Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Cursed Scroll Vendor Guide

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Diablo 4 - Cursed Scroll Vendor Guide

The Cursed Scroll Vendor is a Fields of Hatred NPC in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV) who sells PvP-related consumables. Read on to learn more about Cursed Scroll Vendors including what types of cursed scrolls they sell as well as how to unlock them in-game!

How to Unlock Cursed Scroll Vendor

Go to the Towns of the Dry Steppes or Kehjistan Fields of Hatred

Dry Steppes Kehjistan

Cursed Scroll Vendors can only be found within the Field of Hatred zones of the Dry Steppes and Kehjistan regions. To unlock the Fields of Hatred PvP game mechanic as well as the Cursed Scroll Vendor, all you need to do is visit one of either Field of Hatred.

Fields of Hatred and PvP Guide

All Cursed Scroll Vendor Features

Sells Different Types of PvP Scroll Consumables

Players can choose from the different types of PvP scrolls that Cursed Scroll Vendor sells with each scroll having different effects. These PvP scrolls can be purchased with Red Dust and will only work when used in the Fields of Hatred.

Item Effect Cost
Cursed Scroll of RecklessnessCursed Scroll of Recklessness Decreases damage taken from players by 30%, but increases damage taken from monsters by the same amount. Lasts for 20 seconds.
5m Cooldown
800 Red Dust
Cursed Scroll of TranquilityCursed Scroll of Tranquility Decreases damage taken from players by 30%, but increases damage taken from monsters by the same amount. Lasts for 20 seconds.
5m Cooldown
800 Red Dust
Cursed Scroll of ChaosCursed Scroll of Chaos Teleport to a random location in the region.
5m Cooldown
1200 Red Dust

Red Dust Farming Guide

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