Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Get and Purify Seeds of Hatred

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Diablo 4 - How to Get and Purify Seeds of Hatred

Seeds of Hatred are a special type of item that drops when participating in both PvP and PvE activities within Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about Seeds of Hatred including how to get and purify them to obtain Red Dust!

How to Get Seeds of Hatred

Seeds of Hatred Farming Methods

Kill Demons Within the Fields of Hatred PvP Zone

Diablo 4 - Kill Enemies for Seeds

Killing demons and enemies found within the Fields of Hatred will have them drop Seeds of Hatred that you can collect and later purify. However, do remember that while farming, you will be actively flagged for PvP. Keep an eye out for gankers so you don't lose your hard-earned seeds to an ambush.

Complete Events and Open Chests in Fields of Hatred

On top of the general hack-and-slash method, players will also be rewarded with Seeds of Hatred if they complete zone events or open chests while inside a Field of Hatred. Of course, this method is much more dangerous as these open world activities often require you to stick to a single location for a length of time, making you easier to gank in PvP.

Kill Enemy Players Farming the Fields of Hatred

Diablo 4 - Kill Other Players for Seeds

If PvE isn't your cup of tea, then you can instead opt to hunt down other players who are also farming the Fields of Hatred for seeds. Engage them in PvP combat and kill them to have them drop the Seeds of Hatred they farmed within the zone.

Note: The developers have stated that PvP zones will have no party-size rules to keep combat balanced. Instead, expect to get ganked by both solos and groups alike when braving the dangers of the Fields of Hatred.

How to Purify Seeds of Hatred

Take the Seeds to Altars of Extraction

Diablo 4 - Altars of Extraction

To purify Seeds of Hatred, players will need to take them to Altars of Extraction. These altars can be found across several locations within a Field of Hatred. Bring your farmed Seeds to any one of them to begin the purification process.

Do note that purifying Seeds of Hatred at any of the altars will alert enemy players in the PvP area of your location. Prepare to defend yourself once you start the purification process in order to acquire the coveted Red Dust PvP currency.

Do Seeds of Hatred Drop on Death?

Yes, Dying in Fields of Hatred Has You Lose All Farmed Seeds

Diablo 4 - Seeds of Hatred Drop on Death

Dying within the area of a Field of Hatred will cause you to lose all of your farmed Seeds of Hatred. Once you die, the only way to get your seeds back is to either kill the player who slew you or re-farm them via more PvE and PvP activities within the zone.

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