ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Top Japanese Style Dream Addresses and Dream Towns

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) - Japanese Style Dream Addresses

This is our list of recommended Japanese Style Dream Addresses to visit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Here you can find dream codes for the best Japanese Style dream islands!

Best Japanese Style Dream Islands

Best Japanese Style Islands
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ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Agodashi Potato IslandAgodashi Potato ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Ibuki IslandIbuki ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - KogumaKoguma ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Konpei IslandKonpei
ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Liatris IslandLiatris ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Protein IslandProtein ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Raidonomae IslandRaidonomae ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Sakura IslandSakura
ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Shintakara IslandShintakara ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Utsusemi IslandUtsusemi ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Yattokame IslandYattokame ACNH - Japanese Style Islands - Zawa IslandZawa

Agodashi Potato Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Agodashi Potato Island
Dream ID 2122-5082-5125
Island Name Agodashi Potato Island
Owner Satsumakko

Agodashi Potato Island's theme revovles around constellations and the four seasons. It is decorated with star fragments, making it a beautiful and fantastic island to explore!

Ibuki Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Ibuki Island
Dream ID 5692-0162-5220
Island Name Ibuki Island
Owner Sadaharu

Sadaharu's lovely Ibuki Island shows off a more rural side of Japanese themed decorations. It has the cozy and nostalgic feel of Showa-era Japan!

Koguma Island (Bear Cub Island)

ACNH - Dream Islands - Bear Cub Island
Dream ID 9378-2395-1332
Island Name Bear Cub Island
Owner Kogumaru

Koguma Island is a Japanese-style island with carefully created Edo period castles. As the name suggests, this island's villagers are composed of only bears.

Konpei Island (Konpeito Island)

ACNH - Dream Islands - Konpeito Island
Dream ID 4128-6963-6357
Island Name Konpeito Island
Owner Machihiko

Machihiko's Konpei Island is a land where the camellia is always in bloom. The west side of the island is a Japanse-style area, whereas the east side is lovingly decorated in Taisho Romance aesthetic. The island is in the Southern Hemisphere during Winter. The snowy landscape and colors perfectly match the Japanese theme, giving the island a graceful and elegant feel.

Liatris Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Liatris Island
Dream ID 6923-1656-2240
Island Name Liatris Island
Owner Narifukin

Narifukin's Liatris Island has a mixture of various areas. These include a Japanese-style, Western-style, and a horror theme that you can explore within this island. No matter which area you are, this island is wonderfully crafted and is exciting to visit!

Protein Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Protein Island
Dream ID 1100-0112-3506
Island Name Protein Island
Owner Ruirui

Ruirui's Edo-style Protein Island is popular on Twitter because of its amazing spots. Using custom designs on furniture to create a Japanese cityscape, each area is screenshot-worthy.

Post Your Adventure on Twitter!

You can post screenshots of your adventure you had on the island on Twitter. You can use these hashtags「#ぷろていん島」(#ProteinIsland), and 「#あつ森江戸風景」(#AnimalCrossingEdoLandscape). These are special hashtags that can be seen and shared by the creator!

Raidonomae Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Raidonomae Island
Dream ID 5316-9407-3632
Island Name Raidonomae Island
Owner Denden

Areas on the Raidonomae Island are packed with various elements borrowed from Japanese and Western styles. It also has a natural resort vibe to it. The creator focused on the clifftop library where you can oversee the Japanese-style area below, as well as the pool area with the DJ booth. Each area on the island has a different feel so visiting this is a joy.

Sakura Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Laze About Island
Dream ID 3068-8102-9625
Island Name Laze About Island
Owner みかっち (Mikacchi)

Sakura Island was made by Mikachi from very our Animal Crossing Walkthrough Team and is mainly inspired by Japanese themes. All areas are clearly separated, and the experience gradually changes as you go along.

Shintakara Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Shintakara Island
Dream ID 8031-2542-8226
Island Name Shintakara Island
Owner しもた (Shimota)

On Shintakara Island, made by Shimota, loads of Japanese gardens are mixed in between street stalls, temple-like areas, and restaurants. It's a unique island full of things to see, and everything is lined with Japanese-style cobblestones, completing the atmosphere.

Utsusemi Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Utsusemi Island
Dream ID 4687-2003-7348
Island Name Utsusemi Island
Owner Natoo

A Japanese-style island bathed in the colors of fall is the theme of Utsusemi Island. The beautiful warm colors of the autumn leaves makes you feel like you are on a sightseeing trip in Kyoto, Japan! The island is designed in a way that makes it easy for users to navigate, while making the walk enjoyable.

Yattokame Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Yattokame Island
Dream ID 9901-9988-0716
Island Name Yattokame Island
Owner Nyankoro

Nyankoro's Yattokame Island is a Japanese-style island with zen gardens, and lots of bamboos. Take your time to stroll around the island, and going to the basement of the inn-like house at the end.

Zawa Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Zawa Island
Dream ID 2627-6716-4541
Island Name Zawa Island
Owner Zawa

Zawa's Zawa Island is a distinctly Japanese, with decors such as festival areas and hot springs, and even the villagers are Japanese-inspired. The island has been carefully divided, making it easier to navigate to see all the beautiful sights and locales.

About the Featured Dream Towns

Islands from the Game8 Board

Unless specifically stated by the island, all islands featured here have been posted on our Game8 Dream Address share board. The island here are our favorites, but we recommend checking out the forum for more fantastic island dream codes!

Dream Address Share Board

Islands from Twitter

We are currently reaching out to owners of popular islands shared on Twitter and will share them here if we get permission!

Do Not Share or Repost IDs

Islands and Dream Codes shared here may not be shared elsewhere without permission from the island owners, neither for personal use or business.

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