Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Campaign Walkthrough and List of Main Quests

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Diablo 4 - List of Main Quests

The main campaign quests of Diablo 4 (D4) are divided into six acts. Learn all story quests, how many acts are in Diablo 4, the best order to do the main story, and a list of all main objectives.

Diablo IV Campaign Quest IconHeads up! We’re prioritizing quest pages for tricky parts in the story. If you’re stuck on a quest or objective that we don’t have a guide for yet, leave us a comment and we’ll work on getting a guide up!

Prologue: Wandering

1 Dusk on the Mountain
・Find shelter in a nearby town
・Find the source of the voices
・Speak with Oswen
・Follow Vani
・Speak with Vani
2 Darkness Within
・Enter Icehowl Ruins
・Search the depths of Icehowl Ruins
・Inspect the Decapitated Priest
・Slay X'fal
3 A Hero’s Return
・Return to Nevesk
・Speak with Vani
4 A Hero’s Reward
・Slay the crazed villagers
・Speak with Iosef
・Loot the Chapel Key from Vani's corpse
5 Prayers for Salvation
・Unlock the chapel door
・Enter the chapel
・Inspect the blood petals
・Speak with Iosef
6 In Search of Answers
・Find the hermit's cabin
・Enter the cabin
・Search the cabin
・Enter the back room
・Examine the Strange Skull
7 Rite of Passage
・Accompany Lorath to Kyovashad
8 Missing Pieces
・Speak with Lorath
・Speak with the Merchant
・Purchase Lorath's Polearm
・Pick up the Strange Amulet
・Return the items to Lorath

Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith

9 Ill Tidings
・Travel to the Cathedral of Light
・Speak with Reverend Mother Prava
・Take Vigo's Report
10 Tarnished Luster
・Travel to Yelesna
・Enter the Knight's Garrison
・Speak with Captain Ankers
11 The Knight and the Magpie
・Go to the mining camp at Pine Hill
・Speak with Vigo
・Follow Vigo to the Ore Hoist
・Slay the ghouls
・Go to the Sealed Gate with Vigo
12 Undertaking
・Enter the Condemned Mines and pursue Lilith and Vhenard
・Inspect the door then slay the approaching monsters
・Pursue of Lilith and Vhenard with Vigo and Neyrelle
・Use the opening to escape the mines
13 Below
・Speak with Vigo
・Speak with Neyrelle
・Bring Vigo and Neyrelle down into the caverns
・Make the Ore Hoist operational
14 In Her Wake
・Speak with Vigo
・Open the Gate of Kasama and speak with Grendan
・Search for Lilith and Vhenard with Neyrelle
・Open the Ancient Gate and search for a deeper way into Kasama
・Open the Gate of the Cradle
15 Storming the Gates
・Enter the Cradle and pursue Lilith and Vhenard with Neyrelle
・Open the Ancient Gate
・Slay Rohaksa
・Protect Neyrelle while she unseals the doorway
・Pursue Lilith and Vhenard to the Mourning Shore
16 The Cost of Knowledge
・Search for Vhenard and Lilith with Neyrelle
・Slay Vhenard's demonic servants
・Speak with Neyrelle
17 Wayward
・Search for Neyrelle
18 Shroud of the Horadrim
・Enter the Darkened Holt and search for Neyrelle
・Enter the Fiery Portal and follow the Bloodied Wolf
・Search for Neyrelle in the Darkened Holt and find a way to the Horadic Vault
・Enter the Shadowed Glade and slay all Phantoms
・Examine the Three-Faced Statue
19 Fledgling Scholar
・Travel and enter the Horadric Vault
・Speak with Neyrelle
・Search for access to the Main Chamber
・Take the Horadric Book to Neyrelle
・Investigate the Door to the Middle Wing with Neyrelle
・Explore the Horadric Vault
・Follow and Speak to Neyrelle
・Search for clues to cross the Black Lake
・Slay Tchort
・Inspect the spellbook
・Bring the Pulsing Spellbook to Neyrelle
20 Light's Guidance
・Travel to the Cathedral of Light and speak with Reverend Mother Prava
21 Kor Valar
・Travel to Kor Valar
・Speak with Vigo
・Speak with Reverend Mother Prava
22 Pilgrimage
・Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Penitent
23 Light's Judgement
・Enter the Alabaster Monastery
24 Light's Protection
・Return to Reverend Mother Prava
25 Crossing Over
・Go back to the Black Lake with Neyrelle
26 Descent
・Enter the Necropolis of the Firstborn
・Pursue Lilith
・Slay Lilith's Lament
・Speak with the Knight Penitent
・Pursue Lilith
27 Light's Resolve
・Speak with Neyrelle

Act 2: The Knife Twists Again

28 An Unforeseen Visit
・Find Donan at Eldhaime Keep
・Speak to the watch commander
・Speak with the guard
・Enter the keep
・Find Donan
・Speak with Donan
29 Dark Omens
・Investigate the disturbance at Firebreak Manor
・Talk to Steward Wilfred
・Investigate the disturbance
・Defeat goatmen attackers
30 Encroaching Shadows
・Search for evidence of Lilith near Braestaig
・Speak with Chieftain Asgail
・Speak with Yorin
・Find the entrance to the Weeping Cairns with Yorin
・Defend Yorin and defeat the incoming spirits
31 Exhuming the Forgotten
・Enter the Weeping Cairns
・Find the path through the Weeping Cairns with Yorin
・Find and place the missing Wardstone within the Runic Standing Stone
・Help Yorin open the Runed Passageway
・Speak with Yorin
・Defeat the Vengeful Wildwood
・Find the exit from the Weeping Cairns
・Enter the Ancestor Heights
32 Harrowed Lament
・Find Airidah
・Investigate the disturbance
・Investigate the disturbance at Clocheen
・Destroy the Risen Remains
・Defeat the spirits
・Speak with Arlo
・Find and destroy the Risen Remains
・Return to Yorin
34 Apex of Misery
・Find Airidah atop Solitude
・Destroy the Risen Remains
・Speak with Airidah
・Defeat Airidah
35 Parting Embers
・Speak with Yorin in Braestaig
36 Feral Nature
・Check with the knights in Tirmair about Lilith
・Speak with Knight-Captain Razia
・Search for Nafain at the Boglann Stone Circle
・Investigate the runic message on the stone
37 The Beast Within
・Join Nafain's Wolf
・Follow Nafain's Wolf
・Join Nafain's Wolf in the Heart of the Moors
・Find Nafain in the Heart of the Moors
・Speak with Nafain
38 The Path of Rage
・Follow the flow of corruption into the Untamed Thicket
・Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket
・Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket
39 Fangs of Corruption
・Enter the Untamed Thicket
・Find what lies at the end of the corruption
・Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage
40 Stemming the Flow
・Return to Nafain
41 Buried Secrets
・Return to Eldhaime Keep
・Return to Donan
・Search Eldhaime Keep for survivors
・Talk to Commander Antje
42 In Ruins
・Find a way to the Great Hall
・Find Donan in the Great Hall
・Speak with Donan
・Enter Eldhaime barracks
43 Entombed Legacy
・Go with Donan through Eldhaime Barracks
・Go with Donan to the passage
・Escort Donan to Astaroth's tomb
・Go with Donan to the tomb
・Investigate the blood petals
・Speak with Donan
44 Shadow Over Cerrigar
・Join Donan outside Lower Cerrigar
・Enter Lower Cerrigar
45 As the World Burns
・Defeat Astaroth
・Speak to the guard at the gate

Act 3: The Making of Monsters

46 The Spreading Darkness
・Search for Lorath in Ked Bardu
・Speak with Daruuk
・Rouse Lorath from his slumber
・Speak with Teckrin
・Return to update Lorath
47 Whittling Sanity
・Meet Lorath in Abahru Canyon
・Speak with Lorath in Abahru Canyon
・Search for Elias in Abahru Canyon with Lorath
・Defeat the demons rising from the Hell rift
・Search the house
・Help Lorath search for clues in the Carver's House
・Speak with Lorath
・Find Genbar
・Speak with Genbar
・Defeat Genbar, the Shrine-Keeper
48 Suffering Disquiet
・Travel to the Orbei Monastery to speak with the Abbot
・Enter the Orbei Monastery Halls and search for the Abbot
・Search for the Abbot of the monastery
・Search the dead for a key
・Pick up the Crusader Skull
・Place the Crusader Skull on the Pedestal
・Search for the Abbot of the monastery
・Speak with the Raving Monk
・Fight off the vengeful Spirits
・Search for the Abbot of the monastery
・Find the words of the Secret Litanies to gain access to the inner cloister
・Recite the litany and remove the seal on the doors
・Speak with the Abbot of Orbei
・Slay the Eidolon of Orbei
・Meet with Lorath in Ked Bardu
49 A Moment to Collect
・Meet with Lorath in Ked Bardu
・Speak with Lorath in Ked Bardu
・Join Lorath for the autopsy
50 Brought Low
・Meet Lorath at Guulrahn
・Meet Lorath at the Hidden Overlook
51 The City of Blood and Dust
・Enter Guulrahn and search for Oyuun
・Find the Market Square
・Search for Oyuun in the Market Square
・Speak to the villager
・Find the prison
・Find a way into the city's prison
・Search the Prison for Oyuun
・Slay Akil, Jailer of the Weak
・Open Oyuun's cell
・Speak with Oyuun
・Find the secret path with Oyuun
・Destroy the weak wall
・Find the exit and escape the prison with Oyuun
52 Small Blessings
・Speak with Oyuun
・Escort Oyuun to Zolaya
・Speak with Lorath
53 Whispers from the Past
・Speak to Lorath at the entrance of the Offal Pits
・Enter the Offal Pits
・Find the entrance to the old escape tunnel with Lorath
・Speak with Lorath
・Discover a way into the palace
・Enter the Bowels of the Palace
・Search for Elias within the Tyrant's Court
・Slay Mother's Judgment
・Inspect the ward of sealing
・Enter Elias' Sanctum with Lorath
・Search for information on Elias' ritual
・Discuss your findings with Lorath
・Speak with Lorath outside
54 Through The Dark Glass
・ Find a way into the Temple of the Primes
・ Speak with Lorath at Mt. Civo
・ Bring Lorath to Baal's shrine
・ Gain the Blessing of Destruction
・ Bring Lorath to Diablo's shrine
・ Gain the Blessing of Terror
・ Bring Lorath to Mephisto's shrine
・ Speak to Lorath
・ Gain the Blessing of Hatred
・ Enter the fiery portal
・ Destroy the Barbarian defenses
・ Slay Gorm
・ Speak to the Herald of Mephisto
・ Leave the Vision of Sescheron
・ Speak with Lorath
55 Descent Into Flame
・ Enter the Temple of Primes with Lorath
・ Find the ritual location with Lorath
・ Slay the Tyrant King Brol
56 Loose Threads
・ Speak with the mysterious woman
・ Speak with Lorath
57 Oasis of Memories
・Meet with Lorath and Taissa in Tarsarak
・Travel to Tarsarak to meet with Lorath and Taissa
・Speak with Lorath
・Search Tarsarak for a guide
・Travel to the Argentek Riverbank
・Find the drug den entrance
・Slay the bar patrons
・Enter the back room and search for the old man
・Speak with the Strange Old Man
58 Flesh from Bone
・ Meet Lorath and Meshif at the Forsaken Chapel
・ Meet Meshif outside of the storm
・ Follow Meshif through the sandstorm
・ Follow Meshif to cover
・ Wait out the severe winds
・ Follow Meshif through the sandstorm
・ Protect Meshif and Isabella
・ Speak with Meshif to continue the journey
・ Follow Meshif through the sandstorm
59 Beneath the Mask
・Speak with Meshif
・Find the entrance to the Exalted Terrace with Lorath
・Speak to the Noble
60 Piercing the Veil
・Enter the Exalted Terrace
・Find Elias within the Exalted Terrace
・Speak to the noble
・Confront Elias with Lorath
・Slay Elias
・Investigate the blood petals
・Slay Elias
・Find the Sightless Eye
・Slay Elias
・Speak to Lorath
・Escape out the window
61 Exhumed Relics
・ Speak with Meshif
・ Meet Lorath at the Forsaken Chapel

Act 4: A Gathering Storm

62 Prying the Eye
・Speak with Lorath at the Forsaken Chapel
・Speak with Taissa
・Bring the Sightless Eye to the pedestal
・Gaze into the Sightless Eye
63 A Master's Touch
・Meet Donan at the Cathedral of Light
・Speak with Donan the Elder
64 Lost Arts
・Enter the Horadric Vault at Mistral Woods
・Speak with Donan
・Open the study door
・Speak with Neyrelle
・Follow Donan
・Bring Donan to his desks
・Guard Donan
・Clear out the spiders
・Speak with Donan
・Return to the study
・Speak with Neyrelle
65 A Meeting of the Minds
・Meet with your allies at the Forsaken Chapel
・Speak with Neyrelle
・Look for Taissa
・Speak with Neyrelle
66 Anguish Incarnate
・Defeat Andariel
67 Eye of the Storm
・Check on your companions
・Speak with Lorath

Act 5: Secrets Bartered, Fates Sold

68 The Path Divided
・Meet your allies in Zarbinzet
・Speak with Taissa
・Speak with Donan
69 Secrets of the Zakarum
・ Speak with Donan
・ Find a way into the Zakarum Keep
・ Scale the damaged Keep wall
・ Raise the portcullis
・ Follow Donan
・ Let Donan open the door
70 Entombed Hatred
・ Search the Foul Undercrypts
・ Slay the Ancient Paladin and his guards
・ Break down the Warded Door
・ Accompany Donan to the Black Tomb of Sankekur
・ Speak with Donan
・ Protect Donan
・ Destroy the Manifestation of Hate
・ Speak with Donan
71 Swamp Hospitality
・ Find Donan in Wejinhani
・ Speak with Donan
・ Accompany Donan to the tower
・ Speak with Taissa
72 Witch of the Wastes
・ Find Valtha in the Cinder Wastes
・ Search Valtha's Hovel for Purified Quicksilver
・ Speak with Valtha
・ Slay Valtha
・ Collect the Purified Quicksilver
・ Bring Donan the Purified Quicksilver
・ Place the vial of Purified Quicksilver on the table
・ Speak with Taissa
73 Encumbered Mind
・ Help Donan Fix the soulstone
・ Mix the Quicksilver with other liquids
・ Turn the Wheel three rotations
・ Grind the sulfur
・ Observe Donan
・ Follow Taissa
74 The Cage of Grief
・ Accompany your allies to the Hungering Swamp
・ Bring Taissa and Donan to the ritual site
・ Speak with Taissa
・ Collect Maggot Queen Ichor
・ Slay Maggots at the Maggot Queen Nest
・ Slay the Maggot Queen
・ Collect a Yellow Lotus
・ Return to the ritual site
・ Place the Maggot Queen Ichor into the boiling pot
・ Place the Yellow Lotus into the boiling pot
・ Speak with Taissa in the Hungering Swamp
・ Ignite Swamp Incense
・ Speak with Taissa
・ Enter the Fiery Portal
・ Follow the Herald of Hatred
・ Speak with the Herald of Hatred
・ Exit the Fiery Portal
75 One Step Forward
・ Speak with Taissa
・ Speak with Donan
・ Mix the Quicksilver with other liquids
・ Turn the wheel two rotations
・ Grind the Sulfur
・ Speak with Donan
76 Tainted Flesh
・ Find Lorath and Neyrelle
・ Speak with Lorath
・ Search for Timue with your allies
・ Enter Timue's Hovel
・ Speak with Timue
77 Wrack and Ruin
・ Find the town of Yngovani
・ Find the temple in Yngovani
・ Find the Left Eye
・ Slay the serpents
・ Speak with the survivor
・ Find the Right Eye
・ Search the cultist corpses
・ Return the Left and Right Eye
78 Cold Blood
・ Search The Slithering Dark
・ Open the Incense Box
・ Slay Mohlon, Snake Queen
・ Collect the Mystic Incense
・ Bring the incense to Lorath in Yngovani
79 Judgement of the Swamp
・ Speak with Neyrelle
・ Follow Lorath
・ Slay the Nangari
・ Light the Incense
80 The Serpentine Path
・ Follow Neyrelle
・ Speak with Neyrelle
・ Follow the serpent with your allies
・ Survive the ambush
・ Reach Neyrelle
・ Escape the Sinking Detritus
81 Dirge of the Mire
・ Speak with Neyrelle
・ Follow the serpent with your allies
・ Find a way through the mire
・ Destroy the dead trees
・ Follow your allies into the Voiceless Grove
・ Destroy the Wailing Soul
・ Slay all enemies
・ Follow Neyrelle
82 The Slow, Beating Heart
・ Speak with Neyrelle
・ Follow your allies across the serpent
・ Speak with The Tree of Whispers
・ Speak with Lorath
83 A Cold and Lifeless Shore
・ Rejoin Lorath and Neyrelle on the way to the eastern shore
・ Speak with Lorath
・ Search the wrecks with your allies
・ Speak with Neyrelle
84 Picking Through the Bones
・ Search for the coffin beyond the wrecks with your allies
・ Break down the waterlogged door
・ Save Neyrelle
・ Reach the coffin
・ Inspect the coffin
85 Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea
・ Uncover Elias' secret within the temple
・ Dispel the remaining Echoes of Elias
・ Search for the secret of Elias' ritual
・ Collect Elias' Mummified Finger
・ Escape the rising waters
86 Fragments of Mortality
・ Speak with Lorath
・ Burn Elias' Mummified Finger
・ Speak with Neyrelle
87 On the Precipice
・ Speak with Donan
・ Follow Donan into the Black Tomb of Sankekur
・ Speak with Donan
・ Follow Taissa
・ Slay Elias
88 Knee-Deep in Filth
・ Catch up to Taissa
・ Speak with Taissa
・ Track Elias with Taissa through the Plaguemarsh
・ Speak with Taissa
89 A Chorus of Voices
・ Catch up to Lorath at the Tree of Whispers
・ Speak with Lorath

Act 6: Dance of the Makers

90 Evil Stirs in Kehjistan
・ Meet with Horadrim in Parched Wanderer Inn in Tarsarak
・ Speak with Neyrelle
91 The Jewel of the East
・ Join your allies in the search for Lilith in Caldeum
・ Speak with the Horadrim in Caldeum Bazaar
・ Search for Lilith
・ Follow Inarius
・ Defeat cultist ambush
・ Find Inarius with your allies
・ Open the gate
・ Speak with Lorath
・ Open the alley gate
・ Search for the Gates of Hell in Caldeum
・ Slay the demons attacking Prava
・ Speak with Prava
92 The Scouring of Caldeum
・ Tell Prava you are ready
・ Escort your allies through Caldeum
・ Kill demons attacking from above
・ Investigate the large rooftop
・ Slay the Demon Commander
・ Rejoin your allies
・ Help defend your allies against the demons
・ Escort your allies through Caldeum
・ Speak with Lorath
・ Open the gate
93 The Walls Shake
・ Find the way into the Imperial Palace
・ Defeat Duriel
94 Turning the Tide
・ Search for your allies in the Imperial Palace
・ Follow Neyrelle to the other Horadrim
・ Speak to Lorath
・ Descend to the Gates of Hell with your allies
・ Inspect Blood Petals
・ Speak with Neyrelle
95 Essence of Hatred
・ Join your Horadrim allies in the Burning Hells
・ Search for Inarius' army with your allies
・ Bring your allies to the Burning Overpass
・ Defend your allies from the attackers
・ Kill remaining demons
・ Investigate the Burning Overpass
・ Wait for your Horadrim allies to join you
・ Move the body of Reverend Mother Prava
・ Speak to Reverend Mother Prava
96 In Desolation's Wake
・ Speak to Donan
・ Escort your allies through the Realm of Hatred
・ Defeat the ambushers in the Burning Hells
・ Speak to Lorath
・ Kill Karum, Hound of Hatred
・ Guide your allies through the Twisted Pathway
・ Defeat the demons
・ Kill Remaining Demons
・ Follow Lorath
・ Speak to Lorath
・ Defeat Ashava
97 Light Extinguished
・ Speak to Lorath
・ Follow your allies to the Spire of Torment
・ Investigate the Spire of Torment
・ Inspect the blood petals
・ Speak to Neyrelle
・ Follow Lorath
・ Use the Sightless Eye
・ Defeat the enemies
・ Speak to Donan
98 The Blind Eye
・ Use the Sightless Eye
・ Explore the Nightmare
・ Speak to the priest
・ Defeat the villagers of Nevesk
・ Explore the nightmare
・ Inspect Rathma's corpse
・ Explore the nightmare
・ Inspect Lilith's Altar
・ Defend against Lilith's attack
・ Enter the Fiery Portal
・ Inspect the campfire
・ Find the way out
・ Defeat the nightmares
・ Use the Sightless Eye
99 What Lies Ahead
・ Speak to Neyrelle
・ Find Neyrelle
・ Speak with Neyrelle in the Burning Hells
・ Enter the Fiery Portal
・ Find Mephisto in the Cathedral of Hatred
・ Bring Neyrelle to Mephisto
・ Speak to Neyrelle in the Cathedral of Hatred
・ Defeat Lilith
・ Speak to Lorath

Base Game Epilogue: From the Wound Spilled

100 Promises
・ Meet Neyrelle in the chapel
・ Talk to Lorath
・ Head outside with Lorath
・ Speak with Iosef
・ Defeat the Knights Penitent
・ Speak with Lorath
101 A Heavy Burden
・ Search for Neyrelle in the Horadric Vault
・ Inspect the Runed Letter
102 Legacy of the Horadrim
・ Meet with Lorath at Firebreak Manor
・ Speak with Lorath

What to Do After the Campaign

Act 7: Vessel of Hatred (Expansion Only)

Ch.1 Rekindled Faith
A Fist of Fire
Pursuit of Justice
A Magpie in Flight
Enmity Rising
Ch.2 Thrust Into the Dark
The Hand Remembers the Blade
A Path Laid in Blood
Unknowing Survivors
Reaching Through the Veil
A Flickering Light
The Heart of All Rot
To Kurast
Madman, Crowned
Fundament of Faith
Ch.3 Darkening Clouds
Forgotten Gods
Across the Threshold
A Deeper Sickness
Fragile Blessings
Living Memory
Burning Crusade
Ch.4 The Way Out is Through
In His Footsteps
All Good Things
To Walk a Different Path
Presaging Fate
EP Deeds of A Champion

Complete Expansion Story Walkthrough

How Many Acts in Diablo 4?

6 Main Acts With Prologue and Epilogue

Diablo 4 How Many Acts

There are 6 acts in Diablo 4, bookended by a Prologue and an Epilogue. After completing the Prologue, players can choose to do Acts 1, 2, and 3 in any order. However, the 3 first acts all need to be completed before proceding to Act 4.

Starting from Act 4, the game progresses linearly, with branching routes only occuring between minor questlines within the act.

Campaign Length: How Long to Beat

Vessel of Hatred Adds 1 Main Act With Another Epilogue

If you purchase the Vessel of Hatred Expansion, you'll be able to play the game's act VII: Vessel of Hatred. This is a direct continuation of the game's story and showcases the new Spiritborn Region, Nahantu.

Vessel of Hatred Guide and All Expansion Content

Best Main Quest Order

Recommended to Follow Act Numbering

# Act Rec. Lvl
1 Prologue: Wandering -
2 Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith Lvl. 5
3 Act 2: The Knife Twists Again Lvl. 10
4 Act 3: The Making of Monsters Lvl. 15
▼ Acts Proceed Linearly From Here
5 Act 4: A Gathering Storm Lvl. 20
6 Act 5: Secrets Bartered, Fates Sold Lvl. 35
7 Act 6: Dance of the Makers Lvl. 40
8 Epilogue: From the Wound Spilled Lvl. 45

After completing the Prologue, it's recommended to simply follow the numerical order of Acts in ascending order. There's no point in doing quests way above your level, since quest rewards don't scale by the difficulty of the quest and, instead, scale by your current level.

Best Quest Order

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Game Mechanics and Activities

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Diablo 4 - Legion Event GuideLegion Event Guide Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon GuideNightmare Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of WhispersHow to Complete Tree of Whispers -

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