Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

All Dungeon Events

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Dungeon Events are additional contents that are worth taking on due to the generous loot and experience they can offer in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about all the dungeon events, how they spawn, and to trigger them!

List of Dungeon Events

All Dungeon Events

Events Objectives
Cursed Well Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Slay 5 possessed enemies
Cursed Chest Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Massacre enough enemies
Last Stand Survive the onslaught
Mastery: Keep at least one Adventurer alive
Wandering Soul Survive the onslaught
Mastery: Slay soul-imbued enemies while defending the Wandering Soul
Hostage Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Keep at least one hostage alive
Ritual of Blood Survive the ritual
Mastery: Slay enemies in the ritual circle to summon Sanguine Champions
Sole Survivor Slay as many enemy waves as you can before time runs out
Mastery: Defeat 5 waves to keep the wounded Adventurer alive
Shrine of Zagraal Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Destroy the Corrupted Shrine
Rupture Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Slay Bats before they merge
Cursed Shrine Slay as many enemy waves as you can before time runs out
Mastery: Defeat 5 waves
Eternal Torment Survive the torment
Mastery: Destroy 6 Bone Masses before they explode
Nest Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Destroy Eggs before they hatch
Rest for the Weary Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Massacre enough enemies
Altar of Bishibosh Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Destroy the Altar of Bishibosh
Immolation Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Massacre enough enemies
Potent Blood Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Massacre enough enemies

This list was arranged from best to worst in terms of rewards, experience, and ease of mastery completion

Cursed Well Dungeon Event

D4 Cursed Well Dungeon Event
A world event that has a chance to trigger once you interact with a potion well. This is one of the best events you can find inside a dungeon as this will spawn tons of enemies and elites. Note that you will not have access to the potion well until the event ends.

Cursed Chest Dungeon Event

D4 Cursed Chest Dungeon Event
A world event that has a chance to trigger whenever you try to open a Resplendent chest. This is a extremely good event as it will spawn a lot of mobs and elites. Note that you can only open the Resplendent chest after the event has ended.

Last Stand Dungeon Event

D4 Last Stand Dungeon Event
A world event that requires you to protect a party of three from enemies. This event is a bit difficult but definitely rewarding, as there will be numerous mobs spawning and each of the remaining survivors will give you items after the event.

This event has a cheese method to easily achieve the mastery condition. You can lure the NPC that can fight outside the event area by attacking monsters nearby. If you're able to lure far enough, they won't return inside. You can then start and finish the event while that NPC is at a safe distance.

Wandering Soul Dungeon Event

D4 Wandering Soul Dungeon Event
A world event wherein a wandering soul will ask you to help by defeating enemies that will spawn. To complete the mastery condition, you must kill the enemies with a soul imbued in them. You can easily identify these mobs by looking at the red dot that will appear on your mini-map.

This event seems to be bugged, as there are times where the soul you're protecting will transform into an elite monster, and there are times where the event will just end even if you're able to achieve the mastery condition.

Hostage Dungeon Event

D4 Hostage Dungeon Event
A world event similar to the Last Stand, wherein you are tasked with defending 3 hostages. If you are able to successfully defend the hostages, each of them will reward you with items. Overall, it is a good event with a lot of mobs and elites.

Unfortunately, this time there are no cheese methods, as they will be pinned with a wooden handcuff.

Ritual of Blood Dungeon Event

D4 Ritual of Blood Dungeon Event
A world event where you will need to offer blood on the altar by killing mobs that stand on it. The challenge of this event is staying on the middle and luring long ranged mobs to step on the altar.

Sole Survivor Dungeon Event

D4 Sole Survivor Dungeon Event
A world event where you will need to protect a wounded adventurer against hordes of enemies. This is easier than previous events where you were protecting NPCs because the wounded adventurer is untargetable by enemies.

This is a fairly rewarding event that can be easily missed due to its randomness and small prompt to trigger, so always keep an eye out for an injured NPC with a dialogue box.

Shrine of Zagraal Dungeon Event

D4 Dungeon Event Shrine of Zagraal
A world event that requires you to destroy the corruption latching on a locked shrine. To achieve mastery completion, make sure to target the Shamans protecting the corrupted shrine, then deal a significant amount of burst damage while the Shamans have yet to respawn.

This event has fairly good mob density and will not only reward you with a chest but also give you access to the locked shrine as well.

Rupture Dungeon Event

D4 Rupture Dungeon Event
A rare world event that requires you to massacre surrounding bats before they merge in the middle of the event area. If you're able to achieve the mastery condition, a vampire Elite would appear at the end.

A good event with a lot of small mobs is lacking due to the absence of elites aside from the one spawning at the end.

Cursed Shrine Dungeon Event

D4 Cursed Shrine Dungeon Event
A common world event that has a chance to appear when you interact with shrines inside dungeons. The shrine will be locked, and you will only be able to get the buff after the event.This is similar to the other cursed events but lacks the mob and elite density spawn.

If you do not want to bother with the event and only wish to get the buff, you may leave the area and come back after the timer has ended. Slay all the remaining spawned monsters, and you will be able to interact with the shrine once again.

Eternal Torment Dungeon Event

D4 Eternal Torment Dungeon Event
A world event in which you would need to destroy bone masses in order to complete. This event is quite straight forward, you only need to destroy the spawning bone masses and you can ignore other enemies.

This event, though quite easy, has a low mob spawn rate, which makes it a bit luckluster compared to other dungeon events.

Nest Dungeon Event

D4 Dungeon Event Nest
A world event that spawns in dungeons with the presence of wild life enemies. There are two versions of this event, one involving Spider eggs and another involving Maggot eggs, both of which has the same objective.

In this event, you would have to destroy the eggs before they hatch. If ever even one egg got to hatch, there would be no chance of completing the mastery condition.. This can be easily missed and greatly puts single target focused builds at a disadvantage.

Rest for the Weary Dungeon Event

D4 Dungeon Event Rest for the Weary
A rare world event that appears in dungeons with human-type enemies. In this event, you will be tasked with defeating hordes of enemies, though only a handful will spawn, which makes the event a bit vapid.

Immolation Dungeon Event

D4 Immolation Dungeon Event
A chaotic world event that will test your dodging skills while dealing with spawning enemies. In this event, you would have to survive by dodging raining fireballs and enemy attacks until the timer reached zero. This can be quite the challenge, but it is lacking in terms of experience and loot rewards.

Altar of Bishibosh

Another rare world event in which you have to destroy the Altar of Bishibosh while surviving hordes of demons. This event is also challenging due to the presence of Fallen Lunatics and Shamans. The best way to complete it is to burst down the altar in the middle then immediately kill the Elite that will spawn.

Potent Blood Dungeon Event

D4 Dungeon Event Potent Blood
A world event that will require you to hunt 5 Elite Wildlife enemies that will spawn one at a time. This is quite a tedious event with long spawn intervals and an extremely low mob density.

The timer in this event, combined with the fact that you would have to stand by and wait while the hunter absorbs the enemies before moving on to the next one, makes this a very difficult event to master.

How Do Events Spawn in Dungeons?

Dungeon Events Spawn Randomly

D4 Lethal Shrine
Dungeon Events spawn in random locations and at random instances. The same dungeon can spawn 3 events in the first run and none in the next. At the moment, there is no method to target farm events inside dungeons.

How to Trigger a Dungeon Event

Explore Secluded Areas of the Dungeon

D4 Dungeon Secluded Rooms
Dungeon Events usually spawn additional rooms inside a dungeon. These rooms are often secluded, so make sure to use your map to identify them. These are definitely worth going out of your way to complete, as you can get some juicy rewards and experience by doing so.

Click on Interactables in the Dungeon

D4 Resplendent Chests
Chests, Shrines, and potion wells all have the chance to spawn a Cursed Event wherein you have to defeat enemies in order to unlock them. Make sure to always click on them to have a chance of triggering the events.

You could also find NPCs lying on the floor with a dialogue box on top of them. Interacting with them would trigger the Sole Survivor event.

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List of All World Events

All World Events

All World Events by Region
World Event Locations in Fractured Peaks
World Event Locations in Scosglen

All Dungeon Events

All Dungeon Events
Cursed Well Cursed Chest Last Stand
Wandering Soul Hostage Ritual of Blood
Soul Survivor Shrine of Zagraal Rupture
Cursed Shrine Eternal Torment Nest
Rest for the Weary Altar of Bishibosh Immolation
Potent Blood - -


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