Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Consumables

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Diablo 4 - List of All Consumables

Consumables in Diablo 4 (D4) can restore your health or provide various temporary buffs to your character. Read on for a list of all the new Consumables, including Potions, Elixirs, Incenses, and Scrolls in the game including their effects!

New Season 7 Consumables

Seasonal Elixirs

Consumable Overview
Draught of WhispersDraught of Whispers Effect: Doubles the chances of encountering a Forgotten Altar in Sanctuary's many dungeons. Additionally increases the chances of encountering a Fugitive Head by 50%. This effect lasts for one hour. This can be used alongside other Elixirs.

A New Elixir has been introduced in Season 7, Season of Witchcraft. This new Elixir allows players to hunt Witchcraft Powers and obtain materials from crafting Occult Gems.

Season 7 Guide

List of All Consumables

All Consumable Types
Summoning Materials Elixirs Potions
Incenses Scrolls Tributes Dark Citadel

Summoning Materials

Uber Boss Summoning Materials
D4 - Mucus-Slick EggMucus-Slick Egg D4 - Shard of AgonyShard of Agony
D4 - Sandscorched ShacklesSandscorched Shackle D4 - Pincushioned DollPincushioned Doll
Ladder Boss Summoning Materials
Malignant HeartMalignant Heart Living Steel IconLiving Steel
Distilled FearDistilled Fear Exquisite BloodExquisite Blood
Malignant Body Parts
Gurgling HeadGurgling Head Trembling HandTrembling Hand
Blackened FemurBlackened Femur

All Elixirs

Consumable Overview
Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage Level Req: 20
Effect: Increases Attack Speed by 7%, Lucky Hit by 7%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Advantage IIElixir of Advantage II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Attack Speed by 15%, Lucky Hit by 15% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of AntiveninElixir of Antivenin Level Req: 35
Effect: For the next 30 minutes, increase Maximum Life by 15% and Poison Resist by 20%. Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Elixir of Cold ResistanceElixir of Cold Resistance Level Req: 40
Effect: Increases Cold Resist by 20%, Maximum Cold Resist by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Cold Resistance IIElixir of Cold Resistance II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Cold Resist by 30%, Maximum Cold Resist by 6% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of DestructionElixir of Destruction Level Req: 20
Effect: Increases Overpower damage by 7%, Vulnerable damage by 7% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Destruction IIElixir of Destruction II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Overpower damage by 15%, Vulnerable damage by 15% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Fire ResistanceElixir of Fire Resistance Level Req: 40
Effect: Increases Fire Resist by 20%, Maximum Fire Resist by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Fire Resistance IIElixir of Fire Resistance II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Fire Resist by 30%, Maximum Fire Resist by 6% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of FortitudeElixir of Fortitude Level Req: 20
Effect: Increases Maximum Life by 10% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Fortitude IIElixir of Fortitude II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Maximum Life by 20% and Experience gained by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Iron BarbsElixir of Iron Barbs Level Req: 20
Effect: Increases Armor by 300, Thorns by 150, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Iron Barbs IIElixir of Iron Barbs II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Armor by 500, Thorns by 250, and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Lightning ResistanceElixir of Lightning Resistance Level Req: 40
Effect: Increases Lightning Resist by 20%, Maximum Lightning Resist by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Lightning Resistance IIElixir of Lightning Resistance II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Lightning Resist by 30%, Maximum Lightning Resist by 6% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Poison ResistanceElixir of Poison Resistance Level Req: 40
Effect: Increases Poison Resist by 20%, Maximum Poison Resist by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Poison Resistance IIElixir of Poison Resistance II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Poison Resist by 30%, Maximum Poison Resist by 6% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of PrecisionElixir of Precision Level Req: 20
Effect: Increases Critical Strike Chance by 4%, Critical Strike Damage by 25%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Precision IIElixir of Precision II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Critical Strike Chance by 6%, Critical Strike Damage by 35%, and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of ResourcefulnessElixir of Resourcefulness Level Req: 20
Effect: Grants 10% Resource Cost Reduction, 10 Maximum Resource and increases Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Resourcefulness IIElixir of Resourcefulness II Level Req: 50
Effect: Grants 20% Resource Cost Reduction, 25 Maximum Resource and increases Experience gained by 8% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Shadow ResistanceElixir of Shadow Resistance Level Req: 40
Effect: Increases Shadow Resist by 20%, Maximum Shadow Resist by 4% and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Shadow Resistance IIElixir of Shadow Resistance II Level Req: 50
Effect: Increases Shadow Resist by 30%, Maximum Shadow Resist by 6% and Experience by 8% for 30 minutes.

All Potions

Consumable Overview
Health PotionsHealth Potions Level Req: Varies on Potion Level
Effect: Heals XX Life instantly and 35% of your Maximum Life over 3 seconds.

All Incenses

Consumable Overview
Scents of the Desert AfternoonScents of the Desert Afternoon Effect: Use: Increases Thorns by 250 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of Rushing WindIncense of Rushing Wind Effect: Use: Increases Move Speed by 15% for all nearby players, gain +5% Move Speed up to 30%, for each Nearby player with this buff, and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of CapacityIncense of Capacity Effect: Use: Increases Potion Capacity by +3 and Healing Received by +10% for all Nearby players, and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of FortitudeIncense of Fortitude Effect: Use: Increases Damage by %5 for all nearby Players, gaint 5% Damage for each nearby Player up to 15%, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of Khazra PowerIncense of Khazra Power Effect: Use: Increases All Stats by +30 for all nearby Players, killing an enemy gives you +2 All Stats for 5 seconds, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Spirit DanceSpirit Dance Effect: Use: Increases chance to dodge by 5% for every nearby player. Lasts 20 minutes.
Song of the MountainSong of the Mountain Effect: Use: Increases armor by 200 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Desert EscapeDesert Escape Effect: Use: Increases Fire, Cold, and Shadow Resistances by 15%, their Maximum Resistances by 2% for all nearby players,and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Storm of the WildsStorm of the Wilds Effect: Use: Increases Lightning, Cold, and Poison Resistances by 15%, their Maximum Resistances by 2% for all nearby players,and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Chorus of WarChorus of War Effect: Use: Increases all stats by 40 and crit and overpower damage by 5% for every nearby player. Lasts 20 minutes.
Soothing SpicesSoothing Spices Effect: Use: Increases all resistances by 10%, Maximum Resistance to all elements by 1%, Armor by 150 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Reddamine BuzzReddamine Buzz Effect: Use: Increases Maximum Life by 500 for every nearby player and increases Experience 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Blessed GuideBlessed Guide Effect: Use: Increases Willpower by 25 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
QueenQueen's Supreme Effect: Use: Increases Dexterity by 25 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
SageSage's Whisper Effect: Use: Increases Intelligence by 25 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Ancient TimesAncient Times Effect: Use: Increases Strength by 25 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Spiral MorningSpiral Morning Effect: Use: Increases all stats by 15 for every nearby player and increases Experience by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.

All Scrolls

Consumable Overview
Cursed Scroll of RecklessnessCursed Scroll of Recklessness Effect: Increases movement speed by 40% for 15 seconds, but deals 2% of your Maximum Life as bleed damage per second.
Cursed Scroll of TranquilityCursed Scroll of Tranquility Effect: Decrease damage taken from players by 30%, but increase damage taken from monsters by the same amount. Lasts for 20 seconds.
Cursed Scroll of ChaosCursed Scroll of Chaos Effect: Teleport to a random location in the region.
Scroll of AmnesiaScroll of Amnesia Effect: Resets a character's Skills and Paragon Boards for free.
Scroll of RestorationScroll of Restoration Effect: Use to restore all Tempering Charges on an item. Only usable once per item.
Scroll of GenerosityScroll of Generosity Effect: Use to revive up to 3 Nearby players.
Scroll of AbundanceScroll of Abundance Effect: Use to restore 30% Health and drop Health Potions for Nearby players.
Scroll of ForgingScroll of Forging Effect: Use to summon an Anvil that can be used by 4 players to repair their gear. Has a 60 second cooldown.
Scroll of Grave OilScroll of Grave Oil Effect: Use to prevent Durability loss on your next 3 deaths.

All Tributes

Magic Tributes

Tribute Dungeon Affix Reward
Diablo 4 - Magic TributeTribute of Pride Starting Time: 100 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -15%
Potion Drop Penalty: -20%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Legendaries.
Diablo 4 - Magic TributeTribute of Mystique Starting Time: 100 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -15%
Potion Drop Penalty: -20%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Magic Runes.

Rare Tributes

Tribute Dungeon Affix Reward
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Titans Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward random Boss Summoning Items.
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Refinement Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward Masterworking Materials.
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Harmony Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Runes.

Legendary Tributes

Tribute Dungeon Affix Reward
Diablo 4 - Legendary TributeTribute of Radiance Starting Time: 60 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -35%
Potion Drop Penalty: -40%
Completing the dungeon with at least Attunement Rank 1 will reward Ancestral Legendaries.

Unique Tributes

Tribute Dungeon Affix Reward
Diablo 4 - UniqueTributeTribute of Ascendance Starting Time: 45 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -50%
Potion Drop Penalty: -50%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward several Uniques, with an increased chance of Mythic Unique.

You can offer tributes at the Spirit Brazier when opening the Kurast Undercity portal. This process allows you to target specific rewards, but be aware that it also introduces affixes that can make your runs more challenging.

All Kurast Undercity Tributes and How to Get

Dark Citadel Consumables

Consumable Overview
Incense of Khazra PowerIncense of Khazra Power Effect: Use: Increases All Stats by +30 for all nearby Players, killing an enemy gives you +2 All Stats for 5 seconds, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of FortitudeIncense of Fortitude Effect: Use: Increases Damage by %5 for all nearby Players, gaint 5% Damage for each nearby Player up to 15%, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Elixir of Swift RevivalElixir of Swift Revival Effect: For the next 30 minutes, increases Healing by 15% and Revive Speed by 25%, gain 10% Move Speed for 5 seconds after Reviving a Player, and Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Elixir of SacrificeElixir of Sacrifice Effect: For the next 30 minutes, your next Core Skill heals you and Nearby allies for 10% of their max Health every 10 seconds, Restore an additional 5% max Health for each Nearby Ally up to 25%, and Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Scroll of GenerosityScroll of Generosity Effect: Use to revive up to 3 Nearby players.
Scroll of AbundanceScroll of Abundance Effect: Use to restore 30% Health and drop Health Potions for Nearby players.

With the introduction of a multiplayer-focused raid, the Dark Citadel features new consumables you can purchase with Citadel Coins to empower your allies and achieve victory over the Citadel's challenges.

Dark Citadel Guide

Obsolete Consumables

Consumables Removed From the Game

List of All Obsolete Consumables
Acrobatics ElixirAcrobatics Elixir Curative ElixirCurative Elixir Elixir of Beast-SlayingElixir of Beast-Slaying
Elixir of Combatant FortuneElixir of Combatant Fortune Elixir of CrueltyElixir of Cruelty Elixir of Death EvasionElixir of Death Evasion
Elixir of Demon-SlayingElixir of Demon-Slaying Elixir of Holy BoltsElixir of Holy Bolts Elixir of Magic ResistElixir of Magic Resist
Elixir of Man-SlayingElixir of Man-Slaying Elixir of MomentumElixir of Momentum Elixir of SavageryElixir of Savagery
Elixir of Undead-SlayingElixir of Undead-Slaying Expertise ElixirExpertise Elixir GileonGileon's Brew
Heady Third Eye ElixirHeady Third Eye Elixir Iron Skin ElixirIron Skin Elixir Potent Acrobatics ElixirPotent Acrobatics Elixir
Potent Third Eye ElixirPotent Third Eye Elixir Seething Opal of EquipmentSeething Opal of Equipment Seething Opal of GoldSeething Opal of Gold
Seething Opal of MaterialsSeething Opal of Materials Seething Opal of SocketablesSeething Opal of Socketables Seething Opal of TormentSeething Opal of Torment
Strong Acrobatics ElixirStrong Acrobatics Elixir Strong Third Eye ElixirStrong Third Eye Elixir Third Eye ElixirThird Eye Elixir
Weak Acrobatics ElixirWeak Acrobatics Elixir Weak Third Eye ElixirWeak Third Eye Elixir

These items are no longer available in the game. While they may still exist in the Eternal Realm, they are no longer functional and will instead yield Crafting Materials, such as Bundled Herbs or Angelbreaths, when used.

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Diablo 4 Item Categories
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