Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Runewords Guide: List of All Runes for Season 7

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Diablo 4 - Runewords
This is a list of all Ritual and Invocation runes in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to see all the runes available in Season 7, learn how to obtain them, and discover what Runewords are!

New Season 7 Runewords

List of Runewords in Season 7

Rune Type Condition / Effect
Nagu ImageNagu
Ritual Maintain at least 1 active Summon for 5 seconds, gaining Offering for each up to 6 Summons.
Igni ImageIgni
Ritual Stores offering every 0.3 seconds. Cast a non-Basic Skill to gain the stored offering. (Up to 500 Offering).
Chac ImageChac
Invocation + 220% weapon damage. Invoke Druid Lightning Bolts, striking a nearby enemy

Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)

List of All Runes

All Ritual and Invocation Runes

※ Select the search criteria below and press the Search button to filter the data.

Rune Type Condition / Effect
Yul ImageYul
Ritual Cast a Skill with a Cooldown.
Cir ImageCir
Ritual Cast the same non-Channeled Skill 3 times in a row.
Ahu ImageAhu
Ritual Lucky Hit: Up to a 100% chance against Injured enemies.
Neo ImageNeo
Ritual Deal damage after not taking any health damage within 5 seconds.
Tam ImageTam
Ritual Cast a non-Channeled Core Skill.
Xol ImageXol
Ritual Evoke power from another Class.
Zan ImageZan
Ritual Cast an Ultimate Skill.
Feo ImageFeo
Ritual Become Injured or Crowd Controlled.
Noc ImageNoc
Ritual Inflict a Crowd Control that isn't Slow or Chill.
Cem ImageCem
Ritual Cast Evade.
Bac ImageBac
Ritual Travel 5 meters.
Ur ImageUr
Ritual Your Minion or Companion kills an enemy or dies.
Yax ImageYax
Ritual Drink a Healing Potion.
Poc ImagePoc
Ritual Spend 5% of your Maximum Resource.
Moni ImageMoni
Ritual Cast a Skill after moving.
Kaa ImageKaa
Ritual Lose 1% of your Maximum Life.
Lith ImageLith
Ritual Stand still while fighting for 0.3 seconds.
Lac ImageLac
Invocation Evoke the Barbarian's Challenging Shout, reducing your damage taken.
Ohm ImageOhm
Invocation Evoke the Barbarian's War Cry, increasing your Movement Speed and damage dealt.
Vex ImageVex
Invocation Gain +3 to all Skills for 8 seconds.
Gar ImageGar
Invocation Gain 2.5% Critical Strike Chance for 5 seconds, up to 25%.
Xan ImageXan
Invocation Your next Skill cast will be a guaranteed Critical Strike and Overpower.
Que ImageQue
Invocation Evoke the Druid's Earthen Bulwark, granting yourself a Barrier.
Yom ImageYom
Invocation Evoke the Druid's Petrify, Stunning enemies and get 100 Resource.
Eom ImageEom
Invocation Reduce your active Cooldowns by 0.1 seconds.
Lum ImageLum
Invocation Restore 2.5% Primary Resource.
Qua ImageQua
Invocation Gain 7% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, up to 30%.
Xal ImageXal
Invocation Gain 20% Maximum Life for 6 seconds.
Wat ImageWat
Invocation Evoke the Necromancer's Horrid Decrepify, Slowing enemies, reducing their damage, and letting you Execute them.
Teb ImageTeb
Invocation Evoke the Necromancer's Abhorrent Iron Maiden, counterattacking damage from enemies and Healing you when they die.
Qax ImageQax
Invocation Your next non-Basic Skill cast spends all of your Primary Resource to deal up to 100% increased damage.
Zec ImageZec
Invocation Reduce your active Ultimate Cooldown by 2 seconds.
Ner ImageNer
Invocation Evoke the Rogue's Countering Concealment, gaining Dodge Chance, Movement Speed, Unstoppable, and Stealth.
Mot ImageMot
Invocation Gain a shadow from the Rogue's Dark Shroud, reducing damage taken per shadow.
Jah ImageJah
Invocation Replace your next Evade with the Sorcerer's Teleport, blinking further, dealing damage, and becoming Unstoppable.
Thul ImageThul
Invocation Evoke the Sorcerer's Mystical Frost Nova, inflicting Freeze and Vulnerable onto enemies.
Tzic ImageTzic
Invocation Evoke the Spiritborn's Concussive Stomp, dealing damage and Knocking Down enemies.
Kry ImageKry
Invocation Evoke the Spiritborn's Vortex, dealing damage and Pulling In enemies.
Ono ImageOno
Invocation Evoke the Druid's Dancing Bolts, seeking and dealing damage to enemies.
Tec ImageTec
Invocation Evoke the Barbarian's Earthquake, dealing damage to enemies within.
Met ImageMet
Invocation You leave the Necromancer's Desecrated Ground behind you for 3 seconds, dealing damage to enemies within.
Tun ImageTun
Invocation Evoke the Rogue's Stun Grenades, Stunning and dealing damage to enemies.
Ton ImageTon
Invocation Evoke the Sorcerer's Meteorites, dealing damage to enemies.
Tal ImageTal
Invocation Evoke the Spiritborn's Pestilent Swarm, dealing damage to enemies.
Ceh ImageCeh
Invocation Summon a Spirit Wolf to attack enemies for 8 seconds.
Nagu ImageNagu
Ritual Maintain at least 1 active Summon for 5 seconds, gaining Offering for each up to 6 Summons.
Igni ImageIgni
Ritual Stores offering every 0.3 seconds. Cast a non-Basic Skill to gain the stored offering. (Up to 500 Offering).
Chac ImageChac
Invocation + 220% weapon damage. Invoke Druid Lightning Bolts, striking a nearby enemy

How to Get Runes

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Will Drop from Enemies and Chests

Diablo 4 - Runes drops

Runes can randomly be obtained from chests and other activities in the game but we recommend doing activities with high Elite mob density such as The Pit, Nightmare Dungeons, or Kurast Undercity.

Can Be Crafted at the Jeweler

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred - Rune Crafting

Crafting three runes of the same type will produce a random rune, allowing you a chance at obtaining your desired rune. You can craft runes at the Jeweler.

All Jeweler Features

Trade with Other Players

Diablo 4 - Invite To Trade

You can also get runes by trading with other players. Since the other player will need to select which items to trade, you can use the in-game chat to coordinate which rune or item you wish to trade.
How to Trade

Only Obtainable in Vessel of Hatred Expansion

Diablo 4 - Vessel of Hatred Expansion

Runes can only be obtained if you own the Vessel of Hatred Expansion. Players that have the base game and don't own the expansion may purchase it separately to access runes.

Vessel of Hatred Guide

What Are Runewords?

Customizable Character Ability

Runewords allow you to create unique conditional power-ups, including the ability to use skills from different classes by meeting the required resource called offerings.

Runewords are comprised of one Ritual rune and one Invocation rune. The Ritual rune will dictate the condition you must meet to gain offerings, while the Invocation rune is the skill or effect that will happen once you gain enough offerings.

Invocation Runes can Overflow

Invocation runes can overflow if you have more than the required number of offerings for the Runeword ability. Overflow effects are bonuses or power-ups to the base effect of the Invocation rune.

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