Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Ferocity and Jaguar Spirit Explained

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Ferocity and Jaguar Spirit Explained
The Jaguar Spirit is one of the four guardian spirits of the Spiritborn in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about how Ferocity works, all aspects related to it, and the Jaguar spirit mechanics here!

What is Ferocity?

Stackable Attack Speed Buff

Diablo 4 What is Ferocity

Ferocity is a stackable buff that increases Attack Speed by 5% per stack, up to a maximum of 20% at four stacks. This buff stacks additively with other sources of Attack Speed.

All Ferocity Related Skills

Spiritborn Skills

Skill Effect
RavagerRavager Passive: Minimum Ferocity increased by 2. Active: Unleash a savage roar, causing each of your attacks to trigger an additional XX% damage strike per enemy over 6 seconds.
FueledFueled Gain increased Life on Kill equal to 5% of your Maximum Life while your have at least 4 stacks of Ferocity.
FurnaceFurnace Jaguar Skills deal XX% increased Critical Strike Damage per stack fo Ferocity.

Spiritborn Skill Upgrades

Upgrade Description
Sharp ThrashSharp Thrash Thrash's 3rd attack grants a stack of Ferocity.
Enhanced RakeEnhanced Rake Casting Rake grants a stack of Ferocity.
Rampant RakeRampant Rake Rake's Vigor cost is reduced by 2 per stack of Ferocity you have.
Enhanced CounterattackEnhanced Counterattack Counterattack's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds per stack of Ferocity you have.
Invasive Rushing ClawInvasive Rushing Claw Using Rushing Claw's last Charge will instantly refill all Charges by consuming 4 stacks of Ferocity.
Harmonious HunterHarmonious Hunter The Hunter overfills your Ferocity by 4 stacks and causes you to deal 100% increased damage to Injured enemies for 8 seconds.

Spiritborn Class Guide

All Ferocity Related Aspects

Spiritborn Aspects

Skill Effect
Aspect of Plains Power ImageAspect of Plains Power Lucky Hit: Up to a 25% chance to create a Mystic Circle for 10 seconds.$Casting a Jaguar Skill in Mystic Circles empowers them to keep your Ferocity at maximum and increase your damage b y (3-6)% per stack while you remain within.
Aspect of Rallying Reversal ImageAspect of Rallying Reversal You have a (25-100)% chance to gain 1 Ferocity when you Crowd Control an enemy.
Aspect of Endurance ImageAspect of Endurance Your Resolve has a (2 - 5)% chance to not be lost when you are hit for each stack of Ferocity you have.
DuelistDuelist's Aspect Maximum Ferocity increased by (1 - 4).
Aspect of Exhilaration ImageAspect of Exhilaration Lucky Hit: Hitting a Vulnerable enemy has up to a (25 - 32)% chance to reduce your Evade Cooldown by 5 seconds.$Each stack of Ferocity you have increases this chance by 5%.

List of Spiritborn Aspects

All Ferocity Related Items

Spiritborn Uniques

Equipment Effect and Affixes
Diablo IV - PeacemongerPeacemonger's Signet
Effect: While you have at least 4 stacks of Ferocity, you gain 1 - 7 Vigor per second. Gaining Ferocity also grants Resolve.
Item Affixes:
・+ 37.5% Fire Resistance and + 130 Armor
・+ 5.0 - 6.0% Dodge Chance
・+ 3 - 4 All Stats per Ferocity or Resolve Stack
・+ 1 - 2 to Fueled
・+ 3 to Perseverance
Diablo IV - Ring of the Midday HuntRing of the Midday Hunt
Effect: Your Maximum Vigor is increased by 50%, and killing an enemy grants you 1 - 7 Vigor. While you have Ferocity, your Poisoning effects deal their damage across 33% of the normal duration.
Item Affixes:
・+ 37.5% Fire and Poison Resistance
・+ 14 - 23 Life On Kill
・+ 10.5 - 15.0% Attack Speed
・+ 17.5 - 23.0% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds After Killing an Enemy
・+ 4 to Nourishment
Malefic Crescent
Effect: The value of your Lupine Ferocity's consecutive Critical Strike Damage is increased to 150-200% against enemies when consecutively Critical Striking.
Item Affixes:
・25% Resistance to All Elements
・+ 8 - 11% Willpower
・+ 155 - 200% Werewolf Critical Strike Damage
・+ 8 - 15% Movement Speed while Shapeshifting into a Werewolf
・+ 1 - 2 Ranks of Feral Aptitude

List of All Unique Items

Jaguar Spirit Mechanics

Spirit Hall Specialization

Guardian Effects
Diablo 4 Jaguar SpiritJaguar
Every 15th time you deal direct damage to an enemy with a Jaguar Skill, unleash additional slashes dealing 15% of the damage of the 0.5 seconds. All Skills are now also Jaguar Skills.
Diablo 4 Jaguar SpiritJaguar
Maximum Ferocity is increased by 1. Gain 1 stack of Ferocity whenever you kill an enemy or damage a Boss.

The Jaguar spirit is one of the four guardian spirits you can slot in as either your Primary or Secondary Spirit Hall specialization for the Spiritborn class. This spirit specializes in stacking damage buffs with wide-ranged fire attacks, which makes it great for taking on bosses and high value targets.

Spiritborn Spirit Hall Guide

Who is the Jaguar Spirit?

Rezoka the Jaguar

Rezoka, the Jaguar Spirit

The Jaguar, or otherwise known as Rezoka the Jaguar, is one of the Spiritborn's guardian spirit that creates fiery attacks with blinding speed to hunt its prey. Its capable of delivering ultra-fast combos while dealing fire damage in between.

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