Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Barbarian Upheaval Leveling Build (Season 7)

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Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)
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┗ Seasonal Mechanic: List of All Occult Gems and Witchraft Powers
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This is a Barbarian Upheaval leveling and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Barbarian Upheaval leveling build as well as tips for leveling the Barbarian class in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Barbarian Upheaval Leveling Build

Upheaval Build Summary

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression Witchcraft IconWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle
Build Summary
Diablo 4 - Barbarian Icon Upheaval Leveling Build
Upheaval Frenzy Rallying Cry War Cry Call of the Ancients Mighty Throw
Focus: Leveling, Farming
Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh single target DPS

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh survivability

Diablo 4 Build - ConDamage relies heavily on Overpower

Diablo 4 Build - ConLow mobility

This Season 7 Barbarian build uses the new Mighty Throw skill to support the tried-and-tested Upheaval leveling build. This build utilizes various Overpower effects for massive bursts of damage, along with good life recovery and permanent Berserking up time.

The combination of Upheaval and powerful Aspects allows the build to accumulate numerous damage multipliers, enabling the Barbarian to overwhelm enemies with devastating Overpowered Upheaval attacks.

Season 7 Leveling Guide

Upheaval Build Skills and Passives

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression Witchcraft IconWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Frenzy Frenzy (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced FrenzyEnhanced Frenzy
  ┗ Battle FrenzyBattle Frenzy
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Upheaval Upheaval (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced UpheavalEnhanced Upheaval
  ┗ Furious UpheavalFurious Upheaval
Pressure Point Pressure Point (3/3)
 ┗ Warpath Warpath (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Rallying Cry Rallying Cry (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Rallying CryEnhanced Rallying Cry
  ┗ Tactical Rallying CryTactical Rallying Cry
Belligerence Belligerence (3/3)
Brawling Skill TreeBrawling Skill Tree

War Cry War Cry (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced War CryEnhanced War Cry
Booming Voice Booming Voice (3/3)
 ┗ Raid Leader Raid Leader (3/3)
Swiftness Swiftness (3/3)
 ┗ Prolific Fury Prolific Fury (3/3)
Weapon Mastery Skill TreeWeapon Mastery Skill Tree

Mighty Throw Mighty Throw (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Mighty ThrowEnhanced Mighty Throw
  ┗ WarriorWarrior's Mighty Throw
Pit Fighter Pit Fighter (3/3)
Thick Skin Thick Skin (1/3)
 ┗ Counteroffensive Counteroffensive (3/3)
Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

 ┗ Prime Call of the AncientsPrime Call of the Ancients
  ┗ Supreme Call of the AncientsSupreme Call of the Ancients
Wallop Wallop (3/3)
Brute Force Brute Force (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Key Passive Skill TreeKey Passive

Upheaval Build Skill Progression

At the early stages of progression, focus on unlocking your Active Skills as soon as possible. If there are extra points you can spend waiting for the next Active Skill, use it to upgrade your current Active Skills or to further increase their ranks.

Booming Voice, Raid Leader, and Thick Skin are high-impact passive skills you can get early as they drastically improve the build's survivability and Life sustain.

While Call of the Ancients is our recommended Ultimate Skill to get, Iron Maelstrom is also a good choice as it makes activating the Walking Arsenal Key Passive. You can then get the rest of the Passive Skills after getting the Key Passive.

Upheaval Build Technique Slot

Weapon Expertise
Two-Handed Axe Expertise When using any Weapon:
10% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

The Two-Handed Axe Expertise is the best offensive expertise, giving another damage multiplier to our Overpowered Upheavals.

There are a number of ways to inflict Vulnerable in this build. The Pressure Point Passive Skill gives our Upheaval a 5% chance to inflict the Vulnerable debuff for 2 seconds. Another source can be the "Chance to inflict Vulnerable" affix on Gloves, Rings, or Amulets.

Arsenal System and Techniques Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression Witchcraft IconWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Shaken Soul Icon Shaken Soul Eldritch Effects apply Vulnerable to enemies for X seconds.
Rank 10: Damage from Psyche and Growth & Decay Effects will also apply Vulnerable at half the duration.
Doom Orb Icon Doom Orb An ominous orb of pure Eldritch energy circles you, damaging any enemy it touches for 400% Fire damage. Doom Orb may launch itself at distant enemies before returning.
Rank 5: Kills or damage to Bosses empower the orb’s damage by 5%. After 100%, the orb explodes dealing 5,200 damage to nearby enemies before reforming 3 seconds later.
Aura of Lament Icon Aura of Lament When you first strike an enemy, it is afflicted with an Aura of Lament that Slows it and other nearby enemies by 70%. For each enemy inside Aura of Lament, you gain 3 Primary Resource each second. If the initial enemy dies, Aura of Lament is passed onto another nearby enemy retaining the duration. Lasts X seconds. Only 1 enemy may be afflicted at a time. May only occur every 30 seconds.
Rank 15: You can now have 2 Aura of Laments active at one time.
Twilight Warding Icon Twilight Warding Every X seconds, gain a Barrier for 5 seconds absorbing Y damage.
Rank 12: Twilight Warding reflects enemy projectiles while active.
Aura of Siphoning Icon Aura of Siphoning Conjure an aura of decay that deals 80% Poison damage to enemies every second.
Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
Force of Will Icon Force of Will When you kill an enemy, your next Overpower deals 3.15% increased damage, up to 100%.
Rank 4: The damage bonus extends to the next 2 Overpowers instead of 1.

Force of Will will be the best Witchcraft Power for the build as it has the potential for Overpowers to deal double the damage. Doom Orb and Shaken Soul also combos with each other to consistently inflict Vulnerable to all nearby enemies.

List of All Witchcraft Powers

Upheaval Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・ Strength
・ Cooldown Reduction
・ Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・ Utility - Brute Innovation
 ┗ Upheaval Size
・ Maximum Life
・ Any Elemental Resistance
・ Strength
・ Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・ Utility - Brute Innovation
 ┗ Upheaval Size
・ Ranks to Upheaval
・ Overpower Damage
・ Critical Strike Chance
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
・ Utility - Brute Innovation
 ┗ Upheaval Size
・ Maximum Life
・ Any Elemental Resistance
・ Strength
・ Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・ Utility - Brute Innovation
 ┗ Upheaval Size
・ Movement Speed
・ Fury Per Second
・ Strength
・ Mobility - Barbarian Motion
 ┗ Movement Speed
・ Utility - Barbarian Breach
 ┗ Ranks to Pressure Point
・ Cooldown Reduction
・ Critical Strike Chance
・ Ranks to Brute Force
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
・ Resource - Ultimate Efficiency - Barbarian
 ┗ Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction
・ Critical Strike Chance
・ Attack Speed
・ Strength
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
・ Resource - Ultimate Efficiency - Barbarian
 ┗ Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction
・ Critical Strike Chance
・ Attack Speed
・ Strength
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
・ Resource - Ultimate Efficiency - Barbarian
 ┗ Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction
One-Handed Mace
・ Overpower Damage
・ Strength
・ Vulnerable Damage
・Weapons - Core Augments - Barbarian
 ┗ Chance for Upheaval to Deal Double Damage
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
One-Handed Mace
・ Overpower Damage
・ Strength
・ Vulnerable Damage
・Weapons - Weapon Augments
 ┗ Chance for Mighty Throw to Hit Twice
・ Offensive - Berserking Finesse
 ┗ Damage While Berserking
Two-Handed Mace
・ Critical Strike Damage
・ Strength
・ Maximum Life
・Weapons - Weapon Augments
 ┗ Chance for Mighty Throw to Hit Twice
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Overpower Damage
Two-Handed Sword
・ Critical Strike Damage
・ Strength
・ Overpower Damage
・Weapons - Weapon Augments
 ┗ Chance for Mighty Throw to Hit Twice
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Overpower Damage

Upheaval Build Best Gems and Runewords

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AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle
Armor Weapons Jewelry
RubyRuby RubyRuby DiamondDiamond

For Gems socketed on your Armor, Rubies would be best since it gives high amounts of Strength, which should give you increased damage and a bit more damage reduction. Ruby Gems are also used in the Weapon slots for more Overpower damage, which this builds relies on.

For the Jewelry Gem slots, use any gems that provide Resistances to cap out your Resistances and avoid getting one-shotted in higher difficulties.

Upheaval Build Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
CemCem GarGar ZanZan TecTec

The best early-game runeword combination you can equip is Cem + Gar. This runeword grants a Critical Chance buff when you use evades, which helps reduce the cooldown of the Aspect of Sundered Ground, allowing you to trigger more Overpower hits more frequently.

While the next runeword combination is slightly less important, it's still an easy-to-get and effective option for burst damage against tough monster packs and bosses. The Zan + Tec runeword causes your Ultimate Skill to cast a powerful Earthquake, dealing additional damage to enemies.

List of All Runewords

Upheaval Build Best Mercenaries

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Skill ProgressionSkill Progression Witchcraft IconWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
RaheirRaheir VaryanaVaryana

Add Varyana as Your Main Mercenary

Since our Build focuses on triggering Overpower as much as possible, recruit Varyana as your Main Mercenary with the Earth Breaker skill with the Dismembering upgrade. This guarantees an Overpower to our first hit against enemies hit by Varyana's Earthbreake.

Make sure to grab Varyana's Reprisal passive skill to help with our survivability a bit. Note that having Varyana as our Main Mercenary allows us to gain Movement Speed as we gain Massacre stacks by killing hordes of enemies. You lose this movement speed bonus when you haven't killed an enemy recently

Varyana Mercenary Guide

Choose Raheir as Your Reinforcement

With Raheir as our Reinforcement Mercenary, he can save use from dicey situations with the Bastion skill set to trigger when we are hit with a Control Impairing Effect. This skill gives us Unstoppable and allows Raheir to instead take most of the damage dealt to us.

Raheir Mercenary Guide

Upheaval Build Playstyle and Tips

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AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Barbarian IconPlaystyle

The playstyle of the Upheaval Barbarian revolves around weapon swapping and guaranteed Overpower damage coming from certain skills and aspects. The usual rotation is as follows:

  1. Start with a Mighty Throw to hit densely packed mobs or elites, then alternate between Frenzy and Upheaval. With the Attack Speed bonus from both Mighty Throw and Frenzy, you'll easily reach the 8 weapon swaps to trigger Earthstriker's Aspect for a guaranteed Overpowered Upheaval.
  2. Use Rallying Cry to escape dangerous situations and use War Cry to quickly finish off tanky elites. Both of these Shout Skills will trigger the life heal from the Raid Leader Passive Skill for bonus Life sustain.
  3. While you cycle between Frenzy and Upheaval, occasionally use Mighty Throw to trigger the third buff for the Walking Arsenal Key Passive.
  4. Save the Call of the Ancients Ultimate Skill for Bosses or tough Elites.

Barbarian Leveling Tips for Season 7

Season 7 Leveling Tips

Start on Hard Difficulty

Difficulties have been revamped for Season 7 and Hard is one that you can access from the start for more EXP and Gold. If you're following our recommended leveling build and have a good understanding of optimizing early game leveling, we recommend playing on this difficulty. Otherwise, you can choose the Normal difficulty to clear things faster.

Difficulty Tiers and How to Unlock

Obtain the Earthstriker's Aspect

The Earthstriker's Aspect allows the build to gain a reliable way to Overpower the Upheaval skill. This is an essential Aspect for the build and you can obtain it by clearing Maugan's Works in Hawezar.

Choose the Right Weapon Expertise

The Barbarian's Arsenal System, which unlocks at level 5, allows the class to get bonus effects when assigning specific Weapon Types to their skills. We recommend equipping Two-handed Mace, Two-handed axe, and One-handed axe weapons immediately and raise their expertise to level 10 as these would greatly benefit the build.

At level 15, you'll also unlock the Technique Slot which allows you to apply a bonus weapon effect to all weapons. It's best to choose the Two-Handed Sword Expertise in the early game for bonus Bleed damage, then switch to the Two-Handed Axe Expertise once you get a consistent way to inflict Vulnerable.

Arsenal System and Best Technique Slot

Don't Forget to Increase Your Resistances

Players are often complacent with the bonus armor coming from strength-scaling characters like the Barbarian, making them overlook at resistances in the beginning. We recommend having affixes and gems that increase your resistances on your gear and to get them as high as possible to have a balanced defense across the board.

Play Through the Seasonal Content and Activities

At the start of your Season 7 journey you'll want to participate in the Seasonal Activities. Headhunts are really good for leveling due to the sheer mob density and the amount of loot you can get there. This is also a very good way to farm for the good Legendary Aspects that you can't get from Dungeons.

Headhunt Explained

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