Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Glossary: List of Diablo Terms

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Diablo 4 - List of Diablo Terms

Diablo 4 (D4) has several shorthand terms and acronyms derived from older titles that can cause newer players to feel lost. Check out our glossary of commonly-used Diablo terms to improve your game knowledge!

Diablo Terms

Basic Diablo Terms

Term Definition
Season A recurring limited-time game mode where characters start fresh from the beginning of the game to earn unique seasonal rewards and place on the seasonal leaderboards.
Elite Packs of enemies enhanced with Affixes which provide them with various abilities, improve their damage output, or make them harder to kill. You can recognize Elites by their colored names or their affix icons.
Champion Enemies that provide Increased Health or Increased Resistance buffs to other nearby enemies. The buffs they grant do not apply to themselves, and you can recognize them with their purple glow.
Gold Find (GF) A Dungeon Affix which increases the amount of Gold you obtain from slain foes and destroyed crates, barrels, and other containers.
Magic Find (MF) A Dungeon Affix which increases chance of items you receive from drops being of a high rarity.
Summon A term referring to a class's summoned allies, such as the Necromancer's Golem and the Druid's Ravens.
Gambling Term used to refer to vendors like the Purveyor of Curiosities, where player spend Currencies for a chance at random items of varying rarities.
Stash Refers to a player or character's item stash, where they can store excess items and gold or equipment meant for other characters on their account.
PK An old acronym referring to "player killing" or PvP combat.
TP The acronym for Town Portal or the act of using the Town Portal feature.
HC The acronym refers to Hardcore characters, which have permadeath enabled.
Baba/Barb A shorthand term for the Barbarian class.
Sorc/Sor A shorthand term for the Sorcerer class.
Necro/Nec A shorthand term for the Necromancer class.
Dru A shorthand term for the Druid class.
Thorns A stat which inflicts damage back to attacking enemies when the player is hit by direct attacks.
Attack Speed Stat that describes the number of attacks your character can deal out per second.
Close and Distant Modifiers that activate when there are enemies inside or outside Melee distance.

New Diablo 4 Terms

Term Definition
Item Power A value on weapons and armor which determines how high their stats and affixes can roll when dropped. In general, items dropped by Elites, Champions, and enemies of high levels have greater Item Power.
Codex of Power A collection of all the Aspects available in the game. The codex shows shows the Aspects you've unlocked and even the ones you have yet to unlock. It also shows how to get all the Aspects.
Breakpoint Refers to a set of specific Item Powers which when exceeded, will cause the affix stat ranges to increase to the next tier.
Lucky Hit A stat which provides a percentage chance to activate a unique effect provided by an item or Skill. Lucky Hits and Lucky Hit Chance are separate from Critical Hit Chance.
Fortify A buff which is measured alongside the player's HP bar and provides 10% reduced damage when it exceeds current HP.
Overpower A new damage type that is based on the sum of your character's current HP and Fortify HP and has a flat 3% chance to proc.
Vulnerable A debuff which causes affected targets to take 20% increased damage.
Unstoppable A buff that removes all control impairing or CC (crowd control) effects affecting them and makes them immune to any control impairing effects for a short duration.
Berserk A buff for Barbarians only that grants 25% increased damage and 30% increased movement speed.
Crackling Energy A buff for Sorcerers only that appears as blue orbs dropped from enemies, which are consumed to deal damage to enemies nearby.
Ferocity A stackable buff that increases Attack Speed by 5% per stack, up to a maximum of 20% at four stacks.
Unhindered A buff that make your character able to move through enemies without getting blocked. This buff also disables any Movement Speed debuffs on you.
Resolve Resolve is stackable defensive buff that gives an additional 20% Damage Reduction and lasts for a single hit. Each stack increases the amount of hits you can endure before the buff expires.
Pestilent Swarm An effect tied to the Spiritborn that spawns a swarm of insects that seeks enemies and deal continuous Poison damage in an area.
Storm Feather An effect tied to the Spiritborn that sends out feather projectiles that deal lightning damage along the way.

Diablo 4 Status Effects

Status Effect
Barrier Bleeding Berserk
Burning Chilled Control Impaired
Darkness Dazed Fear
Fortified Frozen Immobilized
Immune Knocked Back Knocked Down
Poisoned Slowed Stealth
Stunned Taunted Tethered
Unstoppable Vulnerable -

Diablo 4 comes with its own host of status effects, buffs and debuffs. Check our guide below for a break down on each one as well as related skills and aspects.

List of All Status Effects: Buffs and Debuffs

Other Common ARPG Terms

Term Definition
DPS Damage per second. This term is often used as a measurement of how much damage a class, weapon, or skill can unleash over one second.
AoE Area of effect. This term usually refers to a Skill or effect that covers a large area instead of a single target.
DoT Damage over time. This term usually refers to Skills or effects like Poison or Bleeding, which slowly tick down a target's health over time.
CD The acronym for cooldown. This term refers to the time it takes before you can recast a particular Skill or ability after recently using it.
BiS Best in slot. This term often refers to equipment considered by the community to be the best item in a class's specific item slot.
Buff A positive gameplay effect, such as increased Attack Speed or enhanced Lightning Resistance.
Debuff A negative gameplay effect, such as lowered Movement Speed or Armor Reduction.
Critical Strike An attack that deals massively increased bonus damage based on a character or Skill's Critical Strike Chance.
Crowd Control (CC) A type of effect which allows players to kill or disrupt multiple enemies at once. Typical Crowd Control effects include Slow, Chill, Stun, and Fear.
Add/Adds This term refers to a boss's minions or "additional mobs."
Build This term refers to a specific set of Skills, stats, and equipment for a class that highlights and supports a particular playstyle.
Reroll This term often refers to rerolling or randomly modifying an item's specific Affix, stats, or effect, usually through Enchanting at the Occultist.
Less commonly, this term can refer to a player starting over with a new character or class.
Respec This term refers to removing Skill Points from existing Skills and reallocating them to improve or modify a character's Skill Tree.
Proc This term refers to the likelihood of an attack or Skill activating the chance or trigger-based effect from an item or another Skill.

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Game Mechanics and Activities

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