Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Spiritborn Centipede Leveling Build (Season 7)

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This is a Spiritborn Razor Wings leveling build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Spiritborn Razor Wings leveling build as well as tips for leveling the Rogue class in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Spiritborn Centipede Leveling Build

Centipede Build Summary

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle
Build Summary
Spiritborn Class ViewCentipede Leveling Build
Withering Fist Stinger Armored Hide Scourge Touch of Death The Devourer
Focus: Leveling, Farming
Diablo 4 Build - Pro High DPS and Crowd Control

Diablo 4 Build - Pro Excellent Mobility

Diablo 4 Build - Con High Cooldowns

This build makes use of Stinger and Touch of Death to spread and apply poison to your enemies, while having the Eagle as your primary and secondary Spirit Hall specialization to proc Ferocity and deal more damage.

The combination of Scourge and Armored Skin makes this build a bit tanky, which gives you enough survivability to overwhelm your enemies with poison. We recommend this build for those who are still leveling to reach the endgame and help you get started on Torment difficulties.

Centipede Build Skills and Passives

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle
Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Withering Fist Withering Fist (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Withering FistEnhanced Withering Fist
  ┗ Accelerated Withering FistAccelerated Withering Fist
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Stinger Stinger (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced StingerEnhanced Stinger
  ┗ Rampant StingerRampant Stinger
Vigorous Vigorous (1/3)
 ┗ Balanced Exertion Balanced Exertion (3/3)
Focus Skill TreeFocus Skill Tree

Focal Point Focal Point Focal Point (1/3)
 ┗ Apex Apex (3/3)
 ┗ Diminishment Diminishment (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Armored Hide Armored Hide (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Armored HideEnhanced Armored Hide
Scourge Scourge (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ScourgeEnhanced Scourge
  ┗ Reinforced ScourgeReinforced Scourge
Antivenom Antivenom (2/3)
 ┗ Nourishment Nourishment (3/3)
Potency Skill TreePotency Skill Tree

Touch of Death Touch of Death (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Touch of DeathEnhanced Touch of Death
  ┗ Invasive Touch of DeathInvasive Touch of Death
Vehemence Vehemence (3/3)
Ravenous Ravenous (3/3)
 ┗ Oppressive Oppressive (3/3)
Brilliance Brilliance (3/3)
 ┗ Acceleration Acceleration (3/3)
Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

The Devourer The Devourer (5/5)
 ┗ Harmonious DevourerHarmonious Devourer
  ┗ Exalted DevourerExalted Devourer
Resolution Resolution (1/3)
  ┗ Supremacy Supremacy (3/3)
 ┗ Sustenance Sustenance (1/3)
  ┗ Initiative Initiative (3/3)
  ┗ Intricacy Intricacy (3/3)
Key Passives Skill TreeKey Passives Skill Tree

More skills can be seen by scrolling horizontally and vertically.

Centipede Build Skill Progression

At the early levels, focus on unlocking and upgrading all your skills, especially Stinger and Touch of Death as these will provide most of your damage. If you do not have Touch of Death yet, we recommend prioritizing Stinger until you have access to Touch of Death.

Once you reach the Ultimate and Key Passive skill trees, prioritize getting The Devourer and Noxious Resonance as this will be your highest damaging poison skill and allows your Poisoning effects to scale with Critical Strike Damage.

For your Passives, you will want to prioritize Balanced Extortion, Apex, Ravenous, Oppresive, Brilliance, and Acceleration to help increase the damage you deal in tandem with your Centipede skills and Eagle skills from the Spirit Hall specialization.

Centipede Build Specialization

Primary Spirit
Diablo 4 - Jaguar SpiritEagle
(Level 15)
Casting an Eagle Skill grants 4 seconds of the Storm Feathers Movement Speed bonus. When you Evade, fling up to 8 Storm Feathers for everyone remaining second, each dealing 125% Lightning damage and making targets Vulnerable for 5 seconds. All Skills are now also Eagle Skills.
Secondary Spirit
Diablo 4 Jaguar SpiritJaguar
(Level 30)
Maximum Ferocity is increased by 1. Gain 1 stack of Ferocity whenever you kill an enemy or damage a Boss.

Eagle is the best specialization for the Primary slot and Jaguar for the Secondary slot in this Centipede build since it gives you access to Vulnerable and Ferocity, which increase attack speed and damage, respectively.

Spirit Hall Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression DiaWitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Poison Frog Servant Icon Poison Frog Servant Summon a Poison Frog Servant that attacks and Poisons enemies for 150% damage over 3 seconds. On death, the frog explodes violently dealing X Poison instantly damage to nearby enemies. This explosion will always Critically Strike.
Rank 5: Poison Frog attacks will pull enemies towards itself and Taunt enemies for 1 second.
Aura of Siphoning Icon Aura of Siphoning Conjure an aura of decay that deals 80% Poison damage to enemies every second.
Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
The Cycle Icon The Cycle Dealing any damage with your skills has a 15% chance to grow a flower from the ground. When an enemy is near, the flower deals X Poison damage to that enemy over 5 seconds. If an ally is near, the flower Heals for 6% Maximum Life. The flower withers away after use. A flower may grow once every 2 seconds per enemy.
Rank 5: The damage and healing affects all enemies or allies near the flower. "
Aura Specialization Icon Aura Specialization The size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.
Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.

The Witchcraft Powers for the Centipede build focuses on stacking Poison Damage for the majority of them. This synergizes well since most of your skills have Poison effects that can work in tandem with your new Witchcraft Powers and can give you more ways to apply Poison damage to your enemies.

List of All Witchcraft Powers

Centipede Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Cooldown Reduction
・Ranks to Touch of Death
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・Utility - Centipede Innovation
 ┗ Stinger Size
・Maximum Life
・Defensive - Spiritborn Resolve
 ┗ Armored Hide Resolve Generation Rate
・Utility - Centipede Innovation
 ┗ Touch of Death Swarm Duration
・Attack Speed
・Critical Strike Chance
・Ranks to Stinger
・Utility - Centipede Innovation
 ┗ Touch of Death Swarm Duration
・Offensive - Centipede Finesse
 ┗ Pestilent Swarm Damage
・Maximum Life
・Utility - Centipede Innovation
 ┗ Touch of Death Swarm Duration
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds
・Movement Speed
・Maximum Life
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Movement Speed
・Utility - Centipede Innovation
 ┗ Stinger Size
・Ranks to Oppressive
・Attack Speed
・Cooldown Reduction
・Resource - Centipede Efficiency
 ┗ The Devourer Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Jaguar Finesse
 ┗ Mystic Circle Potency
・Attack Speed
・Critical Strike Chance
・Damage Over Time
・Resource - Centipede Efficiency
 ┗ The Devourer Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Centipede Finesse
 ┗ Centipede Damage
・Attack Speed
・Critical Strike Chance
・Damage Over Time
・Resource - Centipede Efficiency
 ┗ The Devourer Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Centipede Finesse
 ┗ Centipede Damage

・Critical Strike Damage
・Damage Over Time
・Vulnerable Damage
・Weapons - Centipede Augments
 ┗ Chance for Stinger to Extra Hit
・Offensive - Centipede Finesse
 ┗ Centipede Damage

Centipede Build Best Gems and Occult Gems

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle

Centipede Build Best Gems

Armor Weapons Jewelry
EmeraldEmerald AmethystAmethyst DiamondDiamond

For gems, it's best to slot in Emerald on armor slots to get more Dexterity, Amethyst on weapon slots to get increase Damage Over Time, and Diamond on jewelry slots to get more Elemental Resistance.

Diamonds can be replaced with other gems depending on which resistances you need to get 70% resistances or close across the board.

Centipede Build Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
PocPoc QueQue ZanZan TalTal

The best runewords for the Centipede build are Poc + Que to consistantly grant yourself a barrier for more survivability, and Cem + Tal to continue spawning Pestilent Swarms every time you evade to stack them with Touch of Death.

List of All Runewords

Centipede Best Mercenaries

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
Spiritborn Mercenary SuboSubo Spiritborn Mercenary VaryanaVaryana

The best mercenaries for the Centipede Build are Subo, who can give a 30% Damage Over Time bonus with Scorched Earth, and Varyana, who can apply Bleed with Cleave and Whirlwind to stack over your Poison and Burn damage.

List of All Mercenaries

Centipede Build Playstyle and Rotation

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SummarySummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary PlaystylePlaystyle

The Centipede Build playstyle focuses on inflicting poison while having high mobility to get around and survive while enemies fall to your damage over time. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Use Withering Fist to dive in and open with Touch of Death to immediately apply poison that spreads on kill.
  2. Evade to activate the Aspect of Momentum and trigger Eagle Spirit's Spirit Hall effect, which will apply Vulnerable to enemies.
  3. Activate Scourge to fear enemies and increase your damage. Then use Withering Fist to dash around and continuously inflict poison to your surrounding enemies.
  4. Cast Touch of Death again before using The Devourer so you can take advantage of the Intricacy passive to let you recast it up to 3 times.

Spiritborn Leveling Tips for Season 7

Season 7 Leveling Tips

Start on Hard Difficulty

Make sure to start on Hard or higher so you can gain more EXP and Gold. If you're following our recommended leveling build and have a good understanding of optimizing early game leveling, we recommend playing on this difficulty. Otherwise, you can choose the Normal difficulty to clear things faster.

Difficulty Tiers and How to Unlock

Choose the Right Spirit Hall Guardian

The Spiritborn's Spirit Hall, which unlocks at level 15 after doing the specialization quest, allows the class to assign all their skills with a Spirit Tag to a specific Spirit Guardian. We recommend equipping Eagle immediately since this gives you access to Vulnerability and Storm Feathers.

At level 30, you will also unlock the Secondary Spirit Hall Slot which allows you equip a second Spirit Guardian that gives spirit-specific passives that can enhance your gameplay. It's best to choose Jaguar to get access to Ferocity, which increases attack speed.

Spirit Hall Specialization Guide

Play Through the Vessel of Hatred Content

If you have the Vessel of Hatred expansion, you can also farm gear and power levels in the Kurast Undercity once you get the build going and get faster clearing monster packs.

Vessel of Hatred Guide

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