Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

The Badlands Map Guide: All Subdistricts and Fast Travel Dataterms

The Badlands Image

This is a guide to The Badlands, one of the districts found in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to find out the important locations in this map, including subdistricts and fast point dataterms, as well as notable people you can meet and missions you can do.

The Badlands Map and Description

In-Game Description

Database Entry for The Badlands
If you think Night City is dangerous, just wait till you get to the Badlands.
The areas bordering the city to the east and south are actually eight different zones that vary in character and landscape. There's the trailer park of Red Peaks, the plains of Rocky Ridge, and desert of Sierra Sonara stretching out to the east, whose landfill emits a stench that's often blown all the way into the city. Saturated with chemicals and acid rain, nothing will ever grow again in this region of the Badlands. Anyone who has to cross this area does it quickly, and if they're smart, with an armed escort in case they run into Wraiths - a gang made up of exiled nomads. You can compare them to vultures, though at least vultures have the decency to wait until their prey is dead.
The south paints a much less apocalyptic picture with Biotechnica's protein farm and the Jackson Plains power plant. A trip to the neighboring lake of Laguna Bend at sunset is the most picturesque view the Badlands has to offer (just make sure you don't touch the water.)
There's a saying that everyone should visit the Badlands at least once in their lives. Sounds like something the Wraiths would say.


East South

Places of Interest in The Badlands

Dakota's Place

Cyberpunk 2077 - Dakota
Dakota, one of the fixers, can be found in an auto repair shop in Rocky Ridge. This is where she conducts all of her business across Badlands.


Cyberpunk 2077 - Minefield.jpg
The minefield out in the Eastern Badlands are leftover mines that were never cleared after the Unification War. It now serves as a natural border protectection between Night City and Southern California.

Nomad Camp

Cyberpunk 2077 - Nomad Camp.jpg
The Nomad Camp is a campsite set up by the Aldecaldos that was made to protect them from Wraiths and any corporation that might want to attack them.

Oil Fields

Cyberpunk 2077 - Oil Fields.jpg
Located to the north of Night City, the Oil Fields is an oil-soaked land with zero inhabitants.

Rocky Ridge

Cyberpunk 2077 - Rocky Ridge.jpg
Rocky Ridge is an abandoned town in the Eastern part of the Badlands.

The Badlands Dam

Cyberpunk 2077 - The Badlands Dam.jpg
The Badlands Dam is a dam located in the south of the Badlands.

Wind Farms

Cyberpunk 2077 - Wind Farms.jpg
The Wind Farms is a large area of wind turbines that stretches across the Eastern part of the Badlands.

Gangs and Factions in The Badlands

Territory of The Nomad Gangs

Cyberpunk 2077 Wraiths 01.png
As the Badlands are so vast, there is no one single gang that completely runs the whole territory.

However, there are two competing Nomad Gangs: the Aldecaldos and the Wraiths. Both of them feature strong bonds and will do anything to protect its members.
List of Gangs

Fast Travel Dataterms in The Badlands

Location Subdistrict
Border Checkpoint [???]
Protein Farm [???]
Fuel Station [???]
Regional Airport [???]
Abandoned Fuel Station [???]
Tango Tors Motel [???]
Autowerks [???]
Solar Arrays [???]
Las Palapas Motel [???]
Abandoned Parking Lot [???]
Solar Power Station [???]
Lake Farm [???]
Dam [???]
I-9 East [???]
Big Rock [???]
Sunshine Motel [???]
Old Turbines [???]
Far Ridge [???]
Wraith Camp [???]
Edgewood Farm [???]
Mobile Camp [???]
Rocky Ridge [???]
Desert Film Set [???]
Medeski Fuel Station [???]
Sunset Motel [???]
Trailer Park [???]
Nomad Camp [???]
Oil Fields [???]
101 North [???]

Available Gigs in The Badlands

Gig: Flying Drugs
Gig: Sparring Partner
Gig: MIA
Gig: Goodbye, Night City
Gig: Big Pete's Got Big Problems
Gig: Trevor's Last Ride
Gig: Dancing on a Minefield
Gig: Radar Love
Gig: No Fixers

List of Gigs and All Gig Guides

The Badlands Cyberpsycho Locations Map

The Badlands Cyberpsycho Sightings

All Cyberpsycho Locations

The Badlands Vendors and Shops

Weapon Vendors

Gun Vendor (Mobile Camp)

Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Char Incendiary GrenadeChar Incendiary Grenade Uncommon
ChefChef's Knife Uncommon
Combat AmplifierCombat Amplifier Rare
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: CrunchCrafting Spec: Crunch Common
Crafting Spec: CrusherCrafting Spec: Crusher Rare
Crafting Spec: CrusherCrafting Spec: Crusher Uncommon
Crafting Spec: HJKE-11 YukimuraCrafting Spec: HJKE-11 Yukimura Uncommon
Crafting Spec: JKE-X2 KenshinCrafting Spec: JKE-X2 Kenshin Uncommon
Crafting Spec: M2038 TacticianCrafting Spec: M2038 Tactician Rare
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Rare
Crafting Spec: OvertureCrafting Spec: Overture Uncommon
Crafting Spec: SPT32 GradCrafting Spec: SPT32 Grad Rare
Crafting Spec: TKI-20 ShingenCrafting Spec: TKI-20 Shingen Rare
CrunchCrunch Uncommon
CrusherCrusher Uncommon
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
D5 CopperheadD5 Copperhead Legendary
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
JKE-X2 KenshinJKE-X2 Kenshin Uncommon
KnifeKnife Uncommon
M-10AF LexingtonM-10AF Lexington Legendary
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
M251S AJAXM251S AJAX Uncommon
MA70 HBMA70 HB Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
NueNue Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Rare
OvertureOverture Uncommon
PacifierPacifier Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Rare
Pistol AmmoPistol Ammo Common
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Common
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Rare
SPT32 GradSPT32 Grad Uncommon
Steel PipeSteel Pipe Uncommon
TantoTanto Uncommon
TantoTanto Rare
TKI-20 ShingenTKI-20 Shingen Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
WeakenWeaken Rare
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon
Gun Vendor (Sunset Motel)
Item Rarity
A-22B ChaoA-22B Chao Legendary
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Combat AmplifierCombat Amplifier Rare
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CountermassCountermass Epic
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: CrunchCrafting Spec: Crunch Common
Crafting Spec: CrusherCrafting Spec: Crusher Uncommon
Crafting Spec: D5 CopperheadCrafting Spec: D5 Copperhead Rare
Crafting Spec: HJKE-11 YukimuraCrafting Spec: HJKE-11 Yukimura Uncommon
Crafting Spec: JKE-X2 KenshinCrafting Spec: JKE-X2 Kenshin Uncommon
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Rare
Crafting Spec: NekomataCrafting Spec: Nekomata Rare
Crafting Spec: OvertureCrafting Spec: Overture Uncommon
Crafting Spec: PacifierCrafting Spec: Pacifier Common
Crafting Spec: PenetratorCrafting Spec: Penetrator Common
Crafting Spec: SPT32 GradCrafting Spec: SPT32 Grad Rare
Crafting Spec: TKI-20 ShingenCrafting Spec: TKI-20 Shingen Rare
CrusherCrusher Uncommon
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
D5 SidewinderD5 Sidewinder Legendary
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
EMP GrenadeEMP Grenade Rare
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
HammerHammer Uncommon
HammerHammer Rare
HJKE-11 YukimuraHJKE-11 Yukimura Uncommon
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
JKE-X2 KenshinJKE-X2 Kenshin Rare
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KatanaKatana Rare
KnifeKnife Uncommon
LibertyLiberty Legendary
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Rare
M251S AJAXM251S AJAX Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
NueNue Uncommon
NueNue Rare
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
OvertureOverture Uncommon
PaxPax Uncommon
Pistol AmmoPistol Ammo Common
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Common
Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo Common
Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Common
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Rare
SPT32 GradSPT32 Grad Uncommon
TKI-20 ShingenTKI-20 Shingen Uncommon
TKI-20 ShingenTKI-20 Shingen Rare
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
WeakenWeaken Rare
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon
Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Rare
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: CrusherCrafting Spec: Crusher Uncommon
Crafting Spec: DR12 QuasarCrafting Spec: DR12 Quasar Rare
Crafting Spec: HJKE-11 YukimuraCrafting Spec: HJKE-11 Yukimura Uncommon
Crafting Spec: JKE-X2 KenshinCrafting Spec: JKE-X2 Kenshin Uncommon
Crafting Spec: M-76e OmahaCrafting Spec: M-76e Omaha Rare
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Rare
Crafting Spec: OvertureCrafting Spec: Overture Uncommon
Crafting Spec: PenetratorCrafting Spec: Penetrator Common
Crafting Spec: SPT32 GradCrafting Spec: SPT32 Grad Rare
Crafting Spec: TKI-20 ShingenCrafting Spec: TKI-20 Shingen Rare
CrunchCrunch Rare
CrunchCrunch Uncommon
CrusherCrusher Rare
CrusherCrusher Uncommon
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Rare
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Rare
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Legendary
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
HJKE-11 YukimuraHJKE-11 Yukimura Rare
HJKE-11 YukimuraHJKE-11 Yukimura Uncommon
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
JKE-X2 KenshinJKE-X2 Kenshin Uncommon
KatanaKatana Common
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
KnifeKnife Uncommon
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
M251S AJAXM251S AJAX Legendary
M251S AJAXM251S AJAX Uncommon
MacheteMachete Rare
MacheteMachete Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
NueNue Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
OvertureOverture Uncommon
PaxPax Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Rare
PenetratorPenetrator Uncommon
Pistol AmmoPistol Ammo Common
PulverizePulverize Uncommon
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Recon GrenadeRecon Grenade Uncommon
Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Common
Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo Common
Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Common
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Rare
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SPT32 GradSPT32 Grad Uncommon
Steel PipeSteel Pipe Uncommon
TKI-20 ShingenTKI-20 Shingen Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon
Melee Weapon Vendor (The Badlands)
Item Rarity
Baseball BatBaseball Bat Rare
Blue FangBlue Fang Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Cold ShoulderCold Shoulder Rare
Electric Baton AlphaElectric Baton Alpha Uncommon
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Legendary
Electric Baton GammaElectric Baton Gamma Legendary
HammerHammer Rare
KatanaKatana Rare
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KunaiKunai Rare
MacheteMachete Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Monkey WrenchMonkey Wrench Uncommon
PunknifePunknife Epic
ScourgeScourge Rare
Steel PipeSteel Pipe Uncommon
White-KnuckledWhite-Knuckled Rare

Ripperdocs (Cyberware Vendors)

Ripperdoc (Mobile Camp)

Item Rarity
Adrenaline BoosterAdrenaline Booster Epic
BioconductorBioconductor Rare
BioconductorBioconductor Legendary
BioDyne MK.1BioDyne MK.1 Uncommon
BioDyne MK.2BioDyne MK.2 Rare
BiomonitorBiomonitor Rare
BiomonitorBiomonitor Legendary
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels Epic
Blood PumpBlood Pump Rare
Blood PumpBlood Pump Legendary
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bruising BerserkBruising Berserk Rare
Crafting Spec: Blade - Physical DamageCrafting Spec: Blade - Physical Damage Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Monowire - Electrical Damage Rare
Explosive RoundExplosive Round Rare
Fireproof CoatingFireproof Coating Rare
Fortified AnklesFortified Ankles Rare
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Epic
Heal-on-KillHeal-on-Kill Uncommon
KerenzikovKerenzikov Uncommon
Kiroshi Optics MK.2Kiroshi Optics MK.2 Rare
Mantis BladesMantis Blades Epic
Mechatronic CoreMechatronic Core Uncommon
MicrogeneratorMicrogenerator Rare
MicrorotorsMicrorotors Uncommon
MonowireMonowire Epic
Monowire - Electrical DamageMonowire - Electrical Damage Rare
NanorelaysNanorelays Uncommon
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Epic
Ram UpgradeRam Upgrade Uncommon
Reinforced TendonsReinforced Tendons Rare
Smart LinkSmart Link Rare
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Epic
Synaptic Signal OptimizerSynaptic Signal Optimizer Uncommon
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Titanium BonesTitanium Bones Uncommon
Titanium PlatingTitanium Plating Epic
Tyrosine InjectorTyrosine Injector Uncommon

Clothing Vendors

Clothing Vendor (Trailer Park)

Item Rarity
2X Electronic Rocker Goggles2X Electronic Rocker Goggles Rare
2X Electronic Rocker Goggles2X Electronic Rocker Goggles Uncommon
6th Street Shoulder Straps6th Street Shoulder Straps Rare
6th Street Shoulder Straps6th Street Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Amethyspeed Polycarbonate Utility PantsAmethyspeed Polycarbonate Utility Pants Epic
Amethyspeed Polycarbonate Utility PantsAmethyspeed Polycarbonate Utility Pants Uncommon
Animals Power-Absorbent JumpsuitAnimals Power-Absorbent Jumpsuit Rare
Animals Power-Absorbent JumpsuitAnimals Power-Absorbent Jumpsuit Uncommon
Animals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder StrapsAnimals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder Straps Rare
Animals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder StrapsAnimals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder Straps Epic
Animals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder StrapsAnimals Reinforced Carbon-Fiber Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Arctic Breath Hybrid-Polymer Tactical Gas MaskArctic Breath Hybrid-Polymer Tactical Gas Mask Uncommon
ArmadilloArmadillo Rare
ArmadilloArmadillo Epic
ArmadilloArmadillo Uncommon
Armor-Quilted JacketArmor-Quilted Jacket Rare
Armor-Quilted JacketArmor-Quilted Jacket Uncommon
Arte Urbano Elegantly Nanostitched ShirtArte Urbano Elegantly Nanostitched Shirt Rare
Arte Urbano Elegantly Nanostitched ShirtArte Urbano Elegantly Nanostitched Shirt Uncommon
AT-AK Insulated Aramid-Padded Rally BoleroAT-AK Insulated Aramid-Padded Rally Bolero Legendary
AT-AK Utility Wear-Resistant PantsAT-AK Utility Wear-Resistant Pants Uncommon
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Epic
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Uncommon
Bloody Piggy Duoweave Cutout TankBloody Piggy Duoweave Cutout Tank Uncommon
Burn Corpo Shit Duolayer CoatBurn Corpo Shit Duolayer Coat Rare
Burn Corpo Shit Duolayer CoatBurn Corpo Shit Duolayer Coat Uncommon
Chemically Hardened Tactical GogglesChemically Hardened Tactical Goggles Uncommon
Classic Anti-Puncture ShirtClassic Anti-Puncture Shirt Epic
Classic Anti-Puncture ShirtClassic Anti-Puncture Shirt Uncommon
Classic Molybdenum Steel-Toe Combat BootsClassic Molybdenum Steel-Toe Combat Boots Rare
Classic Molybdenum Steel-Toe Combat BootsClassic Molybdenum Steel-Toe Combat Boots Uncommon
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Rare
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Epic
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Uncommon
Composite-Lined Jean ShortsComposite-Lined Jean Shorts Rare
Composite-Lined Jean ShortsComposite-Lined Jean Shorts Epic
Composite-Lined Jean ShortsComposite-Lined Jean Shorts Uncommon
Composite-Lined Rally Bolero JacketComposite-Lined Rally Bolero Jacket Uncommon
Composite-Lined Utility PantsComposite-Lined Utility Pants Uncommon
CoolitCoolit Legendary
Cowboy Hat with Hardened-Leather BandCowboy Hat with Hardened-Leather Band Rare
Cowboy Hat with Hardened-Leather BandCowboy Hat with Hardened-Leather Band Uncommon
Crafting Spec: Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress ShoesCrafting Spec: Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Blue Menpo with Protective Padding Epic
Crafting Spec: Classic Aramid-Weave Denim ShortsCrafting Spec: Classic Aramid-Weave Denim Shorts Rare
Crafting Spec: CoolitCrafting Spec: Coolit Legendary
Crafting Spec: Durable Synsilk BlazerCrafting Spec: Durable Synsilk Blazer Rare
Crafting Spec: Menpo with Protective PaddingCrafting Spec: Menpo with Protective Padding Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Padded Denki Hachi Hybrid-Weave Bra Epic
Crafting Spec: Powder Pink Light Polyamide BlazerCrafting Spec: Powder Pink Light Polyamide Blazer Rare
Crafting Spec: Upgraded Farmer Hat with GaugeCrafting Spec: Upgraded Farmer Hat with Gauge Rare
Duolayer Military Camo ShortsDuolayer Military Camo Shorts Rare
Duolayer Military Camo ShortsDuolayer Military Camo Shorts Uncommon
Duolayer Military Cap with GaugeDuolayer Military Cap with Gauge Rare
Duolayer Military Cap with GaugeDuolayer Military Cap with Gauge Epic
Duolayer Military Cap with GaugeDuolayer Military Cap with Gauge Uncommon
Duolayer Tacticloth StraightcutsDuolayer Tacticloth Straightcuts Uncommon
Electric Marble Ultralight Athletic ShoesElectric Marble Ultralight Athletic Shoes Rare
Faded ShortsFaded Shorts Rare
Faded ShortsFaded Shorts Epic
Faded ShortsFaded Shorts Uncommon
Frayed Athletic ShoesFrayed Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Frayed Jean ShortsFrayed Jean Shorts Rare
Frayed Jean ShortsFrayed Jean Shorts Uncommon
Frayed Nanoweave Cutout TankFrayed Nanoweave Cutout Tank Rare
Frayed Nanoweave Cutout TankFrayed Nanoweave Cutout Tank Epic
Frayed Nanoweave Cutout TankFrayed Nanoweave Cutout Tank Uncommon
Golden Mean Elegant Chem-Resistant Biker JacketGolden Mean Elegant Chem-Resistant Biker Jacket Epic
Golden Mean Elegant Chem-Resistant Biker JacketGolden Mean Elegant Chem-Resistant Biker Jacket Uncommon
Green Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic ShoesGreen Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic Shoes Epic
Green Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic ShoesGreen Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Gunslinger Cowboy Hat With Reinforced LiningGunslinger Cowboy Hat With Reinforced Lining Uncommon
Hardened Rubber Biker JacketHardened Rubber Biker Jacket Rare
Hardened Rubber Biker JacketHardened Rubber Biker Jacket Epic
Hardened Rubber Biker JacketHardened Rubber Biker Jacket Uncommon
Hardened Tungsten Steel-Toe Combat BootsHardened Tungsten Steel-Toe Combat Boots Uncommon
Heavy-Duty New Murica Combat BootsHeavy-Duty New Murica Combat Boots Rare
Heavy-Duty New Murica Combat BootsHeavy-Duty New Murica Combat Boots Uncommon
Hebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber ShirtHebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber Shirt Epic
Hebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber ShirtHebi Tsukai Cashmere-Nanofiber Shirt Uncommon
High-Tensile Cutout TankHigh-Tensile Cutout Tank Rare
High-Tensile Cutout TankHigh-Tensile Cutout Tank Epic
Illegally Modded Hat with GaugeIllegally Modded Hat with Gauge Epic
Illegally Modded Hat with GaugeIllegally Modded Hat with Gauge Uncommon
Kang Tao Reflective Hybridweave Utility VestKang Tao Reflective Hybridweave Utility Vest Uncommon
Kang Tao Reinforced Tactical VestKang Tao Reinforced Tactical Vest Rare
Kang Tao Reinforced Tactical VestKang Tao Reinforced Tactical Vest Epic
Lady in Blue Synweave VestLady in Blue Synweave Vest Epic
Lady in Blue Synweave VestLady in Blue Synweave Vest Uncommon
Laminated Nomad Hat with GaugeLaminated Nomad Hat with Gauge Epic
Laminated Nomad Hat with GaugeLaminated Nomad Hat with Gauge Uncommon
Light Cherry Jinn Anti-Shrapnel Denim JacketLight Cherry Jinn Anti-Shrapnel Denim Jacket Uncommon
Light Electro Extra-Lined ShortsLight Electro Extra-Lined Shorts Uncommon
Limited Edition Loose-Fit Shirt with Protective MeshLimited Edition Loose-Fit Shirt with Protective Mesh Rare
Limited Edition Loose-Fit Shirt with Protective MeshLimited Edition Loose-Fit Shirt with Protective Mesh Uncommon
Makeshift Maelstrom Gas MaskMakeshift Maelstrom Gas Mask Epic
Makeshift Maelstrom Gas MaskMakeshift Maelstrom Gas Mask Uncommon
Makeshift Punk GogglesMakeshift Punk Goggles Rare
Makeshift Punk GogglesMakeshift Punk Goggles Epic
Makeshift Punk GogglesMakeshift Punk Goggles Uncommon
Microplate-Lined Camo VestMicroplate-Lined Camo Vest Epic
Microplate-Lined Camo VestMicroplate-Lined Camo Vest Uncommon
Midori Tora Reinforced Utility PantsMidori Tora Reinforced Utility Pants Uncommon
Militech Heavy Tactical VestMilitech Heavy Tactical Vest Uncommon
Mirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy HatMirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy Hat Rare
Mirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy HatMirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy Hat Uncommon
Modified Snake-Skin Cowboy HatModified Snake-Skin Cowboy Hat Rare
Mox Gas Mask With Custom Protective LayerMox Gas Mask With Custom Protective Layer Uncommon
Night City Biker JacketNight City Biker Jacket Rare
Night City Biker JacketNight City Biker Jacket Epic
Night City Biker JacketNight City Biker Jacket Uncommon
Old Camo Shoulder StrapsOld Camo Shoulder Straps Rare
Old Camo Shoulder StrapsOld Camo Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Old Military HelmetOld Military Helmet Uncommon
Ordinary Tactical Balaclava with Reactive LayeringOrdinary Tactical Balaclava with Reactive Layering Uncommon
Performance-Boosted Utility PantsPerformance-Boosted Utility Pants Uncommon
Plastic Gas Mask With FilterPlastic Gas Mask With Filter Uncommon
Polyamide JumpsuitPolyamide Jumpsuit Rare
Polyamide JumpsuitPolyamide Jumpsuit Uncommon
Polyamide-Blend Jumpsuit With MicromeshPolyamide-Blend Jumpsuit With Micromesh Uncommon
Polyamide-Blend Suit JacketPolyamide-Blend Suit Jacket Rare
Polyamide-Blend Suit JacketPolyamide-Blend Suit Jacket Epic
Polyamide-Blend Suit JacketPolyamide-Blend Suit Jacket Uncommon
Practical Plaid Shirt with MicromeshPractical Plaid Shirt with Micromesh Epic
Practical Plaid Shirt with MicromeshPractical Plaid Shirt with Micromesh Uncommon
Primeval Flame RockerJackPrimeval Flame RockerJack Uncommon
Protective Gilt-Polymer Biker GogglesProtective Gilt-Polymer Biker Goggles Rare
Protective Gilt-Polymer Biker GogglesProtective Gilt-Polymer Biker Goggles Epic
Puncture-Resistant Long CoatPuncture-Resistant Long Coat Rare
Puncture-Resistant Long CoatPuncture-Resistant Long Coat Epic
Puncture-Resistant Long CoatPuncture-Resistant Long Coat Uncommon
Punk Boostweave Biker JacketPunk Boostweave Biker Jacket Rare
Punk Boostweave Biker JacketPunk Boostweave Biker Jacket Uncommon
Purple Force Tactical JumpsuitPurple Force Tactical Jumpsuit Rare
Purple Force Tactical JumpsuitPurple Force Tactical Jumpsuit Epic
Purple Force Tactical JumpsuitPurple Force Tactical Jumpsuit Uncommon
Reinforced Cyan Cowboy HatReinforced Cyan Cowboy Hat Rare
Reinforced Federalist StraightcutsReinforced Federalist Straightcuts Uncommon
Reinforced Hybridweave StraightcutsReinforced Hybridweave Straightcuts Uncommon
Reinforced Syn-Leather Nomad JacketReinforced Syn-Leather Nomad Jacket Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Rare
Ripped Tactical Camo Crop TopRipped Tactical Camo Crop Top Uncommon
Ripped Tamashi Polyamide Tank TopRipped Tamashi Polyamide Tank Top Uncommon
Rubber-Reinforced Athletic ShoesRubber-Reinforced Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Second Conflict Biker JacketSecond Conflict Biker Jacket Uncommon
Second Conflict Biker JacketSecond Conflict Biker Jacket Epic
Secondhand Speed Addict Duolayer Cutout TankSecondhand Speed Addict Duolayer Cutout Tank Uncommon
Secondhand Speed Addict Duolayer Cutout TankSecondhand Speed Addict Duolayer Cutout Tank Rare
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Epic
Sombra Rosa Foam-Padded StraightcutsSombra Rosa Foam-Padded Straightcuts Uncommon
Sombra Rosa Foam-Padded StraightcutsSombra Rosa Foam-Padded Straightcuts Rare
BackpackerStreet Smart Rare
BackpackerStreet Smart Uncommon
Sturdi-Boost Cowboy HatSturdi-Boost Cowboy Hat Uncommon
Sturdi-Boost Cowboy HatSturdi-Boost Cowboy Hat Epic
Sturdi-Weave Cutout TankSturdi-Weave Cutout Tank Rare
Sturdi-Weave Cutout TankSturdi-Weave Cutout Tank Epic
Sturdy Shoulder StrapsSturdy Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Sturdy Shoulder StrapsSturdy Shoulder Straps Rare
Syn-Leather Plastic GogglesSyn-Leather Plastic Goggles Uncommon
Synleather Plastic GogglesSynleather Plastic Goggles Uncommon
Synleather Plastic GogglesSynleather Plastic Goggles Rare
Tamashi Anti-mech Utility PantsTamashi Anti-mech Utility Pants Legendary
Tattered Plaid Crop TopTattered Plaid Crop Top Epic
Titanium-Reinforced Gas MaskTitanium-Reinforced Gas Mask Uncommon
Titanium-Reinforced Gas MaskTitanium-Reinforced Gas Mask Rare
Titanium-Reinforced Gas MaskTitanium-Reinforced Gas Mask Epic
Torn Reinforced Tank TopTorn Reinforced Tank Top Uncommon
Upgraded Farmer Hat with GaugeUpgraded Farmer Hat with Gauge Uncommon
Upgraded Farmer Hat with GaugeUpgraded Farmer Hat with Gauge Rare
Upgraded Farmer Hat with GaugeUpgraded Farmer Hat with Gauge Epic
Used Leather Combat BootsUsed Leather Combat Boots Uncommon
Used Militech Training ShoesUsed Militech Training Shoes Uncommon
Valentinos Leather Shoulder StrapsValentinos Leather Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Valentinos Leather Shoulder StrapsValentinos Leather Shoulder Straps Rare
Valentinos Leather Shoulder StrapsValentinos Leather Shoulder Straps Epic
Vintage Extra-Leather StraightcutsVintage Extra-Leather Straightcuts Uncommon
Warm Nanoweave Cotton ShirtWarm Nanoweave Cotton Shirt Uncommon
Warm Nanoweave Cotton ShirtWarm Nanoweave Cotton Shirt Rare
Western Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic HeelsWestern Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic Heels Uncommon
Western Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic HeelsWestern Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic Heels Rare
Western Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic HeelsWestern Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic Heels Epic
Wool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-WeaveWool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-Weave Uncommon
Wool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-WeaveWool Suit Jacket with Reinforced Synfiber-Weave Epic
Worn Baseball CapWorn Baseball Cap Uncommon
Worn Brimmed Hat with GaugeWorn Brimmed Hat with Gauge Uncommon
Worn Brimmed Hat with GaugeWorn Brimmed Hat with Gauge Epic
Worn Traditional Cowboy BootsWorn Traditional Cowboy Boots Uncommon
Worn Traditional Cowboy BootsWorn Traditional Cowboy Boots Rare
Worn Traditional Cowboy BootsWorn Traditional Cowboy Boots Epic
Wraiths Dual-Reinforced Shoulder StrapsWraiths Dual-Reinforced Shoulder Straps Uncommon
Wraiths Dual-Reinforced Shoulder StrapsWraiths Dual-Reinforced Shoulder Straps Epic
Wraiths Extra-Cotton Utility PantsWraiths Extra-Cotton Utility Pants Uncommon
Wraiths Rally Bolero JacketWraiths Rally Bolero Jacket Uncommon
X Reinforced Polyamide Tank TopX Reinforced Polyamide Tank Top Rare
Yukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic ShoesYukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Yukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic ShoesYukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic Shoes Rare


Meds Vendor (Mobile Camp)

Item Rarity
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Health BoosterHealth Booster Rare
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Oxy BoosterOxy Booster Common
Junk Vendor (Badlands East)
Item Rarity
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
Epic Item ComponentsEpic Item Components Rare
Epic Upgrade ComponentsEpic Upgrade Components Rare
Currently UnavailableFlare Common
Currently UnavailableGuitar Pick Common
Hand FanHand Fan Common
Legendary Item ComponentsLegendary Item Components Legendary
Legendary Upgrade ComponentsLegendary Upgrade Components Legendary
Medical GauzeMedical Gauze Common
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Ritual BowlRitual Bowl Common
Currently UnavailableRosary Common
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
Currently UnavailableVinyl Record Common
Junk Vendor (Badlands South)
Item Rarity
Currently UnavailableBrake Fluid Common
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
Epic Item ComponentsEpic Item Components Epic
Epic Upgrade ComponentsEpic Upgrade Components Epic
Currently UnavailableFlare Common
Currently UnavailableGuitar Pick Common
Hand FanHand Fan Common
Legendary Item ComponentsLegendary Item Components Legendary
Legendary Upgrade ComponentsLegendary Upgrade Components Legendary
Medical GauzeMedical Gauze Common
Currently UnavailableMess Kit Common
NUSA MapNUSA Map Common
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Ritual BowlRitual Bowl Common
Currently UnavailableRosary Common
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
Currently UnavailableVinyl Record Common

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