Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Beat Temple of Rot Stronghold

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Diablo 4 - Temple of Rot Stronghold Banner
Temple of Rot is a Stronghold found in Dry Steppes in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn how to clear Temple of Rot Stronghold, full walkthrough and its location, rewards for completing, as well as tips on how to beat Spawn of Molqarth.

Temple of Rot Stronghold Overview

Stronghold Information

Temple of Rot Stronghold Details
Location East of the Fields of Hatred and North of the Jirandai Waypoint.
Boss Name Spawn of Molqarth
Rewards & Unlocks ・100 Dry Steppes Renown
・Gathering Legion Area
Description A rotten, putrid evil has taken up residence in these hallowed halls

Temple of Rot Stronghold Location



Renown Rewards for Completing Temple of Rot Stronghold

In addition to earning random loot and Renown in the region, you unlock the following rewards for completing the Temple of Rot Stronghold.

Access to The Gathering Legions Event

The Gathering Legions Map Marker - Diablo 4
You will also have access to The Gathering Legions world event located in the center of the stronghold. This is where you can farm for Murmuring Obols and legendary loot!

Temple of Rot Stronghold Walkthrough

How to Clear Temple of Rot Stronghold
・Slay the Cannibal Champions
・Locate Molqarth's Lair
・Slay Molqarth
・Slay Spawn of Molqarth
・Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer the Temple of Rot

Cannibal Champions Location

To progress this stronghold, you need to first kill all the Cannibal Champions in the area before you can fight Spawn of Molqarth. You can open your map and look for the skull icons to find the location of all Cannibal Champions.

How to Beat Spawn of Molqarth

Use Basic and Core Skills First

Diablo 4 - Temple of Rot Boss Fight
When the boss fight starts, you will first encounter Molqarth, The Hungerer. Try to only use your Basic and Core Skills, and avoid using high-cooldown Skills to save them for the next phase.

After completing the first phase, Spawn of Molqarth will appear. Immediately use all your high-damaging skills to eliminate him as fast as possible. Keep in mind that Spawn of Molqarth has several poison attacks, which can be difficult to deal with if you run out of potions.

Avoid the Poison Pools

Diablo 4 - Temple of Rot Poison Pool
The area where you will fight Spawn of Molqarth has multiple poison pools that can deal massive damage if accidentally stepped on. On top of that, Spawn of Molqarth creates more poison pools during the fight. Mind your positioning while fighting the boss and be watchful of these areas to avoid taking poison damage.

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