ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Top Natural and Cottagecore Dream Addresses and Dream Towns

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Top Natural and Cottagecore Dream Addresses and Dream Towns

This is our list of recommended Natural and Cottagecore Dream Addresses to visit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Here you can find dream codes for the best Natural and Cottagecore dream islands!

Best Natural & Cottagecore Dream Islands

Best Natural & Cottagecore Islands
(Click to jump!) ▼
ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Akumademo IslandAkumademo ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Annaberg IslandAnnaberg ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Butter Chicken IslandButter Chicken ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - iEnoshimaiEnoshima
ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Amber IslandKohaku ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Amber IslandKohaku ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Konpei IslandKonpei ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Kotobuki IslandKotobuki
ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Laze About IslandLaze About ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Makoi IslandMakoi ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Omochi IslandOmochi ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Soleil IslandSoleil
ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Tako Tako IslandTako Tako ACNH - Natural and Cottagecore Islands - Yuipi IslandYuipi

Akumademo Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Akumademo Island
Dream ID 5596-7406-1914
Island Name Akumademo Island
Owner ゆ〜〜 (Yuu~)

"Just an Island" as the name translates to belongs to Yuu~, and is an island overflowing with trees and nature in the best possible way! It also offers many different sights to see, like an area with fossils, so it's truly a perfect island for adventuring!

Annaberg Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Annaberg Island
Dream ID 5105-4231-8247
Island Name Annaberg Island
Owner Lily Hoshino

A rustic island bustling with nature, Annaberg Island is a simple town where you can feel the flowers and trees swaying through the wind. Although it is still an unfinished island, it is, overall, still a nice island to visit.

Butter Chicken Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Butter Chicken Island
Dream ID 5551-4749-9732
Island Name Butter Chicken Island
Owner Macharo

Don't let the name of Macharo's island fool you! Butter Chicken Island tells a story of social issues.

When you visit the island, you'll see illegal garbage dumps, an abandoned amusement park, and even homeless compounds! Each locale is rich in storytelling, and despite this atmosphere, the residents of the island are doing their best!


ACNH - Dream Islands - iEnoshima
Dream ID 0869-9652-3803
Island Name iEnoshima
Owner Miyabi

Myabi's iEnoshima is a beautiful island that captures the look and feel of Enoshima, a small island off the coast of Japan. If you have never been to Enoshima, visting this dream island recreates the feeling of going to it during summer.

Kohaku Island (Amber Island)

ACNH - Dream Islands - Amber Island
Dream ID 4778-4705-2459
Island Name Amber Island
Owner Occy

A botanical resort bathed in pink, Kohaku Island (Amber Island) is teeming with nature where you can sit down and relax. The creator, Occy, commented that a few of their custom designs are saved from other players but most of them are created by them.

Kohaku Island (Amber Island)

ACNH - Dream Islands - Amber Island
Dream ID 1939-0711-1208
Island Name Amber Island
Owner Aa-Tan

While the many lovely gardens and nature spots on Kohaku Island (Amber Island) are definitely a must-see, we also strongly recommend checking out Aa-Tan's well decorated residential areas!

Konpei Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Konpeito Island
Dream ID 7342-8477-1623
Island Name Konpeito Island
Owner Pomu

Pomu's Konpei Island is a simple island overall. However, its decoration along with the natural atmosphere gives it a relaxing feel. There are different areas such as a Japanese-style area on the upper left part of the island, and a school on the upper right. The island may look simple, but the sceneries will surprise you as you go around!

Kotobuki Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Kotobuki Island
Dream ID 7457-0595-4061
Island Name Kotobuki Island
Owner Nekobo

Nekobo's Kotobuki Island is rich with nature, with the general shape and locales of the island organized naturally. The sound of cicadas and rushing waterfalls will delight your senses and make you feel at ease. The island also has several secret passages, urging visitors to go off the beaten path when exploring.

Laze About Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Sakura Island
Dream ID 9999-3296-4057
Island Name Sakura Island
Owner Ryu

Ryu's Laze About Island is no regular tourist island. Filled with brown and dark tones, the town's concept is an "abandoned island". Each item and furniture displayed outside is well-thought out and unified. Take a visit to appreciate the rustic feel of the island.

Post Your Images on Twitter!

You can use the hashtag「#だらだら島日記」 (#LazeAboutIslandDiary) when you visit, which can be seen by the island creator.

Makoi Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Makoi Island
Dream ID 3258-5626-9286
Island Name Makoi Island
Owner Denim2

Makoi Island was made by the amazing Denim2, who also recreated the trodden down dirt part popular all over the world. Well put-together with dark tones and a natural feel, it's no surprise that this island had over 1,000 visitors just moments after Dream Suite went live!
How to Make ACNL Dirt Paths

Omochi Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Omochi Island
Dream ID 0112-9947-7487
Island Name Omochi Island
Owner Luna

Omochi Island is characterized by its natural setting. Using an alternative version of the natural dirth path and lots of furniture, Luna has certainly enriched and emphasized the natural look of the island!

The island is fixed on the day when there's a meteor shower. This, along with the mushroom lamps and star fragments, gently illuminate the island - creating a serene and comfortable atmosphere.

Soreiyu Island (Soleil Island)

ACNH - Dream Islands - Soleil Island
Dream ID 5502-3878-1036
Island Name Soleil Island
Owner アカネ (Akane)

Soleil Island created by Akane has the perfect balance between nature and furniture. There are many places where you can simply relax and take in the scenery without feeling overwhelmed by items, perfect after a long week of terraforming!

Tako Tako Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Tako Tako Island
Dream ID 8062-3510-2429
Island Name Tako Tako Island
Owner Octis

Octis' Tako Tako Island has a creepy feeling to it. While it seem like a heartwarming island at first, it has strange sights such as an arena and an area with eerily placed human models, giving this island a bright but horror-like scenery.

Yuipi Island

ACNH - Dream Islands - Yuipi Island
Dream ID 7967-1017-2577
Island Name Yuipi Island
Owner Kas

Yuipi Island is mostly inspired by the countryside in the West. A simple town where animals and players can relax in peace. The ruins at the end of the island is a great viewing area, the creator commented.

About the Featured Dream Towns

Islands from the Game8 Board

Unless specifically stated by the island, all islands featured here have been posted on our Game8 Dream Address share board. The island here are our favorites, but we recommend checking out the forum for more fantastic island dream codes!

Dream Address Share Board

Islands from Twitter

We are currently reaching out to owners of popular islands shared on Twitter and will share them here if we get permission!

Do Not Share or Repost IDs

Islands and Dream Codes shared here may not be shared elsewhere without permission from the island owners, neither for personal use or business.

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