Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Dry Steppes Interactive Map and Renown Guide

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Diablo 4 - Dry Steppes Map.png

Dry Steppes is one of the five major regions in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out our interactive map and Renown guide for Dry Steppes, and learn more about its waypoints, Strongholds, Side Quests, Dungeons, Altars of Lilith, World Bosses, and Events!

Dry Steppes Interactive Map

Dry Steppes Renown Guide

Dry Steppes Renown Overview
Waypoints Strongholds Side Quests
8 3 38
Areas Discovered Side Dungeons Altars of Lilith
51 21 33
Total Renown for Dry Steppes
2,435 Renown

Dry Steppes Waypoints

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Kotama Grasslands
The Onyx Watchtower
Fields of Hatred
Untamed Scarps
Qara Yisu
Jakha Basin
Chambatar Ridge

There are a total of 8 Waypoints to unlock in Dry Steppes. Check out our guide below for a detailed breakdown of each of their locations!

Dry Steppes Waypoint Locations

Dry Steppes Strongholds

Stronghold Map / Location
The Onyx Watchtower
Northwest of the Hidden Overlook Waypoint in Jakha Basin.
Temple of Rot
East of the Fields of Hatred and North of the Jirandai Waypoint.
Ruins of Qara-Yisu
South of the center of The Accursed Wastes region.

All Dry Steppes Stronghold Locations

Dry Steppes Side Quests

There are 38 Side Quests you can find and complete throughout Dry Steppes.

This list is currently still in development!

Quest Name Location How to Unlock
Barbarian: Masters of Battle Ked Bardu Quest Giver:
Forgemaster Kerdi
Reject the Mother Tusmaa Rift Find Item:
Torn Note
Sealed Penitent's Cache The Scarred Coast Find Item:
Sealed Penitent's Cache
Keeping the Old Traditions Untamed Scarps Find Item:
Lonely Offering
Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache Khargai Crags Find Item:
Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache
Fury Against Fate Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Raising Spears Quest
Tarnished Amulet Untamed Scarps Find Item:
Tarnished Amulet
Blood and Sweat Qara Yisu Find Item:
Bloodstained letter

Complete Stronghold:
Ruins of Qara-Yisu
Phases of the Moon Qara Yisu Quest Giver:

Complete Stronghold:
Ruins of Qara-Yisu
Salt Begets Salt Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:
Corroding Mettle Kotama Grasslands Quest Giver:
Scorched Debts Khargai Crags Find Item:
Scorched Debt Ledger
Weight of Sin Chambatar Ridge Quest Giver:
Curious Curios Chambatar Ridge Quest Giver:
Hunting the Relic Hunter Chambatar Ridge Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Curious Curios Quest
More Than Meets the Eye The Accursed Wastes Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Hunting the Relic Hunter Quest
Consumed by Pride Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:
Raising Spears Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Consumed by Pride Quest
Worthy of Arreat Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Fury Against Fate Quest
Dust Daisy Within Kotama Grasslands Find Item:
Dust Daisy
Thieves' Famine Kotama Grasslands Quest Giver:
Crucible of Worth Kotama Grasslands Quest Giver:
Malign Devotion Kotama Grasslands Quest Giver:
Hunger for a New Life Kotama Grasslands Quest Giver:
Strange Ore Sample Within Tusmaa Rift Find Item:
Strange Ore Sample
No Deed Unpunished Tusmaa Rift Quest Giver:
Cultist Missive
Exhuming Faith Dindai Flats Find Item:
Blood-Splattered Scroll
Firsthand Knowledge Dindai Flats Quest Giver:
The Unlucky Ones The Scarred Coast Quest Giver:
Kith and Kin The Onyx Watchtower Quest Giver:

Complete Stronghold:
The Onyx Watchtower
A Pound of Flesh The Onyx Watchtower Quest Giver:

Complete Stronghold:
The Onyx Watchtower
Sentimental Value Jakha Basin Quest Giver:
What Remains Jakha Basin Quest Giver:
Treasure or Trash Chambatar Ridge Quest Giver:
In the Name of Love Chambatar Ridge Quest Giver:
Augury of Bones Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:
Hubris Smiles Back Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:

✓ Complete Augury of Bones Quest
Blistered Heart Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:
Culling of Flesh Untamed Scarps Quest Giver:
Currencies From Afar Within Untamed Scarps Find Item:
Bag of Old Coins

List of Side Quests

Dry Steppes Areas Discovered

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There are a total of 51 areas to discover in Dry Steppes, split between its 15 subregions. To discover areas on your World Map, look for sections with missing mapping or fog-of-war and travel there on foot to mark them on the map.

Dry Steppes Side Dungeons

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Chambatar Ridge
Khargai Crags
Jakha Basin
Qara Yisu
The Accursed Wastes
Untamed Scarps
The Scarred Coast
Dindai Flats
Kotama Grasslands
Tusmaa Rift
The Onyx Watchtower

There are a total of 21 Dungeons in Dry Steppes. Check out our guide below for a detailed breakdown of their locations and Legendary Aspects!

All Dry Steppes Dungeons

Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith

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The Scarred Coast
Dindai Flats
Fields of Hatred
Temple of Rot
Untamed Scarps)
Qara Yisu
The Accursded Wastes
Jakha Basin
Chambatar Ridge
Khargai Crags
The Onyx Watchtower
Kotama Grasslands
Tusmaa Rift

There are a total of 33 Altars of Lilith in Dry Steppes. Check out our guide below for a detailed breakdown of each of their locations!

Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith Locations and Map

Dry Steppes Cellar Locations

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Chambatar Ridge
Khargia Crags
Tusmaa Rift
Kotama Grasslands
Dindai Flats
The Scarred Coast
Untamed Scarps
Jakha Basin
The Accursed Wastes

There are a total of 26 Cellars in Dry Steppes. Check out our guide below for a detailed breakdown of each of their locations!

Dry Steppes Cellar Locations

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