ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Get Manila Clams Fast

This is a guide to collecting Manila Clams, a DIY material in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). To learn how to get Manila Clams and where they can be used, check out our guide below!

All Shells
Coral IconCoral Cowrie IconCowrie Giant Clam IconGiant Clam Sand Dollar IconSand Dollar
Sea Snail IconSea Snail Venus Comb IconVenus Comb Manila Clam IconManila Clam Summer Shell IconSummer Shell

How to Get Manila Clams Fast

Farming Manila Clams quickly

Manila Clam Water Spray
Manila clams will continuosly spawn on the beach, but they will be buried in the sand and not lying around.

You can tell where they are buried by a small spray of water coming up from the sand. Even after the water spray disappears the Manila clam will still be buried there, so keep digging even if you miss on your first try!

If you are searching for this type of seashell in particular, our recommendation is walking up and down the beach while keeping an eye out for water shooting up. They will keep spawning, so you can find as many as you want.

How do you use Manila Clams?

Use them for DIY crafting

Fish Bait ImageFish Bait

Manila Clams are used as a DIY crafting item to create the item(s) shown above.

Related Links

DIY Materials 01.png
List of Materials

How to Get Materials
clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget


2 ryanthedemiboyalmost 3 years

I don't think they can spawn on mystery or kapp'n islands — I need bait but because i'm massively breeding flowers, my beach is full of my normal island stuff. So I can't get to Manila clams. And I can't find any on tours or mystery islands

1 Chrisover 4 years

Thanks for the tip! I've found a lot because of this article :D

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