Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Complete Expansion Story Walkthrough and Quest List

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This is a complete story walkthrough of for Diablo 4(D4)'s Vessel of Hatred Expansion. Read on for a complete story walkthrough and a step-by-step guide to completing the new story content of the game's expansion.

List of Vessel of Hatred Main Quests

All 31 Main Quests

Chapter 1 Rekindled Faith
A Fist of Fire
Pursuit of Justice
A Magpie in Flight
Enmity Rising
Chapter 2 Thrust Into the Dark
The Hand Remembers the Blade
A Path Laid in Blood
Unknowing Survivors
Reaching Through the Veil
A Flickering Light
The Heart of All Rot
To Kurast
Madman, Crowned
Fundament of Faith
Chapter 3 Darkening Clouds
Forgotten Gods
Across the Threshold
A Deeper Sickness
Fragile Blessings
Living Memory
Burning Crusade
Chapter 4 The Way Out is Through
In His Footsteps
All Good Things
To Walk a Different Path
Presaging Fate
Epilogue Deeds of A Champion

The campaign of Vessel of Hatred has a total of 31 quests which revolve around saving Neyrell from Mephisto with the help of the spirits of Nahantu. Brave the corrupted jungles of Nahantu in this story of betrayal, hope, and despair.

Vessel of Hatred Guide

Act 7: Vessel of Hatred Walkthrough

  1. Chapter 1: The Art of Salvaging What Remains
  2. Chapter 2: The Wound Heals, The Pain Lingers
  3. Chapter 3: Darkening Clouds
  4. Chapter 4: False Prophets, Fallen Saints
  5. Epilogue: Deeds of a Champion

Chapter 1: The Art of Salvaging What Remains

Chapter 1 Overview
Rekindled Faith A large crowd has formed outside the Cathedral of Light, drawn by the tolling bells. Has the faith returned, or something more sinister?
1 Head to the Cathedral of Light and speak to Olya.
2 Speak with Urivar.
 ┗ Learn the basics of combat by defeating the enemies blocking Eoren and Lyza's way.
3 Head to the Windswept Cabin.
 ┣ Talk to the Burned Knight Captain then defeat them.
 ┣ Investigate Lorath's Cabin then defeat the enemy that comes out of Lorath's hut.
 ┗Talk to Nawal and Prava.
Note: If the mission bugs out, clear out the other surrounding enemies in the area.
4 Head to Gea Kul and search for Raheir which can be found just beside the city Blacksmith.
 ┣ Enter the workshop then exit after the cutscene.
 ┣ Head southeast then defeat the enemy horde that breaks through the gate.
 ┣Head outside Geakul and talk to Raheir.
 ┣ Destroy the Hollow Defilements in the surrounding area.
 ┣ Head further east to Hakan's Oasis and destroy the rest of the Hollow Defilements in that area.
 ┣ Head to the crumbling bridge and defeat the horde of hollows in that area.
 ┗ After talking to Raheir, examine the crumbling bridge.

Chapter 2: The Wound Heals, The Pain Lingers

Chapter 2 Overview
chapter 2 The last thing I remember was Urivar's sword tearing through my flesh. How long was I unconscious?
1 Speak to Eru then follow him through out Nahantu.
 ┣Follow Olya then defeat the ambushers.
 ┗ Talk to Raheir then bring him to the Den that's marked on the map.
2 Continue following Rahier until he brings you to the Den's hidden entrance underneath Nahantu.
 ┗Clear the Dark Passageway then head northern edge part of the boss room to reveal a rope. Interact with it to exit the dungeon.
3 Exit The Den then speak to Eru.
   ┣Search for Neyrelle, head to the North-western part of the search zone to find a boatman with tendrils.
   ┣Defeat the enemy that spawns out of the obelisk.
   ┗Investgiate the boatman and the satchel then talk to Eru.
4 Head to the Kurast Dock which can be found South-east of Gea Kul.
   ┣Talk to Ichuyek which is the man standing near the Doomsayer and Uhok which is found near the sword with a glowing barrier.
 ┣Investigate the Dock House then talk to Eru.
   ┗Enter the Madman's Archive and examine the books in the area.
5 Travel to the Onucha Ikha Burial.
 ┣Defeat the enemies in the area.
 ┗Cleanse the poison in the surrounding area then defeat the ambush that comes after.
6 Spear with Eru near Travincal.
 ┣Guard Eru on the barricade thats preventing you entry in Travincal.
 ┣Continue guarding Eru throughout Travincal and help him light up the first beacon.
 ┗Proceed to light up the rest of the three beacons in Travincal.
7 Enter the Durance of Hate and clear the dungeon together with Eru.
 ┗Use the portal left by Akarat to leave the dungeon.
8 Enter Kuras then look for Eru.
 ┗Head to the waypoint to be greeted by Huhari instead.
9 Head to the Council Chambers and talk to Ormus.
 ┣Head outside then talk to Eru.
 ┗Continue talking to Eru.
10 Enter the Kurast Sewers and search for Ah Bulan.
 ┣Complete the Mosaic on the end of the dungeon then defeat the boss.
 ┣Use the portal to exit Kurast Sewers.
 ┗Return to the council then talk to Ormus.

Chapter 3: Darkening Clouds

Chapter 3 Overview
Akarat To rescue Neyrelle, we'll need the help of Ah Bulan, Mender of Veils, a powerful Teganze spirit. Spiritborn Maka has volunteered to help us find him.
1 Travel to Wekenga, to the eastern most side of Nahantu then search for Maka and Eru.
 ┣Talk to Eru then wait for the ritual to finish.
 ┣ Defeat the enemies that spawned then use the newly summoned red portal.
 ┣ Attempt to talk to Neyrell.
 ┣ Survive the attack then have a conversation with Mephisto.
 ┗ Exit the realm then talk to Eru.
2 Head Northwest then talk to Maka.
 ┣Search for artifacts related to Ah Bulan, head Northwest then examine two Cave Painting.
 ┗ After examining the Cave Paintings, head to the designated location to the west and defeat the enemies in the area.
3 Head Northwest then talk to Maka.
 ┣Talk to Maka to forge a portal to the Spirit Realm.
 ┣Travel through the Spirit Realm and search for Ah Bulan.
 ┣Defeat the corrupted Ah Bulan.
 ┗ Talk to Maka and inquire about Ah Bulan's heart.
▶︎ How to Beat Ah Bulan
4 Head to the Blighted Verge and talk to Eru,
 ┣Return to the Durance of Hate.
 ┣ Travel until you reach a dead end then talk to Eru.
 ┣ Continue delving deeper into the Durance of Hate with Akarat's assistance.
 ┣ After crossing the golden bridge, talk to Akarat.
 ┗ Rescue Neyrelle then use Ah Bulan's heart.
5 Head to the Blighted Verge and talk to Eru,
 ┣Return to the Durance of Hate.
 ┣ Travel until you reach a dead end then talk to Eru.
 ┣ Continue delving deeper into the Durance of Hate with Akarat's assistance.
 ┣ After crossing the golden bridge, talk to Akarat.
 ┗ Rescue Neyrelle then use Ah Bulan's heart.
6 Exit the Durance of Hate then talk to Neyrelle,
 ┣Head to Kurast then talk to Neyrell once more.
 ┣Follow Neyrell to the Council Chambers
 ┗Proceed to the Mesa Plains, East of Nahantu then talk to Maka.
7 After talking to Maka, search for a hidden tablet in Pilgrim's Vista, East of Maka's original location,
 ┣Proceed North West to find the second tablet which is found inside a buried chamber cellar.
 ┣Emote help in front of the second tablet then defeat the enemy ambush.
 ┗Exit then head to the Dedicant's Cache West from here and clear the said dungeon.
8 Head to the designated location in Mesa Plains then defeat the Knights.
 ┣Return to Maka and Eru.
 ┣Rescue Eru from the Burned Knight camp.
 ┣Descend down the ladder you'll find in the camp to search for Eru.
 ┣After rescuring Eru, continue slaying Knights until you find Urivar.
 ┗Defeat him then return to your companions.
▶︎ How to Beat Urivar

Chapter 4: False Prophets, Fallen Saints

Chapter 4 Overview
Mephisto in Akarat To trap Mephisto for good, the Wanderer and Neyrell must bury the Soulstone in Akarat's Tomb.
1 Talk to Neyrell and bring her to the Tangles.
 ┣ Journey further and bring Neyrell to Samuk.
 ┣ After reaching the broken bridge, talk to Neyrell then defeat the spawned enemies.
 ┣ Head north then destroy the tipped tree to cross the ravine.
 ┣Talk to Neyrell then defeat the enemy ambush.
 ┣ Proceed to the large clearing to find Neyrell then talk to her.
 ┗ Defeat the Priestess of Hatred then resume your journey to Samuk.
2 Talk to Neyrell then examine the faces of Akarat in Samuk.
Note:There are three total faces of Akarat which are the giant statues in the town. One to the West, one to the East, and the last one beneath the town.
 ┣ Head to the Waterfall up on the northern side of the town then jump behind it to reveal the tomb.
 ┣ Enter the tomb, examine it, then defeat the enemies.
 ┣ Exit the tomb then head South of Samuk.
 ┣ Initiate the ritual then talk to Eru. Once the ritual is completed, descend and follow the newly paved path.
 ┗ Continue escorting Eru and Neyrell to the Tomb of Akarat.
3 Enter the Tomb of Akarat and Find the Burial Chamber.
 ┣ Defend Neyrell at the trial of two hands while avoiding the crumbling floors.
 ┣ Speak to Eru at the trial of braziers then ensure every brazier is lit.
 ┣ Head to the final trial and defeat the Forgotten Warden.
 ┣ Enter the Burial Chamber and speak to Neyrell.
 ┣ Defeat the Harbinger of Hatred with the help of Akarat's light.
 ┗ Speak to Neyrell and use the portal to Reflection's Edge.
▶︎ How to Beat the Harbinger of HatredRitual Brazier Puzzle: All Good Things
4 Search for Eru with Neyrell.
 ┣Travel to the designated area and interact with a blood trail to locate Eru.
 ┗ Speak to Neyrell to call Eru out in the open.
5 Speak with Neyrell at the Horadric Vault.
 ┣ Find Neyrell near her mother's tomb and speak to her.
 ┣ Search the Horadric Vault for clues about Lorath.
 ┗ Interact with Rathma's Prophecy then speak to Nawal.
6 Head to the Windswept Cabin to speak with Prava.
 ┗ Speak with Prava.

Epilogue: Deeds of a Champion

Epilogue Overview
After the events of the main story, you are called upon by Ormus.
1 Meet Ormus in Kurast.
 ┣ Complete Activities in Nahantu.
 ┣ Gain Grim Favors and Do Helltides.
 ┗ Unlock the Torment Difficulty
This is an endgame preparation epilogue for Vessel of Hatred to get players ready for the next difficulty tier in the game.
Note: To find Sihek, you must head to the entrance of Undercity to find him. If he's not located there, complete the Undercity Priority Quest first.
▶Speak to Sihek: Deeds of a Champion

Deeds of a Champion Walkthrough

Vessel of Hatred Walkthrough Tips

Recruit Mercenaries

Diablo 4 - Mercenaries.png

Together with the new campaign, you'll also be able to unlock Mercenaries that will aid you in your journey. Don't be afraid to take a detour and hire a companion or two to bring along on your journey through the new act.

Mercenary Guide and List of All Mercenaries

Adjust Difficulty Tier

Diablo 4 - Difficulty Range.png

Depending on your current build setup or aspects you obtain, the walkthrough may prove to be too easy or too challenging. Adjust your difficulty tier on difficulty tier statues to change your

Difficulty Tiers Explained: How to Change Difficulty

Dont Hesitate to Pause and Do Other Content

The Campaign itself can grant immense amount of experience points to allow your character to transition into the later parts of the game. However, you can also pause your main quest progression to do other content type.

Get some aspects from Whispers or Helltides, recruit more Mercenaries, or build your character with the new Runewords!

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