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How to Beat Nostrava Stronghold

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How to Beat the Nostrava Stronghold - Diablo 4
Nostrava is one of the three Fractured Peaks Strongholds in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV) that players can clear out to earn various rewards. Read on to learn how to beat the Nostrava Stronghold, including tips on how to beat Negala, Lilith's Chosen and a full walkthrough.

Nostrava Stronghold Overview

Stronghold Information

Nostrava Stronghold Details
Location North of the Nevesk Waypoint, in the mid-eastern area of The Pallid Glade.
Boss Name Negala, Lilith's Chosen
Rewards & Unlocks ・100 Fractured Peaks Renown
・Cultist Refuge Dungeon
・Sight to Madness Side Quest

Nostrava Stronghold Location

Rewards for Completing Nostrava Stronghold

In addition to earning random loot and Renown in the region, you unlock the following rewards for completing the Nostrava Stronghold:

Unlocks Cultist Refuge Dungeon

Cultist Refuge is one of the dungeons available to players after completing the Nostrava Stronghold.

Access to the Sight to Madness Quest

You will also have access to the Cultist Refuge dungeon located inside the church. This is where you can complete the Sight to Madness side quest!

List of Side Quests

Nostrava Stronghold Walkthrough

How to Clear Nostrava Stronghold
・Investigate the village
・Speak with the Priestess
・Survive the crazed villagers' assault
・Investigate villagers' homes
・Destroy the Demonic Effigies
・Return to the chapel
・Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer Nostraa

Find a Party to Beat the Stronghold Easily

Nostrava is one of the strongholds in Fractured Peaks whose minimum level requirement scales higher than your player level. This means that regardless of your current level, enemies in Nostrava will always be 2 levels higher than you.

While you can solo this Stronghold, the run will be easier by inviting other players to help you out. Not only will this allow you to beat the Stronghold at much lower levels, but partying up will also net you bonus EXP for faster leveling.

Kill All of the Enemies in the Church

After speaking with the Priestess in the church, the villagers will begin attacking you. Kill all of the enemies inside and exit the church afterwards to avoid the burning damage.

Destroy the Demonic Effigies in The Villagers' Homes

Nostrava Stronghold Demonic Effigies Map - Diablo 4

Find the villagers' homes and destroy the Demonic Effigies inside. After destroying a Demonic Effigy, a group of enemies will spawn outside or inside the house. Make sure to kill them then so that they will not overwhelm you later on.

Defeat Negala, Lilith's Chosen

Negala Nostrava Boss Battle - Diablo 4

Once all the Demonic Effigies are destroyed, go back to the area in front of the church to battle Negala, Lilith's Chosen. Read the following tips down below to know everything you need to beat Negala.

How to Beat Negala, Lilith's Chosen

Keep Moving to Avoid Projectiles

Negala will summon two other demons by her side, Torvala and Kozira. All three will send out slow tracking projectiles at you constantly, so you will need to keep moving to avoid these projectiles.

Play Defensively When Blinded

Sometimes Negala or the other demons will blind you, making it difficult to see what their next attack will be or where projectiles will be coming from. Play defensively by using any defensive skills that buffs your defensive stats, or by pausing your attacks and dodging any incoming attacks.

Lower Two of the Demons Health Before Killing Them

Negala Low Health Nostrava Boss Fight - Diablo 4

It might be tempting to focus on killing one demon at a time, but when you do kill one, the other two will start using multiple fast AOE (area-of-effect) fire bombs that deal a lot of damage. To avoid it, lower two of the demons health at the same time, then execute both of them back-to-back.

Take note that it is not efficient lowering all three of their health since the last one will heal back to full health when you kill the other two.

Focus on the Summoned Balrogs

When there is only one left, the demon will summon Balrogs to overwhelm you. Focus on taking down these Balrogs so you have more space to work with.

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