Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Barbarian Transmogs and Cosmetics

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All Barbarian Cosmetics

This guide showcases all the available Transmogs and Shop Cosmetics for the Barbarian Class in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out the full list of all Transmogs and Shop Cosmetics for the Barbarian, how to get them, and how to use them!

All Barbarian Armor Set Transmogs

Diablo 4 - Adventurer
Adventurer's Set
Diablo 4 - Archon Set Barbarian Transmog
Archon Set
Diablo 4 - Boneweave Set Barbarian Transmog
Boneweave Set
Diablo 4 - Classic Set Barbarian Transmog
Classic Set
Diablo 4 - Coven
Coven's Set
Diablo 4 - Doom Set Barbarian Transmog
Doom Set
Diablo 4 - Drifter
Drifter's Set
Diablo 4 - Etched Set Barbarian Transmog
Etched Set
Diablo 4 - Exceptional Set Barbarian Transmog
Exceptional Set
Diablo 4 - Fur-Lined Set Barbarian Transmog
Fur-Lined Set
Diablo 4 - Glorious Set Barbarian Transmog
Glorious Set
Diablo 4 - Heavy Set Barbarian Transmog
Heavy Set
Diablo 4 - Hide Set Barbarian Transmog
Hide Set
Diablo 4 - Highland Set Barbarian Transmog
Highland Set
Diablo 4 - Jazeraint Set Barbarian Transmog
Jazeraint Set
Diablo 4 - Killer
Killer's Set
Diablo 4 - Leather Set Barbarian Transmog
Leather Set
Diablo 4 - Primal Set Barbarian Transmog
Primal Set
Diablo 4 - Runic Set Barbarian Transmog
Runic Set
Diablo 4 - Sand-Worn Set Barbarian Transmog
Sand-Worn Set
Diablo 4 - Sovereign Set Barbarian Transmog
Sovereign Set
Diablo 4 - Strider
Strider's Set
Diablo 4 - Sturdy Set Barbarian Transmog
Sturdy Set

Wanderer's Set
Diablo 4 - Warlord Set Barbarian Transmog
Warlord Set
Diablo 4 - Weathered Set Barbarian Transmog
Weathered Set

All Armor Set Transmogs and Cosmetics

All Barbarian Shop Cosmetics

Armor Sets

Barbarian Shop Cosmetics
Armor Sets Weapons Markings Headstones

Bathed in Blood
Diablo 4 - Beastmane  Armor Set Transmog

Brazen Bull
Diablo 4 - Death Toll  Armor Set Transmog
Death Toll

Demon's Heart

Fist of the Primes

Hell's Champion

Master Brawler

Reign of the Wicked

Serpent's Champion

Sounds of War
Diablo 4 - Taiga
Taiga's Brute

The Bloody Hawk

The Gladiator-King

The Ivory Titan
Diablo 4 - The Lion of Arreat  Armor Set Transmog
The Lion of Arreat

The Obsidian Beast

The Profaned Knight

The Tyrant

The Vain Monarch

The Vanquished Elder

Tongue Ripper
Diablo 4 - Totem of Ursus  Armor Set Transmog
Totem of Ursus

Tyrant of the Pits

Undying Rage

Wraith of the Old War

List of All Shop Bundles


Barbarian Shop Cosmetics
Armor Sets Weapons Markings Headstones

Soul Drinker's Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)

Swashbuckler's True Beloved

Soul Drinker's Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Swashbuckler's Fishin' Pole

Soul Drinker's Pike

Soul Drinker's Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)

Soul Drinker's Maul

Soul Drinker's Axe

Swashbuckler's Meat Cleaver

Soul Drinker's Flambard

The Matron's Tongue
(One-Handed Sword)

The Raptor's Grace

The Bladebreaker
(One-Handed Sword)

The Headman's Burden
(Two-Handed Axe)

The Twin Blade of Azzinoth
(One-Handed Sword)

Reach of the Wraith


Fortune's Warhammer
(One-Handed Mace)

Fortune's Maul
(Two-Handed Mace)

Fortune's Labrys
(Two-Handed Axe)

Fortune's Claymore
(Two-Handed Sword)

Fortune's Halberd

Fist of the Wraith
(One-Handed Mace)

Wumba's Grasp

Balazan's Bite

Passion and Pain

(Two-Handed Sword)

(Two-Handed Mace)

Mace of the War Wraith
(Two-Handed Mace)

(One-Handed Axe)

Malleus Baalos
(One-Handed Mace)

(Two-Handed Axe)

Pike of the War Wraith

Securis Diabolos
(Two-Handed Axe)

Serpentine Glaive

Obsidian Axe

Obsidian Claymore
(Two-Handed Sword)

Ivory Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Ivory Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)

Bloody Winged Axe

Bloody Winged Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)

Oaken Cudgel

Mace of the Churning Earth

Crescent Arc
(One-Handed Axe)

Dirge of War
(Two-Handed Sword)

War Cleaver

Archenemy Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)

Risen Archenemy Axe

Archenemy Spear

Archenemy Greataxe
(Two-Handed Axe)

Archenemy Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Archenemy Maul

Waning Sun Spear

Cutting Peal
(Two-Handed Sword)

Zakarum Spite

Klath-Ulna's Cut

Gilded Atgeir

King Korelan's Flamberge
(Two-Handed Sword)

(Two-Handed Axe)

Headman's Tongue
(Two-Handed Sword)

Brazen Breaker
(Two-Handed Mace)

Brazen Beheader
(Two-Handed Axe)

Wicked Warblade
(Two-Handed Sword)

Wicked Longaxe

Tyrant's Wrath
(Two-Handed Axe)

Tyrant's Judgment
(Two-Handed Mace)

(Two-Handed Mace)

The Chop
(Two-Handed Axe)

(Two-Handed Sword)

Grave Dancer's Flourish
(One-Handed Sword)

Vanquished Elder's Mace
(One-Handed Mace)

Reaper's Will
(Two-Handed Sword)

Demonheart Cleaver
(Two-Handed Axe)

Profane Flamberge
(Two-Handed Sword)

Profane Poleaxe

Vanquished Elder's Sword
(One-Handed Sword)

Demonheart Greatblade
(Two-Handed Sword)

Marotte Blade
(One-Handed Sword)

(One-Handed Sword)

Demigod Hewer
(One-Handed Axe)

Demigod Spatha
(One-Handed Sword)

Gilded Demigod Malleus
(Two-Handed Mace)

Rediscovered Two-Hander
(Two-Handed Sword)

Demigod Hammer
(One-Handed Mace)

Demigod Headsman
(Two-Handed Axe)

Demigod Halberd

Gilded Demigod Greatsword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Spheral Broadsword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Spheral Glaive

Spheral Morning Star
(Two-Handed Mace)

Spheral Broad Axe

Fabricate Harpoon

Energized Spheral Labrys
(Two-Handed Axe)

Energized Spheral Xiphos
(One-Handed Sword)

Energized Spheral Star
(One-Handed Mace)

Bone Clan Khopesh
(One-Handed Sword)

Marrow Smasher
(Two-Handed Mace)

Marrow Halberd

Marrow Great Sword
(Two-Handed Sword)

Embellished Skeggox
(Two-Handed Axe)

Embellished Cudgel
(Two-Handed Mace)

Marrow Hatchet
(Two-Handed Axe)

Ensanguined Marrow Battle Axe
(One-Handed Axe)

Marrow Bludgeon
(One-Handed Mace)

Marrow Short Sword
(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Gilded Coldiron Poleaxe Transmog
Gilded Coldiron Poleaxe

Diablo 4 - Coldiron Maul Transmog
Coldiron Maul

(Two-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - Coldiron Sagaris Transmog
Coldiron Sagaris

(One-Handed Axe)
Diablo 4 - Coldiron Cudgel Transmog
Coldiron Cudgel

(One-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - Coldiron Headsman Transmog
Coldiron Headsman

(Two-Handed Axe)
Diablo 4 - Coldiron Estoc Transmog
Coldiron Estoc

(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Balanced Mace Transmog
Balanced Mace

(One-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - Balanced Sword Transmog
Balanced Sword

(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Balanced Axe Transmog
Balanced Axe

(One-Handed Axe)
Diablo 4 - Coldiron Bastard Sword Transmog
Coldiron Bastard Sword

(Two-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Debt Collector Transmog
Debt Collector

(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - The Mission Bell Transmog
The Mission Bell

(Two-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - The Largest Cut Transmog
The Largest Cut

(Two-Handed Axe)
Diablo 4 - Regret Transmog

Diablo 4 - Mauling Pounce Transmog
Mauling Pounce

Diablo 4 - Fearsome Roar Transmog
Fearsome Roar

(Two-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Equilibrium Transmog

Diablo 4 - Protean Axe Transmog
Protean Axe

Diablo 4 - Soulcrush Weapon Transmog
(Two-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - Hellsteel Glaive Weapon Transmog
Hellsteel Glaive
(Two-Handed Axe)
Diablo 4 - Majesty Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Sovereign
Sovereign's Decree
(Two-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Betrayer
Betrayer's End
Diablo 4 - Malik
Malik's Blade
(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Bullibrainer Weapon Transmog
(One-Handed Mace)
Diablo 4 - Longclaw Weapon Transmog
Diablo 4 - Blade of Bernhardt Weapon Transmog
Blade of Bernhardt
(One-Handed Sword)
Diablo 4 - Rostrum Edge Weapon Transmog
Rostrum Edge
(One-Handed Sword)

All Weapon Transmogs and Cosmetics


Barbarian Shop Cosmetics
Armor Sets Weapons Markings Headstones
Diablo 4 - Arreat Warpaint  Marking Transmog
Arreat Warpaint

Cathedral Flail

Death Paint

Demonheart Flesh

Devotion to the Primes

Flow of Violence
Diablo 4 - Golden Light  Marking Transmog
Golden Light

Obsidian Beast Tapestry

Profane Encantum

Scars of the Vanquished Elder

Scars of War

Spirit of the Bloodhawk

Strength of the Serpent

Tartarus Brand

Taurus Relief

The Fading Warrior

The Titan's Memorial

The Tyrant's Cage

The Tyrant's Jaw

Unending Indica

Vainglorious Filigree

Wounds of the Wicked

All Markings Cosmetics


Barbarian Shop Cosmetics
Armor Sets Weapons Markings Headstones
Diablo 4 - Mauler
Mauler's Return

No Rest for the Wicked
Diablo 4 - Pride
Pride's Fall

Specter of the Eternal
Diablo 4 - Tavern Rowdy Transmog
Tavern Rowdy
Diablo 4 - The Price  Headstone Transmog
The Price

Tyrant's Demise

All Headstone Cosmetics

How to Get Barbarian Cosmetics

Salvage Equipment In-Game

Diablo 4 - Salvage to Unlock Transmogs

In-game Transmog sets can be collected by salvaging items at the Blacksmith. Items marked with a Pickaxe Icon in the Salvage screen will unlock Transmog options for you once scrapped.

Transmog options are possible for all item rarities, with some Legendary items unlocking truly unique looks for you to choose from, later on.

All Blacksmith Features

Purchase Bundles From the Shop

Diablo 4 - Shop bundles

In addition to the Transmog options you collect in-game, players can also purchase Cosmetic bundles from the Shop. These bundles are specific to one class but once purchased can be shared by all characters in that account.

Shop bundles also refresh every few days so you can expect to see more Cosmetics sets over time!

List of All Shop Bundles

How to Use Barbarian Cosmetics

Equip Character Cosmetics at the Wardrobe

Kyovashad Wardrobe

You can wear character cosmetics by visiting the Wardrobe at any major city and equipping each piece in their respective tabs. Some item pieces can also be further modified by applying pigment to change their color.

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 Transmogs

Transmog Guide

All Transmogs and Cosmetics

Transmogs and Cosmetics by Type
Armor Sets Weapons
Back Trophies Markings
Mount Trophies Mount Armors
Headstones Emotes
Town Portals PvP Cosmetics

Transmogs by Class

Transmogs and Cosmetics by Class
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Druid Icon Test v1Druid
Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer Diablo 4 - Spiritborn IconSpiritborn


1 Amber1ance7 months

You're missing the Lord Eater bundle here. Just got it and it's quite sick looking, Japanese Oni themed it looks like, and a bit skimpy, which is exactly what I was looking for.


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