ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Use Clump of Weeds: Should You Pick Weeds?

Animal Crossing" New Horizons (ACNH) - Clump of Weeds

This is a guide to using Clump of Weeds, a DIY material in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Learn what Clump of Weeds can be used for and if you should pick the weeds around your island.

How to Use Clump of Weeds

Use Them for DIY Crafting

ACNH - Hay Bed DIY Recipe

Clump of Weeds are used to craft a few DIY Recipes, including Medicine for clearing up Bee Stings, and the Hay Bed Furniture item.

List of DIY Recipes

All DIY Recipes that use Clumps of Weeds

Hay Bed ImageHay Bed Succulent Plant ImageSucculent Plant Leaf Umbrella ImageLeaf Umbrella
Potted Ivy ImagePotted Ivy Jungle Wall ImageJungle Wall Green-Leaf Pile ImageGreen-Leaf Pile
Woodland Wall ImageWoodland Wall Terrarium ImageTerrarium Bamboo Hat ImageBamboo Hat
Medicine ImageMedicine Mum Cushion ImageMum Cushion Mossy Garden Rock ImageMossy Garden Rock
Leaf Mask ImageLeaf Mask Floral Swag ImageFloral Swag Deer Scare ImageDeer Scare
Knitted-Grass Backpack ImageKnitted-Grass Backpack Cherry-Blossom Flooring ImageCherry-Blossom Flooring Cherry-Blossom Bonsai ImageCherry-Blossom Bonsai
Grass Skirt ImageGrass Skirt Green Grass Skirt ImageGreen Grass Skirt Coconut Wall Planter ImageCoconut Wall Planter
Jungle Flooring ImageJungle Flooring Pitfall Seed ImagePitfall Seed Yellow-Leaf Pile ImageYellow-Leaf Pile
Traditional Straw Coat ImageTraditional Straw Coat Straw Umbrella Hat ImageStraw Umbrella Hat Straw Fence ImageStraw Fence
Scarecrow ImageScarecrow Turkey Day Wheat Decor ImageTurkey Day Wheat Decor Red-Leaf Pile ImageRed-Leaf Pile
Pile of Leaves ImagePile of Leaves Leaf Campfire ImageLeaf Campfire Leaf ImageLeaf
Holiday Candle ImageHoliday Candle Hanging Terrarium ImageHanging Terrarium Forest Flooring ImageForest Flooring
Colored-Leaves Flooring ImageColored-Leaves Flooring Backyard Lawn ImageBackyard Lawn Autumn Wall ImageAutumn Wall
Hedge ImageHedge Spooky Lantern Set ImageSpooky Lantern Set Turkey Day Decorations ImageTurkey Day Decorations
Shamrock Wand ImageShamrock Wand Glowing-Moss Flooring ImageGlowing-Moss Flooring Foxtail ImageFoxtail

Clump of Weeds are used as a DIY crafting item to create the items shown above.

Earn Nook Miles

ACNH - Greedy Weeder Nook Miles Achievement

In addition to 10 Bells apiece, you can earn Nook Miles for Activities like Greedy Weeder. For the initial task of paying back your 5,000 Mile loan, this is one of the easiest Activities to complete.

Greedy Weeder
Activity Summary Miles Titles
Sell 50 clumps of weed. 300 Omnivorous/Custodian
Sell 200 clumps of weed. 500 Careful/Gardener
Sell 1,000 clumps of weed. 1000 Herbivorous/Sorter
Sell 2,000 clumps of weed. 2000 Vigorous/Sprout
Sell 3,000 clumps of weed. 3000 Wild/Beast

How to Get Nook Miles Fast

Can be Sold to Earn Bells

ACNH - Timmy offers to buy some clump of weeds

As you can hold up to 99 Clumps of Weeds at one time and sell them for 10 Bells each, this is an easy way to collect Bells in the early part of the game. Turn those pesky weeds into

How to Get Bells (Money) Fast

Leif Buys for Twice the Price

ACNH - Leif buys Weeds at the Garden Shop

You can also sell Clumps of Weeds to Leif for 20 Bells each when he visits.

How to Unlock Leif's Garden Shop

Weeds Stages of Growth

Appearance Depends on the Season and Growth Stage

Weeds can grow up to 3 stages, and its appearance will also depend on what season you are in.

Weeds in the Spring and Summer

Stage Spring Summer
1 ACNH - Weeds in Spring Stage 1 ACNH - Weeds in Summer Stage 1
2 ACNH - Weeds in Spring Stage 2 ACNH - Weeds in Summer Stage 2
3 ACNH - Weeds in Spring Stage 3 ACNH - Weeds in Summer Stage 3

Weeds in the Fall (Autumn)

Stage Early Autumn Autumn
1 ACNH - Weeds in Early Autumn Stage 1 ACNH - Weeds in Autumn Stage 1
2 ACNH - Weeds in Early Autumn Stage 2 ACNH - Weeds in Autumn Stage 2
3 ACNH - Weeds in Early Autumn Stage 3 ACNH - WACNH - eeds in Autumn Stage 3
Stage Late Autumn
1 Weeds in Late Autumn Stage 1
2 Weeds in Late Autumn Stage 2
3 Weeds in Late Autumn Stage 3

Weeds in the Winter

Stage Winter (Snow) Winter
1 Weeds in Snow Stage 1 Weeds in Winter Stage 1
2 Weeds in Snow Stage 2 Weeds in Winter Stage 2
3 Weeds in Snow Stage 3 Weeds in Winter Stage 3

How to Grow Clumps of Weeds

Planted Weeds Start at Stage 1

When you pull out weeds with the Y button, no matter what stage they are in, they will start at the initial form (Stage 1) when you plant them.

Watering Weeds Helps It Grow Faster and Multiply

ACNH - Weeds growing in a garden

Only the left section of weeds were watered daily.

Weeds grow faster and multiply in number when they are watered. If you want to grow weeds, water them daily.

Place Custom Designs to Prevent Weeds from Growing

If you do not wants weeds growing around your island, we recommend controlling them by placing Paths or Custom Designs on the ground to prevent them from growing.

Top Custom Design Patterns for Paths, Floors and Ground

Should You Pick All the Weeds?

Save Some Weeds in Storage

ACNH - A resident expresses surprise at seeing a clump of weed

Clumps of Weeds are necessary for crafting items that will be crucial to getting more residents as you progress the story.

If you want to make your island clean and free of weeds, it's a good idea to leave some behind in storage for when you need them again later.

How to Get Clump of Weeds Fast

Grow Weeds on Your Island

ACNH - Weeds growing on an island

Weeds can be gathered up all over the island, especially in the very beginning. After you have picked them all, they will very slow to come back to your island but will eventually grow back over time.

You can also grow weeds by planting them in a spot, and they will grow and multiply naturally. Watering them also speeds up the process.

If Weeds Have Overgrown, Pull Them Out

If there are too many weeds on the island, it will be difficult for new ones to grow. Pull out unwanted weeds so new ones can grow.

Go On a Mystery Island Tour

ACNH - Spiral Pond Island

If you really need to gather up more weeds, you can always use a Nook Miles ticket to go on a Mystery Tour and gather up weeds while you are there.

Mystery Island Tours and Nook Miles Ticket Guide

Visit Another Island

Alternatively, if you have a friend also playing, you could offer to go to their island and help pick up weeds. They will likely appreciate the support!

Related Links

DIY Materials 01.png
List of Materials

How to Get Materials
clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget


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