Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Gems

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Diablo 4 - List of All Gems

Gems can be socketed in your weapons and gear for added effect bonuses in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out our guide for a complete list of all Gems and Gem Types in the game, and learn more about Gem Upgrade Tiers, as well as how to upgrade and socket your Gems.

List of All Gems

All 7 Gem Types

Gem Type Effect Bonuses
AmethystAmethyst Weapon: % Damage Over Time
Armor: % Barrier Generation
Jewelry: % Shadow Resistance
EmeraldEmerald Weapon: % Critical Strike Damage
Armor: Dexterity
Jewelry: % Poison Resistance
RubyRuby Weapon: % Overpower Damage
Armor: Strength
Jewelry: % Fire Resistance
TopazTopaz Weapon: % Basic Skill Damage
Armor: Intelligence
Jewelry: % Lightning Resistance
SapphireSapphire Weapon: % Vulnerable Damage
Armor: Willpower
Jewelry: % Cold Resistance
DiamondDiamond Weapon: % Ultimate Skill Damage
Armor: All Stats
Jewelry: % Resistance to All Elements
SkullSkull Weapon: Life On Kill
Armor: % Healing Received
Jewelry: Armor

There are 7 types of gems in Diablo 4, each offering unique effects bonuses depending on the type of the item being socketed.

All Gem Upgrade Tiers

Gem Upgrade Tiers and Requirements

Upgrade Tier Req. Materials
Chipped GemsChipped Gems 10 Fragments
1,000 Gold
Regular GemsRegular Gems 100 Fragments
10,000 Gold
Flawless GemsFlawless Gems 1, 000 Fragments
100,000 Gold
Royal GemsRoyal Gems 10,000 Fragments
1,000,000 Gold
Diablo 4 - Grand Gems.pngGrand Gems 100,000 Fragments
10,000,000 Gold
30 Forgotten Souls

Gems are now made simpler and streamlined for your journey in Sanctuary.

How to Upgrade Gems

Visit the Jeweler for Gem Crafting

Crafted by the Jeweler
Currently, the only way to obtain any of the gems is by crafting them at the Jeweler using Gem Fragments. The material cost and level requirement for crafting vary depending on the gem you wish to create.

Jeweler NPC Guide

How to Get Gem Fragments

How to Get Gem Fragments
Gem Fragments can be obtained by defeating Elites, opening Chests in the overworld or dungeons, or by opening the Reward Caches from completing Whispers of the Dead.

One of the efficient way to farm Gem Fragments is by participating in Infernal Hordes and spending your Burning Aether on Spoils of Material chests at the end of the dungeon.

Infernal Horde Guide and How to Unlock

Grand Gems Require 30 Forgotten Souls to Craft

Diablo 4 - Forgotten Souls

Season 6 introduces Grand Gems, which are gems above the Royal tier. In addition to gold and gem fragments, you will need 30 Forgotten Souls in order to craft this gem tier.

How to Farm Forgotten Souls

How to Socket Gems

Drag Gems from the Inventory

Players can sockets gems at any time by simply dragging the specified gem to a weapon or armor piece they want to socket it to, provided there are empty gem sockets available.

Unsocket Gems at the Jeweler

Diablo 4 - How to Unsocket Gems

Should players wish to unsocket gems from their gear, they may do so by visiting any Jeweler then navigating to the Unsocket tab of the merchant's menu. From there, click the Unsocket icon and select the weapon or armor pieces you want to unsocket gems from.

However, do note that while socketing gems is free of charge, unsocketing them from your items will cost you Gold.

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