Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Best Class Tier List

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Diablo 4 Best Class Tier List

Barbarian and the new Spiritborn Class are the best classes in our Vessel of Hatred Class Tier List in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about the best classes for the expansion and Season 6 according to their strengths and weaknesses!

Vessel of Hatred Class Tier List

Best Classes for Vessel of Hatred

Season 5 Class Tier List
Diablo 4 - S-Tier Classes barbarian greyscaleBarbarian spiritborn greyscaleSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - A-Tier Classes rogue greyscaleRogue druid greyscaleDruid necromancer greyscaleNecro
Diablo 4 - B-Tier Classes sorcerer greyscaleSorcerer

Note: This class tier list was created using info from Patch 2.0.1. Stay tuned for endgame updates as the team progresses through the Vessel of Hatred expansion and the new Season 6 content in Diablo 4.

Tier List Criteria

Power Level Overall offensive capabilities of the class. This includes single-target and AOE DPS evaluations.
Survivability How the class fares in surviving tough encounters. This includes defensive scaling for armor, resistance, and general survivability.
Ease-of-Use Measures how easy it is to play the class with the required mechanical skill and knowledge of skill synergies taken into account.
Early Game Performance Considers how strong the class is at the start of Season 5. This includes how easy it is to level up, complete early game content, and acquire key Legendary Aspects and Uniques.
Endgame Performance Considers how seamless the transition is from early game to endgame for the class. Naturally, this includes how strong endgame builds are for the class and how diverse your choices are.

Class Tier List Overview

Class Tier Overview Table
barbarian greyscaleBarbarian Class spiritborn greyscaleSpiritborn Class rogue greyscaleRogue Class
druid greyscaleDruid Class necromancer greyscaleNecro Class sorcerer greyscaleSorcerer Class

Barbarian Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Diablo 4 - BarbarianBarbarian
Damage: ★★★★★
Survivability: ★★★★★
Ease of Use: ★★★
Diablo 4 - S-Tier Classes

The Barbarian's DPS is still one of the highest possible among all classes in the game despite several nerfs. It's also a unique class as it can wield 4 weapons and utilize all of its stats at the same time compared to other classes that have a main hand and an off-hand.

However, it does suffer from the early game progression as it requires a good set of gear to start capitalizing on its gear slot advantage.

Spiritborn Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Damage: ★★★★★
Survivability: ★★★★
Ease of Use: ★★★★
Diablo 4 - S-Tier Classes

The Spiritborn is a Hyper-Mobile class that's capable of using multiple stances to gain numerous benefits while fighting in the field. Thanks to its stances, it can also choose which damage type to specialize on (or scale with multiple attributes) making its damage capability soar.

Aside from being the Spiritborn's stances, these summoned spirits can also provide passive benefits to the Spiritborn via its class specialization which can be customized to push your DPS capability further or round off your build's weaknesses.

Rogue Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Diablo 4 - RogueRogue
Damage: ★★★★★
Ease of Use:★★
Diablo 4 - A-Tier Classes

Thanks to the rebalanced bow uniques, bow builds are now stronger and much more viable than in the previous seasons. Flurry also got buffed and gained added survivability which is one of the Rogue's core weaknesses.

Its key passives also got buffed all around which makes the Rogue a better class than its previous iterations. However, it still suffers from survivability issues, especially at the end game and it also has a higher skill ceiling than other classes.

Druid Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Diablo 4 - DruidDruid
Damage: ★★★★
Survivability: ★★★★★
Ease of Use: ★★★★
Diablo 4 - A-Tier Classes

The Druid is one of the more balanced classes when it comes to DPS as it can excel in both AoE damage and single-target damage. It also has several synergies for its skills and unique gear combinations.

However, it is also holding back the Druid as it's extremely item reliant which makes its leveling suffer and its early game power cumbersome.

Necro Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Diablo 4 - NecromancerNecromancer
Damage: ★★★★★
Survivability: ★★★
Ease of Use: ★★★★
Diablo 4 - A-Tier Classes

Have a much more diverse selection of builds than ever before thanks to buffs to its weaker build archetypes and new build-defining skills. Its Skeletal Minion builds are also much better which cements its status as a Minion-based class. Lastly, its fragility gained a lot of workarounds such as Runewords granting mobility and its new ultimate granting shields.

However, each build requires hyper-specific setups to really push the Necromancer's capability to the upper limit, and it's still reliant on external sources for mobility skills to save itself from bad positioning.

Sorcerer Class Tier Overview

Class Tier Placement Rating
Diablo 4 - SorcererSorcerer
Damage: ★★★★
Survivability: ★★★
Ease of Use: ★★★
Diablo 4 - B-Tier Classes

The Sorcerer still excels in mobility while having good damage with specific builds to push its DPS to endgame levels of capability. However, it received several nerfs that once again, weakened the class while being a high-skill ceiling class due to its low durability (without proper usage of its defensive utility skills).

In addition to this, it also has low single-target capability compared to its strong AoE damage.

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Game Mechanics and Activities

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6 Anonymous12 months

This list is so inaccurate (as of S3) that it should only be read for satire. Please play the game instead of spreading through grapevine

5 Awolover 1 year

Hey Game8 crew! Just wanted to say that this seems to be one of the few places that gives Necromancer an accurate "grade." Thank you! I wanted to add, though, that the part about "leading an army of the undead" is just an unnecessary fluff that Blizzard decided to use to draw people toward Necromancers when in reality, those minions become "dog water" after around level 50. People should give up the idea of using them for the endgame content. I learned it the hard way, hahaha.


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