Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Helltide Event Guide

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Diablo 4 - Helltide Event Guide
Helltide is an open-world event that occurs for 55 minutes every hour in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn about the Helltide event mechanics as well as tips and rewards for taking on Helltides here!

Helltide Guides
Helltide Timer Mystery Chests Living Steel

Helltide Time Schedule

Occurs Every Hour for 55 Minutes

Diablo 4 - New Helltide Duration
In all difficulty tiers, the Helltides will occur every hour, with each Helltide lasting a total of 55 minutes. Once a Helltide event ends, only 5 minutes will pass before a new Helltide spawns again in a different region.

Helltide Map

Helltide Tips and Strategies

Helltide Farming Guide

Group Up or Stay Close To Other Players

Within the Helltide Event, you gain experience and loot from kills of nearby players, even if you're not in the same party. Whenever you see another player clearing mobs, stick around, since you'll most likely clear events and hordes faster together.

Of course we still highly recommend forming a party during a Helltide event to take advantage of the XP buff when playing in a group.

Summon and Take Down the Blood Maiden

Summoning and defeating the Blood Maiden is one of the best activities you can do within the Helltide, as she offers a substantial amount of XP and loot. You can summon the Blood Maiden by offering 3 Baneful Hearts obtained within the event.

You can team up with other players to take on the Blood Maiden, or you can just join the battle if a player happens to summon her. All participants, regardless of who offered Baneful Hearts, will receive rewards at the end.

How to Beat Blood Maiden

Increase Your Threat Levels

Diablo 4 - Threat Meter
Increasing your threat levels during the Helltides should be one of you priority as this increases the intensity of mobs that spawn near you, resulting to more enemies to farm and loot. You can increase your threat levels simply by defeating enemies you encounter during the Helltide.

At threat level 3, you will be swarmed by a huge horde of Elites. After you defeat the horde coming towards you, a Hellborne will eventually spawn. These are enemies that take the form of the different classes in the game and will reward you with significant loot if taken down.

Prioritize Completing Random Local Events

Instead of recklessly killing groups of enemies around the Helltide zone, it's best to complete local events marked by an orange circle. These events provide hordes of mobs to kill in an easy-to-manage area and reward players with Legendary equipment, Obols, and Aberrant Cinders on completion.

Spend Cinders as Soon as Possible

Diablo 4 - Spend Cinders as Soon as Possible
We recommend to immediately spend your Aberrant Cinders whenever you have enough to open a Tortured Gift of your choice. The Helltide can be unpredictable and dying will reduce half of the cinders you're currently holding on.

Look for Glowing Interactables

Diablo 4 - Look for Glowing Red Souls
While roaming around the Helltide area, stay alert for interactable souls and Doomsayers, which are often marked with a red glow. Wretched, Damned, Tortured Souls, and Doomsayers can reward the player with additional Aberrant Cinders and, sometimes, even Legendary items when interacted with.

Helltide Rewards

All Helltide Loot and Rewards

Aberrant Cinders from Monsters and Events

Diablo 4 - Aberrant Cinder Drop
While killing monsters and completing World Events during Helltide, players receive plenty of Aberrant Cinders. Collecting enough of this currency is the only way to open Tortured Gifts, so gather as many of them as possible during the event.

However, note that you lose half of your Aberrant Cinders on death, and all earned Cinders will disappear from your inventory when the current Helltide ends. Ensure that you spend all of your Cinders before you lose them!

How to Farm Aberrant Cinders

Living Steel from Unique Helltide Chests

Diablo 4 - Dry Steppes Living Steel Chest
Helltides also have chests called Living Steel Chests. When opened, players are granted Living Steel - a special boss material used to summon and fight the Tormented Boss named Grigoire.

Living Steel Chest Locations and Map

Legendary and Unique Loot from Tortured Gifts

Diablo 4 - Legendary and Unique Loot from Tortured Gifts
Tortured Gifts are unique caches dotted across the Helltide area, indicated by their chest-like icon on the map. They contain Forgotten Souls, Baneful Hearts, and high-level Legendaries and Uniques.

All Tortured Gift Types

Tortured Gift of Protection Costs 75 Aberrant Cinders to open. Contains armor pieces such as Boots, Handguards, and Helms, based on the Tortured Gift's name.
Tortured Gift of Jewelry Rewards players with Amulets or Rings when opened. Costs 75 Aberrant Cinders to open Ring Gifts, and 125 Aberrant Cinders to open Amulet Gifts.
Tortured Gift of Light Weaponry Costs 125 Aberrant Cinders to open, providing Wands, Daggers, Swords, and other one-handed weapons.
Tortured Gift of Heavy Weaponry Costs 150 Aberrant Cinders to open, providing Staves, Two-Handed Scythes, Two-Handed Swords, and other two-handed weapons.
Tortured Gift of Mystery Costs 250 Aberrant Cinders to open, having a high chance of dropping multiple Uniques and Legendaries for various gear slots.

All Chests are Visible on the Map

Diablo 4 - New Helltide QoL Chest Icons
All type of Tortured Gift chests including Mystery Chests and Living Steel Chests are visible in the World Map after entering a subregion that has Helltide active.

Forgotten Souls from Tortured Gifts

Diablo 4 - Forgotten Souls from Tortured Gifts
Forgotten Souls are rare Upgrade Materials exclusively earned during Helltide. They have a chance of dropping whenever you open a Tortured Gift, so aim to open as many as you can during Helltide if you need to farm Forgotten Souls.

How to Get Forgotten Souls

What Is the Helltide Event?

Regional World Event that Spawns Demons

D4 - Farming Helltides in WT3
The Helltide is a regional event where players have to kill tougher-than-average demons and complete various events to obtain Aberrant Cinders. These Cinders are then used to open Tortured Gifts, which reward high-rarity gear, Legendaries, and Uniques.

Indicated by Red Sword Icon on Map

Diablo 4 - Indicated by Red Sword Icon on Map
You can locate active Helltides on the World Map by looking for a region with a red sword icon and a scarlet stain covering a large portion of the map. The red sword icon's tooltip also indicates how long it takes before the Helltide ends.

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