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How to Beat Crusader’s Monument Stronghold

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Diablo 4 Crusader’s Monument - Banner
Crusader’s Monument is a Stronghold found in Hawezar in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn how to clear Crusader’s Monument Stronghold, full walkthrough and its location, rewards for completing, as well as tips on how to beat Dame Maryam, Sir Thom, Sir Morholt.

Crusader’s Monument Stronghold Overview

Stronghold Information

Crusader’s Monument Stronghold Details
Location North of the Bastion of Faith Dungeon in the Umir Plateau.
Boss Name Dame Maryam, Sir Thom, Sir Morholt
Rewards & Unlocks ・100 Hawezar Renown
Description An abandoned monument to the failed Zakarum crusade

Crusader’s Monument Stronghold Location



Rewards for Completing Crusader’s Monument Stronghold

In addition to earning random loot and Renown in the region, you unlock the following rewards for completing the Crusader’s Monument Stronghold.

Access to The Gathering Legions Event

The Gathering Legions Map Marker - Diablo 4
You will also have access to The Gathering Legions world event located in the center of the stronghold. This is where you can farm for Murmuring Obols and legendary loot!

Crusader’s Monument Stronghold Walkthrough

How to Clear Crusader’s Monument Stronghold
・Search the Monument
・Purge the Monument of undead
・Investigate the Graverobber's corpse
・Retrieve the Exhumed Crusader's Skull
・Place the Crusader's Skull in the Ritual Brazier
・Search Graverobbers for Crusaders' Skulls
・Cleanse the Skulls in the Ritual Brazier
・Slay the Crusader Champions
・Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer the Crusaders' Monument

Where to Find Crusaders' Skulls

You can find the Crusaders' Skulls by interacting with the Graverobbers' corpses found on the north, east, and west side of the stronghold.

How to Beat Dame Maryam, Sir Thom, and Sir Morholt

Focus One Target

Diablo 4 Crusader’s Monument - Boss Fight
Fighting all three of the bosses in this stronghold can be difficult especially with the ads that they summon. Try to eliminate all the ads first and focus one of the bosses instead of fighting them all head on.

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