Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Raheir Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

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Raheir Mercenary Guide and Best Skills
Raheir is one of the mercenaries you can hire to accompany you in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about Raheir, including how to unlock him and his rapport rewards, as well as see a list of all available skills and best skills to use when hiring Raheir!

How to Unlock Raheir

Complete The Hand Remembers the Blade Quest

How to Recruit Mercenary - Raheir
After completing The Hand Remembers the Blade in the Vessel of Hatred main storyline, Raheir will be unlocked. However, do note that you must still speak to him after the quest to hire him as your Mercenary.

List of All Raheir Skills

Raheir Mercenary Perk Skill

Skill Effect
When you would be damaged for at least 15% of your current Life at once, Raheir comes to your aid to negate the damage, Knock Down Close enemies for 2 seconds, and grant your Unstoppable for 0.5 seconds.

Raheir Mercenary Core Skills

Skill Effect
Shield ChargeShield Charge
Raheir rushes forward aggressively, dealing 110% Physical damage and Taunting nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
Weapon: Tower Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Bash
Raheir bashes enemies with a tower shield, dealing 80% Physical damage and Fortifying you for 5% of your Maximum Life.
Ground SlamGround Slam
Raheir brutalizes the ground, dealing 160% Physical damage and Slowing enemies by 30% for 6 seconds. Targets in the center of the slam are Slowed by 60% instead.
Weapon: Round Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Strike
Raheir swings a round shield at enemies, dealing 85% Physical damage. Every 3 swings, Raheir Heals you for 5% of your Maximum Life.

Raheir Mercenary Iconic Skills

Skill Effect
Raheir Taunts enemies around you for 5 seconds. You gain 5% Damage Reduction for each target, up to 20%.
Raheir strikes the ground 3 times, each burst dealing 30% Physical damage and Pulling In enemies. The final burst deals 40% more Physical damage and additionally Stuns enemies for 2 seconds.
Raheir takes a protective position for 5 seconds, redirecting 90% of the damage that would be dealt to surrounding allies to himself for 5 seconds. Bastion's initial cast also grants surrounding allies Unstoppable for 1.0 second.
Shield ThrowShield Throw
Raheir throws his shield, dealing 225% Physical damage and Taunting enemies for 3 seconds. The shield bounces up to 3 times and cannot bounce to the same target twice.

Raheir Key Passives

Skill Effect
RaheirRaheir's Guard Raheir grants you 15% Armor.
Shield Charge Shield Charge required
VanguardVanguard Raheir Slows surrounding enemies by 40%.
Shield Charge Shield Charge required
Mocking LureMocking Lure You deal 15% increased damage to enemies Taunted by Raheir.
Provoke Provoke required
Iron WolfIron Wolf's Ward When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Knocks Back Close enemies and Taunts Distant enemies for 4 seconds. Rahier's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Provoke Provoke required
Iron WolfIron Wolf's Call When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, your next 4 Core Skills within 10 seconds deal 25% increased damage and cost no Resource. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Crater Crater required
Sundering ShieldSundering Shield Raheir's final Crater burst inflicts Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Crater Crater required
RaheirRaheir's Aegis Raheir grants you 15% Resistance to All Elements.
Ground Slam Ground Slam required
Draw FireDraw Fire When you use a Healing Potion, Rahier Taunts enemies around him for 4 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.
Ground Slam Ground Slam required
InspirationInspiration Enemies affected by Raheir's Ground Slam take 15% increased damage. Allies affected by Raheir's Bastion deal 25% increased damage.
Bastion Bastion required
Iron WolfIron Wolf's Virtue When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Heals you for 25% of your Maximum Life. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Bastion Bastion required
Iron WolfIron Wolf's Arrival When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he also casts Ground Slam and Shield Throw. Raheir's Valiance's Cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Shield Throw Shield Throw required
Consecrated ShieldConsecrated Shield Raheir's Shield Throw Consecrates enemies for 6 seconds. Directly damaging a Consecrated enemy Heals you for 6% of your Maximum Life, once per target.
Shield Throw Shield Throw required

Raheir Best Skills

Best Active Skill and Key Passive

Active Skill Key Passive
ProvokeProvoke RaheirRaheir's Guard

Using these skills, you will be utilizing all of Raheir's Taunt abilities to enhance your survivability, paired with the Shield Guard Key Passive for additional defense. This setup allows you to play aggressively, confidently jumping into the middle of the fight while effectively negating incoming damage.

Raheir Rapport Rewards

Rewards on All Tiers

Rapport Rank Reward
Tier 1 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 2 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 3 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 4 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 5 Defensive Aspects (Bartering Upgrade)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 6 ・Raheir Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 7 ・Raheir Masterworking Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 8 ・Crafting (Bartering Upgrade)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 9 Living Steel Cache (Rapport Cache)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 10 ・Grand Raheir Cache (Rapport Cache)
・100 Pale Marks

Who is Raheir?

A Blacksmith Turned Shieldbearer

Raheir, the Shieldbearer

Rahier is a blacksmith who was trained by the noble Iron Wolves and uses his massive shield to block incoming attacks and provide various defensive buffs.

He is the recommended choice for players who want to stay on the offensive without having to worry about survivability.

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