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How to Beat Altar of Ruin Stronghold

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Diablo 4 - Altar of Ruin Stronghold Banner
Altar of Ruin is a Stronghold found in Kehjistan in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn how to clear Altar of Ruin Stronghold, full walkthrough and its location, rewards for completing, as well as tips on how to beat Dark Cardinal Maldul.

Altar of Ruin Stronghold Overview

Stronghold Information

Altar of Ruin Stronghold Details
Location North of the central part of the Amber Sands.
Boss Name Dark Cardinal Maldul
Rewards & Unlocks ・100 Kehjistan Renown
・Sepulcher of The Forsworn Dungeon
・Altar of Ruin Waypoint
Description Lost for centuries, legends speak of a malefic temple of great evil

Altar of Ruin Stronghold Location



Rewards for Completing Altar of Ruin Stronghold

In addition to earning random loot and Renown in the region, you unlock the following rewards for completing the Altar of Ruin Stronghold.

Unlocks the Sepulcher of The Forsworn Dungeon

Diablo 4 - Altar of Ruin Dungeon Unlock
Completing the Altar of Ruin Stronghold unlocks the Sepulcher of The Forsworn Dungeon where you can get the Hulking Aspect for the Necromancer class.
All Dungeon Locations and Map

Unlocks the Altar of Ruin Waypoint

Diablo 4 - Altar of Ruin Waypoint
It also unlocks a new waypoint in Kehjistan which gives you an additional 20 Renown Value.

Waypoint Map and All Locations

Altar of Ruin Stronghold Walkthrough

How to Clear Altar of Ruin Stronghold
・Explore the cavern
・Slay High Priests and retrieve their Keystones
・Use the Keystones to unlock the Ritual Chamber
・Slay Dark Cardinal Maldul
・Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer the Altar of Ruin

Slay All Three High Priests

Killing the High Priests Elites will drop the Keystones required to open the Ritual Chamber door inside the Altar of Ruin stronghold. You can find these priests by looking for the skull icon in your map.

How to Beat Dark Cardinal Maldul

Save Your Skills

Diablo 4 - Altar of Ruin Vulnerable Boss
Dark Cardinal Maldul will be invulnerable until you deal with all of the elites that he summons. Try to save your high-cooldown skills and save them until he is vulnerable to your attacks.

Kill All Ads

Diablo 4 - Altar of Ruins Kill All Ads
Dark Cardinal Maldul will constantly summon demon spawns that will swarm you. Kill them all as fast as possible before focusing on the boss to avoid taking extra damage.

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Diablo 4 - Strongholds

All Stronghold Locations

All Strongholds By Region

Fractured Peaks Dry Steppes Hawezar
Kehjistan Scosglen Nahantu

All Kehjistan Strongholds

Altar of Ruin Alcarnus Omath’s Redoubt


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