Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

World Boss Time Schedule and Spawn Locations

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This is a schedule guide for all upcoming World Boss spawn locations in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV)! Read on to see all details on all World Bosses, world boss cache reset timers, and all World Boss locations.

World Boss Spawn Time Schedule

Spawns Every 3.5 Hours

As of the start of Season 2 and Patch 1.2.0, the pattern for World Bosses has been simplified to spawn every 3.5 hours.

Previously, the spawns followed a complex repeating pattern with some exceptions which often frustrated users (and websites attempting to manage World Boss Spawn Timers). The pattern has been made much easier and more frequently so players can more easily and predictably join World Boss encounters.

Join The Discord For Spawn Alerts

Game8 Diablo 4 Discord Invite Banner

Follow our World Boss Timer twitter or discord to get updates on when the next World Boss will appear in game!

World Boss Weekly Cache Reset

Weekly on Thursday

Players are able to receive a Grand Cache for each boss once per week, resetting on Thursday every week.

For example, if you defeat Ashava on Wednesday and again on Friday, you will receive a Grand Cache each time. However, if you then defeat Ashava again on Sunday, you will not receive a Grand Cache.

One Per Boss Within a Week

You're able to obtain Weekly Caches from each of the three World Bosses during one week. For example, if you've fought Ashava already, you can't receive a weekly cache from it again until the Weekly Reset on Thursday, but you can still get a Weekly Cache from Avarice and Wandering Death within the same week.

Try to fight all three bosses at least once every week to get all three Weekly Caches!

World Boss Locations

All World Bosses spawn at one of the five locations shown above. For an exact location of each World Boss before it spawns, follow our Twitter or Discord.

Accessible to All Players at Spawn Point

For World Boss notifications to appear on your in-game Map, you must first complete the campaign. However, you can still fight World Bosses even without completing the campaign if you go to the Spawn Point directly when a World Boss appears.

We'll be updating this page with spawn times for any upcoming World Bosses as we confirm them directly in game. If a World Boss appears for you in-game, be sure to let other users know in the comments!

World Boss Chosen in a 3-2-3-2 Pattern

  • 3 Wandering Death in a row
  • 2 Avarice in a row
  • 3 Ashava in a row
  • 2 Wandering Death in a row
  • 3 Avarice in a row
  • 2 Ashava in a row
  • 3 Wandering Death in a row
  • 2 Avarice in a row
  • etc.

As shown in the data above, World Bosses appear in a pattern of the same World Boss 2 or 3 times in a row, then switching to the next World Boss and continuing in this way in a Wandering Death -> Avarice -> Ashava pattern. The repeat count toggles between 3 repeats and 2 repeats as shown above.

Timer Appears on the In-game Map

An in-game timer will appear at a spawn point when a World Boss is about to appear. Before the battle starts, make your way to the spawn point to participate in the battle!

Note that you can still join by going to the spawn point when a World Boss appears and can still obtain its reward even by joining late as long as the World Boss is still alive.

List of All World Bosses

All 3 World Bosses

Ashava Boss Concept Art - Diablo 4Ashava It has access to a poison-imbued swipe attack that can easily wipe out groups of players, and can cover large areas with poison to slowly whittle down players' health pools.
Avarice the Gold-CursedAvarice Avarice the Gold-Cursed wields a giant hammer and lugs around its treasure chest to bludgeon those who try to take its prized possessions.
Wandering Death, Death Given LifeThe Wandering Death The Wandering Death often uses soul-based spells to wither its enemies and trap them inside prisons of bone.

What Are World Bosses?

Strong Enemies That Need a Group to Take On

Ashava 1v1 Battle - Diablo 4

World Bosses are massive beasts that are (normally) impossible or at least quite difficult to take down as a single player. Group up with others and take down these enemies with friends and other players in the lobby for a chance for rare items and rewards!

Drop Tormented Boss Materials and Rare Loots

Ashava Rewards Drop - Diablo 4
World Bosses drops summoning materials for Tormented Bosses which is one of the primary reasons for defeating World Bosses. In addition to this, World Bosses also drops rare items such as Scattered Prisms, Unique Items, and Legendary gear.

Bosses Now Have Resilience Buffs

World Bosses are more resilient to damage from all players. This means that stronger builds will have their damage outputs equalized to match the Boss's health, and World Boss will take several seconds to even minutes to take down.

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14 Anonymousover 1 year

Page needs to be updated to reflect daylight savings

13 Anonymousover 1 year

Posted earlier, none of the spawn times for 9/28 were right. I tried to be at least 30 mins before and after and no boss spawned. So idk how far off the timer is.


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