that you check this flow chart to ensure you get the outcome you are looking for.

Get Credchip From Meredith Stout

Choice Outcome
Get Credchip Talking with Meredith Stout will give you the choice of accepting or refusing a credchip with enough eddies to strike a deal with Maelstrom. This credchip, however, has malware on it which you can choose to remove or not remove. Removing the malware or warning Royce that the chip has a virus and then striking a deal with the Maelstroms will result in you fighting against Militech instead.
Don't Get/Refuse Credchip If you don't meet with Meredith Stout or if you refuse the credchip with malware from her, the only two options left to you will be to pay for the Flathead with your own money, or to have a shootout with the Maelstromers. Since it is unlikely that you'll have 10,000 eddies with you at this point, the mission will almost always end up as a gun fight against the Maelstromers.

Tell Jackie to Sit Down

Action Outcome
Tell Jackie to Sit Down At the beginning of the meeting with Maelstrom, you will have the option to calm Jackie by telling him to sit down on the couch when the Maelstromers are forcing him to do so. This option will continue the conversation and allow you to make a deal with the Maelstromers.
Don't Tell Jackie to Sit Down Choosing not to tell Jackie to sit down will bring you into a fight with the Maelstromers. In this scenario you will end up having to fight Royce in a mech in the final room. In this case Stout will win over Gilchrist.

Make A Deal With Royce

Action Outcome
Make a Deal With Cracked Credchip If you wipe the malware from the credchip or warn Royce that the credchip has a virus, you can choose to pay off Malestrom instead of fighting them or stealing the Flathead. You will instead have to escape All Foods while being attacked by Militech soldiers. If you take this route, you will find out from Anthony Gilchrist that Meredith Stout is dead and that he sent the Militech soldiers.
Make a Deal With Infected Credchip Not wiping the malware from the chip and making a deal with Maelstrom will result in a shootout with Maelstrom, and you will have to fight Royce in a mech in the final room. This results in Meredith Stout winning over Gilchrist.
Buy Flathead With Your Own Money Making a deal with Royce and paying for the Flathead with your own money will result in a non-violent route in which Gilchrist wins over Stout.
Shoot Royce Choosing to shoot Royce during the coversation will begin a fight with the Maelstromers but since Royce is dead, you won't need to fight Royce in a mech in the final room. In this scenario, Stout wins over Gilchrist.

Save Brick or Leave Brick

Action Outcome
Save Brick You will find Brick, the former leader of the Maelstrom gang, imprisoned in one of rooms if you don't wipe the malware from the chip. You can choose to free him or leave him to die. His fate will affect the side quest Second Conflict.

You'll have to find the computer that contains the code to his door, which is 9691, and then you'll need a Tech of 7 to disarm the motion sensor mine pointing at Brick. Freeing him will indebt him to you and will pay dividends when you meet him in the Side Job Second Conflict.
Leave Brick to Die Simply continue down the path and disregard him. Leaving him will mean you won't get his help in the Side Job Second Conflict.

Second Conflict Quest Walkthrough

Best Choice

The best path to take through The Pickup depends on which character you want to succeed: Stout or Gilchrist. From there it's best to check the choices flow chart to make sure that you fulfill the conditions for the desired outcome.

Tips and Strategies

Nomad and Corpo Specific Options

If your Lifepath is the Nomad and Corpo, doing the optional meet with Meredith Stout will open up unique dialogue options, however they don't amount to anything.

Use Grenades

If you get into the firefight with the Maelstromers and choose to fight, grenades deal plenty of damage to multiple targets

Possible Ending Bug

At the end of the mission, when you exit the building, you'll find that corpos surrounding the building. If Jackie is not outside with you and remains in the building, one of the corpos will block your way from accessing him, rendering the Talk to Jackie objective undoable.

Jackie Door Bug.jpg

A possible way to circumvent this is by not rushing out to talk to whoever is outside, waiting for Jackie to follow you. If he's in the doorway and is stuck there, it's possible to talk to him at a certain angle.

How to Defeat Royce

Destroy His Battery

Royce's mech has an intelligent shield that negates damage when hit. One of the ways to disable it is to destroy the battery at the back of his suit by shooting at it or using grenades. Alternatively, you can sneak up to him and disable the battery with a takedown.

Reload Stance

When Royce is reloading his weapon, it will be the ideal time to get in as close as possible and shoot his battery, or his head for damage.

Use Tech Weapons

Using charged shots from Tech Weapons will allow you to shoot through his shield.

Bladerunner Perk

The perk Bladerunner increases your damage against mechanical enemies, like Royce.


There are three types of quickhacks that are effective against Royce.

  • Overheat, which causes damage over time.
  • Weapon Malfunction will stagger Royce, giving an opening simiilar to his Reload Stance.
  • Short Circuit instantly destroys Royce's battery.

Cyberpunk 2077 Story Walkthrough

Cyberpunk 2077 - Quests and Story Walkthrough
Complete Story Walkthrough

Phantom Liberty Main Quests

No. Quest
1 Dog Eat Dog
2 Hole in the Sky
3 Spider and the Fly
4 Lucretia My Reflection
5 The Damned
6 Get It Together
7 You Know My Name
8 Birds With Broken Wings
9 I've Seen That Face Before
10 Firestarter
11 Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Run This Town The Killing Moon
12 Somewhat Damaged Through Pain to Heaven Unfinished Sympathy
13 Leave in Silence Who Wants to Live Forever From Her to Eternity
14 Four Score and Seven Things Done Changed This Corrosion

Phantom Liberty Walkthrough

All Main Quest Guides

Act 1

No. Quest
1 The Streetkid The Nomad The Corpo-Rat
2 The Rescue
3 The Ripperdoc
4 The Ride
5 The Information The Pickup
6 The Heist

Act 2

No. Quest
1 Love Like Fire
2 Playing For Time
3 Ghost Town Automatic Love
4 Lightning Breaks The Space In Between Down On The Street
5 Life During Wartime Disasterpiece Gimme Danger
6 Double Life Play It Safe
7 M'ap Tann Pèlen Search And Destroy
8 I Walk The Line
9 Transmission Never Fade Away
10 Tapeworm

Act 3

No. Quest
1 Nocturne OP55N1
1.5* Don't Fear the Reaper
Arasaka Panam Rogue
2 Last Caress We Gotta Live Together For Whom The Bell Tolls
3 Totalimmortal Forward To Death Knockin' On Heaven's Door
4 Where Is My Mind? Belly Of The Beast Path of Glory
New Dawn Fades
5 All Along The Watchtower

1.5*: Only available in the Secret Ending

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


34 Anonymus6 months

Cyperpunk 2077, v2.12. Accepted Stout's offer (took the chip), wiped malware, got to All Foods. During conversation Royce tilted about deal with Brick, I chose "screw old deal, lets strike new", chose to use Militech's chip. Couple lines after there was timed line with [12 Str] option to subdue Royce, I picked this one, fought Maelstrom. On the way to the exit found papers proving Gilchrist is the mole and freed Brick. Upon exit, Gilchrist appeared w/o Stout; Stout don't respond to phone hauls.

23 Daltonalmost 4 years

I think they fixed in in patch 1.2 because i followed the money tutorial and v even says i want to keep the eddies when talking to Dex but when i hack the shard i dont get the 10,000 eddies


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