Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Sorcerer Conjuration Leveling Build (Season 7)

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This is a Sorcerer Conjuration leveling build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Sorcerer Conjuration leveling build as well as tips for leveling the Sorcerer class in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Sorcerer Conjuration Leveling Build

Conjuration Build Summary

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Familiar Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Build Summary
Sorcerer Class ViewConjuration Leveling Build
Spark Ice Blades Hydra Lightning Spear Unstable Currents Familiar
Focus: Leveling, Farming
Diablo 4 Build - ProExcellent range

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh single and AoE damage

Diablo 4 Build - ProMultiple crowd control effects

Diablo 4 Build - ConLower mobility than other sorcerer builds

Diablo 4 Build - ConNo access to Unstoppable or Invulnerability

This leveling build revolves around the use of all the Conjuration skills to easily deal with enemy groups and bosses alike.

Unlike most sorcerer builds, this does not have defensive skills; however, it does not fall behind in terms of survivability due to the range, damage reduction, and crowd control capabilities of the build, which prevents enemies from even getting close.

Leveling Guide

Conjuration Build Skills and Passives

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Familiar Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft]
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
necro basicBasic Skill Tree

Spark Spark (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced SparkEnhanced Spark
  ┗ Glinting SparkGlinting Spark
necro coreCore Skill Tree

Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Teleport Teleport (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced TeleportEnhanced Teleport
  ┗ Shimmering TeleportShimmering Teleport
Frost Nova Frost Nova (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Frost NovaEnhanced Frost Nova
  ┗ Mystical Frost NovaMystical Frost Nova
Glass Cannon Glass Cannon (3/3)
Conjuration Skill TreeConjuration Skill Tree

Familiar Familiar (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced FamiliarEnhanced Familiar
  ┗ Invoked FamiliarInvoked Familiar
Hydra Hydra (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced HydraEnhanced Hydra
  ┗ Summoned HydraSummoned Hydra
Ice Blades Ice Blades (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Ice BladesEnhanced Ice Blades
  ┗ Summoned Ice BladesSummoned Ice Blades
 ┗ Enhanced Lightning SpearEnhanced Lightning Spear
  ┗ Invoked Lightning SpearInvoked Lightning Spear
 ┗ Protection Protection (3/3)
Mana Shield Mana Shield (3/3)
Mastery Skill TreeMastery Skill Tree

Inner Flames Inner Flames (1/3)
 ┗ Devouring Blaze Devouring Blaze (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

 ┗ Prime Unstable CurrentsPrime Unstable Currents
Permafrost Permafrost (1/3)
 ┗ Hoarfrost Hoarfrost (3/3)
Evocation Evocation (3/3)
 ┗ Conduction Conduction (3/3)
 ┗ Electrocution Electrocution (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Key Passive Skill TreeKey Passive

Conjuration Build Skill Progression

At the first few levels, you'd want to invest in Spark, which will allow you to skip the Core Skill tree and jump to defensives to get Frost Nova and Teleport. Continue investing skill points into upgrading those defensive skills until you reach the Conjuration tree, where you'll get most of your offensive skills.

Once you have unlocked your Enchantments, you may remove Frost Nova from your skill bar and only trigger the skill through its enchantment effect. Continue putting points in your Conjuration skills, including the Conjuration Mastery passive, until you get to the Ultimate skill tree, where you'll replace Teleport with Unstable Currents.

After unlocking your Key Passive, Enlightenment, you can start investing in the rest of the recommended passives, depending on whether you need defenses or more damage.

Conjuration Build Enhancements

Chain Lightning Enchantment Slots
Frost NovaFrost Nova
(Level 15)
(Level 30)

The first enhancement you would want to place is Frost Nova since this will allow your conjurations to easily free and apply vulnerability to enemies. Next, you would want to slot in Teleport, as this will allow you to maintain your mobility after its removal from your skill bar to accommodate Unstable Current.

You may choose to replace Teleport with Ice Blades to get more conjurations and cooldown reduction, which will increase your offensive capabilities in change of mobility. This will also allow you to allot the points you placed in Teleport to other passives or skills.

Enchantment Slots Explained

Best Witchcraft Powers

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - FamiliarSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Firebat Servants Icon Firebat Servants A deadly swarm of Firebats swarm enemies every 3 2 seconds, inflicting 20% total Fire damage over 1 total attack.
Rank 10: Enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds after being hit 5 times by your Firebat Servants.
Doom Orb Icon Doom Orb An ominous orb of pure Eldritch energy circles you, damaging any enemy it touches for 400% Fire damage. Doom Orb may launch itself at distant enemies before returning.
Rank 5: Kills or damage to Bosses empower the orb’s damage by 5%. After 100%, the orb explodes dealing 5,200 damage to nearby enemies before reforming 3 seconds later.
Aura of Misfortune Icon Aura of Misfortune Enemies near you have X chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not work on bosses.
Rank 5: Aura of Misfortune increases your Movement Speed by 5% and Slows enemies by 30%.
Twilight Warding Icon Twilight Warding Every X seconds, gain a Barrier for 5 seconds absorbing Y damage.
Rank 12: Twilight Warding reflects enemy projectiles while active.
Soul Harvest Icon Soul Harvest Feed upon the life force of nearby enemies whenever you use a skill with a cooldown, increasing your primary stat by 3% per monster for X seconds.
Rank 9: Soul Harvest does not lose duration so long as enemies are nearby.

The Witchcraft Powers for the build focuses on survivability through Twilight Warding, Auro of Misfortune, witrh damage bonuses from Firebat Servants, Doom Orb and Soul Harvest.

Conjuration Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - FamiliarSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Ranks to Conjuration Skills
・Cooldown Reduction
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Utility - Sorcerer Innovation
 ┗ Frost Nova Size
・Maximum Life
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・Utility - Sorcerer Innovation
 ┗ Frost Nova Size
・Critical Strike Chance
・Attack Speed
・Offensive - Earth Finesse
 ┗ Earth Critical Strike Chance
・Utility - Sorcerer Control
 ┗ Stun Duration
・Max Life
・Any Elemental Resistance
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Utility - Sorcerer Control
 ┗ Freeze Duration
・Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds
・Movement Speed
・Max Life
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Evade Cooldown Reduction
・Utility - Sorcerer Innovation
 ┗ Frost Nova Size
・Ranks to Conjuration Mastery
・Cooldown Reduction
・Ranks to Devouring Blaze
・Resource - Ultimate Efficiency
 ┗ Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Vulnerable Damage
・Critical Strike Chance
・Maximum Life
・Resource - Ultimate Efficiency
 ┗ Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Vulnerable Damage
・Critical Strike Chance
・Attack Speed
・Resource - Ultimate Efficiency
 ┗ Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Vulnerable Damage
One-Handed Sword
・Critical Strike Damage
・Maximum Life
・Weapons - Conjuration Augments
 ┗ Chance for A Second Ice Blades When Cast
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage
・Cooldown Reduction
・Critical Strike Chance
・Weapons - Conjuration Augments
 ┗ Chance for A Second Ice Blades When Cast
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Critical Strike Damage

Conjuration Build Best Gems and Runewords

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - FamiliarSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

Conjuration Build Best Gems

Armor Weapons Jewelry
TopazTopaz EmeraldEmerald SkullSkull

For gems, you would want to slot in Topaz on armor slots to get more Intelligence, Emerald on weapon slots to get Critical Strike Damage, and Skull on all jewelry slots to get Armor.

Skull can also be replaced with other gems that provide elemental resistances to get 70% resistance or close across the board.

Conjuration Build Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
TonTon CirCir QuaQua CemCem

The best runewords to equip for the Conjuration build are Qua and Cem, as they allow for increased mobility, which is crucial due to the lack of defensive skills, especially in the early stages of the game.

Additionally, using Ton and Cir will further boost your AoE damage, enabling faster clearing and improving your overall damage output.

List of All Runewords

Conjuration Build Best Mercenary

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - FamiliarSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
RaheirRaheir AldkinAldkin

Add Raheir as Your Main Mercenary

Sorcerers are generally quite fragile and rely on multiple defensive skills to survive dangerous situations. However, since Raheir's abilities can mitigate some incoming damage, you can afford to play more aggressively. Additionally, Raheir has several crowd control abilities that are highly effective for clearing large groups of enemies.

Raheir Mercenary Guide

Choose Aldkin as Your Reinforcement

Most of Aldkin's abilities have a large area of effect and can inflict different types of crowd control, making it easier to manage incoming enemies when you are being overwhelmed. Since this build lacks the defensive skills like other sorcerers, you can use capitalize on these abilities to improve your survivability.

Aldkin Mercenary Guide

Conjuration Build Playstyle and Rotation

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - FamiliarSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

The playstyle of the Conjuration Sorcerer revolves around spamming all Conjuration skills and Spark from a distance to deal with enemies before they get to approach you. The usual rotation is as follows:

  1. Cast Hydra in front of you to determine the presence and direction of enemies you will encounter.
  2. Use Ice Blades and Lightning Spear to damage and crowd control enemies. Ice Blades will also reduce the cooldown of your skills through the Summoned Ice Blades upgrade.
  3. Activate your Familiar skill in between your Conjuration skills to produce familiars with different elements, which will boost the effectiveness of your conjurations through the the Invoked Familiar upgrade.
  4. Keep spamming Hydra and Spark to deal more damage and keep the uptime of your defensive skills and aspects, like Aspect of Might and Mana Shield.
  5. Cast Unstable Currents for elite packs and boss encounters.

Sorcerer Leveling Tips

Choose Start with Hard Difficulty

We recommend going for Hard Difficulty to benefit from the 75% increase in gold and experience, especially if you're following our leveling guide, which will guarantee your success in this difficulty.

Once you have leveled up and gotten access to the Legendary Aspects required in the build, you may switch to higher Difficulty Tiers such as Expert or Penitent.

Best Difficulty Tier to Start With

Rush Through the Levels to Unlock Conjuration Skills

The most crucial skills in the recommended build for this season can be found in the conjuration skill tree, which would require you to get at least 11 skill points to reach. The build may feel slow and weak without these skills; therefore, we recommend rushing through the early levels to get access to these skills.

Unlock Your Enchantments at Level 15

At Level 15, you will be given the Priority Quest tied to the specialization of the class called Enchantment. Complete the quest as soon as you get it, for being able to equip your first Enchanment, Frost Nova, will significantly boost your damage and survivability early on.

Sorcerer Enchantment Slots Explained

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