Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Spiritborn Rushing Claw Endgame Build (Season 7)

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This is a Spiritborn Rushing Claw endgame build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Spiritborn Rushing Claw endgame build in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Spiritborn Rushing Claw Endgame Build

Rushing Claw Build Summary

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

This Spiritborn Endgame build is based on a build by AceOfSpades over at Goblin Inc (Youtube). The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. You can check AceOfSpades's Twitch Channel for more Diablo 4 content and to ask questions about the build!

Build Summary
Rogue leveling BuildRushing Claw Endgame Build
Vortex Toxic Skin Armored Hide Counterattack Rushing Claw The Hunter
Focus: DoT, Endgame
Diablo 4 Build - ProExtremely High DoT

Diablo 4 Build - ProGreat Mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ConLow Defenses

Diablo 4 Build - ConRequires Mythic Gear to Survive

This Spiritborn Rushing Claw endgame build for Season 7 makes use of Toxic Skin to apply large amounts of damage over time that can Critical Strike and Rushing Claw to dash around and spread your poison to finish off your enemies.

Having constant Ferocity by using The Hunter enables this build to spam Rushing Claw as much as they can until the cooldown of Toxic Skin refreshes and allows you to activate it again for maximum damage.

Rushing Claw Build Skills and Passives

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Thunderspike Thunderspike (2/5)
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Vigorous Vigorous (1/3)
 ┗ Velocity Velocity (3/3)
Focus Skill TreeFocus Skill Tree

Vortex Vortex (1/5)
Toxic Skin Toxic Skin (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Toxic SkinEnhanced Toxic Skin
  ┗ Measured Toxic SkinMeasured Toxic Skin
Focal Point Focal Point (1/3)
 ┗ Apex Apex (3/3)
Mirage Mirage (1/3)
 ┗ Unrestrained Power Unrestrained Power (3/3)
 ┗ Swift Swift (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Armored Hide Armored Hide (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Armored HideEnhanced Armored Hide
  ┗ Reinforced Armored HideReinforced Armored Hide
 ┗ Enhanced Concussive StompEnhanced Concussive Stomp
Counterattack Counterattack (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced CounterattackEnhanced Counterattack
  ┗ Reinforced CounterattackReinforced Counterattack
Antivenom Antivenom (1/3)
 ┗ Nourishment Nourishment (3/3)
Potency Skill TreePotency Skill Tree

Rushing Claw Rushing Claw (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Rushing ClawEnhanced Rushing Claw
  ┗ Invasive Rushing ClawInvasive Rushing Claw
Resilient Resilient (3/3)
Potent Potent (3/3)
Ravenous Ravenous (3/3)
 ┗ Oppressive Oppressive (3/3)
Ultimate Skill Tree Ultimate Skill Tree

The Hunter The Hunter (4/5)
 ┗ Harmonious HunterHarmonious Hunter
  ┗ Exalted HunterExalted Hunter
Resolution Resolution (3/3)
  ┗ Supremacy Supremacy (3/3)
 ┗ Sustenance Sustenance (1/3)
  ┗ Intricacy Intricacy (1/3)
Diablo 4 - Key Passive Skill TreeKey Passive

Rushing Claw Spirit Hall Specialization

Primary Spirit
Diablo 4 Gorilla SpiritCentipede
(Level 15)
Hitting an enemy with a Centipede Skill reduces their Damage by 2.5% and Slows them by 10% for 3 seconds, stacking up to a maximum of 8 times. All Skills are now also Centipede Skills.
Secondary Spirit
Diablo 4 Gorilla SpiritJaguar
(Level 30)
Maximum Ferocity is increased by 1. Gain 1 stack of Ferocity whenever you kill an enemy or damage a Boss.

Centipede spirit is the best specialization for the Primary slot as it helps you consistently deal Poison damage and apply crowd control, while the Secondary slot works best with the Jaguar spirit since it gives you access to increased Ferocity and allows you to consistently gain more against bosses.

Spirit Hall Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Purging Touch Icon Purging Touch Eldritch Effects X increased damage against Headrotten.
Rank 10: This damage bonus now extends to all monsters.
Vengeful Spirit Icon Vengeful Spirit Every 19 Seconds, a Vengeful Spirit Servant appears for X seconds. While active, all damage taken is instead taken by the spirit. Vengeful Spirit Servant deals 750% damage.
Rank 5: When the Vengeful Spirit’s Life is fully depleted, it rushes towards up to 8 enemies dealing 2,000 Shadow damage.
Soul Harvest Icon Soul Harvest Feed upon the life force of nearby enemies whenever you use a skill with a cooldown, increasing your primary stat by 3% per monster for X seconds.
Rank 9: Soul Harvest does not lose duration so long as enemies are nearby.
Decay Augmentation Icon Decay Augmentation Your Witchcraft Effects deal X of the damage dealt over 5 seconds. The damage type is based on your class.
Rank 10: When your damage-over-time effects exceed 85% of the target’s total Life, they immediately die.
Aura of Siphoning Icon Aura of Siphoning Conjure an aura of decay that deals 80% Poison damage to enemies every second.
Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
Aura Specialization Icon Aura Specialization The size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.
Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.

The Witchcraft Powers for the Rushing Claw build focuses on adding more damage from Vengeful Spirit and Soul Harvest, together with Aura of Siphoning to help deal damage over time consistently. This synergy helps stack more Damage together with your Toxic Skin and Rushing Claw skills.

List of All Witchcraft Powers

Rushing Claw Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Cooldown Reduction ★★★
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Resource
Note: You can use Loyalty's Mantle as a replacement in case you do not have the mythic equipment yet.
・All Stats
・Movement Speed
・Maximum Resistance to All Elements
・Resistance to All Elements
・Damage Reduction ★★★
Note: You can swap this out with any Legendary gear with Aspect of Binding Morass in case you do not have the mythic equipment yet.
・Maximum Life
・Critical Strike Damage ★★★
・Utility - Eagle Innovation
 ┗ Vortex Size
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Maximum Life
・Armor ★★★
・Defensive - Spiritborn Guard
 ┗ Armored Hide Active Duration
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Maximum Life
・Ranks to Toxic Skin ★★★
・Mobility - Spiritborn Motion
 ┗ Bonus to Swift
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation

Note: You can swap this out with Aspect of Turbulence if ever you do not have Tyrael's Might yet.
・Total Armor
・Ranks to Potent ★★★
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Defensive - Spiritborn Guard
 ┗ Armored Hide Active Duration
・Maximum Life
・Critical Strike Damage ★★★
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Resource - Jaguar Efficiency
 ┗ The Hunter Cooldown Reduction
・Maximum Life
・Critical Strike Chance ★★★
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Resource - Jaguar Efficiency
 ┗ The Hunter Cooldown Reduction
・Maximum Life
・Critical Strike Damage ★★★
・Weapon - Soil Augments
 ┗ Bonus to Ravenous
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage

Rushing Claw Build Best Gems and Occult Gems

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

Rushing Claw Best Gems

Weapon Armor
EmeraldEmerald AmethystAmethyst

For Gems, it's best to slot in Emerald on your Weapon for more Dexterity and Amethyst on your Armor slots for more Barrier Generation to help you stay alive during your runs.

List of All Gems

Rushing Claw Best Occult Gems

Amulet Ring Ring
Friend of the BogFriend of the Bog Vulture TalonVulture Talon ToadlingToadling's Wish

You can slot the listed Occult Gems above to stack damage over time effects and offer some survivability. Friend of the Bog is used to increase your maximum life and provide you with Unhindered, while Vulture Talon and Toadling's Wish will help increase the damage of your Rushing Claw and stack more damage over time.

List of All Occult Gems

Rushing Claw Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
MoniMoni TzicTzic BacBac QueQue

The best runewords for the Rushing Claw build are Moni + Tzic to proc Concussive Stomp and provide you with a Barrier, and Bac + Que to stack another set of Barriers to maximize your survivability.

List of All Runewords

Rushing Claw Best Mercenaries

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
RaheirRaheir VaryanaVaryana

Use Raheir as Your Main Mercenary

Use Raheir's Bastion to grant passive Unstoppable for 1 second and redirect 90% of damage taken to Raheir to help you survive better.

Make sure to get Raheir's Aegis to max out your resistances, and Inspiration as well to get that sweet 25% increased damage.

Raheir Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

Use Varyana For Reinforcement

Slot in Bloodthirst on Varyana to gain more attack speed and allow you to use Rushing Claw faster.

You can pair Varyana's Bloodthirst with Counterattack or Rushing Claw as these will be the skills you will constantly use throughout your runs.

Varyana Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

Rushing Claw Build Paragon Boards

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Paragon Boards
1. Starting Board (Canny)
2. Bitter Medicine (Spirit)
3. Viscous Shield (Menagerist)
4. Convergence (Bane)
5. Drive (Hubris)

Rushing Claw Build Playstyle and Rotation

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

The playstyle of the Rushing Claw Spiritborn revolves around buffing yourself with Toxic Skin and dashing around to spread your poison with Rushing Claw. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Activate Toxic Skin and start spamming Rushing Claw to leave poison trails around the field and extend the duration of Toxic Skin.
  2. Cast Ravager, Scourge, and Armored Hide to provide damage buffs and survivability.
  3. Use The Hunter when you need to increase your Ferocity stacks or to stack more damage on Elites or Bosses.

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1 King Oblivion about 1 month

Um bruh it says to use ravager but the build doesnt buy the ravager skill?


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