Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Best Builds Tier List for Season 7

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Diablo 4 Best Builds
This lists the best Diablo 4 (D4) builds for every class in Season 7. Read on for a comprehensive tier list of the best leveling and endgame builds to use in the Season of Witchcraft!

Best Season 7 Builds

Season 7 Best Endgame Builds Tier List

Rank Build
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier

These are all the builds ranked by their capability on an average basis. Builds on the highest tiers can do the majority of content with ease to the highest tiers possible such as Tormented Bosses, Rift Pushing, Infernal Hordes, etc.

Season 7 Best Leveling Builds

Leveling Builds

These builds are designed for the early game, focusing on accessibility to specific aspects and equipment to help level up your character and prepare for endgame content.

Season 7 Builds Overview

Jump to a section!
Barbarian.pngBarbarian Druid.pngDruid Sorcerer.pngSorcerer
Rogue.pngRogue NecromancerNecromancer SpiritbornSpiritborn

Barbarian Builds

Earthquake Whirlwind

Build Summary
Diablo 4 - Whirlwind Icon Earthquake Whirlwind Build
Whirlwind Ground Stomp Rallying Cry Challenging Shout War Cry Wrath of the Berserker
Tier: S Tier
Focus: Pit 100+, Speed Farming
Summary: Stack as much Strength as you can and cover the screen with Earthquakes as you spin past through enemies!

HOTA Earthquake Build

Hammer of the Ancients Icon HOTA Earthquake Build
Hammer of the Ancients Bash Rallying Cry Iron Skin War Cry Wrath of the Berserker
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Pit 100, AoE Clearing
Summary: Use the new Mantle of the Mountain's Fury Unique to detonate Earthquakes for their full damage!

Mighty Throw Barbarian

Diablo 4 - Mighty Throw Icon Mighty Throw Build
Rallying Cry Iron Skin Challenging Shout War Cry Call of the Ancients Mighty Throw
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Pit 100, Bossing
Summary: Maximize the build's potential with The Third Blade and other Mighty Throw amplifying aspects!

Upheaval Barbarian

Build Active Skills
Diablo 4 - Upheaval Icon Upheaval Leveling Build
Upheaval Frenzy Rallying Cry War Cry Call of the Ancients Mighty Throw
Focus: Leveling
Summary: Destroy enemies with Overpowered Upheavals!

Best Barbarian Builds for Season 7

Druid Builds

Stone Burst Druid

Diablo 4 - Stone Burst Druid BuildStone Burst Build
Wind Shear Earthen Bulwark Cyclone Armor Blood Howl Cataclysm Stone Burst
Focus: Leveling
Summary: This build uses Stone Burst, along with Wind Shear and Cataclysm to alternate between Storm and Earth skills for pushing higher content.

Cataclysm Druid Build

Diablo 4 - Cataclysm Druid BuildCataclysm Build
Wind Shear Earthen Bulwark Cyclone Armor Blood Howl Cataclysm Stone Burst
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Deals massive AoE Storm and Poison damage through Cataclysm by using the Overload Spirit Boon.

Werebear Landslide Druid

Build Summary
Diablo 4 - Druid Werebear Landslide Build
Claw Landslide Earthen Bulwark Debilitating Roar Poison Creeper Petrify
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Immobilize and stun enemies as you use Landslide to crush them over and over!

Companion Druid Build

Build Summary
Diablo 4 - Druid Companion Druid Build
Maul Shred Blood Howl Debilitating Roar Wolves Petrify
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Wolves are the primary damage dealers, supplemented by Poison and Lightning.

Best Druid Builds for Season 7

Sorcerer Builds

Ball Lightning Sorcerer

Ball Lightning Sorcerer BuildBall Lightning Build
Flame Shield Teleport Ice Armor Ice Blades Ball Lightning Unstable Currents
Tier: A Tier
Focus: AoE DPS, Endgame Dungeons
Summary: Maximize Ball Lightning through Okun's Catalyst and face tank all the damage you take through defensive skills and Witchcraft Powers.

Chain Lightning Sorcerer

Chain Lightning Sorcerer BuildChain Lightning Build
Chain Lightning Flame Shield Teleport Ice Armor Frost Nova Unstable Currents
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Get Axial Conduit and Lightning Rod aspect combo and demolish all enemies that approach you with your Chain Lightning!

Conjuration Sorcerer

Sorcerer Class ViewConjuration Leveling Build
Spark Ice Blades Hydra Lightning Spear Unstable Currents Familiar
Focus: Leveling
Summary: Maximize the Hydra and the new skill Familiar to get a balanced amount of AoE damage and single-target damage.

Fireball Sorcerer

Fireball Sorcerer BuildFireball Build
Fire Bolt Fireball Flame Shield Teleport Ice Armor Inferno
Tier: B Tier
Focus: AoE DPS, Endgame Dungeons
Summary: Mop up enemy hordes using the Fireball and its enchantment to trigger chain explosions while paired with Gloves of the Illuminator!

Best Sorcerer Builds for Season 7

Rogue Builds

Rain of Arrows Rouge

Build Summary
Rain of Arrows Icon Rain of Arrows Build
Barrage Dash Caltrops Smoke Grenade Dark Shroud Rain of Arrows
Tier: S Tier
Focus: AoE DPS, Endgame Dungeons
Summary:This build focuses on decreasing the cooldown of Rain of Arrows to maximize its uptime during combat, allowing for continous spamming and constant damage outputs.

Poison Twisting Blades Rogue

Poison Imbuement Twisting Blades Build
Twisting Blades Dash Smoke Grenade Dark Shroud Poison Imbuement Shadow Clone
Tier: S Tier
Focus: Endgame, AoE, Pit 100+
Summary: Unleash infinite blades on your opponents with your Shadow Clone!

Andariel's Barrage Rogue

Barrage IconAndariel's Barrage Build
Barrage Dash Shadow Step Poison Trap Poison Imbuement Shadow Clone
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Stack up poison damage by utilizing Andariel's Aspect on top of your normal abilities!

Poison Dance of Knives Rogue

Poison Imbuement Poison Dance of Knives Build
Puncture Caltrops Concealment Poison Trap Poison Imbuement Dance of Knives
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Stack vulnerable damage and lucky hit chance with Fist of Fate to deal huge bursts of damage by utilizing the Victimize Key passive!

Shadow Imbuement Dance of Knives Rogue

Dance of Knives Dance of Knives Leveling Build
Puncture Caltrops Concealment Shadow Imbuement Shadow Clone Dance of Knives
Focus: Leveling
Summary: Play like a Whirlwind Barbarian and dance around the battlefield with Dance of Knives!

Best Rogue Builds for Season 7

Necromancer Builds

Blood Surge Necromancer

Necromancer Class ViewBlood Surge Build
Sever Corpse Tendrils Reap Decrepify Blood Wave
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Non-stop Blood Surges to decimate your foes.

Blood Wave Necromancer

Necromancer Class ViewBlood Wave Build
Sever Corpse Tendrils Reap Decrepify Blood Wave
Tier: S Tier
Focus: Endgame, AoE, Uber Boss, Pit 100
Summary: Unlimited billion damage Blood Waves using Overpower procs!

Summoner Necromancer

Raise Skeleton Summoner Build
Corpse Explosion Corpse Tendrils Blight Army of the Dead Raise Skeleton Golem
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame, Single Target
Summary: Summon the dead and empower your minions with Witchcraft!

Sever Necromancer

Necromancer Class ViewSever Leveling Build
Sever Corpse Explosion Corpse Tendrils Blood Mist Iron Maiden Soulrift
Focus: Leveling
Summary: Empower your Sever with Aspects while replenishing your resources with Soulrift!

Best Necromancer Builds for Season 7

Spiritborn Builds

Rushing Claw Spiritborn

Build Summary
Rushing Claw Build Rushing Claw Build
Vortex Toxic Skin Armored Hide Counterattack Rushing Claw The Hunter
Tier: S Tier
Focus: DoT, Endgame
Summary: Make use of Toxic Skin to apply large amounts of damage over time that can Critical Strike and Rushing Claw to dash around and spread your poison to finish off your enemies.

Centipede Spiritborn

Centipede BuildCentipede Build
Withering Fist Stinger Toxic Skin Armored Hide Touch of Death The Devourer
Focus: Leveling
Summary: Spear insane amounts of DoT to enemies using Touch of Death and Stinger and watch the enemy's HP deplete on its own.

Concussive Stomp Spiritborn

Spiritborn Concussive Stomp BuildConcussive Stomp Build
Crushing Hand Ravager Armored Hide Concussive Stomp Scourge The Seeker
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Destroy bosses with Concussive Stomp dealing up to 4000% Critical Strike Damage!

Orange Hulk Spiritborn

Spiritborn Orange Hulk BuildOrange Hulk Build
Crushing Hand Vortex Ravager Armored Hide Scourge The Hunter
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Deal huge Overpower Damage with Crushing Hand combined with Banished Lord's Talisman and Rod of Kepeleke!

Orange Quill Spiritborn

Spiritborn Class ViewOrange Quill Build
Quill Volley Soar Ravager Armored Hide Scourge The Hunter
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Deal huge Overpower Critical Damage with a mobile and tanky build that can cover a lot of range!

Touch of Death Spiritborn

Spiritborn Touch of Death BuildTouch of Death Build
Rock Splitter Quill Volley Soar Ravager Armored Hide The Hunter
Tier: B Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: Spam the Touch of Death skill using the Rod of Kepeleke and Ring of the Midnight Sun combo to deal huge bursts of damage together with The Hunter.

Toxic Razor Wings Spiritborn

Rogue leveling BuildToxic Razor Wings Build
Toxic Skin Armored Hide Counterattack Scourge Razor Wings The Hunter
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame
Summary: This build makes use of the Wushe Nak Pa unique glaive to buff The Hunter skill to spam multiple Razor Wings for burst damage!

Best Spiritborn Builds for Season 7

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