Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

All Weapon Transmogs and Cosmetics

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Diablo 4 - List of Weapon Transmogs and Cosmetics

This guide showcases all available Weapon Transmogs and Cosmetics in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out the full list of weapon Transmogs for each weapon type, weapon cosmetics available at the shop, and promotional weapon cosmetics!

All Season 6 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Soul Drinker's Torch
Tier 87 Reward
Soul Drinker's Anima
Tier 83 Reward
Soul Drinker's Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 81 Reward
Soul Drinker's Reach
Tier 76 Reward
Soul Drinker's Axe
Tier 71 Reward
Soul Drinker's Pike
Tier 66 Reward
Soul Drinker's Siphon
Tier 63 Reward
Soul Drinker's Maul
Tier 61 Reward
Soul Drinker's Maw
Tier 57 Reward
Soul Drinker's Arbalest
Tier 51 Reward
Swashbuckler's Witchin' Stick
Tier 42 Reward
Soul Drinker's Flambard
Tier 39 Reward
Swashbuckler's True Beloved
Tier 35 Reward
Soul Drinker's Dagger
Tier 31 Reward
Soul Drinker's Incantum
Tier 26 Reward
Swashbuckler's Meat Cleaver
Tier 25 Reward
Soul Drinker's Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 21 Reward
Soul Drinker's Stave
Tier 19 Reward
Swashbuckler's Fishin' Pole
Tier 15 Reward
Soul Drinker's Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 11 Reward
Soul Drinker's Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 9 Reward
Soul Drinker's Crook
Tier 7 Reward
Swashbuckler's Toothpick
Tier 5 Reward
Soul Drinker's Hook
Tier 3 Reward

All Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics

All Season 5 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Risen Archenemy Scepter
Tier 87 Reward
Risen Archenemy Sabre
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 83 Reward
Archenemy Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 81 Reward
Risen Archenemy Axe
Tier 76 Reward
Archenemy Spear
Tier 71 Reward
Risen Archenemy Dagger
Tier 66 Reward
Archenemy Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 63 Reward
Archenemy Bulwark
Tier 61 Reward
Risen Archenemy Stave
Tier 57 Reward
Archenemy's Focus
Tier 51 Reward
Waning Sun Crescent
Tier 42 Reward
Archenemy Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 39 Reward
Waning Sun Crystal
Tier 35 Reward
Archenemy Longbow
Tier 31 Reward
Archenemy Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 26 Reward
Waning Sun Bow
Tier 25 Reward
Archenemy Battlestaff
Tier 21 Reward
Archenemy Maul
Tier 19 Reward
Waning Sun Elderstaff
Tier 15 Reward
Archenemy Sickle
Tier 11 Reward
Archenemy's Urn
Tier 9 Reward
Archenemy Crossbow
Tier 7 Reward
Waning Sun Spear
Tier 5 Reward
Archenemy's Malice
Tier 3 Reward

All Season 4 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Gilded Demigod Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 87 Reward
Gilded Demigod Staff
Tier 83 Reward
Demigod Hammer
(One-Handed Mace)
Tier 81 Reward
Gilded Demigod Aegis
Tier 76 Reward
Demigod Flayer
Tier 71 Reward
Gilded Demigod Arbalest
Tier 66 Reward
Demigod Hewer
(One-Handed Axe)
Tier 63 Reward
Demigod Folio
Tier 61 Reward
Gilded Demigod Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 57 Reward
Demigod Caster
Tier 51 Reward
Rediscovered Bolt-Thrower
Tier 42 Reward
Demigod Idol
Tier 39 Reward
Rediscovered Safeguard
Tier 35 Reward
Demigod Headsman
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 31 Reward
Demigod Parabola
Tier 26 Reward
Rediscovered Two-Hander
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 25 Reward
Demigod Crux
Tier 21 Reward
Demigod Crescent
(One-Handed Scythe)
Tier 19 Reward
Rediscovered Effigy
Tier 15 Reward
Demigod Reaper
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 11 Reward
Demigod Halberd
Tier 9 Reward
Demigod Grand Stave
Tier 7 Reward
Rediscovered Magestaff
Tier 5 Reward
Demigod Spatha
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 3 Reward

All Season 3 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Energized Spheral Labrys
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 87 Reward
Energized Spheral Xiphos
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 83 Reward
Spheral Broadsword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 81 Reward
Bone Clan Khopesh
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 79 Reward
Energized Spheral Acinaces
Tier 76 Reward
Spheral Reaper
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 71 Reward
The Witchtongue
Tier 69 Reward
Energized Spheral Wand
Tier 66 Reward
Spheral Tome
Tier 63 Reward
Spheral Reflex
Tier 61 Reward
Energized Spheral Star
(One-Handed Mace)
Tier 57 Reward
Spheral Glaive
Tier 51 Reward
Fabricate Focus
Tier 42 Reward
Spheral Astrolabe
Tier 39 Reward
Fabricate Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 35 Reward
Spheral Core
Tier 31 Reward
Spheral Bulwark
Tier 26 Reward
Fabricate Staff
Tier 25 Reward
Spheral Morning Star
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 21 Reward
Spheral Arbalest
Tier 19 Reward
Fabricate Harpoon
Tier 15 Reward
Spheral Quarterstaff
Tier 11 Reward
Spheral Thresher
(One-Handed Scythe)
Tier 9 Reward
Spheral Shillelagh
Tier 7 Reward
Fabricate Bow
Tier 5 Reward
Spheral Broad Axe
Tier 3 Reward

All Season 2 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Ensanguined Marrow Sickle
(One-Handed Scythe)
Tier 87 Reward
Ensanguined Marrow Battle Axe
(One-Handed Axe)
Tier 83 Reward
Marrow Wand
Tier 81 Reward
Marrow Hatchet
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 71 Reward
Ensanguined Marrow Shortbow
Tier 66 Reward
Marrow Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 63 Reward
Marrow Smasher
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 61 Reward
Ensanguined Marrow Vessel
Tier 57 Reward
Marrow Staff
Tier 51 Reward
Embellished Shield
Tier 42 Reward
Marrow Crossbow
Tier 39 Reward
Embellished Staff
Tier 35 Reward
Marrow Great Sword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 31 Reward
Marrow Poignard
Tier 26 Reward
Embellished Skeggox
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 25 Reward
Marrow Protector
Tier 21 Reward
Marrow Halberd
Tier 19 Reward
Embellished Arbalest
Tier 15 Reward
Marrow Bludgeon
(One-Handed Mace)
Tier 11 Reward
Marrow Short Sword
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 9 Reward
Marrow Chalice
Tier 7 Reward
Embellished Cudgel
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 5 Reward
Marrow Caduceus
Tier 3 Reward

All Season 1 Weapon Cosmetics

List of Seasonal Weapon Cosmetics
Gilded Coldiron Poleaxe CosmeticGilded Coldiron Poleaxe
Tier 87 Reward
Coldiron Rod CosmeticColdiron Rod
Tier 85 Reward
Gilded Coldiron Arbalest CosmeticGilded Coldiron Arbalest
Tier 83 Reward
Coldiron Cudgel CosmeticColdiron Cudgel
(One-Handed Mace)
Tier 81 Reward
Gilded Coldiron Guillotine CosmeticGilded Coldiron Guillotine
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Tier 76 Reward
Coldiron Maul CosmeticColdiron Maul
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tier 71 Reward
Gilded Coldiron Crozier CosmeticGilded Coldiron Crozier
Tier 66 Reward
Coldiron Simulacra CosmeticColdiron Simulacra
Tier 61 Reward
Gilded Coldiron Pillar CosmeticGilded Coldiron Pillar
Tier 57 Reward
Coldiron Estoc CosmeticColdiron Estoc
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 51 Reward
Balanced Wand CosmeticBalanced Wand
Tier 42 Reward
Coldiron Bastard Sword CosmeticColdiron Bastard Sword
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tier 39 Reward
Balanced Mace CosmeticBalanced Mace
(One-Handed Mace)
Tier 35 Reward
Coldiron Recurve CosmeticColdiron Recurve
Tier 31 Reward
Coldiron Headsman CosmeticColdiron Headsman
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tier 26 Reward
Balanced Dagger CosmeticBalanced Dagger
Tier 25 Reward
Coldiron Lamina CosmeticColdiron Lamina
Tier 21 Reward
Coldiron Shear CosmeticColdiron Shear
(One-Handed Scythe)
Tier 19 Reward
Balanced Axe CosmeticBalanced Axe
(One-Handed Axe)
Tier 15 Reward
Coldiron Jambiya CosmeticColdiron Jambiya
Tier 11 Reward
Coldiron Aegis CosmeticColdiron Aegis
Tier 9 Reward
Coldiron Sagaris CosmeticColdiron Sagaris
(One-Handed Axe)
Tier 7 Reward
Balanced Sword CosmeticBalanced Sword
(One-Handed Sword)
Tier 5 Reward
Coldiron Vessel CosmeticColdiron Vessel
Tier 3 Reward

All In-Game Weapon Transmogs

One-Handed Sword Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Barbed Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Barbed Sword
Diablo 4 - Bastard Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Bastard Sword
Diablo 4 - Broad Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Broad Sword
Diablo 4 - Doomblade One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Falchion One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Flammard One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Ghoul King
Ghoul King's Blade
Diablo 4 - Lich Blade One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Lich Blade
Diablo 4 - Mangler One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Military Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Military Sword
Diablo 4 - Obsidian Blade One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Obsidian Blade
Diablo 4 - Royal Boneblade One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Royal Boneblade
Diablo 4 - Sabre One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Serpent
Serpent's Bite
Diablo 4 - Short Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Short Sword
Diablo 4 - Skull and Steel One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Skull and Steel
Diablo 4 - War Sword One-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
War Sword

Two-Handed Sword Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Bastard Sword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Bastard Sword
Diablo 4 - Claymore Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Crystal Greatsword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Crystal Greatsword
Diablo 4 - Demonblade Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Flamberge Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Flamberge Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Gargoyle
Gargoyle's Greatsword
Diablo 4 - Giant Sword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Giant Sword
Diablo 4 - Gothic Blade Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Gothic Blade
Diablo 4 - Great Sword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Great Sword
Diablo 4 - Grimstone Sword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Grimstone Sword
Diablo 4 - Kingslayer Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Spinal Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Two-Handed Sword Two-Handed Sword Weapon Transmog
Two-Handed Sword

One-Handed Axe Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Battle Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Battle Axe
Diablo 4 - Broad Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Broad Axe
Diablo 4 - Cedar Wood Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Cedar Wood Axe
Diablo 4 - Great Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Great Axe
Diablo 4 - Hand Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Hand Axe
Diablo 4 - Marauder Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Marauder Axe
Diablo 4 - Octopian Edge One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Octopian Edge
Diablo 4 - Ripper Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Ripper Axe
Diablo 4 - War Axe One-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
War Axe

Two-Handed Axe Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Axe Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Battleworn Crescent Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Battleworn Crescent
Diablo 4 - Bloodsweep Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Cannibal
Cannibal's Chopper
Diablo 4 - Double Axe Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Double Axe
Diablo 4 - Forester
Forester's Axe
Diablo 4 - Great Axe Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Great Axe
Diablo 4 - Iron Axe Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Iron Axe
Diablo 4 - King Maker Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
King Maker
Diablo 4 - Lumber Axe Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Lumber Axe
Diablo 4 - Parashu Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Sagaris Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Sargaris Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Serrated Cleaver Two-Handed Axe Weapon Transmog
Serrated Cleaver

One-Handed Mace Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Bloodsucker One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Club One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Crag Hammer One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Crag Hammer
Diablo 4 - Cudgel One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Death Mace One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Death Mace
Diablo 4 - Impact Hammer One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Impact Hammer
Diablo 4 - Mace of Blazing Furor One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Mace of Blazing Furor
Diablo 4 - Morning Star One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Morning Star
Diablo 4 - Rootfist One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Smashing Star One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Smashing Star
Diablo 4 - Spiked Baton One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Spiked Baton
Diablo 4 - Truncheon One-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog

Two-Handed Mace Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Bonebreaker Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Demolisher Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Dire Mace Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Dire Mace
Diablo 4 - Dread Mace Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Dread Mace
Diablo 4 - Great Hammer Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Great Hammer
Diablo 4 - Great Maul Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Great Maul
Diablo 4 - Greater Maul Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Greater Maul
Diablo 4 - Horned Cudgel Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Horned Cudgel
Diablo 4 - Iron Mauler Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Iron Mauler
Diablo 4 - Penitent Hammer Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Penitent Hammer
Diablo 4 - Skull Crusher Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Skull Crusher
Diablo 4 - Sledge Hammer Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Sledge Hammer
Diablo 4 - Two-Handed Hammer Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
Two-Handed Hammer
Diablo 4 - War Hammer Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
War Hammer
Diablo 4 - War Mallet Two-Handed Mace Weapon Transmog
War Mallet

One-Handed Scythe Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Billhook One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Flesh Sever One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Flesh Sever
Diablo 4 - Greater Scythe One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Greater Scythe
Diablo 4 - Hand Sickle One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Hand Sickle
Diablo 4 - Iron Scythe One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Iron Scythe
Diablo 4 - Kama One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Khopesh One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Reaper One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Sacrificial Sickle One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Sacrificial Sickle
Diablo 4 - Simple Scythe One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Simple Scythe
Diablo 4 - Stone Scythe One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Stone Scythe
Diablo 4 - War Sickle One-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
War Sickle

Two-Handed Scythe Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Compassion Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Dragon Spine Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Dragon Spine
Diablo 4 - Forgotten Scythe Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Forgotten Scythe
Diablo 4 - Grave Striker Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Grave Striker
Diablo 4 - Heavy Scythe Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Heavy Scythe
Diablo 4 - Reaping Scythe Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Reaping Scythe
Diablo 4 - Scapel Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Silver Gouger Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Silver Gouger
Diablo 4 - Sparr Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Steel Scythe Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Steel Scythe
Diablo 4 - The End Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
The End
Diablo 4 - Toothed Reaper Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Toothed Reaper
Diablo 4 - Weathered Scythe Two-Handed Scythe Weapon Transmog
Weathered Scythe

Polearm Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Boar Spear Polearm Weapon Transmog
Boar Spear
Diablo 4 - Cryptic Partizan Polearm Weapon Transmog
Cryptic Partizan
Diablo 4 - Fate Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Glaive Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Hache Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Halberd Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Impaler Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Javelin Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Lance Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Pike Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Poleaxe Polearm Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - War Crest Polearm Weapon Transmog
War Crest

Dagger Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Anlace Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Assassin
Assassin's Blade
Diablo 4 - Bone Blade Dagger Weapon Transmog
Bone Blade
Diablo 4 - Broodmother
Broodmother's Stinger
Diablo 4 - Condemnation Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Dirk Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Jambiya Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Khanjali Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Kris Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Midwinter Knife Dagger Weapon Transmog
Midwinter Knife
Diablo 4 - Ritual Dagger Dagger Weapon Transmog
Ritual Dagger
Diablo 4 - Sharpened Dirk Dagger Weapon Transmog
Sharpened Dirk
Diablo 4 - Shiv Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Sica Dagger Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Simple Dagger Dagger Weapon Transmog
Simple Dagger
Diablo 4 - Simple Dagger Dagger Weapon Transmog
Simple Dagger
Diablo 4 - Twin-Blade Dagger Weapon Transmog

Bow Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Battle Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Battle Bow
Diablo 4 - Common Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Common Bow
Diablo 4 - Flatbow Bow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Forgotten Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Forgotten Bow
Diablo 4 - Hunter
Hunter's Bow
Diablo 4 - Iron Recurve Bow Weapon Transmog
Iron Recurve
Diablo 4 - Longshot Bow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Makeshift Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Makeshift Bow
Diablo 4 - Razorwind Bow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Revenant Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Revenant Bow
Diablo 4 - Serpent
Serpent's Bone Bow
Diablo 4 - Siege Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Siege Bow
Diablo 4 - Silver Warp-Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Silver Warp-Bow
Diablo 4 - Simple Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Simple Bow
Diablo 4 - Weathered Bow Bow Weapon Transmog
Weathered Bow

Crossbow Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Buriza-Do Kyanon Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Buriza-Do Kyanon
Diablo 4 - Compound Bow Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Compound Bow
Diablo 4 - Cranequin Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Cross Axe Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Cross Axe
Diablo 4 - Midwinter Catapult Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Midwinter Catapult
Diablo 4 - Pellet Bow Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Pellet Bow
Diablo 4 - Phantom Maker Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Phantom Maker
Diablo 4 - Piercing Wind Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Piercing Wind
Diablo 4 - Reinforced Crossbow Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Reinforced Crossbow
Diablo 4 - Scorpion Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Silentstring Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Swiftwind Crossbow Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Warcaster Crossbow Weapon Transmog

Staff Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Midwinter Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Midwinter Staff
Diablo 4 - Apothecary
Apothecary's Staff
Diablo 4 - Battle Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Battle Staff
Diablo 4 - Brilliance Staff Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Dragon Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Dragon Staff
Diablo 4 - Energy Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Energy Staff
Diablo 4 - Fulmination Staff Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Glorious Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Glorious Staff
Diablo 4 - Jade Greatstaff Staff Weapon Transmog
Jade Greatstaff
Diablo 4 - Nimble Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Nimble Staff
Diablo 4 - Oblivion Staff Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Rough Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Rough Staff
Diablo 4 - Seer
Seer's Staff
Diablo 4 - Torment Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Torment Staff
Diablo 4 - War Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
War Staff
Diablo 4 - Weathered Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Weathered Staff
Diablo 4 - Archon Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Archon Staff
Diablo 4 - Cedar Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Cedar Staff
Diablo 4 - Elder Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Elder Staff
Diablo 4 - Gothic Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Gothic Staff
Diablo 4 - Iron Walking Stick Staff Weapon Transmog
Iron Walking Stick
Diablo 4 - Jo Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Jo Staff
Diablo 4 - Rune Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Rune Staff
Diablo 4 - Earth Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Earth Staff
Diablo 4 - Horn Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Horn Staff
Diablo 4 - Medicine Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Medicine Staff
Diablo 4 - Tribal Staff Staff Weapon Transmog
Tribal Staff

Wand Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Apprentice
Apprentice's Wand
Diablo 4 - Basic Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Basic Wand
Diablo 4 - Battle Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Battle Wand
Diablo 4 - Bone Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Bone Wand
Diablo 4 - Conjuration Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Conjuration Wand
Diablo 4 - Duelist Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Duelist Wand
Diablo 4 - Enchanter Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Enchanter Wand
Diablo 4 - Grave Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Grave Wand
Diablo 4 - Iron Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Iron Wand
Diablo 4 - Magus Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Magus Wand
Diablo 4 - Mentor Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Mentor Wand
Diablo 4 - Midwinter Beacon Wand Weapon Transmog
Midwinter Beacon
Diablo 4 - Oak Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Oak Wand
Diablo 4 - Petrified Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Petrified Wand
Diablo 4 - Rattling Bones Wand Weapon Transmog
Rattling Bones
Diablo 4 - Rudimentary Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Rudimentary Wand
Diablo 4 - Serpentine Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Serpentine Wand
Diablo 4 - Spellbinder Wand Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Spinal Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Spinal Wand
Diablo 4 - Steel Wand Wand Weapon Transmog
Steel Wand
Diablo 4 - Wizard
Wizard's Touch

Shield Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Aegis Shield Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Aegis of Thorri Shield Weapon Transmog
Aegis of Thorri
Diablo 4 - Basic Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Basic Shield
Diablo 4 - Bone Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Bone Shield
Diablo 4 - Bonescale Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Bonescale Shield
Diablo 4 - Buckler Shield Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Combat Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Combat Shield
Diablo 4 - Death
Death's Defense
Diablo 4 - Dread Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Dread Shield
Diablo 4 - Gothic Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Gothic Shield
Diablo 4 - Guard Shield Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Iron Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Iron Shield
Diablo 4 - Kite Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Kite Shield
Diablo 4 - Protector Shield Shield Weapon Transmog
Protector Shield
Diablo 4 - Stormshield Shield Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Targe Shield Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Tower Shield Weapon Transmog

Focus Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -

Demon's Eye

Dream Catcher

Enigma Cube


Jade Relic

Molten Lotus

Relic Skull

Runic Orb

Serpent Stone




Totem Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -
Diablo 4 - Ancient Effigy Totem Weapon Transmog
Ancient Effigy
Diablo 4 - Bestial Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Bestial Totem
Diablo 4 - Cairnstone Totem Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Capric Fetish Totem Weapon Transmog
Capric Fetish
Diablo 4 - Earthshaper Totem Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Feral Effigy Totem Weapon Transmog
Feral Effigy
Diablo 4 - Honored Relic Totem Weapon Transmog
Honored Relic
Diablo 4 - Lupine Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Lupine Totem
Diablo 4 - Primordial Fetish Totem Weapon Transmog
Primordial Fetish
Diablo 4 - Skycaller Totem Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Ursine Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Ursine Totem
Diablo 4 - Wildcaller Totem Totem Weapon Transmog
Wildcaller Totem

Glaive Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -

Armored Glaive

Carved Glaive

Elegant Glaive

Flame Glaive

Furrowed Glaive

Golden Glaive

Hooked Glaive

Jade Glaive

Onyx Glaive

Realmwarden's Scepter

Sawtooth Glaive

Serrated Glaive

Sharp Glaive

Sharpened Glaive

Tuned Glaive

Quarterstaff Transmogs

All Weapon Types
1H Sword 2H Sword 1H Axe 2H Axe
1H Mace 2H Mace 1H Scythe 2H Scythe
Polearm Dagger Bow Crossbow
Staff Wand Shield Focus
Totem Glaive Quarterstaff -

Ascendant Quarterstaff

Carved Quarterstaff

Elder Quarterstaff

Fancy Quarterstaff

Golden Quarterstaff

Heavy Quarterstaff

Honed Quarterstaff

Ritual Quarterstaff

Smashing Quarterstaff

Spirit Quarterstaff

Thorned Quarterstaff

All Shop Weapon Cosmetics

List of Shop Weapon Cosmetics
The Matron's Tongue
(One-Handed Sword)
Hellgate Inquisitor Bundle
The Twin Blade of Azzinoth
(One-Handed Sword)
The Betrayer Bundle
Reach of the Wraith
Walker of the Woods Bundle
Frost of Cocytus Bundle
Fortune's Warhammer
(One-Handed Mace)
Weapon's of Fortune Bundle
Fortune's Maul
(Two-Handed Mace)
Weapon's of Fortune Bundle
Fortune's Labrys
(Two-Handed Axe)
Weapon's of Fortune Bundle
Fortune's Claymore
(Two-Handed Sword)
Weapon's of Fortune Bundle
Fortune's Halberd
Weapon's of Fortune Bundle
Reach of Cocytus
Frost of Cocytus Bundle
Fist of the Wraith
(One-Handed Mace)
Walker of the Woods Bundle
Wumba's Grasp
The Guardian's Fist Bundle
Wumba's Pride
The Guardian's Fist Bundle
Balazan's Coil
The Devourer's Venom Bundle
Balazan's Bite
The Devourer's Venom Bundle
Rezoka's Roar
The Hunter's Fire Bundle
Rezoka's Claws
The Hunter's Fire Bundle
Passion and Pain
Mother's Memory Bundle
Love and Hate
Mother's Memory Bundle
Yshari Scholar's Stave
Glory of the Yshari Bundle
Yshari Blackscroll
Glory of the Yshari Bundle
Voice of the Phantom
The Phantom Oracle Bundle
Gathering Mist
The Phantom Oracle Bundle
Oblivion Shelter
Hellgate Inquisitor Bundle
(Two-Handed Sword)
The One True King Bundle
The Honored Teacher Bundle
(Two-Handed Mace)
Undying Rage Bundle
Mace of the War Wraith
(Two-Handed Mace)
Wraith of the Old War Bundle
(One-Handed Axe)
Undying Rage Bundle
Malleus Baalos
(One-Handed Mace)
Fist of the Primes Bundle
(Two-Handed Axe)
The Tyrant Bundle
Pike of the War Wraith
Wraith of the Old War Bundle
Securis Diabolos
(Two-Handed Axe)
Fist of the Primes Bundle
Bloodhawk's Bite
(One-Handed Sword)
Mark of the Bloodhawk Bundle
Bloodhawk's Descent
Mark of the Bloodhawk Bundle
Silverpoint Bow
Spirit of the Silver Fog Bundle
Silverpoint Crossbow
Spirit of the Silver Fog Bundle
Serpentine Glaive
Serpent's Champion Bundle
Serpent's Bite
(One-Handed Sword)
Serpent's Champion Bundle
Obsidian Axe
The Obsidian Beast Bundle
Obsidian Claymore
(Two-Handed Sword)
The Obsidian Beast Bundle
Ivory Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)
The Ivory Titan Bundle
Ivory Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)
The Ivory Titan Bundle
Bloody Winged Axe
The Bloody Hawk Bundle
Bloody Winged Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)
The Bloody Hawk Bundle
Glor-An-Fhaidha Branch
The Oaken Keeper Bundle
Oaken Cudgel
The Oaken Keeper Bundle
Mace of the Churning Earth
The Churning Earth Bundle
Staff of the Churning Earth
The Churning Earth Bundle
Mohlonic Wand
Priestess of Mohlon Bundle
Mohlonic Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Priestess of Mohlon Bundle
Arbiter's Justice
(One-Handed Sword)
The Blackthorn Arbiter Bundle
Arbiter's Wreath
The Blackthorn Arbiter Bundle
Rogue's Recurve
Rogue's Legacy Bundle
Rogue's Ballista
Rogue's Legacy Bundle
Ominous Beacon
The Drowned Omen Bundle
Toll of the Drowned
The Drowned Omen Bundle
Fulgur's Rod
Shards of Light Bundle
Crescent Arc
(One-Handed Axe)
Shards of Light Bundle
Dirge of War
(Two-Handed Sword)
Sounds of War Bundle
War Cleaver
Sounds of War Bundle
Corvid Point
Corvid Duelist Bundle
Corvid Finger
Corvid Duelist Bundle
Sins of the Flesh Bundle
Head of the Sin-Eater
Sins of the Flesh Bundle
Celestial Visions Bundle
Shield of Faces
The Face Collector Bundle
Face Flayer
The Face Collector Bundle
Blade of Aruk
Pale Mischief Bundle
Golden Harrier
Pale Mischief Bundle
Sacrifice Gallo
Blood Sacrifice Bundle
Sacrifice Quillon
Blood Sacrifice Bundle
Heirloom Recurve
The Heirloom Bundle
Heirloom Rapier
(One-Handed Sword)
The Heirloom Bundle
Angelic Resonance Bundle
Crystal Arch Censer
Angelic Resonance Bundle
Bolts of Light
Eye of Zakarum Bundle
Order's Messenger
(One-Handed Sword)
Eye of Zakarum Bundle
The Sun King Bundle
The Banshee Queen Bundle
Xal'Atath Blade of the Black Empire
The Blade Bundle
Thorn of Xavius
The First Satyr Bundle
(One-Handed Sword)
The Gladiator-King Bundle
Hydra's Resinite
Ancient Hydra Bundle
Hydra's Finger
Ancient Hydra Bundle
Golden Reaver
(One-Handed Sword)
Sounds of Slaughter Bundle
Cutting Peal
(Two-Handed Sword)
Sounds of Slaughter Bundle
Zakarum Spite
Sounds of Slaughter Bundle
Klath-Ulna's Cut
Sounds of Slaughter Bundle
Gilded Atgeir
Sounds of Slaughter Bundle
Raven's Perch
The Raven Cantor Bundle
Raven's Beak
The Raven Cantor Bundle
Scarlet Finesse
(One-Handed Sword)
The Scarlet Bard Bundle
Scarlet Songbird
The Scarlet Bard Bundle
Jaded Stinger
Jade Scorpion Bundle
Jade Eternity
(One-Handed Sword)
Jade Scorpion Bundle
Distant Mirage
Mirage of the Marshlands Bundle
Mirage's Edge
(One-Handed Sword)
Mirage of the Marshlands Bundle
Witchwood Stave
Witch of the Woods Bundle
Edge of the Witchwood
Witch of the Woods Bundle
Fate's Decree
Fate of All Magi Bundle
Finger of Fate
Fate of All Magi Bundle
Diviner's Crook
Sightless Seer Bundle
Spheromancer's Eye
Sightless Seer Bundle
Gyre Abyss
Blackjade Bundle
Blackjade Bundle
Sanguine Duelist Bundle
Sanguine Duelist Bundle
Confession Siphon
The Red Confessor Bundle
Confession Crystal
The Red Confessor Bundle
Golden Priest Scripture
Golden Priest of Trag'Oul Bundle
Golden Priest Athame
Golden Priest of Trag'Oul Bundle
King Korelan's Shield
A Rose for the King Bundle
King Korelan's Flamberge
(Two-Handed Sword)
A Rose for the King Bundle
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tongue Ripper Bundle
Headman's Tongue
(Two-Handed Sword)
Tongue Ripper Bundle
Brazen Breaker
(Two-Handed Mace)
Brazen Bull Bundle
Brazen Beheader
(Two-Handed Axe)
Brazen Bull Bundle
Wicked Warblade
(Two-Handed Sword)
Reign of the Wicked Bundle
Wicked Longaxe
Reign of the Wicked Bundle
Tyrant's Wrath
(Two-Handed Axe)
Tyrant of the Pits Bundle
Jackal's Crook
(One-Handed Scythe)
Void Jackal Bundle
Tyrant's Judgment
(Two-Handed Mace)
Tyrant of the Pits Bundle
Jackal's Guillotine
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Void Jackal Bundle
(Two-Handed Mace)
The Tusked Lord Bundle
The Chop
(Two-Handed Axe)
Bathed in Blood Bundle
Staff of Loxodonta
The Tusked Lord Bundle
Martyr's Cross
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Fanatic Martyr Bundle
Caged Storm Psyche
Caged Storm Bundle
Pearl Pericranium
Ancient's Pearl Bundle
Caged Storm Bundle
(Two-Handed Sword)
Fanatic Martyr Bundle
Festival Scythe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Festival Macabre Bundle
Death Legacy Guillotine
(One-Handed Scythe)
Death Legacy Bundle
Grave Dancer's Flourish
(One-Handed Sword)
The Grave Dancer Bundle
His Radiant Censer
Adepts of Faith Bundle
Vanquished Elder's Mace
(One-Handed Mace)
The Vanquished Elder Bundle
Grave Dancer's Finale
The Grave Dancer Bundle
Nymphaea Cranium
Golden Nymphaea Bundle
Reaper's Will
(Two-Handed Sword)
Shadow of the Reaper Bundle
Reaper's Vengeance
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Shadow of the Reaper Bundle
Demonheart Cleaver
(Two-Handed Axe)
Demon's Heart Bundle
Profane Flamberge
(Two-Handed Sword)
The Profaned Knight Bundle
The Pearl Shear
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Ancient's Pearl Bundle
Festival Sickle
(One-Handed Scythe)
Festival Macabre Bundle
Asylum Key
The Mad Jester Bundle
Nymphaea Skull Staff
Golden Nymphaea Bundle
Profane Poleaxe
The Profaned Knight Bundle
Vanquished Elder's Sword
(One-Handed Sword)
The Vanquished Elder Bundle
Demonheart Greatblade
(Two-Handed Sword)
Demon's Heart Bundle
Death Legacy Aspect
Death Legacy Bundle
Father's Aegis
Adepts of Faith Bundle
Marotte Blade
(One-Handed Sword)
The Mad Jester Bundle
(One-Handed Sword)
Bathed in Blood Bundle
Cutthroat CosmeticCutthroat
Blood for Money Bundle
Debt Collector CosmeticDebt Collector
(One-Handed Sword)
Blood for Money Bundle
Insanity Crutch CosmeticInsanity Crutch
The Host of Chaos Bundle
Maddening Eye CosmeticMaddening Eye
The Host of Chaos Bundle
Mortal Coil CosmeticMortal Coil
Triune Apostate Bundle
AshanaAshana's Scalpel
Triune Apostate Bundle
Thin the Herd CosmeticThin the Herd
Raised by Wolves Bundle
Staff of Thaumaturgy CosmeticStaff of Thaumaturgy
Fractured Magic Bundle
Tempest Finger CosmeticTempest Finger
Fractured Magic Bundle
Tooth CosmeticTooth
Raised by Wolves Bundle
The Mission Bell CosmeticThe Mission Bell
(Two-Handed Mace)
Death Toll Bundle
The Largest Cut CosmeticThe Largest Cut
(Two-Handed Axe)
Death Toll Bundle
Regret CosmeticRegret
Thorns of Penitence Bundle
Nail CosmeticNail
Raised by Wolves Bundle
Scylla CosmeticScylla
Heir to the Sea Bundle
Mauling Pounce CosmeticMauling Pounce
The Lion of Arreat Bundle
Essence Shade CosmeticEssence Shade
Wraith Lord Bundle
Fearsome Roar CosmeticFearsome Roar
(Two-Handed Sword)
The Lion of Arreat Bundle
Equilibrium CosmeticEquilibrium
Wraith Lord Bundle
BeginningBeginning's End
Crypt Hunter Bundle
Protean Axe CosmeticProtean Axe
Crypt Hunter Bundle
Currently UnavailableUnderworld Spine
Shadow Walker Bundle
Currently UnavailableShadowspike Catapault
Shadow Walker Bundle
Currently UnavailableSoulcrush
(Two-Handed Mace)
Hell's Champion Bundle
Currently UnavailableHellsteel Glaive
(Two-Handed Axe)
Hell's Champion Bundle
Currently UnavailableCindershot
Ash Knight Bundle
Currently UnavailableHellspike
Ash Knight Bundle
Currently UnavailableWand of Rivals
Envious Lust Bundle
Currently UnavailableToken of the Coveted
Envious Lust Bundle
Currently UnavailableMajesty
The Vain Monarch Bundle
Currently UnavailableSovereign's Decree
(Two-Handed Sword)
The Vain Monarch Bundle
Currently UnavailableBetrayer's End
Nightmare Spirit Bundle
Currently UnavailableTotem of Deuchainn
Nightmare Spirit Bundle
Currently UnavailableOblivion Finger
Blood Petal Bundle
Currently UnavailableHorns of Hell
Blood Petal Bundle
Currently UnavailableBloodgroove Athame
Coven of the Blood Saint Bundle
Currently UnavailableBlood Saint's Reaver
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Coven of the Blood Saint Bundle
Currently UnavailableNocturnal Watcher's Staff
Wisdom Feather Bundle
Currently UnavailableTotem of Strigi
Wisdom Feather Bundle
Currently UnavailableBearclaw Breaker
(Two-Handed Mace)
Ursa Noctua Bundle
Currently UnavailableIron Beak
(One-Handed Axe)
Ursa Noctua Bundle
Currently UnavailableSalvation Finger
Implements of Torture Bundle
Currently UnavailableAgony Caress
(One-Handed Scythe)
Implements of Torture Bundle
Currently UnavailableSacrifice Syringe
(Two-Handed Scythe)
Veins of the Blood Saint Bundle
Currently UnavailableBloodvein Athame
Veins of the Blood Saint Bundle
Currently UnavailableMalik's Blade
(One-Handed Sword)
Master Brawler Bundle
Currently UnavailableBullibrainer
(One-Handed Mace)
Master Brawler Bundle
Currently UnavailableLongclaw
Bear Cub Bale Bundle
Currently UnavailableBlade of Bernhardt
(One-Handed Sword)
Bear Cub Bale Bundle
Currently UnavailableHarrier Flight
Birds of Prey Bundle
Currently UnavailableRostrum Edge
(One-Handed Sword)
Birds of Prey Bundle
Currently UnavailableThe Magus Quill
Order of the First Ones Bundle
Currently UnavailableFundamental Hexahedron
Order of the First Ones Bundle
Currently UnavailableStaff of Felidae
Catamount Cradle Bundle
Currently UnavailablePanther Relic
Catamount Cradle Bundle
Currently UnavailableLingering Wand
Shadows of the Living Bundle
Currently UnavailableSands of Regret
Shadows of the Living Bundle

All Promotional Weapon Cosmetics

Promotional Weapon Cosmetics

Blood Petal Blade

Diablo 4 Blood Petal Blade

This rare cosmetic weapon is available only for players who visited the Hell Station Event in Korea from May 19 to June 6, 2023.

How to Get the Blood Petal Blade

KFC Weapon Cosmetics

All KFC Cosmetics
Diablo 4 Dread Pheasant SlayerDread Pheasant Slayer
Diablo 4 Thrumming AxleThrumming Axle
Diablo 4 Hand of GallusHand of Gallus
Diablo 4 Vessel of the ElevenVessel of the Eleven
Diablo 4 Foul ReaperFoul Reaper

You can buy KFC sandwiches from May 29th to July 2nd to get promotional codes for in-game weapon cosmetics.

How to Get KFC Weapons

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 Transmogs

Transmog Guide

All Transmogs and Cosmetics

Transmogs and Cosmetics by Type
Armor Sets Weapons
Back Trophies Markings
Mount Trophies Mount Armors
Headstones Emotes
Town Portals PvP Cosmetics

Transmogs by Class

Transmogs and Cosmetics by Class
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Druid Icon Test v1Druid
Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer Diablo 4 - Spiritborn IconSpiritborn


8 Anonymousover 1 year

Need to update 1h axe and 1h mace

7 Anonymousover 1 year

Mace - Wolf's Bite


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