Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Spiritborn Toxic Razor Wings Endgame Build (Season 7)

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Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)
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┗ Seasonal Mechanic: List of All Occult Gems and Witchraft Powers
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This is a Spiritborn Toxic Razor Wings endgame build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Spiritborn Toxic Razor Wings endgame build in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Spiritborn Toxic Razor Wings Endgame Build

Toxic Razor Wings Build Summary

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

This Spiritborn Endgame build is based on a build by Naidra over at NaidraGames (Youtube). The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. You can check Naidra's Youtube Channel for more Diablo 4 content and to ask questions about the build!

Build Summary
Rogue leveling BuildToxic Razor Wings Endgame Build
Toxic Skin Armored Hide Counterattack Scourge Razor Wings The Hunter
Focus: DPS, Endgame
Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh DoT and Burst Damage

Diablo 4 Build - ProExtremely Tanky

Diablo 4 Build - ConAncestral Gear Reliant

This Spiritborn Toxic Razor Wings endgame build for Season 7 makes use of Scourge and Toxic Skin to apply large amounts of damage over time and The Hunter to spam multiple Razor Wings to finish off your enemies.

Toxic Razor Wings Build Skills and Passives

Click on a Link to Jump to a Section!
SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
necro basicBasic Skill Tree

Thunderspike Thunderspike (4/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ThunderspikeEnhanced Thunderspike
  ┗ Accelerated ThunderspikeAccelerated Thunderspike
Focus Skill TreeFocus Skill Tree

Vortex Vortex (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced VortexEnhanced Vortex
  ┗ Measured VortexMeasured Vortex
Toxic Skin Toxic Skin (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Toxic SkinEnhanced Toxic Skin
  ┗ Measured Toxic SkinMeasured Toxic Skin
Focal Point Focal Point (1/3)
 ┗ Apex Apex (3/3)
Mirage Mirage (1/3)
 ┗ Unrestrained Power Unrestrained Power (3/3)
 ┗ Swift Swift (2/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Armored Hide Armored Hide (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Armored HideEnhanced Armored Hide
  ┗ Reinforced Armored HideReinforced Armored Hide
Counterattack Counterattack (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced CounterattackEnhanced Counterattack
  ┗ Reinforced CounterattackReinforced Counterattack
Scourge Scourge (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ScourgeEnhanced Scourge
Endurance Endurance (1/3)
 ┗ Perseverance Perseverance (3/3)
Potency Skill TreePotency Skill Tree

Razor Wings Razor Wings (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Razor WingsEnhanced Razor Wings
  ┗ Invasive Razor WingsInvasive Razor Wings
Resilient Resilient (3/3)
 ┗ Dominant Dominant (3/3)
Potent Potent (3/3)
 ┗ Furnace Furnace (3/3)
Ravenous Ravenous (3/3)
 ┗ Oppressive Oppressive (3/3)
Ultimate Skill Tree Ultimate Skill Tree

The Hunter The Hunter (2/5)
 ┗ Harmonious HunterHarmonious Hunter
  ┗ Exalted HunterExalted Hunter
Resolution Resolution (3/3)
 ┗ Sustenance Sustenance (1/3)
  ┗ Supremacy Supremacy (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Key Passive Skill TreeKey Passive

Toxic Razor Wings Spirit Hall Specialization

Primary Spirit
Diablo 4 Gorilla SpiritGorilla
(Level 15)
Casting a Gorilla Skill deals 100% Thorns to enemies you hit and grants a Barrier for 10% of Maximum Life (X), up to 40%, for 3 seconds. All Skills are now also Gorilla Skills.
Secondary Spirit
Diablo 4 Gorilla SpiritGorilla
(Level 30)
Maximum Resolve is increased by 2. When you have at least 5 stacks of Resolve, you are Unstoppable.

Gorilla is the best specialization for both the Primary and Secondary slot in this Toxic Razor Wings build since it gives you access to increased Resolve and Barriers, which increase block chance and critical strike damage, respectively.

Spirit Hall Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Poison Frog Servant Icon Poison Frog Servant Summon a Poison Frog Servant that attacks and Poisons enemies for 150% damage over 3 seconds. On death, the frog explodes violently dealing X Poison instantly damage to nearby enemies. This explosion will always Critically Strike.
Rank 5: Poison Frog attacks will pull enemies towards itself and Taunt enemies for 1 second.
Soul Harvest Icon Soul Harvest Feed upon the life force of nearby enemies whenever you use a skill with a cooldown, increasing your primary stat by 3% per monster for X seconds.
Rank 9: Soul Harvest does not lose duration so long as enemies are nearby.
Aura of Siphoning Icon Aura of Siphoning Conjure an aura of decay that deals 80% Poison damage to enemies every second.
Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
Aura Specialization Icon Aura Specialization The size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.
Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.
Piranhado Icon Piranhado When an enemy is afflicted by both a Hex and an Aura Effect, a Piranhado is summoned pulling enemies towards it and dealing X Physical damage over 12 seconds. May occur once every 20 seconds.
Rank 5: Piranhado moves itself towards nearby enemies.

The Witchcraft Powers for the Toxic Razor Wings build focuses on applying Poison Damage from Aura of Siphoning and Poison Frog Servant. This synergy helps stack more Poison Damage together with your Toxic Skin and Scourge skills.

List of All Witchcraft Powers

Toxic Razor Wings Build Best Aspects and Affixes

Click on a Link to Jump to a Section!
SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Cooldown Reduction ★★★
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Resource
・All Stats
・Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Resource Generation
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Critical Strike Damage
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Maximum Life
・Armor ★★★
・Defensive - Spiritborn Resolve
 ┗ Total Armor
・Utility - Eagle Innovation
 ┗ Vortex Size
・Maximum Life
・Ranks to Toxic Skin ★★★
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Movement Speed
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Total Armor ★
・Cooldown Reduction ★★
・Resource - Eagle Efficiency
 ┗ Razor Wings Charges
・Defensive - Spiritborn Resolve
 ┗ Total Armor
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Critical Strike Damage
・Offensive - Marksman Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Resource - Eagle Efficiency
 ┗ Razor Wings Charges
・Damage to Poisoned Enemies
・Damage Reduction from Poisoned Enemies
・Ranks to Toxic Skin ★★★
・Maximum Life
・Ultimate Damage
・Ranks to Supremacy ★★★

Toxic Razor Wings Build Best Gems and Occult Gems

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

Razor Wings Best Gems

Weapon Armor
EmeraldEmerald EmeraldEmerald

For Gems, it's best to slot in Emerald on your Weapon and Armor slots for more Dexterity.

You can also opt for equipping Skull on your Amulet and Ring slots to get more Armor to synergize with your Aspect of Unyielding Hits but it is best to equip the Occult Gems we recommend below.

List of All Gems

Razor Wings Best Occult Gems

Amulet Ring Ring
Hungering VoidHungering Void Moonlight WardMoonlight Ward Voice of the StarsVoice of the Stars

You can slot the listed Occult Gems above to increase the damage of your Razor Wings. Hungering Void will be for grouping up enemies to easily clear them with Razor Wings, while Moonlight Ward is great for survivability. Voice of the Stars is perfect for this build as well since it increases the damage of The Hunter which is also one of your main damaging skills.

List of All Occult Gems

Razor Wings Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
YulYul QueQue BacBac KryKry

The best runewords for the Toxic Razor Wings build are Yul + Que to consistantly grant yourself a barrier for more survivability, and Bac + Tal to continue casting Vortex for grouping up enemies.

List of All Runewords

Toxic Razor Wings Best Mercenaries

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SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
SuboSubo RaheirRaheir

Use Subo as Your Main Mercenary

Subo's passive effects increases your Critical Strike Damage which will help maximize your damage output.

For his skills, use Wire Trap help Stun your enemies and deal Phyical Damage, and Cover Fire to apply Slow and help you get out of tough situations.

Subo Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

Use Raheir For Reinforcement

Use Raheir's Bastion to grant passive Unstoppable for 1 second and redirect 90% of damage taken to Raheir.

Have Raheir's opportunity usage to Cast when the Player Casts Any Skill in Combat to apply the Unstoppable from Bastion, granting you an extra dispel against impairment effects.

Raheir Mercenary Guide

Orange Quill Build Paragon Boards

Click on a Link to Jump to a Section!
SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle
Paragon Boards
1. Starting Board (Colossal)
2. Sapping (Spirit)
3. Viscous Shield (Menagerist)
4. Convergence (Fester)
5. Revealing (Bane)

Toxic Razor Wings Build Playstyle and Rotation

Click on a Link to Jump to a Section!
SummarySummary Skills and PassivesSkills and Passives WitchcraftWitchcraft Aspects and AffixesAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon PlaystylePlaystyle

The playstyle of the Toxic Razor Wings Spiritborn revolves around buffing yourself with Toxic Skin and clearing large enemy packs with Razor Wings and The Hunter. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Activate Armored Hide, Scourge, and Counterattack to maximize your survivability and apply Fear to surrounding enemies.
  2. Use The Hunter to dive into enemy mobs.
  3. Activate Toxic Skin to apply large amounts of Poison damage and create a poison trail.
  4. Spam Razor Wings to finish off your enemies.

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