Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Dark Citadel Guide

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Diablo 4 Dark Citadel Guide
The Dark Citadel is a cooperative endgame activity in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn how to complete all 3 wings of the Dark Citadel, whether or not you can play the content solo, how to unlock this endgame activity, and all the rewards you can obtain!

Dark Citadel Guides
Enclave of Strife Guide Dominion of Zagraal Guide Labyrinth of Souls Guide

How to Complete Dark Citadel

Enclave of Strife Wing (Left Wing)

Enclave of Strife Guide
In the Enclave of Strife, the core mechanic revolves around using Ward Stones and Sealing Wards to progress through the dungeon. Players can dispel Sealing Wards by collecting Ward Stones and placing them on the wards to open doors. These Ward Stones are obtained by defeating Ward Guardians, elite enemies located within the dungeon.

Additionally, players will encounter mechanics like Soul Siphons and Soul Dampeners, similar to those found in other Dark Citadel dungeons. At the end of the dungeon, you must defeat boss named Gorschak by gathering and depositing Soul Essence at the Conduit of Souls to remove his immunity.

Enclave of Strife Guide

Labyrinth of Souls (Right Wing)

Sigil Stone - Hall of Flayed Soul
In the Labyrinth of Souls dungeon, the core mechanic revolves around Sigils and Barriers, where players must defeat with Barrier Guardians to obtain sigils that matches the symbol shown by a totem. Additionally, some portals in this dungeon require players to step on platforms to remove barriers, to progress further and open new paths.

The first boss you will encounter in the Labyrinth of Souls is Faeroch, who can perform an attack that may wipe out your entire party. To survive this attack, players must stand inside a protective bubble to mitigate the damage. The second boss, Lorzuul, requires players to collect Sigils to remove his invulnerability in order to defeat him.

Labyrinth of Souls Guide

Dominion of Zagraal Wing (Center Wing)

Slay Zagraal
In the Dominion of Zagraal, the core mechanic centers around the Counterspell, allowing players to use any skill to counter the Soul Orbs from bosses, which opens a portal to advance further in the dungeon. As you progress, you will encounter similar to the mechanics present in both Enclave of Strife and Labyrinth of Souls.

In this dungeon, you'll face bosses Vorshok and Hurstt, requiring you to utilize the Counterspell mechanic to enter the spirit realm and defeat them.

Dominion of Zagraal Guide

What is the Dark Citadel?

Cooperative Endgame Activity

Dark Citadel Boss Fight
The Dark Citadel requires a minimum of two and a maximum of four players to participate in. This is due to the cooperative nature of the activity which may require players to coordinate with each other in solving puzzles to advance in each wing.

Composed of Three Separate Sections

Dark Citadel layout
The Dark Citadel consists of three wings namely, the Enclave of Strife, Labyrinth of Souls, and the Dominion of Zagraal. You would need to complete all puzzles and challenges for each wing to face the final boss of the activity.

Dungeon Progress Can be Saved and Continued

The Dark Citadel will allow you to leave and return to the activity with a saved progress; however, it is still unsure where these save points apply. We will continue updating the page, so check back for updates later on!

Can You Play the Dark Citadel Solo?

Requires a Minimum of Two Players

Dark Citadel Puzzle
The Dark Citadel is not accessible as a solo player as the puzzles inside the activity require at least two players to progress. Keep in mind that Mercenaries are not included in the player count.

How to Unlock the Dark Citadel

Complete the Crater of Lost Souls Priority Quest

Dark Citadel Guide - Complete Crater of Lost Souls to Unlock
The Crater of Lost Souls is a priority quest that unlocks the Dark Citadel upon completion. This priority quest becomes available once you reach Torment Difficulty.

Crater of Lost Souls Walkthrough

Requires Torment or Higher Difficulty

Dark Citadel Guide - Torment Difficulty or Higher
Note that the Dark Citadel is only accessible on Torment Difficulty or higher. This means that after completing the Crater of Lost Souls, you cannot lower the difficulty to enter the Dark Citadel.

Difficulty Tiers Explained

Dark Citadel Rewards

Weekly Reward Cache

The Dark Citadel will reward players with a Weekly Cache that contains resplendent and exclusive items that can only be obtained from the Dark Citadel. This reward cache is only obtainable once a week, similar to the structure of the World Bosses reward cache.

Exclusive Cosmetics

Dark Citadel Cosmetic Rewards
The Dark Citadel will reward players with Citadel Coins, which they can then use to purchase cosmetics that are exclusive to the Dark Citadel.

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