Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Vessel of Hatred Guide and All Expansion Content

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★ Check out our Vessel of Hatred expansion guide

Diablo 4 - Vessel of Hatred
The Vessel of Hatred expansion for Diablo 4 (D4) was released on October 8, 2024. Read on to learn more about how to progress through the Vessel of Hatred expansion, all the new content available, and details on how the expansion will work!

Vessel of Hatred Progression Guide

How to Progress Through Vessel of Hatred

Choose a Build for the Expansion

All Season 6 Leveling Builds
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconUpheaval Leveling Build Druid Class ViewStone Burst Leveling Build Diablo 4 NecromancerSever Leveling Build
Rogue leveling BuildDance of Knives Leveling Build Sorcerer Class ViewConjuration Leveling Build Spiritborn Class ViewCentipede Leveling Build

The most important part before starting out with Vessel of Hatred is choosing a build for your desired class. We recommend following our leveling builds for each class to have a smoother progression throughout the expansion!

Best Vessel of Hatred Builds for Season 6

Spiritborn Guides

If you're trying the new Spiritborn class being introduced with the expansion, check out our guides for the class below!

Spiritborn Class Guide Spirit Hall Guide
Best Spiritborn Builds Tier List Pestilent Swarm and Centipede Spirit Explained
Storm Feathers and Eagle Spirit Explained Resolve and Gorilla Spirit Explained
Ferocity and Jaguar Spirit Explained -

Progress Through the Story Campaign

1 Finish the Vessel of Hatred Story Campaign
If you have already completed the main story campaign, you can skip it entirely and jump straight into the Expansion's Story Campaign. The expansion includes 31 Main Quests, spread across 4 chapters and an epilogue.

This provides a substantial amount of content and story, that is filled with different challenges and new bosses along the way.

Complete Expansion Story Walkthrough Vessel of Hatred Campaign Length

Unlock All Mercenaries

2 Complete Side Quests and Unlock Mercenaries
As you progress through the Vessel of Hatred's Main Story, you will unlock several Priority Quests along the way, some of which are for unlocking additional Mercenaries. Be sure to complete these quests, as they can significantly help with your game progression.

Mercenary Guides

There are more than meets the eye when it comes to the mercenaries. Refer to our mercenary guides below to learn more about the new mercenary companion system!

All Mercenary Guides
List of All Mercenaries Best Mercenary Tier List
Raheir Mercenary Guide Varyana Mercenary Guide
Aldkin Mercenary Guide Subo Mercenary Guide
Mercenary Rapport Guide Bartering System Explained
How to Farm Pale Marks -

Collect All Renown in Nahantu

3 Collect All Renown in Nahantu
Once you hire the Mercenaries you need and completed the story, you can shift your focus to earning all the Renown in the Nahantu Region to claim the bonus rewards, which will be useful in the endgame.

This involves unlocking all Waypoints, completing all the Strongholds, finishing Dungeons to obtain new Aspects, collecting the Tenets of Akarat, and taking on all Side Quests and Priority Quests.

Farm at Kurast Undercity to Level 60

4 Farm at Kurast Undercity to Level 60
As part of the Vessel of Hatred's main story, you will gain access to the Kurast Undercity by completing the Reunion Quest in Chapter 3. This area will serve as the primary location for farming gear and experience to reach level 60.

However, avoid spending too much time searching for better gear here, as you will likely replace it once you raise the difficulty to Torment.

Difficulty Tiers Explained

Join Hatred Rising Events

5 Join Realmwalker Events
Before focusing on leveling up to earn more Paragon Points, try to participate in the new Season 6 events called Hatred Rising. In these events, you can obtain Opals, which function like elixirs. They provide a 15% experience boost for 30 minutes, helping you level up faster.

Realmwalker Boss Guide Seething Realm Guide

Complete the Seasonal Event

6 Complete the Seasonal Event
Additionally, participating in these events will help you progress in the Zakarum Remnants, the current Seasonal Event. This event offers various rewards, such as materials and boss summoning items, which are essential for the endgame.

How to Farm Zakarum Remnants Reputation

Move to Torment Difficulty

11 Level Up Your Glyphs at the Pit
Once your character is well equipped and you are ready to switch to Torment Difficulty, begin running Nightmare Dungeons, Infernal Hordes, and The Pit. These dungeons will help you farm materials and equipment to strengthen your character and upgrade your Glyphs.

Afterward, use the boss summoning materials you have collected to farm Unique Items dropped by Uber Bosses, unlocking the full potential of your build.

Uber Boss Loot Tables (Season 6)

Complete the Dark Citadel

13 Complete the Dark Citadel
Finally, you can tackle the Dark Citadel, the pinnacle dungeon for Season 6 and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. This dungeon features three distinct sections and requires you to solve puzzles as you progress. Note that it requires two or more players, so you will not be able to complete it solo.

Completing the Dark Citadel marks the end of your Vessel of Hatred journey; the only thing remaining now is to reach and conquer Torment Tier 4, which is the ultimate goal of all players.

Dark Citadel Guide

Vessel of Hatred Expansion Content

New Spiritborn Playable Class

Diablo 4 - Spiritborn
The Spiritborn is a new playable class introduced in Vessel of Hatred. The Spiritborn wields glaives, quarterstaves, and polearms, harnessing the powers of the four Spirit Guardians in battle. Other classes are also expected receive new play styles as they receive new abilities, skills, and items.

Spiritborn Class Guide

New Campaign With Neyrelle and Mephisto

Diablo 4 - Mephisto
The Vessel of Hatred expansion continues the base game's story campaign. You'll have to pursue Neyrelle as she travels with the Soulstone containing Mephisto, as she believes she can resist his temptations. Prime Evil Mephisto will be the main antagonist in the story of the new expansion. He was the main antagonist in Diablo 2, and players who defeated him before can look forward to an exciting rematch.

Campaign Walkthrough

Explorable the Vast Jungle of Nahantu

Diablo 4 - Region of Nahantu
Players can explore the new region of Nahantu, a vast, vibrant jungle from Diablo 2. They can also revisit familiar locations like the Kurast Docks. Expect new side quests, enemy types, dungeons, strongholds, and bosses as you traverse Nahantu!

Powerful Mercenary Companions

Diablo 4 - Mercenaries
Mercenaries are recruitable allies with unique skills who will fight alongside you during exploration. Each mercenary has a variety of skills that you can customize to suit your character's build and play style.

Mercenary Guide and List of All Mercenaries

Dark Citadel Endgame Mode

Dark Citadel Boss Fight
The Dark Citadel is a new co-op PVE activity for players who have reached the endgame. This activity will allow you to obtain resplendent rewards and cosmetics that are exclusive to the Dark Citadel.

Dark Citadel Guide

Kurast Undercity Speed-Based Dungeon

Speed-Based Dungeon for Progression
Kurast Undercity is a speed-based dungeon that will help with your leveling and gear acquisition to prepare for endgame content. The dungeon will have a timer that you can extend by killing Elites and other powerful enemies until you reach the final Boss.

Kurast Undercity Guide

What Content Are You Most Excited For?

What type of content are you most excited about in the Vessel of Hatred Expansion? Cast your votes in the poll below and discuss it in the comments section!

Story Continuation 2
Entirely New Class 1
Explorable Region of Nahantu 0
Mephisto's Return 0
New Activities, Enemies, and Bosses 0

How Do Expansions Work?

Purchasable Content

Diablo 4 - Vessels of Hatred
Expansions are purchasable content players can buy to have new experiences with Diablo 4. Players do not need to buy the expansion to keep playing the base game and the new seasons. However, they cannot access any of the new content offered in the expansion, such as the new class and region.

Vessel of Hatred Expansion Price

The Vessel of Hatred starts at $39.99 with the Standard Edition; however, you can avail of three other editions that come with more inclusion, namely the Expansion Bundle, Deluxe Edition, and Ultimate Edition. The price and inclusions for each edition are as follows:

Edition Price Inclusion
Expansion Bundle $69.99 • Base Game
• Vessel of Hatred Expansion
Standard $39.99 • Vessel of Hatred Expansion
Deluxe $59.99 • Vessel of Hatred Expansion
• Hratli, Canine Pet
• Nahantu War-Cat Mount and Armor Bundle
• One Premium Battle Pass Token
Ultimate $89.99 • Vessel of Hatred Expansion
• Hratli, Canine Pet
• Nahantu War-Cat Mount and Armor Bundle
• One Premium Battle Pass Token
• 3,000 Platinum
• Natalya, Tiger Pet
• Nahantu Unearthed Armor Bundle​ (5 class armor sets)
• Wings of the Faith Cosmetic
• Nahantu Themed Town Portal
Note: If you pre-order any edition of the expansion, you will also obtain the Alkor, Snow Leopard Pet and Mother’s Lament Legendary Gem for Diablo Immortal as pre-order bonuses.

Vessel of Hatred Price and Edition Differences

Likely Possible to Transfer Characters

Likely Possible to Transfer Characters
Based on previous Diablo games, it is likely you can transfer your existing characters to become expansion characters; however, it is unclear whether you can transfer them back as non-expansion characters.

Due to this separation, non-expansion characters probably cannot party together with expansion characters as well.

Jump Straight to the New Story

Players have the option to jump straight to the new story, regardless of main campaign completion. Otherwise, players can also choose to start fresh, play from the beginning, and continue to the expansion story.

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