Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All NPCs

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Diablo 4 - List of NPCs

This is a guide that lists all of the NPCs in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to see a list of all NPCs, where to find them and the services they offer in the game.

List of All NPC Vendors

All 9 Vendor Types

Vendor Services
Diablo 4 - Dark Citadel Vendor IconDark Citadel Vendor Sells various consumables that aid you and your party for Citadel Coins. Also sells the Scroll of Restoration, various caches and other Weapon Cosmetics
Alchemist IconAlchemist Upgrades health potions and sells buff-granting consumables such as elixirs and incense. Can also transmute different items like gem fragments, summoning items, and crafting materials to form another.
Occultist IconOccultist Can imbue Aspects and roll affixes on equipment as well as craft or salvage Nightmare Dungeon and Infernal Horde sigils.
Jeweler IconJeweler Handles everything related to gems such as salvaging, crafting, and unsocketing them. Can also add gem slots to armor pieces and craft runes and Mythic Uniques.
Blacksmith IconBlacksmith Repairs and upgrades your gear through Tempering and Masterworking, crafts Mythic Uniques through the use of gold and Resplendent Sparks, and is able to salvage items you don't need.
Purveyor of Curiosities IconPurveyor Of Curiosities You can spend Obols to gamble for items or purchase Whispering Keys from this NPC.
StablemasterStable Master Allows you to customize and purchase mounts and mount armors.
Diablo 4 - Rings and Amulets Vendor IconRings and Amulets Sells Rings and Amulet with varying rarities and affixes.
Diablo 4 - Weapons Vendor IconWeapons Sells random types of weapon with varying rarities and affixes.
Diablo 4 - Armors Vendor IconArmors Sells random armor pieces with varying rarities and affixes.

List of All PVP NPC Vendors

All 4 PVP Vendor Types

Vendor Services
Cursed Scroll VendorCursed Scroll Sells Scrolls that are only available for use in the Fields of Hatred.
Odd and EndsOdds and Ends Sells all armor pieces that make up the PVP-exclusive transmog, the Killer's Set.
Unconventional Mount ArmorUnconventional Mount Armor Sells Mount-related accessories like trophies, horse armor, and the Bloody Steed mount.
Unsavory OdditiesUnsavory Oddities Lets players spend Red Dust in exchange for a piece of armor with random stats and rarity.

Accessible in the Fields of Hatred

Dry Steppes Kehjistan



All PVP NPC vendors can only be accessed in the Fields of Hatred which are unlocked by simply heading to either Field of Hatred in the Dry Steppes or Kehjistan regions. Do note that these vendors deal in Red Dust - a special type of currency tied to Diablo 4's PvP game system.

How to Unlock the Fields of Hatred

Diablo 4 Related Guides

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Diablo 4 - List of All NPCsNPCs Diablo 4 - Mounts Partial Banner.pngMounts
Diablo 4 - Altars of Lilith.pngAltars of Lilith Cow Level PartialCow Level
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Diablo 4 - Rare SpawnsRare Spawns Diablo 4 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
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Game Mechanics and Activities

Diablo 4 - The Pit GuideThe Pit Guide Diablo 4 - Infernal Horde GuideInfernal Horde Guide
Diablo 4 - Masterworking GuideMasterworking Guide Diablo 4 - Helltide Event GuideHelltide Event Guide
Diablo 4 - Legion Event GuideLegion Event Guide Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon GuideNightmare Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of WhispersHow to Complete Tree of Whispers -

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