Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Complete the Tree of Whispers

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Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of Whispers

The Tree of Whispers is an endgame system in Diablo 4 (D4) that provides bounties for players and rewards them with a choice of powerful loot on completion. Learn more about the Tree of Whispers, including how to complete it, its rewards, our tips and strategies, and how to unlock it!

How to Complete the Tree of Whispers

Complete Whispers and Collect Grim Favors

Step-by-Step Guide
View the map to see all currently active Whispers of the Dead, which change on a timed rotation.
Select an icon to learn how to complete a Whisper and the amount of Grim Favors you'll receive.
Complete the Whispers you want to do until you collect 10 Grim Favors.
Bring 10 Grim Favors to the Tree of Whispers in Hawezar to claim your rewards! The Tree of Whispers always has active bounties, so complete these whenever you like.

Whispers of the Dead are Worth 1, 3 and 5 Grim Favors

Whispers marked on your map are worth either 1 (light pink icon), 3 (dark pink) or 5 (red) Grim Favors, depending on their difficulty and approximate length to complete.

Whisper Grim Favors Length
・Slay enemies
・Find the Corpse
1 1-2 minutes
・Harvest enemy materials
・Invoke rituals
・PvP: Purify Seeds of Hatred
・Legion events
3 5-7 minutes
・World Bosses
・PvP: Seething Abomination (Boss)
5 10-12 minutes

You Must Turn in Grim Favors 10 at a Time

Once you've collected 10 Grim Favors, you will not be able to collect any more until you've turned in your haul at the Tree of Whispers.

On the other hand, extra Grim Favors past 10 do carry over, so you'll be able to pick up progress where you left off. For example, if you have 9 Grim Favors, then complete a Whisper worth 3, when you turn in a batch of 10 Whispers, you'll now have 2 out of 10 Grim Favors for the next round, so you'll never lose out on Grim Favors by completing more than necessary.

Whispers Reset On a Timer

Select a Whisper on the Map to view important information about it, including how to complete it, the number of Grim Favors it gives, and the amount of time remaining until it expires. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to complete a Whisper, as you won't collect any Grim Favors if the timer expires, even if you've already started it.

Tree of Whispers Rewards

Bring 10 Grim Favors to the Tree to Get Rewards

Diablo 4 - Offer 10 Grim Favors
Once you've gathered 10 Grim Favors, return to the Tree of Whispers, which is located in north-east Hawezar and turn them in. As a reward, you'll then be allowed to choose one of three Grand Caches, which contain an assortment of gems, crafting materials, Nightmare Sigils (Nightmare difficulty and higher only) and, most importantly, gear. Additionally, you'll receive a large chunk of XP for your efforts.

Choose Between Three Collections of Gear

Diablo 4 - Tree of Whispers Rewards
The Grand Caches are divided up by what kind of gear they contain: from one-handed weapons, to boots, gauntlets, and so on. A Collection of Chaos may also be one of the choices, which contains a random assortment of gear.

In most cases, the best Tree of Whispers reward is going to depend on the player, namely which piece of gear they're looking for. However, there is a chance for Greater Collections to appear as a reward, in which case you should always choose these (whatever the gear type).

Always Choose Greater Collection of Caches for a Guaranteed Legendary

Greater Collections contain at least one Legendary item, better loot, and more gold, so make sure you're choosing this every time it's an option. This makes the Tree of Whispers one of the best activities for early farming, and should be considered whenever available.

Best Tree of Whispers Rewards

Tree of Whispers Tips and Strategies

Tree of Whispers Farming Guide

Prioritize Dungeon Bounties

We recommend prioritizing Dungeon bounties when grinding for Grim Favors, as they don't take too long to complete and instantly reward 5 Grim Favors on completion, making them the most efficient Whisper to do.

In addition, note that Grim Favors carry over from region to region, so hopping around the World Map to complete Dungeon bounties is a viable and efficient strategy.

Best Whispers to Complete

Complete Whispers During Helltide

It's also recommended to complete Whispers of the Dead bounties during Helltide. With Helltide primarily consisting of killing enemy groups and completing World Events, its activities have plenty of overlap with overworld Whispers, allowing you to work toward earning Aberrant Cinders and Grim Favors at once.

Helltide Timer, Time Schedule and Event Guide

Do Whisper Activities Inside the Fields of Hatred

Whisper activities inside the Fields of Hatred, particularly the one tied to the roaming boss in the area, are fairly easy to do and they give a good amount of Favors. Take a look at the Fields of Hatred from time to time, so you can quickly complete these activities.

PvP Guide: How to Unlock the Fields of Hatred

Party Up With Other Players

Diablo 4 - Party Up With Other Players

It's best to party up with other players when completing Whispers of the Dead bounties. Playing with other players can speed up clearing Dungeons, World Events, and other Whisper objectives, and also provides a 10% bonus Experience buff!

Finishing a Whisper in a party for the first time also completes the Friendly Whispers Challenge, which rewards you with the Whispering and Chorus titles!

Multiplayer Guide

How to Unlock the Tree of Whispers

Complete the Main Story Campaign

Diablo 4 - Complete the Main Story Campaign

The Tree of Whispers is locked behind the main story in Diablo 4. You can gain access to this piece of endgame content by completing all Acts of the campaign and beating the final boss.
Campaign Walkthrough

Complete the Whispers of the Dead Priority Quest

Having completed the main story, you'll then unlock the Whispers of the Dead Priority Quest, which serves as a tutorial for the Tree of Whispers. In it, you'll need to collect 10 Grim Favors and return them to the Tree of Whispers, which is exactly what you'll be doing in the actual game mode.

Complete this quest, then you'll have access to the Tree of Whispers any time you want.

Whispers of the Dead Quest Location and Walkthrough

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