Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Red Dust Farming Guide

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Diablo 4 - Red Dust Farming Guide
Red Dust is a currency you get by purifying Seeds of Hatred exclusively in the PvP zones in Diablo 4 (D4) and can be spent on Mounts, cosmetics, and other rewards. Read on to learn more about Red Dust, including the best methods for farming Red Dust, where to spend it, and a list of items you can buy at the vendors.

How to Farm Red Dust

1. Farm Seeds of Hatred in PvP: Fields of Hatred

Getting your hands on Red Dust is a two-step process. You first need to acquire Seeds of Hatred, which can only be done in two locations (Alzuuda in the Dry Steppes, and Denshar in Kehjistan), as these are the only Fields of Hatred currently available.

Before you get into the groove of farming Seeds for hours and hours before moving on to step two, there are a couple of things to be aware of: you cannot leave the PvP zone with Seeds of Hatred - you will lose all your progress if you teleport outside the Field of Hatred during this step! On top of this, if you die, you drop all of your Seeds whether you were killed by an enemy or another player.

With that out of the way, there are several methods of obtaining Seeds of Hatred with varying degrees of efficiency.

All Seeds of Hatred Farming Methods

Team Up Against the Seething Abomination for Best Results

Just because the Fields of Hatred is a PvP zone doesn't mean you can't put your differences aside to take on a tough boss. This method is meant for several players, as the Seething Abomination's massive health pool means that you'll have to chip away and whittle him down in a group.

Dropping one Seething Abomination will net you upwards of 2,000 Seeds of Hatred, so it's worth ganging up on him as he roams around the Fields of Hatred any chance he appears.

Defeating Enemies is Easy but Slow

The easiest and least profitable method on the list is tried and true trash mob slaying. You won't get rich this way, but you probably won't risk dying either. Treat this as a side gig - if you can work a route into your other Seed-farming routines, it can't hurt to clear out some mobs along the way.

Kill Other Players When You Have a PvP Build

For high rollers only. You either kill, or get killed. Mark yourself for Blood from the emote menu to be able to attack other players. Once you've done this, it becomes a one-versus-all situation where the other players team up to take you down. Consider optimizing your build for PvP with lots of Crowd Control skills before attempting to take on other players.

Complete Events with Other Players

Just like in other areas of the world, there are events in the Fields of Hatred, only these have the added bonus of giving Seeds of Hatred. The viability of farming these depends on if there are other players participating, as they're usually not worth the trouble if you're solo-farming.

2. Purify Seeds of Hatred at Altar of Extraction

Once you're satisfied with the amount of Seeds of Hatred you've managed to gather, it's time to refine them into Red Dust, which can be done at any of the four Altars of Extraction within each Field of Hatred. Interact with an Altar of Extraction to start the purification process, which takes 50 seconds to complete. During this time, you'll have to fight off waves of enemies (and potentially other players looking to steal your Seeds)!

With the purification process complete, you now have your precious Red Dust, which you can spend freely at certain vendors in the PvP towns. There is no max on how much Red Dust you can hold, so save up as much as you want for a big purchase.

Note: Once you start purifying Seeds at any of the Altars of Extraction, all enemy players within the Field of Hatred will be alerted of your location. The notification A player has started a ritual at (location) will appear on their screen in yellow text.

Red Dust Vendors

Located Only in PvP Towns

Red Dust can be spent at any of the following vendors in either Alzuuda (Dry Steppes) or Denshar (Kehjistan). The prices and items for sale are the same in both towns.

Unsavory Oddities

This vendor is essentially the same as the Purveyor of Curiosities (Obol gambling merchant), except that you spend Red Dust to gamble for gear and the options are more limited.

Item Red Dust Price
Random Cap 3,000
Random Tunic 3,000
Random Gloves 3,000
Random Boots 3,000
Random Pants 3,000

Odds and Ends

Get the rarest, coolest Transmog for your gear at the Odds and Ends vendor. Some items are class-bound, indicated by the Not usable by your class text in the item's description, so check carefully for before spending your hard-earned Red Dust.

Item Red Dust Price
Killer's Guise 90,000
Killer's Vest 90,000
Killer's Hands 75,000
Killer's Boots 60,000
Killer's Leggings 75,000

Unconventional Mount Armor

This vendor specializes in pony and pony accessories for those who like to ride in style.

Item Red Dust Price
Dark Knight's Strongbox 30,000
Cruel Assassin's Saddlebag 30,000
Brutal Wizard's Standard 30,000
Dark Knight's Barding 40,000
Cruel Assassin's Barding 40,000
Brutal Wizard's Barding 40,000
Bloody Warlord's Warning 75,000
Demonic Warlord's Windchimes 75,000
Bloody Warlord's Barding 85,000
Demonic Warlord's Barding 85,000
Reins of the Bloody Steed 100,000

Cursed Scroll

Cursed Scroll provides PvP-exclusive items that only work in Fields of Hatred. These scrolls provide various buffs and effects to your character for a short time.

Item Red Dust Price
Cursed Scroll of Recklessness 800
Cursed Scroll of Tranquility 8000
Cursed Scroll of Chaos 1,200

Do You Lose Red Dust if Killed in PvP?

No, Red Dust Is Not Lost on Death During PvP

Diablo 4 - Where to Spend Red Dust

During the recent April developer live stream, it was also confirmed that Red Dust cannot be lost after being obtained from an Altar. While Seeds of Hatred do drop on death when you are killed during PvP, Red Dust (its purified form) cannot be lost even if another player manages to kill you in a Field of Hatred PvP zone.

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List of All Currencies

List of All Currencies
GoldGold Murmuring ObolsMurmuring Obols Red DustRed Dust
Seeds of HatredSeeds of Hatred Grim FavorsGrim Favors Whispering KeysWhispering Keys
Aberrant CindersAberrant Cinders Smoldering AshesSmoldering Ashes PlatinumPlatinum
Pale MarksPale Marks


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