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How to Beat Malnok Stronghold

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Diablo 4 - How to Beat Malnok Stronghold
Malnok is a Stronghold found in Fractured Peaks in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn how to clear the Malnok Stronghold, its location, rewards for completing, as well as tips on how to beat Frosthorn, Ice Clan Champion and a full walkthrough.

Malnok Stronghold Overview

Stronghold Information

Malnok Stronghold Details
Location South of the Bear Tribe Refuge Waypoint, in the region northeast of Frigid Expanse and southwest of Seat of the Heavens.
Boss Name Frosthorn, Ice Clan Champion
Rewards & Unlocks ・100 Fractured Peaks Renown
・Rimescar Cavern Dungeon
・Anica's Claim Dungeon

Malnok Stronghold Location

Rewards for Completing Malnok Stronghold

In addition to earning random loot and Renown in the region, you unlock the following rewards for completing the Malnok Stronghold:

Unlocks Rimescar Cavern Dungeon

Rimescar Cavern is one of the dungeons available to players after completing the Malnok Stronghold.

Unlocks Anica's Claim Dungeon

Anica's Claim is one of the dungeons available to players after completing the Malnok Stronghold.

Malnok Stronghold Walkthrough

How to Clear Malnok Stronghold
・Search for the source of the storm
・Slay the Ice Clan Stormcallers
・Return to the center of Malnok
・Slay the remaining Ice Clan
・Slay Frosthorn
・Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer Malnok

Find a Party to Beat the Stronghold Easily

Diablo 4 - Party Up

Malnok is the only stronghold in Fractured Peaks whose minimum level requirement scales higher than your player level. This means that regardless of your current level, enemies in Malnok will always be 2-4 levels higher than you.

Make the run easier by inviting 2 other players to help you clear out the stronghold and defeat Frosthorn at the very end. Not only will this allow you to beat the Stronghold at much lower levels, partying up will also net you bonus EXP for faster leveling.

Defeat 3 Ice Clan Stormcallers to Stop the Blizzard

Ice Clan Stormcaller Locations
No. Ritual Guardians
(Melee, Cold Enchanted, Vampiric)
(Ranged Spear, Cold Enchanted, Multishot)
(Ranged Magic, Frozen, Waller, Teleporter)

In order to stop the blizzard at the center of Malnok and awaken the stronghold boss, players will need to defeat the 3 Ice Clan Stormcallers found at key points of the fortress. However, do note that each Stormcaller will have an Elite monster guarding it. You will need to kill these Ritual Guardians before you can start damaging the Stormcallers.

Defeat Frosthorn the Ice Clan Champion

Diablo 4 - Frosthorn Ice Clan Champion

Once the Blizzard has been dispelled, the center of Malnok will clear up, revealing the stronghold boss Frosthorn, Ice Clan Champion. As with most boss battles, you will fight inside a medium-sized arena. You will not be able to leave the arena until you either beat Frosthorn or die during combat.

Note: Frosthorn will have a lot of AoE (area-of-effect) Frost attacks, making the arena that much smaller due to the number of CCs you have to dodge throughout the fight. If playing solo, make sure you have enough survivability and DPS to weather his attacks.

How to Beat Frosthorn, Ice Clan Champion

Frosthorn Boss Battle Tips

Equip Skills with Unstoppable, Immunity, or Barrier

In order to make the fight easier, make sure you have at least one ability that allows you to survive getting Frozen. This could be any skill as long as it grants either Unstoppable, Immune, or Barrier for your character. Each class will have their own defensive skills, so make sure you have at least 1 in your arsenal before fighting Frosthorn.

Equip Aspects that Trigger Upon Taking Damage

When playing solo, you'll find more mileage out of Legendary Aspects that help with survivability. If you find yourself having a difficult time spacing out your Health Pot usage, consider adding any of the following Aspects via the Occultist to your current equipment:

Defensive Aspects
Protecting Defensive Aspect When hit while not Healthy, a magical bubble is summoned around you for X seconds. While standing in the bubble players are Immune. Can only occur once every Y seconds.
Defensive Aspect of the Protector Damaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to X damage for Y seconds. This effect can only happen once every Z seconds.
Defensive Aspect of Might Basic Skills grant (X%) Damage Reduction for Y seconds.

How to Imprint Aspects

Upgrade Your Health Pots if Playing Solo

Diablo 4 - Health Potion Upgrade

If playing this encounter solo, you will want to fully upgrade your Health Pots to maximize each heal you do during the fight (except if you're a Necromancer). To upgrade it, you will need to hit certain levels while in Fractured Peaks. The first pot upgrade will be available at level 10.

How to Upgrade Your Healing Potion and Increase Healing Pots

Exploit Frosthorn's Jump Attack to Deal Damage

One very telegraphed attack will be Frosthorn's Jump Attack. This is one of the best times to deal damage to him since he'll be facing a single direction for a bit of time, allowing your characters to unleash their DPS skills.

However, do note that Frosthorn usually follows this attack up with some AoE Frost CC. So, be ready to dodge away and resume kiting as soon as he raises his cleaver to the sky with both hands.

Kite the Frost CC and Wait for an Opening

Diablo 4 - Wait for Openings

If tackling Malnok solo, you will want to kite Frosthorn's many CC attacks before you start dealing damage of your own. Remember, this fight will be very long when played solo, so play patient and only attack when you're sure he's about to do his melee attacks.

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